AOC Flexes Secret Weapon to Fight the Alt-Right Trolls: League of Legends –

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been on a League of Legends grind during quarantine.

The U.S. representative took to Twitter to share her latest accomplishment in Riot Games popular MOBA shes reached the Silver III rank.

The congresswomans love of League of Legends certainly isnt new, but its clear AOC has been putting in the hours when time allows.

Although Silver swings towards the lower end of the League of Legends skill spectrum, its nevertheless an impressive feat for a politician whose daily slate of duties encompasses far more pressing matters.

When quizzed about whether time with League of Legends has helped her fight the haters on Twitter, Ocasio-Cortez offered a rather damning take on how the two brands of toxicity weigh up:

Definitely. Right-wing Twitter is childs play compared to inting 13-year-olds.

Inting refers to intentional feeding, a phenomenon often seen in League of Legends whereby a player will intentionally get themselves killed to spite and frustrate teammates.

Rather fittingly, the Twitter thread is fraught with those very Twitter haters hounding the representative for what they perceive as wasting time on a video game.

On the other hand, theres no shortage of players clamoring for AOC to team up with them for some games.

As for the all-important question of AOCs champion of choice, she revealed shes partial to the healer supports when jumping into the rift.

Ocasio-Cortez pinpoints Sona, Janna, Lux, and Morgana as go-to picks during champion select. She describes Sorakas ultimate ability as the Medicare for All of the game.

Shes been refining her Lulu play too, but she warned its not quite ready for prime time yet.

More here:

AOC Flexes Secret Weapon to Fight the Alt-Right Trolls: League of Legends -

The radical right has completed its takeover of the Wyo GOP – WyoFile

The Wyoming Republican Partys recent convention in Gillette demonstrated that the radical rights takeover of the GOP is now complete.

It wasnt just that officials ramrodded through wholesale bylaw changes that punish county organizations and candidates who dont follow the orders of the partys central committee.

Or even that the partys last-minute Senate-race straw poll taken after many delegates walked out in disgust following the bylaws fiasco selected a little-known, far-right candidate over a staunchly conservative, four-term Wyoming congresswoman.

For most of the four decades Ive covered Wyoming politics, either incident would have been unthinkable at a Republican convention.

It was the partys choice of keynote speaker that convinced me the Republicans big tent which was once open to people with different views is, in fact, closed to all except the far-right. The true-believers kick conservatives who dont pass their litmus test to the curb. Moderates, meanwhile, arent even allowed to stand in line for admission to this circus.

Charlie Kirk, founder of the alt-right college student group Turning Point USA, gave a speech torching the GOP establishment for not being loyal enough to President Donald Trump.

That is a ludicrous notion to posit, after all but a lone Senate Republican voted against impeaching Trump. And after many GOP governors recklessly sacrificed peoples health by blindly caving into presidential pressure to rush businesses to re-open during the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic.

Both the 26-year-old Kirk and presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden contend the 2020 election is about restoring the soul of America. The difference in their definitions of that couldnt be starker, though.

In an Independence Day speech, Biden said, We have a chance now to give the marginalized, the demonized, the isolated, the oppressed, a full share of the American dream. We have the chance to rip the roots of systemic racism out of this country.

According to Kirk, the marginalized, demonized and oppressed in this nation are Republicans even though the party controls the White House and U.S. Senate, conservatives hold a 5-4 Supreme Court majority and GOP governors outnumber Democrats 31-19.

Kirk threw the Wyoming crowd plenty of red meat while somehow managing to declare with a straight face, We as conservatives havent engaged in the culture war for a long time.

It was an outrageous claim, especially as he relentlessly railed about antifa, the activist media, Planned Parenthood, Marxist states, abortion, shutdowns due to the Chinese virus and the toppling of Confederate statues. He even derided lesbian poets for good measure.

For a supposed inspirational speaker, his tone was often one of gloom and doom. Kirk complained that the Republican establishment is against him, liberals on college campuses despise him and people regularly send him death threats.

Kirk addressed a Wyoming controversy that has the far-right livid. Without mentioning him by name, he blasted Republican Gov. Mark Gordons decision to veto a born alive bill. To wild applause, Kirk said, Its an absolute moral outrage that that bill was not signed into law in this state.

Gordon has been widely criticized by far-right Republicans as not being a real conservative even after the governors landslide victory in 2018. That divide is apparently still alive in GOP circles, and Kirk pounced on it.

It must be maddening to be a Wyoming conservative today. Those who grew up watching politicians like former senators Alan Simpson, Cliff Hansen and Craig Thomas statesmen who were willing to listen to Democratic ideas and forge alliances to pass good legislation find few remnants of their former party in todays crowd Under no circumstances should Republicans ever compromise with Democrats, Kirk said, because every time we do, we lose.

Wyomings modern GOP leadership has wholeheartedly embraced that political philosophy. By distributing 11 pages of new bylaws and passing them in one fell swoop while silencing delegates who wanted some of the proposals considered separately state party officials showed their intolerance for dissent.

Now, the party can withhold financial support for any Republican candidate who does not vote in line with at least 80% of its platform. The party has the authority to punish any state or county official who violates the bylaws. The state party also gave itself additional oversight over policy changes at the county level.

At the conventions end, officials held a straw poll for the U.S. Senate primary. To avoid even the appearance of favoring any primary candidate, the state party typically does not conduct such polls. State law prohibits political parties from directly or indirectly spending any funds to promote one primary candidate over another.

Fewer than half of the delegates participated. Many who represented the states largest counties left before the poll, after the central committee changed the bylaws. On top of that, dozens of delegates didnt attend due to COVOID-19 concerns and virtual attendance wasnt an option.

All those factors made the straw poll results dubious at best, but it was still a shock when the party announced that Bryan Miller of Sheridan garnered nearly twice as many votes as Cynthia Lummis.

Miller clearly wants to portray Lummis as a D.C. insider and himself as a hard-line conservative who would better represent Wyomings values. He helped craft the state partys far-right platform, which makes him the darling of the central committee.

But its laughable to suggest Lummis isnt conservative, or that contributions or endorsements from anyone outside Wyoming proves she wont work on behalf of the state. Lummis was one of the founders of the Houses Freedom Caucus, whose members are as hard-core conservative as they come. Republicans like Kirk should love her I cant think of a single time shes criticized Trump.

I dont think Kirk did Republicans any favors by stoking party leaders fears that Democrats are desperately trying to infiltrate the GOP. The central committee already acts like nearly half the partys members are RINOs Republicans In Name Only. They dont need encouragement to look over their shoulders for new enemies, because they do a pretty good job of it on their own.

The left destroys everything it touches. Theyre like locusts. And theyre coming for Wyoming, if theyre not already here, Kirk warned. He topped his dire message by adding that unless Republicans fight on every single front, You guys are probably six years from Wyoming becoming a blue state.

The only way Wyoming is going to turn Democratic in a few election cycles is if the GOP alienates a lot of their members by saying theyre not conservative enough to be real Republicans. The maligned wont join the blue team, but they could be dismayed enough to sit out a few elections until the current leadership loses control.

The central committees blatant power grab and keynote speaker choice represented a shot across the bow to convince members to toe the party line, or else.

I cant see it working out in any way that benefits the GOP, but it may have to learn that lesson the hard way.

This story has been updated to correct the name of the Freedom Caucus. Ed.

Original post:

The radical right has completed its takeover of the Wyo GOP - WyoFile

Owen Benjamin and His Personal Army (Collided With Reality) – Patheos

Hi and welcome back! Need a jolt of good or at least funny news for your weekend? This might just do ya. Recently, Patreon deplatformed an alt-right nutjob named Owen Benjamin. He decided to hit back at them in a novel waythat has backfired in not only his own face but those of the fanboys who decided to act as his personal army. Today, let me show you what happens when someones personal army turns out to be the Persians, not the Spartans.

Lately, various social-media platforms have been cracking down on right-wing nutjobs (RWNJs) and alt-right loons and their wackadoo ideas. Every day, it seems, some new story emerges about someone in that crowd losing accounts on sites likeTwitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram.

Instead of learning to play by the rules of the privately-owned companies granting them these accounts, the nutjobs in question just keep drilling down harder on their wackadoodlery.

Indeed, alt-right loons operate a great deal like toxic Christians. Theyre so similar, in fact, that its all but impossible to tell if any given alt-right loon is a toxic Christian or an atheist (in my experience, theyre divided about 50/50; in todays case, our subject considers himself a firm Christian). Both groups use the same tactics, attract the same kinds of recruits, suffer from the same mistakes in their thinking, want the same basic things, and hate the same outgroups.

More than that, even, they try their hardest to find some twist of Martian logic thatll become the magic key toforcingthese privately-owned companies to put up with them and their noxious presence.

And lately, some of them think theyve found that magic key.

Patreon is a social-media and crowdfunding service/platform that allows users to offer regular monthly donations to their favorite content creators. This site represents one of the main ways that content creators can earn a living these days. Indeed,Ive got a Patreon myself and deeply appreciate my patrons.

Like all such privately-owned sites, Patreon maintains a list of terms and conditions for its creators and users. Since right-wing nutjobbery largely violatesanymeaningful ethical boundary one can imagine, they began cracking down on such nutjobs toward the end of 2018. At that time, they whacked such alt-right luminaries as Sargon of Akkad and Milo Yiannopoulos.

One of the alt-rights current darlingsdu jour, Owen Benjamin, used to have a fairly thriving lil account there. Hes a sometime comedian, podcaster, and actor with some incredibly toxic and erroneous opinions. Last winter, Patreons site owners caught up with him. As the Daily Dot tells us,they banned him. They werent the only ones banning him, either.Instagram, YouTube, PayPal, and Facebookall joined thatparty,most citing repeated violations of their clearly-stated rules about hate speech.

But Owen Benjamin didnt take that bannination sitting down. No way, no sir! He protested and raised a personal army to try to fight the ban byforcingPatreon to take him back.

(Also, at some point he tried to ban-evade with alternate accounts which hes also lost now. Ive just got no words. What a whiny little control-grabbychild. I just want to tell people like that to grow a little goddamned dignity. Never in the world would I ever want to be part of any site or project that didnt want me involved.)

Two of the most idiotic liars on the internet I have ever seen.

A Redditor regarding Vox Day and Owen Benjamin(and he aint wrong either)

Over the years, Owen Benjamin (a Holocaust denier and anti-vaxxer) has built up a large army of creepy, fanatical fanboys. They call themselves bears, with Benjamin himself wearing the nickname Big Bear. And if drive-by Christians think R2D mods can be strict, well, all I can say there is that were the kiddie league compared to Owen Benjamins tightly-moderated spaces.

Shortly after Owen Benjamins bannination, his fellow toxic Christian and wackadoo Vox Day claimed to be filing something against Patreon. Hes since backtracked that claim as apparently both of these conspiracy theorists do often. Its possible Vox Day (real name: Theodore Beale) simply meant he washelpingBenjamin with this ludicrous plan of his, but who even knows or cares.

Either way, at first Owen Benjamin filed suit for USD$2.2M. Then, he upped that figure to $3.5M. And then, apparently he asked some of his followers to file lawsuits alongside him. All in all, about 100 of his fanboys filed lawsuits. All of them appear to have used Benjamins own lawyers to do the filing, and all demanded that Patreon either deal with them or pay Benjamin the $3.5M he wanted.

It was sheer lunacy. I really dont know what they thought was going to happen. Maybe Owen Benjamin thought this plan would get him the money he needs to build his the Northern Idaho fantasy ranch of his dreams, which he seriously namedBearTaria (oh my sides).

(Stay tuned for my future fundraising drive for a Tuscan dream estate of my very own, which Ive dubbed Villa Space Princess. /s)

Whatever Owen Benjamin and his fans thought would happen, Patreons actual response was to sue 72 of those fanboys. According to that Daily Dot article (relink):

This lawsuit is about keeping hate speech off of Patreon, the company told the Daily Dot via email. We wont allow former users to extort Patreon, and are moving these frivolous claims to court where they belong.

Hmm, they dont sound in the slightest bit nervous about anything. Maybe thats because they instituted two rules in January to both [prohibit] users from filing claims based on the platform kicking off someone else and [require] any who do so to pay the companys attorneys fees and costs.

And the fanboys claims were filed a solid month later, in February.


So it seems unlikely that the fanboys will come anywhere close to success here and may be on the hook for alotof money if/when they lose.

These LOLsuite filers seem to be under the impression that Patreon is somehow obligated to deal with their horsesh*t however they wish to dish it to the site. A similarly-minded fundagelical explains the illogic here:

The reason they are in trouble is because they have been deplatforming some of their clients.

They have every right to do so, dont they?

Well, no, in fact. They dont.

They have the right to stop providing their own services, absolutely. Twitter can kick off anybody they want, because their service is free. [. . .]

Owen did business with his patrons, and Patreon, in their Terms of Service, explicitly repudiated any responsibility for these individual transactions.

This is huge.

When Patreon kicked off Owen Benjamin, they werent just removing somebody they didnt like. They were interfering with Owens personal business relations with his patrons.

Intentional interfering with contractual relations has another legal name, and that is: tortious interference.

So there you have it. The alt-right is now trying to claim that by blocking Owen Benjamin from their site, Patreon is in effect blocking him from the people who have contracted with him through the site. After crowing about the alt-rights magical new key to what theyre callingre-platforming,this guy gloats:

Deplatforming has been the recent norm, but that is all going to change.

Sure it is, Jan.

He might be the most selfish, shameful human being Ive ever seen. Hes pissed that he couldnt raise $2 million off of them in 3 days in the middle of the greatest depression this country has ever seen. wow

A YouTube commenter regarding Owen Benjamin(and that one wasnt wrong either)

That fundagelicals gloat-rant was written back in January or so, and so far I havent seen any real success with the tactic. Apparently Vox Day foundsomesuccess before that in using it to get back on IndieGogo after they banned him, but other sites seem to have learned from IndieGogos mistakes and have adapted as needed as Patreon clearly did in January.

In fact, this latest news about Patreon suing Owen Benjamins fanboys (no, I will not call them bears) seems to indicate that the tactic will just become yet another failure in the alt-right World of Failtrains.

Gosh, I guess Owen Benjamin is gonna hafta findanotherway to gain his Idaho Fantasy Ranch.

NSFW for language. Seven minutes of an alt-right loon pouting and whining about how little money his fans are giving him for his dumb Idaho Fantasy Ranch dream. A critic of his uploaded this.

The rest of us might think alt-right loons new strategy makes them look like sovereign citizens or something, but theyre dead serious about it for now, at least.

For now, it sure doesnt look like Owen Benjamin is going to get toforceanybody to put up with him any time soon. Poor baby.

NEXT UP: The new influx of women leaving Christianity. See you tomorrow!

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If youve noticed my posts are a wee bit shorter than usual, its because my shoulders been killing me lately. Typing is a severe strain on it, so Ive been trying to keep that activity to a minimum. Please dont worry if I need a break, I know I can take one! <3 you all.

Read more:

Owen Benjamin and His Personal Army (Collided With Reality) - Patheos

Will Tucker Carlsons Long-Planned Vacation Smooth Things Over at Fox? – Vanity Fair

On Monday night, Tucker Carlson released a much-anticipated statement about the secret racist and sexist posts of his now former top writer of three years, Blake Neff. Neff had been busted the previous Friday by a CNN report that revealed the extent of his online activity. At the time, Carlson kept quiet. Three days later, while Carlson disavowed Neffs remarks, saying he believes in judging people for what they do, not for how they were born, he focused significantly more ire toward those applauding the CNN article. The ghouls now beating their chests in triumph at the destruction of a young man, that self-righteousness also has its costs, he said. We are all human. When we pretend we are holy, we are lying. When we pose as blameless in order to hurt other people, we are committing the gravest sin of all. And we will be punished for it. Theres no question.

Carlson did not detail for his audience exactly what Neff had said to destroy his career. (Per the CNN report, Neff maintained a thread in which he has derided a woman and posted information about her dating life [inviting] other users to mock her and invade her privacy, and left multiple comments promoting racist stereotypes.) And he attempted to distance Neffs views from those of the show he wrote for. Blake was horrified by the story, and he was ashamed, Carlson said. What Blake wrote anonymously was wrong. We dont endorse those words. They have no connection to this show.

He closed his show by announcing that hell be temporarily off the air for a long-planned vacation, the customary sign-off for Fox News hosts embroiled in a scandal (previous practitioners include Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Jesse Watters, and Bill OReilly).

Carlson himself has long been criticized for airing rants that pander to the kinds of Americans who secretly write racist posts online. In a 2018 segment, he suggested that immigrants make our own country poor and dirtier and more divided. Carlsons on-air comments have been praised by the founder of the neo-Nazi website the Daily Stormer as basically Daily Stormer: The Show. And Neff seems to have been closely involved in creating those comments. In a recent interview, Neff said that everything Carlson reads off the teleprompter, the first draft was written by me...Ive gotten used to what he likes and what he thinks about. In 2018, Carlson said he worked with writers for hours leading up to his shows airtime and name-dropped Neffs work, praising him as a wonderful writer, CNNs report noted. Neff, who began working on Carlsons show in early 2017, even slipped easter eggs into the shows script to wink at fellow users in the online forum that led to his firing, as reported by CNNs Oliver Darcy.

Carlsons relatively milquetoast statement on Monday night was somewhat remarkable in its contrast to comments from the networks corporate arm. Given the content and recency of Neffs posts, including one just last month, Black doods staying inside playing Call of Duty is probably one of the biggest factors keeping crime down, Fox News higher-ups wasted no time in denouncing him. FOX News Media strongly condemns this horrific racist, misogynistic and homophobic behavior, stated CEO Suzanne Scott and president and executive editor Jay Wallace in a coauthored note to network staff. Neffs abhorrent conduct on this forum was never divulged to the show or the network until Friday, at which point we swiftly accepted his resignation. Make no mistake, actions such as his cannot and will not be tolerated at any time in any part of our work force.

Read the original post:

Will Tucker Carlsons Long-Planned Vacation Smooth Things Over at Fox? - Vanity Fair

IMG partners with to distribute sports rights on social – Axios

Global entertainment giant IMG Media is partnering up to give social media sports video company broad access to its sports licensing rights, executives tell Axios.

Why it matters: The deal speaks to a new generation of sports programming for younger people on social media who are avid sports fans but don't like sitting through long games on traditional TV.

Driving the news:, which is home to dozens of sports shows across platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, Facebook and YouTube, will be able to access a broad range of IMG's licensed sports rights to use for its shows, including Euroleague Basketball and Worlds Strongest Man.

The big picture: Over the last few years, a new crop of digitally-native sports media companies have popped up to create sports shows for younger generations of sports fans that aren't interested in watching hours-long coverage of games on live TV.

Be smart: Among all of the players we've spoken to in social sports media, format is universally deemed critical.

What's next: is expanding to accommodate the flurry of new content rights deals, says Verne. It plans to hire 12-20 additional full-time employees to add to its existing 42 employees this quarter.

Go here to read the rest:

IMG partners with to distribute sports rights on social - Axios

The Cost of the Evangelical Betrayal – The Atlantic

My hunch is that at the beginning of this Faustian bargain, most evangelicals didnt imagine it would come to this, with them defending the indefensible, tarnishing their reputations, and doing incalculable damage to their causes.

Read: The last temptation

This is the worst year for America in more than a half century; a stunning 87 percent of Americans are dissatisfied with the way things are going and only 17 percent feel proud when thinking about the state of the nation, while 71 percent feel angry and 66 percent are fearful. Donald Trumps presidency is so polarizing and such a catastrophe that a plurality or outright majority of Americans now oppose much of whatever he supports. The mood of the public is the most progressive its been in nearly 70 years. During the Trump era, the nation has moved to the left on a whole series of issues, including those that matter most to evangelical Trump supporters.

The Trump presidency, which has produced few significant legislative or governing achievements, has inflicted gaping wounds on the Republican Party, conservative causes, and the evangelical movement.

IN HIS MARVELOUS book The Narnian: The Life and Imagination of C. S. Lewis, Alan Jacobs tells about the theater critic and essayist Kenneth Tynan, who, after reading Lewiss That Hideous Strength, said, How thrilling he makes goodness seemhow tangible and radiant! (At Oxford, Lewis was a tutor to Tynan, who was not himself a believer.)

Tynan perceived something essential about Lewis. One of his most impressive qualities was his ability to present the good lifeand his Christian faith, which shaped his understanding of the goodas tangible and radiant, a thrilling and captivating journey, a way to find joy and fulfillment.

That was hardly the whole story. Lewis faced a crisis in faith late in his life, when he was overwhelmed by grief after his wife, Joy Davidman, died of cancera crisis he recovered from, but that left its mark. Still, because of his faith, Lewiss life was more alluring, more captivating, more vivifying. It was said of Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien that they never lost their enchantment with the world.

The greatest cost of the Trump years to evangelical Christianity isnt in the political sphere, but rather in what Christians refer to as bearing witnessshowing how their lives have been transformed by their faith.

David A. Graham: Jeff Sessions explains why Christians support Trump

Much of the evangelical movement, in aligning itself with Donald Trump, has shown itself to be graceless and joyless, seized by fear, hypocritical, censorious, and filled with grievances. That is not true of all evangelicals, of course, and its not true of all evangelicals who are Trump supporters. But its true of enough of them, and certainly of the political leadership of the white evangelical movement, to have done deep injury to their public witness.

Continue reading here:

The Cost of the Evangelical Betrayal - The Atlantic

The Divergent Fortunes of Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx – The Dispatch

As the coronavirus pandemic took hold in the United States this spring, no two Americans jumped more quickly from relative obscurity to national fame than did Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx. As the science-side face of the White Houses COVID response team, the two public health experts helped reassure countless Americans terrified of what the future might hold that the national strategy was being overseen by capable minds. In recent weeks, however, their fortunes have diverged sharply.

A onetime fixture of the White Houses daily coronavirus briefings, Faucis public appearances as a mouthpiece of the administration are much diminished. The White House has moved to limit his media appearances, and when he does speak publicly these days, its usually with the air of a disinterested subject-matter expert rather than one with the authority of the federal government behind him: He has reportedly not briefed the president since early June.

In recent weeks, this chilly treatment has morphed increasingly into open hostility. President Trump has repeatedly called Fauci out over both his past and present assessments of the virus, even as he insists their relationship remains strong. Last week, he publicly disputed Faucis claim that the nation was still knee-deep in the virus, then took an extra potshot: Dr. Fauci said dont wear masks and now he says wear them. And he said numerous things. Dont close off China. We would have been in much worse shape. He told Sean Hannity that Fauci is a nice man, but hes made a lot of mistakes. He has retweeted posts associating Fauci with the Democrats and suggesting that public health authorities have been lying about the virus.

Others at the White House got in on the action over the weekend. One administration official released what amounted to an oppo file on Fauci to the Washington Post, saying that several White House officials are concerned about the number of times Dr. Fauci has been wrong on things with an attached list of comments Fauci made in the early days of the pandemic. And top White House aide Dan Scavino posted a comic from alt-right cartoonist Ben Garrison on Facebook that disparagingly depicted Dr. Faucet leaking and pouring cold water on Americas economy.

Nobody whos paid attention to the way President Trump runs his administration could be surprised by any of this. Fauci, a longtime public official who had accumulated rock-solid bipartisan bona fides before entering Trumps orbit, is exactly the sort of person the president relishes taking down a peg. Further, plenty of prominent voices in pro-Trump media took an early dislike to the doctor and spent the last few months darkly suggesting the president could not trust him. Its a measure of the unusual gravity of the pandemic that the falling-out took as long as it did.

One explanation of the rift is straightforward: Trump, weary of fighting the virus, has simply decided to push forward with a triumphant narrative of getting back to business, and is sidelining Debbie Downers like Fauci as a result. But now consider Dr. Birx, who also has not shied away from bad COVID news. Last Friday, she struck a similar tone to Fauci in cautioning Americans not to get too cheerful about current death rates remaining low: We have not seen this result in increased mortality, but that is expected as the disease continues to spread in some of our large metro areas.

Yet as the Wall Street Journal reported last week, Birx remains as influential as ever within the White House, and is currently playing a central role in crafting the administrations response to the resurgence of the virus in Florida, Texas, Arizona, California and other states.

If Fauci and Birx are striking the same unflinching tone about the virus, why has one incurred Trumps displeasure while the other maintains his favor? The answer seems to have less to do with the presidents specific coronavirus strategy than with his general managerial philosophy.

Over the course of the Trump presidency, its been continually remarked that the president is a terrible boss, at least as these things are generally accounted. He pits his staffers against each other, fostering an institutional environment of chaos. He scapegoats and berates them for failures publicly and privately. He says explosive and outrageous things, lets them go to bat in his defense, then hangs them out to dry by changing his own position or explanation without warning.

Yet theres a method to all this madness. Trump, as Politicos Tim Alberta put it in his 2019 book American Carnage, is someone who values professional utility over personal relationships in the people he deals with, someone who shows regret for nothing he says or does, and someone who prizes loyalty above every other characteristic. The nonstop humiliations to which the president subjects his underlings is a way to reaffirm that most important characteristic.

Here, it seems, is where Trump ultimately found Fauci unacceptable. The doctor might have gone out of his way to insist to the public that he and the president were working harmoniously. He might even have implored the press to focus on the fight against the virus rather than becoming preoccupied with intra-White House politics during a time of crisis. But he never took pains to prove himself Trumps man. Just the opposite: He never bothered to hide his feelings about the challenges presented by Trumps ignorance and impetuousness.

Birx has plainly made the opposite calculus: If occasionally swallowing her pride to behave like a comms staffer is the price of remaining relevant in her work, its a price she is willing to pay. She has praised the president effusively when given the opportunity, and made a press secretary-worthy effort to bat away questions from reporters that could embarrass him. It bothers me that this is still in the news cycle, she said in April when asked about Trumps off-the-cuff comments about using sunlight or disinfectants to kill the virus inside the body. Because I think were missing the bigger pieces of what we need to be doing as an American people to continue to protect one another.

This strategy too comes with a cost: In saying what she needs to say to remain relevant at the White House, Birx risks losing her credibility with much of the rest of the country. Its also a tightrope that doesnt get any easier to walk the longer you practice. Plenty of other well-meaning and well-respected people have made the attempt and succeeded for a while, but eventually most either give up and leavethink Jim Mattis, for instanceor devolve fully into say-anything flacks, like Larry Kudlow. Only time will determine which path proves the wiser.

Photograph by Jim Watson/AFP via Getty Images.

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The Divergent Fortunes of Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx - The Dispatch

Cancel Caribou? Another Questionable Tribute at the American Museum of Natural History – Discovery Institute

Photo: Display of Grants Caribou at the AMNH, by Ehblake / CC BY-SA (

John West has been documenting the failures of a wonderful institution in New York, the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH), to properly confront its own past association with evolutionary racism. (Most recently, seehereandhere.) This is even as the museum plots to cancel President Teddy Roosevelt whose great equestrian statue stands outside on Central Park West.

Dr. West sought comment, in vain, from the AMNH about a bust of racist and eugenicist past museum president Henry Fairfield Obsorn and about a collection of skulls that included pieces gathered from German concentration camps in southwest Africa, plunder from a horrific experiment in applied Darwinism. (SeeDarwin, Africa, and Genocide: The Horror of Scientific Racism.) When West was producing the documentaryHuman Zoos, the museum similarly evaded questions about its historical involvement in advancing the pseudoscience of eugenics.

Now my friend John Zmirak points out in a tweet that the museum has yetanotherquestionable gem on display at least indirectly honoring another hair-raising racist,Madison Grant(1865-1937). Grant was a naturalist, author of the 1916 workThe Passing of the Great Race, a proponent of racial hygiene and Nordic theory. Today hes a hero of the Alt-Right. For more on him, seeHuman Zoos:

Well, Grant is the namesake of a caribou species, Grants Caribou,Rangifer tarandus granti. You can see them, prominently labeled in a display at the museum, pictured above. Should these caribou be canceled, too?

No, I dont think so. Where does it all end?Zmirak comments, Cancel NOTHING, tear down NOTHING. This generation is drunk. Take away its car keys. John Westearlier noted one statue of a Darwinian racistthat probably does deserve to come down, that of Democratic Senator Benjamin Tillman of South Carolina, albeit in a lawful manner. No statue has an automatic right to eternally adorn a public space.

More generally, its time for a rational discussion of the ideas behind some lamentable streams in U.S. history. Discussing the Confederacy and its legacy is important. But just asallblack lives matter, not justsome, so tooallof our history matters, not justsome.

White nationalists today arent shy about acknowledging the roots of their own ideas in evolutionary thinking. In 2013, Alt-Right leader Richard Spencer wrote a new Foreword for a republished edition of Madison GrantsThe Conquest ofContinent,noting that Darwinism offers a compelling and rational justification for Whites to act on behalf of their ancestors and progeny and feel a shared sense of destiny with their extended kin group. Guess who wrote the original Foreword?Henry Fairfield Obsorn.

Kanye West wasnot wrong this week in acknowledgingthe ugliness behind the founding of Planned Parenthood, whose founder,Margaret Sanger, extolled planned human breeding and did not hesitate to address a KKK rally. Some in the black community have objected to public statuary honoring her. I can understand why, as much as I think now is the time to err on the side of preserving the past.

Crucially, though, there needs to be some frankness on the part of Darwinian scientists and, yes, abortion advocates about the shadow of their own past. The role of science, including evolutionary science, in justifying racism and eugenics is a subject that needs to be opened up wide, not decorously ignored any longer.

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Cancel Caribou? Another Questionable Tribute at the American Museum of Natural History - Discovery Institute

Call of Duty BANS OK gesture over fears its a right-wing extremist symbol – The Sun

CALL of Duty has abolished an in-game gesture over fears it's a hate symbol.

The signal in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare caused a player's character to hold up their hand in a commonly used "Okay" gesture.


The move involves holding one's index and thumb together and was often used by players during online multiplayer matches to signal a win.

Used innocently by millions worldwide, it has also been described by the US Anti-Defamation League as "a sincere expression of white supremacy".

News of the quiet removal of the gesture or "emote" by Call of Duty (Cod) creator Infinity Ward was reported by The Independent.

Neither Infinity Ward or publisher Activision have confirmed the reason for the gestures removal.


However, it's widely believed to be part of an official campaign to stamp out racism on Modern Warfare and its spin-off game, Warzone.

"There is no place for racist content in our game," Infinity Ward wrote on Twitter last month.

"This is an effort we began with launch and we need to do a better job.

"Were issuing thousands of daily bans of racist and hate-oriented names. But we know we have to do more."

White supremacist groups adopted the "Okay" gesture in 2017, according to The Independent.

Popularised by notorious social media site 4Chan, "alt-right" supporters are often photographed performing the gesture.

The alt-right is a loosely connected far-right, white nationalist movement based in the United States that has spread across the globe.

The Okay gesture was co-opted to trick the media into a reaction, but is now used so widely that experts believe the symbol's meaning has changed.


It was flashed by the man accused of killing 51 people at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, last year when he was in court.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) added the "Okay" gesture to its list of hate symbols in September 2019.

It's said to be a way for alt-right supports to communicate with one another, though the gesture is largely a "popular trolling tactic", the ADL said.

The US anti-hate group added that the "overwhelming usage" of the symbol today is still to show approval or that someone is OK.

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Therefore "particular care must be taken not to jump to conclusions about the intent behind someone who has used the gesture".

Among other changes, Infinity Ward announced last month it would add additional resources to monitor and identify racist content.

They're bolstering in-game reporting systems and handing out more permanent bans in a bid to "root out" repeat offenders.

The Sun has reached out to Activision for comment.

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Call of Duty BANS OK gesture over fears its a right-wing extremist symbol - The Sun

Police and hooligans clash in Serbia over handling of COVID-19, Kosovo – New Europe

Serbian police and hundreds of hooligans, disavowed by the opposition and non-partisan citizens, clashed for two nights of mayhem in Belgrade, leaving in their wake, scores injured and destruction throughout the city over the mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic and anticipated settlement of the Kosovo issue.

When the dust settled and clouds of tear gas lifted on Wednesday, several clear pictures emerged from the battleground debris. The first being that there are three Serbias in play: the authorities led by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and their well-equipped police; hooligans which have been allowed to flourish since the days of late strongman Slobodan Milosevic who used them as his private paramilitary; and, lastly, the civic, pacifist pro-European values Serbia.

That Serbia showed its true colours on July 9 when, despite the violent scenes of the previous two days, thousands of young people, some with kids in strollers, bravely occupied Belgrades central square in a festive atmosphere. They deployed peaceful sit-down tactics and chased away far-right extremists who, indeed in much smaller numbers, tried several times to reignite fresh riots.

The second picture to emerge is that extremism among the young those who are willing to viciously engage with well-equipped police units that include mounted and K-9 detachments, and special riot-breaking units that are equipped with armoured Humvees is very powerful and could present a serious challenge to stability once a deal is made between Belgrade and Kosovo.

The third is that the fractured mainstream opposition needs to reinvent itself and refocus if it really wants to tap into the dissatisfaction of Serbian citizens, who are angry at the government for its mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic. The main opposition alliance SzS comprises the entire Serbian political spectrum from pro-Europeans to rabid anti-Westerners, the alt-right and pro-Russians, which leaves most of the citizens and all foreign observers too confused as to what that alliance stands for.

They are also too dogmatic. Their position is either, or and that is the other side of the same authoritarian coin fr most citizens. They need to reorganise, get rid of the dead weight, an analyst said.

In fact, on July 8, many of the opposition leaders were struck, booed, and expelled from the demonstration, although it remains unclear whether that was done by the hooligans or by citizens. The following evening, it was obvious that the citizens (and social networks) were calling the shots the opposition leaders were just props and extras, one Western analyst noted.

The toll from the violence has seen 118 policemen injured and 153 people arrested, and police cars were set ablaze according to the director of the police. The material damage is worth millions of euros as riots also erupted in four other towns in Serbia. On July 7 and 10, the police showed remarkable restraint while being pelted with rocks, Molotov cocktails, and flash bombs. When they decided enough was enough, many protesters were brutally beaten in violent scenes which prompted Dunja Mijatovi, the current Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, and various other human rights groups, to call for the perpetrators to face justice. Amnesty International blamed the police for applying heavy-handed measures against the demonstrators.

Images of Serbian police firing tear gas and stun grenades indiscriminately into the crowd, and of protesters and bystanders being charged by mounted police and beaten by police in riot gear, raises serious concerns, Amnesty Internationals Balkans researcher Jelena Sesar said in a statement.

Serbia did have one of Europes strictest and efficient lockdowns for months until late June when the measures were eased. A football derby attended by thousands, the first of its kind in Europe after the outbreak, and the reopening of night clubs opened were overt signals that COVID-19 had been vanquished, but there were many warnings from even before the end of the lockdown that it was far from safe to ignore social distancing rules.

Immediately after the June 21 elections, the virus returned with a vengeance and the number of casualties soared to record levels, prompting Vucic to warn of a lockdown measures.

More than 17,300 cases and over 350 deaths have been recorded throughout Serbia. To add salt to the wound, as EU countries eased entry restrictions, the doors were suddenly shut for citizens of Serbia, including in two top tourist destination countries Montenegro and Greece a veritable disaster for the well-travelled Serbs.

Thousands took to the streets asking for a new medical board overseeing the efforts to curtail the pandemic, a technical government which would prepare fresh elections, and access to the media which is chiefly pro-government.

Vucic won by a landslide in the June elections, but the results were marred by the opposition boycott and Covid-19 scare, dismissed the demands and said the government will not yield to violence. He asked citizens not to fight the hooligans and allow the state to do that for them. I promised that we will know how to preserve peace and stability despite criminal hooligan violent attacks that have shocked us all, he said on his way to Paris for talks with French President Emmanuel Macron.

Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel held a video conference summit on July 10 with Avdullah Hoti, the leader of Kosovo, and Vucic. The meeting came ahead of the resumption of EU-sponsored talks aimed at normalising relations between the two countries.

The extreme far-right could present a huge problem for Vucic. The alt-right want nothing short of Kosovo firmly back in Serbia, preferably without any Albanians, a Western diplomat remarked to New Europe. During the weeks violence, rioters and hooligans chanted anti-Kosovo, anti-EU, and anti-NATO slogans and called for the expulsion of immigrants.

They are flexing their muscles and showing they are not afraid of the police. This is a message to the government that it would do well not to ignore the situation even if it did have some semblance of control over them (the alt-right protestors).

Vucic has accused unnamed foreign intelligence services of being behind the unrest, part of an effort to weaken Serbias position at the Kosovo talks.

The pro-government tabloids accused pro-Russian far-right groups of fueling the violence. This prompted the Russian Ambassador to Serbia and the Russian Foreign Ministry to make an unprecedented and protocol-waiving move to issue statements saying that Moscow categorically rejected any notion that Russia was behind the unrest.

The claim came amidst widespread speculation that the Kremlin is, for its selfish reasons, opposed to any solution to the Kosovo issue at this time. Moscow was accused of being involved in attempted coups in Montenegro and North Macedonia last year, charges it denies.

During the first night of the riots, the only cable TV covering the events, N1, made a surprising discovery. In a surreal scene, their camera caught the police beating three young and fit men sitting on a park bench and drinking beer in the thick of the violence.

The journalist went to interview the three when a flustered young woman, who was not more than 30-years-old, joined then and started speaking to the journalist, who was surprised by her accent and asked if she was Russian., The woman replied that she was and said she was taking part in the demonstration, as she did in her own country against dictatorship.

When sked against which dictator she was referring to, the young woman replied, against Yeltsin, of course! The problem is that she must have been a very advanced toddler at the time to take part in demonstrations that would have occurred more than 25 years ago.

The following day, Vucics cabinet issued a statement that a planned meeting with the Russian Ambassador to Belgrade had been cancelled. No reason was given.

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Police and hooligans clash in Serbia over handling of COVID-19, Kosovo - New Europe

For Black Tulsa residents, the city’s racial past and present hover over Trump rally – CNN

They're preparing for a Juneteenth weekend tinged with tension, in a small city that has garnered national attention. Just a stone's throw from where these men are practicing, President Donald Trump will take the stage on Saturday for his first rally since the Covid-19 outbreak.

The men are all Tulsa natives following the tenets of the original Black Panther movement, which was created in 1966 as a force to create social reform. In that vein, they are advocating against the oppression of Black people. Although the small group is comprised of fewer than a dozen men and not affiliated with any national movement, they hope to keep the peace by employing de-escalation tactics if the rally descends into chaos.

"This is unity, this is brotherhood. All of us come from these streets out here," Akono Bey, one member of the group, told CNN. "All of us have dealt with the same problems. We all want better for our children out here. And the only way to get better is to do better."

As Tulsa braces for Trump's visit, civic leaders and others here are mindful of the city's troubled history with racial violence while also cautiously hopeful for the potential of the Black Lives Matter movement. Many are concerned about Trump's visit yet also curious if now is the moment that Tulsa will reckon with its complex racial history.

Greg Robinson, a native Tulsan running to become the first Black mayor in the city's history, says he's learning a lot from the young men. But he understands some might view them with a degree of fear, given how young Black men are often depicted.

The men have read reports of outside agitators, including white supremacists, disrupting protests in Minneapolis after George Floyd's death. They believe this devalues the Black Lives Matter movement, and they say they will be vigilant for potential trouble as President Trump descends on their city. While the movement is not armed, Oklahoma residents have the right to carry arms. However, they say that is only out of a need for self-defense.

"They're so much more peaceful than what society and media would have you believe," Robinson said, referring to the group. "They want an education, they want economic opportunity. They want the space to be able to express themselves and not feel like they have the police hanging over their neck."

Lasting emotional trauma

Like many American cities, Tulsa has experienced well-publicized controversies between the local police department and the Black community.

In a video shot by a bystander, one of the officers is seen leaning into his police car where he had placed one of the handcuffed teens. After a few seconds, the officer is seen kicking into the car. Moments later, that officer throws the handcuffed teen out of the car and onto the sidewalk.

In police dash camera video released by the Tulsa Police Department, an officer can be seen searching the pocket of the teen who had been put in the front seat of the police car. A few minutes later, the officer can be seen kicking his legs as the teen struggles.

Although the boys were eventually released, and the Tulsa Police Department announced an investigation, the lasting emotional trauma of incidents like this one often runs deeper than some realize, Robinson says.

"A white boy wakes up and says, 'What do I want to do today?' And a black boy wakes up and says, 'What can I do today?'" Robinson said.

He hopes that as mayor he can clear a path forward in a city with a long history of racial violence, dating back to the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre, which destroyed the Black Greenwood District and killed some 300 Black residents.

"When you look and think that we are just on the sunset of the 100-year anniversary of the Tulsa race massacre, and not one descendant of a victim has yet to receive justice," Robinson said. "There are still families that are being victimized by police violence, and no justice is found."

'Rally cry' for alt-right?

Anissia West is an educator and activist who has also lived in Tulsa her whole life. A descendent of Creek Freedmen, former African slaves of Muscogee Creek tribal members, West says it's crucial for Tulsa to reckon with its past as it looks to the future, starting with President Trump's rally this weekend.

She says he should have moved the rally to a different weekend.

"Juneteenth is a whole weekend celebration. It might start on Thursday and last through Sunday," she said.

She says Trump's decision to rally in Tulsa, not far away from the site of such a deadly racial massacre, is more than coincidence.

"I can't help but look at it as anything other than an act of terrorism," she said. "He knows that whether he believes he is racist or not, he knows that members of the KKK and other alt-right organizations are following him and that they will see what he is doing as a rally cry."

Although West is dismayed by the President's visit, she says she has never been prouder of her city and its response to the police killing of George Floyd.

"I've spent years protesting in Tulsa and other places in Oklahoma with really low turnouts," West said. "I was mad at Tulsa because we have a tendency to do the thing we call 'Tulsa nice,' where we're fighting for something, but we're gonna also have a barbecue. This time was different."

West strolls to a popular spot in the Greenwood District, where a large mural commemorates the neighborhood that was once known as Black Wall Street, at one time the beacon of hope for Black life.

"This is sacred space," she said. "We know this is a space where buildings were destroyed. People died here. But the spirit is still here. But we're still here, and we're going to keep building, and we're not going anywhere."

Read the rest here:

For Black Tulsa residents, the city's racial past and present hover over Trump rally - CNN

Alt-Right Trolls Are Trying to Sabotage Black Lives Matter Chatrooms – Mother Jones

For indispensable reporting on the coronavirus crisis and more, subscribe to Mother Jones' newsletters.

As mass protests against police brutality and racial injustice continue across the country, 4chan, a notorious alt-right troll hub online, is trying to meddle in protesters online operations.

On Sunday night, users of 4chan made several highly trafficked posts with links to dozens of Black Lives Matter channels on Telegram, a privacy-oriented, encrypted messaging app that has been used for organizing protests across the country. Users on 4chan encouraged others to post disinformation in the groups, find incriminating information that they can pass to law enforcement, and trawl the channels for as much personal, identifying, and organizational information as they can about people in the groups.

Some have already posted the phone numbers of volunteers organizing food and water for protesters, and phone numbers for jail support for arrested protesters. The 4chan posts didnt include instructions for what to do with the numbers, but based on 4channers normal behavior, its possible that the implication is to harass the person on the other end of the line. In some cases, users in the threads are also doxxing what they believe to be Antifa safehouses by posting addresses of these homes.

The central focus on the 4chan posts so far, though, hasnt been to impede the current protests, but rather to compile doxxing information on the activists behind the protests. BE STEALTHY DONT TROLL, RIGHT NOW THE MOST VALUABLE THING WE CAN GET IS INFO, one user posted.

A lot of these retards have identifying info on their telegram profiles, instagram, personal website, real name, phone number, etc. get that, another wrote, urging other 4channers to store what they found on internet archive sites like and Pastebin (links on Pastebin arent accessible, suggesting that the site may have taken moderation action). Others encouraged people to share their findings with trustworthy public sources and right wing journalists.

Its unclear to what extent 4chan posters have followed through on their plans, and if the threads have led to any offline harassment. Many of the Black Lives Matter channels dont let anyone without authorization post. And administrators of some of the channels seem to be aware of the people trying to infiltrate. One of the larger protest Telegram channels, The BLM Revolution of 2020 with roughly 8,740 subscribers, posted an open letter to to the fascist how are watching this channel, on Sunday night. Im going to be honest with you all, the path that you have picked is only going to bring more suffering, and solidify the system that youve set out to fight against. Your fight is going to end up with more people in your situation. Lost, lonely, and unsure where to go, the person behind the Telegram channel wrote, encouraging right-wingers to reach out if they wanted to anonymously talk.

4channers arent the only group monitoring Black Lives Matter Telegram channels. Extremist groups that label themselves as various brands of fascists and white supremacists have compiled lists of Black Lives Matter channels on their own Telegram channels, and frequently repost content from BLM organizers on their pages.

White supremacists and far-right extremists on Telegram have been a recurring problem that the platform has been unwilling to handle. The encrypted messaging service took action against public ISIS channels, but has been unwilling to do the same with far-right extremists, leaving up channels that compile lists of Jewish people, and others that encourage white supremacist violence.

Read the rest here:

Alt-Right Trolls Are Trying to Sabotage Black Lives Matter Chatrooms - Mother Jones

Ricky Gervais Says Liberals Only Claim He’s "Alt-Right" Because His Jokes Have a "Target They Defend" – Decider

Ricky Gervais has some thoughts about his newly-acquired alt-right label. In a new episode of The Daily Beasts The Last Laughpodcast, Gervais sounded off on his steadfast commitment to free speech, which has earned him praise from right-wing pundits and Twitter users. While the After Lifestar appreciates his new fans, he admitted that its only left-leaning users who consider him a fascist, as hes making jokes about things they love. People love the idea of free speech until they hear something they dont like, said Gervais.

Gervais is the first to admit that hes a liberal, but in recent months, his takedown of the Hollywood eliteand woke stars has made him a popular figure within right-wing circles. After his controversial Golden Globes monologue, Fox News host Greg Gutfield praised Gervais for saying everything youve ever wanted to say to that self-obsessed pile of pulsating flesh known as Hollywood and applauded his commitment to freedom from the hypocrisy of the intolerant woke.

When asked about his viral tweets about free speech and his embrace by the alt-right community, Gervais said that only left-wing Twitter users actually believe hes conservative. Whats weird about that is it was actually the left on social media that once again said, Oh, hes alt-right now,' he toldThe Last Laughhost Matt Wilstein. What could be less right-wing than going after the biggest, richest corporations in the world?

Gervais went on to say that its interesting that people consider him alt-right for endorsing free speech, when the alt-right were the ones, the fascists were the ones that were closing down free speech in the past. He insisted that people advocate for free speech until someone says something they dislike, therefore turning it into a selfish thing. People try and justify it, as well, said Gervais. They go, Im all for freedom of speech, but you know, thats the one thing you shouldnt joke about. Oh, you mean the one thing that you care about?

Its odd, he added, noting that even the right knows hes a liberal. People pretend they dont like a joke, for some reason. But you know what? They just dont like the joke having the target that they defend. Thats the bottom line.

You liked it when I made the joke about the thing you dont like. You didnt like it when I made the joke about the thing you do like. Just admit it, he continued. I dont care if people like all the jokes. But dont pretend youve weighed it up and youre being the fair one. You just dont like that joke and thats fine.

Listen to Ricky Gervais entire interview onThe Last Laughpodcast on Apple Podcasts.


Ricky Gervais Says Liberals Only Claim He's "Alt-Right" Because His Jokes Have a "Target They Defend" - Decider

What’s Antifa and its role in Black Lives Matter protests? – TRT World

Anti-fascist leftist movement, Antifa, has dominated US politics during the weekslong protests over the death of unarmed black man, George Floyd, in police custody. US President Trump is holding the group accountable for the ongoing violence.

In the years since US President Donald Trump's election in 2016, a previously almost dormant far-left, anti-fascist group has re-emerged ostensibly in response to a rise in racism and white supremacy.

Now several top officials in the Trump administration from the president to the US attorney general are blaming the anti-fascist group, called Antifa, for taking over protests triggered by black man George Floyd's death in police custody.

Floyd, cuffed and unarmed, was pinned to the ground by Minneapolis policeman Derek Chauvin, who is white, using his knee. His knee was on Floyds neck for eight minutes and 46 seconds, according to a New York Time's reconstruction.

The following protests, which started peacefully, were marred by more brutality and show of force by law enforcement and looting and violence. The press and experts have flipflopped in the blame for both between instigators and protesters.

Here's a look at the group Trump and Attorney General William Barr are blaming for fanning violence:

The Antifa

Antifa is an unstructured, decentralised, leaderless group of far-left anti-fascist activists. The movement's name is a shortened version of the term anti-fascist.

The movement first started in Nazi Germany to fight European fascism before the Second World War and reached the US in the 1970s against Neo-Nazism and alt-right groups.

The movement consists of various groups without any central leadership, the earliest formalised group with this name dates to 2007 in the US. It was mostly inactive until the election of Donald Trump and the concurrent rise of white supremacy in the US.

There is no hierarchical structure to Antifa or universal set of tactics that makes its presence immediately recognisable, though members tend to espouse revolutionary and anti-authoritarian views, said Mark Bray, a historian at Rutgers University and author of Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook.

They do different things at different times in different ways, some of which there is evidence of them breaking the law. Other times there is not, Bray, also a scholar of Spanish radicalism, said.

Antifascists also want to stop any fascist movement before it can grow, even if those they target appear small and inconsequential, said Bray in 2017.

Is there an Antifa 'type'?

There is no official roster of Antifa members, making it near impossible to quantify its size, age range or racial formulation. In every area, Antifa is formed by autonomous local units.

People associated with Antifa have been present for significant demonstrations and counter-demonstrations over the last three years, sometimes involving brawls and property damage.

In February 2017, hours before then editor of the far-right Breitbart News Milo Yiannopoulos was to give a speech at UC Berkeley, anti-fascist protesters tossed metal barricades and rocks through the buildings windows and set a light generator on fire near the entrance. Later, Berkeley said 150 masked protesters were responsible for the violence at the mostly peaceful 1,500-strong protest against the far-right editor.

The movement does not have any known affiliates but some members are known to be parts of Occupy and Black Lives Matter movements.

They mobilised against a white supremacist march in Charlottesville, Virginia, in August 2017 and have clashed repeatedly with far-right groups in Portland, Oregon, including at a protest and counter-demonstration last summer that resulted in arrests and the seizure of shields, poles and other weapons.

The members are known to dress in head-to-toe black and cover their faces as they believe it helps in defending against the police.

Use of violence

Their proactive approach of using violence to stop racist or totalitarian movements from spreading or to protect vulnerable groups distinguishes them from other non-violent leftists groups.

The movement sees the use of violence as self-defence and does not consider damaging property as a form of brutality.

Literature from the Antifa movement encourages followers to pursue lawful protest activity as well as more confrontational acts, according to a 2018 Congressional Research Service report.

The members do not abstain from involving in direct physical confrontations, also followers monitor the activities of white supremacist groups, publicise online the personal information of perceived enemies, develop self-defence training regimens and compel outside organisations to cancel any speakers or events with a fascist bent such as the Yiannopoulos speech at Berkeley.

US administration on Antifa

Trump and members of his administration have singled out Antifa for driving the violence at Black Lives Matters protests.

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany told reporters on Monday that Antifa is a big element of this protest," though she deferred to the Department of Justice on the question of how one could be identified as a member.

And it's unclear how big its actual involvement is. And whether some of its apparent involvement is driven by instigators.

Twitter said it suspended two fake Antifa accounts, one of which was run by people with ties to a white supremacist group.

There's also a growing presence of Boogalo Bois, a gun-toting, Hawaiian shirt-wearing anti-government group, often misrepresented as a straightforward white supremacist group, at the Black Lives Matter protests. They have been accused of fomenting some of the violence blamed on Antifa by the Trump administration.

Boogalo Bois, or their other iterations, openly called for people to join them in raising militias against the Minneapolis police after the black man's death, Bellingcat reported.

Trump on Antifa

At a White House appearance, Trump blamed Antifa by name for the violence, along with violent mobs, arsonists and looters.

Trump tweeted that the US will designate the movement as a terrorist organisation.

It's not the first time he's endorsed that approach. Trump expressed a similar sentiment last summer, joining some Republican lawmakers in calling for Antifa to be designated as a terror organisation after the skirmishes in Portland.

In a pair of statements over the weekend, Attorney General William Barr described Antifa-like tactics" by out-of-state agitators and said Antifa was instigating violence and engaging in domestic terrorism" and would be dealt with accordingly.

Is Turkey supporting Trump's Antifa stance?

Technically, Turkey is asking the Trump administration to extend the same designation to the YPG, the terror group the US used to fight the Daesh in Syria.

Many YPG sympathisers come from the US to fight in Syria, attracted by the group which Turkey designated as a terror group along with its parent group the PKK and its so-called leftist selling points.

Some believe Antifa's leftist ideology attracts young people to volunteer with the YPG in Syria, after some foreign fighters were linked to the anti-fascists.

Can Trump describe Antifa as a terror group?

As Antifa is not a discrete or centralised group, it remains unclear if it is possible to designate it as a terrorist organisation.

Since Antifa in the US is a domestic entity, it is as such not a candidate for inclusion on the Department of State's list of foreign terror groups. Those groups, which include Daesh and other such groups and the Real Irish Republican Army, are based overseas rather than in the US.

That designation matters for a variety of legal reasons, not least of which is that anyone in the United States who lends material support to an organisation on the terror list is subject to terrorism-related charges.

Even if Antifa is not designated as a terror group, FBI Director Chris Wray has made clear that its on the radar of federal law enforcement.

He has said while the FBI does not investigate on the basis of ideology, agents have pursued investigations across the country against people motivated to commit crimes and acts of violence "on kind of an Antifa ideology."

It is unclear whether the Trump administration is seriously pursuing the designation through formal channels. Experts say Trump lacks the legal authority to do so.

"Terrorism is an inherently political label, easily abused and misused," said ACLU National Security Project Director Hina Shamsi.

Mary McCord, a former senior DoJ official, said, "no current legal authority exists for designating domestic organisations as terrorist organisations."

"Any attempt at such a designation would raise significant First Amendment concerns," added McCord, who previously served in the Trump administration.

Source: TRTWorld and agencies

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What's Antifa and its role in Black Lives Matter protests? - TRT World

What is Pizzagate, and why is the fake news scandal trending on Twitter again? – Sussex Express

A new Sky documentary that investigates some of the most mind-boggling conspiracy theories of recent years has been shining a new light on some of the most baffling fake news stories to come out of the US.

After Truth: Disinformation and the Cost of Fake News aired earlier this month, and surveys the effects of disinformation campaigns on social media and the impacts of well known conspiracy theories.

One of those theories is that of Pizzagate, and the film follows the growth of the story onforums like Redditand4chan, how it was fomented by thealt-rightandAlex Jones, and then translated into a real-life dangerous situation.

Heres everything you need to know:

What was Pizzagate?

Pizzagate was a widely discredited news story which linked Hilary Clintons presidential campaign with a fictional human trafficking ring.

Its so-called because the alleged headquarters of the operation wastheComet Ping Pongpizzeria in Washington, D.C, which according to the conspiracy was also a meeting ground forSatanic ritual abuse.

It all began inMarch 2016, when the personal email account ofJohn Podesta, Clinton'scampaign manager, was hacked.

WikiLeakspublishedthe emailslater that year; conspiracy theoristsclaimed the emails contained coded messages that alluded to human traffickingand a child sexring.

The emails contained multiple references to pizza and pizza restaurants, but there is no evidence that they are code or refer to anything else.

Had the claims been true, it would have implicated a number of high-rankingDemocratic Partyofficials.

How was the story debunked?

The story has been widely debunked by a number of fact checking a news organisations from across the political spectrum evenFox News has said the story is completely false.

Theorists claimed that similarities between Comet Ping Pongs logocontained symbols linked toSatanismand paedophilia; the New York Times noted these similarities could be found in thelogos of completely unrelated companies, if you looked hard enough.

Claims of a secret underground network beneath Comet Ping Pong were disproven by the fact the establishment has no basement, and evidence that John Podesta played a part in the kidnapping of Madeleine McCannwere simply sketches of a suspect taken from the descriptions of two eyewitnesses.

No alleged victims have come forward and no physical evidence has been found.

What happened?

Despite the theory having zero evidence to support it, that didnt stop those who opposed Hilary Clinton believing the story wholesale.

That includedgunman Edgar Maddison Welch, who travelled down from South Carolina to confront the owners of Comet Ping Pong.

He entered the pizza restaurant in Washington D.C. packed with families on a Sunday afternoon and fired an automatic rifle.

Thankfully, no one was injured in the disturbance; Mr Welch told police he had driven from South Carolina to investigate the restaurant after reading online reports.

Why is Comet Ping Pong back in the news?

Though its been four years since the height of the Pizzagate story, the owners still have to deal with death threats and abuse.

As employees continue to search for a new rhythm [during the coronavirus pandemic], say the Washington Post,they still field calls from Pizzagate obsessors.

A few weeks ago, someone jammed the phone line for an entire day, frustrating customers who struggled to place orders. [Comet] has received almost 70 Pizzagate messages in recent weeks.

There also seems to be a renewed interest in the false story in the wake of news that US prosecutors want a face-to-face interview with Prince Andrew over the Jeffrey Epstein scandal.

The story has been trending on Twitter again, despite remaining completely untrue, with theorists linking Epsteins private jet the Lolita Express and his private Epstein Island with the restaurant.

There is no evidence to suggest any of it is true.

Go here to see the original:

What is Pizzagate, and why is the fake news scandal trending on Twitter again? - Sussex Express

Who are the Boogaloo Bois and what do they want? – Lexington County Chronicle

Charles Manson and his followers called it "helter skelter" in the 1960s and 70s,

Their aim was to foment a racial civil war in America.

Law enforcement sources say the Boogaloo Bois are a far right hate group with similar goals.

Along with white supremists and neo-Nazis, they plan to bring down the government and take controlof America.

What they envision may be similar to Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany in the 1930s and 40s.

Although they share similar violent motives with far left Antifa groups, theright wingconsiders the left their enemy,

This Chronicle specialreport by Editor Jerry Bellune is based on digital research into these groups, their methods and motives since2 possible members have been arrested in the Saturday, May 30, violence in downtown Columbia,

We have asked the Lexington County Sheriff's Department and the Lexington Police Department for any additional informatiuin they can share.

According to theSouthern Poverty Law Center,the term Boogaloo ...began as a shorthand for civil unrest following potential local or federal firearms confiscation and has been embraced by anti-government and white nationalists.

The word hasbeen embraced by alt-right extremists, some involved in the George Floyd demonstrations.

3 things to know about them:

1. Boogaloo Bois Have Been Charged With Domestic Terrorism

People shout slogans and hold placards, on June 1, 2020, in downtown Las Vegas, as they take part in a Black Lives Matterresponse to the Minneapolis police killing of George Floyd.

3men who identify as Boogaloo Bois and who are all former members of the military, according toBusiness Insider, were charged with domestic terrorism, conspiracy to damage and destroy by using fire and explosives, and possession of an unregistered firearm, Las Vegas police reported.

Andrew Lynam Jr. 23, Stephen Parshall, 35, and William Loomis, 40, are each being held on a $1 million bond.

J.J. MacNab of George Washington Universitys Program on Extremism, toldThe Associated Press that she has seen Boogaloo Bois in crowds of George Floyd protestors wearing tactical gear and carrying high-powered rifles.

They want to co-opt themto start their war," McNab told the AP. They see themselves as being on the side of protesters and that the protesters themselves are useful in causing anarchy.

According to theAnti-Defamation League, a2018Reddit post carried a 2012 photo of California Gov. Gavin Newsome in which hetalkedabout coming for private owners' guns.

The post included the words, Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo.

That was believed to meanarms seizureswould set off a civil war.

Gun-rights enthusiasts shortened the term to Boogaloo.

White nationalists, neo-Nazis and members of the alt-right exchange insluts with counter-protestersduring the Unite the Right rally August 12, 2017 in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Accelerationists arewhite supremacists who want to see Americans at war against each other,

According to theTheBrookingsInstitution, a research and public policy group in Washington:

Accelerationism is the idea that white supremacists should try to increase civil disorder accelerate it to foster polarization that will tear apart the current political orderAccelerationists hope to set off a series of chain reactions, with violence fomenting violence, and in the ensuing cycle more and more people join the fray. When confronted with extremes, so the theory goes, those in the middle will be forced off the fence and go to the side of the white supremacists. If violence can be increased sufficiently, the system will run out of lackeys and collapse, and the race war will commence.

Brookings reported thatneo-NaziJames Masoncame into his ideologies in the 1960s.

TheSPLCsaid that Mason believed, that only the full collapse of American democracy and society will bring conditions sufficient to bring order through Nazism.

Mason was a fan of Charles Manson, according to the SPLC.

All the groups that want a civil war do not have the same ideologies.

The use of the term Boogaloo is not exclusive to white supremacists.

It is used by others who think law enforcement and the government should be overthrown.

Experts say groups will jump into causes that are not really their ownto try to create disorder and to invoke police or other law enforcement to respond with violence.

Alex Friedfeld, an investigative researcher at the ADL Center on Extremism in Chicago said:

I think for a lot of boogaloo-ers, their primary interest is resisting the state, what they believe to be state tyranny. They have this hostility towards law enforcement. They oppose these [pandemic] directives. Theyre upset about no-knock raids, police brutality. The George Floyd case ... is an example of police brutality, this willingness of the state to execute those who disobey so its not surprising that they showed up to protest.

On a Boogaloo Facebook Page called Big Igloo Boys with nearly 34,000 followers, the administratorwroteMay 30:

Protest for support and solidarity of Minneapolisand the George Floyd protesters. Mr Floyd was murdered in Minneapolis ... by the Minneapolis Police Department.We must set aside our differences, and unite against a common enemy in the police state.Wear your PPE. Come in peace, prepare for ... violence. Departments around the country have shown that theyre ready to agitate a crowd to illicit a violent response. This gives them an excuse to react with greater violence towards otherwise peaceful protesters. The media then uses the violence to discredit an entire event.

The group disdains what they call Alphabet Boys, meaning the FBI, ATF, CIA and the like.

Inan open letter to law enforcement on the Big IglooFacebook page, the group calls for an end to no-knock raids.

Inseems to refer to Breonna Taylor, a 26-year-old African American EMT was shot and killed by police who raided the wrong home in the night while the Taylor was asleep with her boyfriend.

Taylors boyfriend fired at the officers thinking they were intruders,andpolice shot back, hitting Breonna 8 times.

TheApril 7 postsays:

This is, essentially, an open letter to all LE departments across the nation. If I could, Id tag every single one of you. However, since Im positive were being monitored ... Ill have to hope this is enough.

I am asking you, and your agencies, to put an end to the practice of no knock raids. Once again we hear of the wrong house being entered, a man trying to defend himself from a home invasionand having his girlfriend murdered by the police.

Absolutely nothing constructive, meaningful, or worthwhile comes of this practice. What we get are ... innocent people being murdered by botched police work. Stop yourselves long enough to take stock of what youre doing. Youre murdering citizens in their homes. You all swore an oath to the constitution. Which part of the oath, or the document mentions murdering citizens in the dark of night?

Armed protesters demonstrateoutside the Michigan State Capitol in Lansing May 20, 2020. The group is protesting Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmers mandatory closure to curtail the corona virus pandemic.

Reports of protesters in Hawaiian shirts carrying guns started coming out this spring as people demonstrated their dissatisfaction with government directives to close much of the country amid the corona virus pandemic.

The Hawaiian shirts apparently come from off-shoots of the word Boogaloo, which began popping up online.

Words like big igloo and big luau which sound somewhat like Boogaloo became terminology for those in the know and Hawaiian shirts became an identifier of its members.

Boogaloo is an umbrella term meaning a 2nd civil war,

TheADL wrotein April of men showing up at corona virus protests in Hawaiian shirts at the behest of Matt Marshall, a leader of the3 Percenters, a wing of the anti-government militia movement

The event was advertised by theOath Keepers, another anti-government organization.

Marshall encouraged participants to wear Hawaiian shirts, referringto the Big Luau.

Read more:

Who are the Boogaloo Bois and what do they want? - Lexington County Chronicle

#BlackLivesMatter and India: Right-Wing Allies with White Supremacists with Ominous Signs at Home – NewsClick

Protests against the death of George Floyd, a 46-year-old African-American man, in police custody, have intensified across the United States. In solidarity with the US protestors, people have turned out in large numbers from cities like Amsterdam and Paris, where they have questioned their own countrys treatment of minorities and its systemic racial abuse. In India too, citizens put up #BlackLivesMatter on their social media as a gesture of their support for the protests. Rather unsurprising, however still curious, is the response of the Indian right-wing. Platforms with the support of the RSS-BJP were seen lampooning and criticising the protests, and the #BlackLivesMatter theme in particular.

This article, for instance, in an infamous right-leaning web portal, put the word protests within quotes, to raise doubts about the legitimacy of the movement demanding justice for George Floyd. While the article is understandably primarily concerned with the ramifications of those protests in India given the trends #MuslimLivesMatters and #DalitLivesMatter, it has broadly insinuated that the protests are mindless acts of vandalism, discounting the innumerable peaceful protests against institutional racism in the US.

The position that this website takes is identical to that of the Alt-right and supporters of President Donald Trump, both of whom have sought to focus exclusively on the violence, and downplay or ignore the excessive force used by the police and the US National Guard (similar to the RAF and other paramilitary forces in India). In another article, the same portal sought to link the protests with the anti-CAA protests in India, and further denigrate Muslims by hinting that it is an Islamic fundamentalist conspiracy at play in the US. The portal has also made it a point to target Antifa, the decentralised group opposed to white supremacy in the US, calling it a radical far left group, another fillip to the heady cocktail of McCarthyism and anti-Muslim rhetoric on display.

This article, in another portal, recognises that the killing of Floyd was due to police brutality, and even goes on to say that anti-racism protests should not be abhorred. However, at the same time, it seeks to label protests in the US as an excuse for anti-social elements to wreak havoc across the United States under the shroud of anti-racism protests (sic). The primary thrust of the article, however, is Europe, where the protests that have taken place in solidarity, also question the state of race-relations in the respective countries. The intent of the article is to question the very foundation of multiculturalism, an idea that has shaped institutions like the European Union, and which allowed for a mildly compassionate response to the refugee crisis of the Middle East in 2015.

The opposition to multiculturalism and immigration, has been, in a sense, the raison d'etre of right-wing formations that sprung up in Europe and the Western hemisphere since the financial crisis of 2008. Now, the Indian right-wing has joined in, discounting the irony that millions of Indians migrate to these very countries. The article also focuses on the flouting of social distancing norms, an admirable stance, probably coloured by the inability of the writer to see that President Trump was dead against a lockdown and wanted people to return to work amid mounting COVID-19 cases. In a Facebook Post by the same platform, the protests in the US are shown as an opportunity for Trump to polarise voters by looking to be tough on rioting, and doing well at the impending Presidential elections in November.

The Indian right has had a rather complex stand on foreign policy, which has been, for the most part, guided by political expediency at home. I remember seeing articles from the RSS Hindi weekly, Panchajanya, praising the Israeli state for tackling the insurgent movement for the liberation of Palestine, as far back as the 1970s. The stand was self explanatory, in lieu of the common enemy being Muslims, but that never translated into any outpouring of support which might have also reflected in policy, whenever the right-wing came to power. It was in fact Atal Bihari Vajpayee as External Affairs minister in the Janata Party government of the late 1970s, who led the re-establishment of diplomatic relations with the Peoples Republic of China, after years of belligerence following the war in 1962. The Nehruvian tinge to foreign policy continued during the first NDA government (1998-2004) which Vajpayee led. He shot down the request of his foreign minister, Jaswant Singh, to join the post 9/11 US led war on terror. India not only refused to participate in the allied invasion of Iraq, but at least officially deplored war, even as it can be argued that India had effectively become a strategic ally of the US by that time. In its official rhetoric, India, under the first NDA regime, continued to be seen as pro-Palestinian, with Vajpayee supporting a Palestinian state in no uncertain terms.

The Modi led regime has, like many other things, dispensed with a lot of such niceties regarding foreign policy, and in continuation with their amplified rhetoric against all things associated with the first Prime Minister of India, made it a point to showcase their foreign policy shifts such as Indias repeated abstention on UN Human Rights Commission resolutions condemning the Israeli excesses, and the refusal of Mr. Modi to visit the Palestinian Authority while being the first Indian Prime Minister to visit Israel in 2017 (though he did visit Ramallah one year later, separately). It is a fact that the Indian right-wing can be much more open about its allies and foes internationally, now that it has acquired not just unbridled power, but a wide and deep hegemony in substantial aspects. Hence, it can confidently dismiss pro-Black protestors and ally with the US Alt-right. It all started with the open embrace of Trump, who endeared himself with his anti-Muslim diatribes when the community was increasingly on the Hindu nationalist radar at home. The all too publicised scenes of an extra parliamentary Hindu far right group conducting a hawan for the victory of Trump, represents widespread praise for not just the man, but implicitly his white supremacist views as well.

The alignment with the Alt-right and white supremacist thought represents a metamorphosis which has involved the jettisoning of the entire anti-colonial legacy and sympathy with anti-imperialist struggles, which extended to the Civil Rights Movement in the US.

One of the more understandable reasons for the Hindu right-wing to denounce #BlackLivesMatter is a perception that Muslims sympathise with the campaign. Scenes of militant protests in the US are just enough to touch a raw nerve with the Indian right due to protests against the controversial Citizenship (Amendment) Act, which saw massive participation of Muslims for months.

However, evidence suggests that Muslims might not be the only scapegoats. The right-wing influence on government means that it is difficult not to see even aspects of lip service paid to the shared legacy of anti-oppression struggles being eroded. The unambiguous positions taken by the RSS, or at least platforms which lean towards it, has significance within India itself. Traditional bias towards fairness has been quite pronounced in mythology, equating it with goodness, while dark skin is a refrain for everything gone awry. The importance of fairness creams in our society is another reminder of how not-so-subtle symbolism affects mindsets. India has seen regular cases of violence and abuse directed at students from Africa, which can only worsen if the Indian right-wing leans closer to ideological anti-Black prejudice elsewhere.

With a complicated geographical, social and linguistic diversity with a past history of contentions, implicit race prejudice being given sanction by ideology, posits a challenge. The southern states history of tensions with the north, are one such example. There were deeply disturbing instances of hate-mongering when the state of Kerala went through its worst floods in decades. There were organised campaigns directed at discouraging relief donations since the Malayalees did not conform to the image of a society best in tune with how the RSS, influenced heavily by its Indo-Gangetic social base, sees it. The concept of Unity in Diversity, so cherished and central to the idea of Indian federalism, cannot profit out of a reinforcement of the idea of white supremacy borrowed from the US and Europe.

There is a corollary to the shared stance of the Indian and American right on #BlackLivesMatter- China. Ever since Trump called the pandemic a Chinese Virus, and accused the country of deliberately concealing facts to abet its spread to the US, dozens of columns and op-ed pieces have appeared in Indian right-wing platforms in support of the stance. An obvious correlation might be made to the very recent symbolic campaign of uninstalling Chinese-invented mobile applications. More significant was an incident in the national capital when a Manipuri student was spat on by a passer-by and referred to as Corona.

The writer is a PhD student at Centre for Media Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University. The views are personal.

Read more here:

#BlackLivesMatter and India: Right-Wing Allies with White Supremacists with Ominous Signs at Home - NewsClick

N.J. mayor clashes with protesters over his brothers police record –

After protesters marched through the borough of Carteret in support of the Black Lives Matter movement last week, a group of more than 100 ended up outside Mayor Daniel Reimans home, demanding answers about why his brother is still on the police force.

Joseph Reiman was charged by authorities in 2017 with brutalizing a black teenager after a brief car chase. He was acquitted by a jury in May 2019 and has remained with the borough police department.

As the mayor tried to enter his home, he was flanked by police who cleared the crowd as protesters chanted, Vote him out. One woman called the longtime mayor f---ing nasty, according to a video taken by a protester.

Reiman responded on the video: Are you on drugs again?

He then went into his home without addressing the large crowd, according to several people, as protesters stayed out front for hours.

The mayor said in a statement that the woman was screaming racially offensive and homophobic comments at the Police and myself all day and was clearly not there to support the Black Lives Matter movement."

It appeared to me that she was on some sort of substance and she should have expected to be called out, he said.

Earlier in the day at the middle school, where the protest was set to kick off, Reiman had made the same comment about drug use as he was questioned by two men regarding his brother, according to another video.

He shouldnt be on the street with a badge and a gun brutalizing black teens, said one of the men. Another man held a sign with pictures of Monte Stewart, the teenager Reimans brother repeatedly punched after a brief car chase in 2017.

So we know for a fact you are a heroin addict, Reiman responded on the video.

Jon Salonis, a spokesman for the borough, said the man, is an alt-right agitator who regularly appears at public meetings making derogatory and downright slanderous remarks about the Mayor.

The Mayor was not about to abide his attempted highjacking of what was to be a peaceful walk. And so the mayor called him out for exactly what he is, Salonis said.

Shortly thereafter the exchange, Salonis said outside agitators began shouting down the mayor and the designated speakers, preventing them from addressing the crowd as they had planned too.

The mayor said in a statement that he did not partake in the protest because it took a different route than what was planned and because (protesters) did not want me there. In one video taken before the protest, Mayor Reiman said police should be held to a higher standard and said he was at the event to support the Black Lives Matter movement.

Those who attended the protest described the mayors actions as unprofessional, saying they showed a lack of empathy and leadership during a critical time in American history.

This is the first thing you say while there are protesters outside your home? asked Dominique Cortesiano, a 20-year Carteret resident who took the video of Reiman asking the woman outside of his home if she were back on drugs. He doesnt want to create a dialogue.

The protest was organized after the death of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis police in May, but some who attended the protest said it was just as much about police misconduct in the borough.

You are perpetuating the issue here with your brother, Josef Sanders said of the mayor.

People are angry with (the mayor) and have every right to be, said Lauren Jones, a college student and lifelong resident who organized the protest. ... You cant leave when things get uncomfortable. Part of the uncomfortability is caused by you.

After serving multiple tours as a Marine in Afghanistan and Iraq, Joseph Reiman joined the Carteret police force in July 2015 and quickly became known as an aggressive and forceful police officer in the borough, according to previous reporting by NJ Advance Media.

During a 23-month stretch after he became a Carteret cop, Reiman accounted for more than 20% of all arrests involving force by an officer recorded by the department, according to NJ Advance Media investigation.

Reimans record became public when NJ Advance Media reported a teens account of his arrest after leading police on a brief chase in 2017.

The arrest was captured on dashcam video and showed Reiman climbing on top of the teen and punching him more than a dozen times.

Reimans defense attorney argued at the trial that the officer used the appropriate amount of force consistent with police training when apprehending the teenager.

The mayor said in a statement after his brothers acquittal that the investigation by the Middlesex County Prosecutors Office was corrupt.

Joseph Reiman did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

This story has been updated with additional comment from Mayor Daniel Reiman.

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Read the original post:

N.J. mayor clashes with protesters over his brothers police record -

American Racism: We’ve Got So Very Far to Go – The Dispatch

Today lets dive into one of the toughest questions of our religious, cultural, and political lives. While we write and print millions of words about race in America, why is it still so hard to have a truly respectful, decent, and humble dialogue about perhaps the most complicated and contentious issue in American life? Its a huge topic, but lets start with what I believe is a true principle of human nature, a maxim called Miless law: Where you stand depends on where you sit.

While originating as an explanation for behavior of people in bureaucracies, Miless law has a much broader application. It speaks to the overwhelming influence of our own social, religious, and cultural experience over our viewpoint. Our different political cultures not only live different lives, they speak different languages. They apply different definitions to the same words and phrasesand those definitions are not self-evident.

Take systemic racism, for example. I daresay that only a vanishingly small number of Americans know that this is a term with an academic meaning thats not entirely obvious from the words themselves. Heres one definitionstructural or systemic racism is:

A system in which public policies, institutional practices, cultural representations, and other norms work in various, often reinforcing ways to perpetuate racial group inequity. It identifies dimensions of our history and culture that have allowed privileges associated with whiteness and disadvantages associated with color to endure and adapt over time. Structural racism is not something that a few people or institutions choose to practice. Instead it has been a feature of the social, economic and political systems in which we all exist.

Yet millions of Americans read the accusation that America is beset with systemic racism and hear a simpler and more direct meaning of the termyoure saying our systems (and by implication the people in them) are racist. But thats completely contrary to their experience. They think, How can it be that the system is racist when I just left a corporate diversity training seminar, I work at an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer, my sons college professors are constantly telling him to check his privilege, and no one I know is a bigot? It seems to me that the most powerful actors in the system are saying the same thingsdont be racist.

Then, when you go online or turn on the television, youre hardly persuaded to change your mind. If youre conservative, chances are your social media feed is full of images of rioting and looting. There are viral videos (including one the president retweeted Saturday) that declare George Floyd was not a good person and the fact that he has been held up as a martyr sickens me. There is the constant repetition of statistics about black-on-black crime, and posts and pieces arguing that police racism and brutality are overblown are shared across the length and breadth of social media.

Even a well-meaning person subject to this barrage of messaging is then apt to look at clear racist injusticeslike the murder of Ahmaud Arbery, where the killer allegedly used a racial slur after he fired the fatal shotand say, Sure, there are racists still in this world, but theyre not part of any system I know. Moreover, compounding the problem, those voices who are most loudly condemning American racism are also the voices he or she trusts the least on other issuessuch as abortion, religious liberty, economics, or health care. Something in the conservative mind and heart rebels, I cant join with them, can I?

We each like to think were not unduly influenced by our immediate environment and culture. Thats a phenomenon that affects other people, we believe. Im the kind of person who has carefully considered both sides and has arrived at my positions through the force of reason and logic. Sure, Ive got biases, but that only matters at the edges. The core of my beliefs are rooted in reason, conviction, and faith.

Maybe that describes you, but I now realize it didnt describe me. I freely confess that to some extent where I stood on American racial issues was dictated by where I sat my entire life. I always deplored racismthose values were instilled in me from birthbut I was also someone who recoiled at words like systemic racism. I looked at the strides wed made since slavery and Jim Crow and said, Look how far weve come. I was less apt to say, and look how much farther we have to go.

Then, where I sit changed, dramatically. I just didnt know it at the time. I went from being the father of two white, blonde-haired, blue-eyed kids to the father of three kidsone of them a beautiful little girl from Ethiopia. When Naomi arrived, our experiences changed. Strange incidents started to happen.

There was the white woman who demanded that Naomithe only black girl in our neighborhood poolpoint out her parents, in spite of the fact that she was clearly wearing the colored bracelet showing she was permitted to swim.

There was the time a police officer approached her at a department store and questioned her about who she was with and what she was shopping for. That never happened to my oldest daughter.

There was the classmate who told Naomi that she couldnt come to our house for a play date because, My dad says its dangerous to go black peoples neighborhoods.

I could go on, andsuresome of the incidents could have a benign explanation, but as they multiplied, and it was clear that Naomis experience was clearly different from her siblings, it became increasingly implausible that all the explanations were benign.

Then the Trump campaign happened, the alt-right rallied to his banner, and our lives truly changed. In October 2016, I wrote a piece describing what happened. It began like this:

I distinctly remember the first time I saw a picture of my then-seven-year-old daughters face in a gas chamber. It was the evening of September 17, 2015. I had just posted a short item to the Corner calling out notorious Trump ally Ann Coulter for aping the white-nationalist language and rhetoric of the so-called alt-right. Within minutes, the tweets came flooding in. My youngest daughter is African American, adopted from Ethiopia, and in alt-right circles thats an unforgivable sin. Its called race-cucking or raising the enemy.

I saw images of my daughters face in gas chambers, with a smiling Trump in a Nazi uniform preparing to press a button and kill her. I saw her face photo-shopped into images of slaves. She was called a niglet and a dindu. The alt-right unleashed on my wife, Nancy, claiming that she had slept with black men while I was deployed to Iraq, and that I loved to watch while she had sex with black bucks. People sent her pornographic images of black men having sex with white women, with someone photoshopped to look like me, watching.

The attacks got worse and some became overtly threatening, including posting image after image of dead and dying African-Americans in the comments section of my wifes blog. Suddenly, my understanding that weve come so far in American race relations was replaced by the shocking, personal realization that weve got so far to go.

All this was happening as I had already grown alarmed at the sheer vehemence of conservative defensiveness on matters of race. Before the backlash I received for opposing Trump, the piece that generated the most personal anger from conservatives was a 2012 essay in Commentary called Conservatives and the Trayvon Martin Case where I critiqued the conservative medias seeming rooting interest in George Zimmermans innocence, and I critiqued George Zimmermans decision to arm himself and pursue a teen whose only crime was walking to his fathers girlfriends house after dark. I did not judge Zimmerman guilty, but I did signal that conservatives should not reflexively defend the police:

[C]onservatives should not be inclined to trust without question the actions of local law enforcement. There is no evidence that a single national conservative commentator knew the first thing about the competence or character of the individuals who made the initial decision not to charge Zimmerman. They dont know whether those local officials are wise, foolish, or free from racist taint. But they do know, or should know, that public officials (even public-safety officers) make mistakes even when they have the best of intentions, and they should also understand the need not only for constitutional constraints on police actions but also for public accountability.

This is when I began to learn about conservative political correctness. If politically correct progressives are often guilty of over-racializing American public discourse, and they are, politically correct conservatives commit the opposite sinand they filter out or angrily reject all the information that contradicts their thesis.

For example, if youre a conservative, youre likely quite aware that the Obama Department of Justice decisively debunked the hands-up, dont-shoot narrative of the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson, Missouri. Youre less likely to remember that there was a second Ferguson report, one that found Fergusons police department was focused on raising revenue more than increasing public safety, and it used its poor, disproportionately black citizens as virtual ATMs, raising money through traffic stops, citations, and even arrest warrants. It painted a shocking picture of abuse of power.

If youre a conservative, you may well be aware of the research cataloged by Heather Mac Donald rebutting claims of systemic racial bias in fatal police shootings. You may be less aware of the recent New York Times report indicating that African Americans make up 19 percent of the population of Minneapolis, 9 percent of the police force and an incredible 58 percent of subjects of police use of force.

But again, I hear the objection in my head, the sentiment of good friends and thoughtful peopleIf racism is this bad, and if the experiences of black Americans are this negative, why dont I ever see it?

Lets perform a thought experiment (I did this on our Dispatch Live event this week, so I apologize to readers whove already heard it.) Lets optimistically imagine that only one out of 10 white Americans is actually racist. Lets also recognize thatespecially in educated quarters of white Americaracism is condemned and stigmatized. If this is the reality, when will you ever hear racist sentiments in your daily life? The vast majority of people you encounter arent racist, and the minority who are will remain silent lest they lose social standing.

But imagine youre African American. That means 10 percent of the white people you encounter are going to hate you or think less of you because of the color of your skin. You dont know in advance who they are or how theyll react to you, but theyll be present enough to be at best a persistent source of pain and at worst a source of actual danger. So you know youll be pulled over more, and in some of those encounters the officer will be strangely hostile. The store clerk sometimes follows you when you shop. A demeaning comment will taint an otherwise-benign conversation. Your white friends described in the paragraph above may never see these things, but its an inescapable part of the fabric of your life.

This is how we live in a world where a white person can say of racism, Where is it? and a black person can say, How can you not see?

So now I sit in a different place. But where do I stand? I believe the following things to be true:

Slavery was legal and defended morally and (ultimately) militarily from 1619 to 1865.

After slavery, racial discrimination was lawful and defended morally (and often violently) from 1865 to 1964.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 did not end illegal discrimination or racism, it mainly gave black Americans the legal tools to fight back against legal injustices.

It is unreasonable to believe that social structures and cultural attitudes that were constructed over a period of 345 years will disappear in 56.

Moreover, the consequences of 345 years of legal and cultural discrimination, are going to be dire, deep-seated, complex, and extraordinarily difficult to comprehensively ameliorate.

Its hard even to begin to describe all the ramifications of 345 years of legalized oppression and 56 years of contentious change, but we can say two things at onceyes, we have made great strides (and we should acknowledge that fact and remember the men and women who made it possible), but the central and salient consideration of American racial politics shouldnt center around pride in how far weve come, but in humble realization of how much farther we have to go.

Moreover, taking the next steps down that road will have to mean shedding our partisan baggage. It means acknowledging and understanding that the person who is wrong on abortion and health care may be right about police brutality. It means being less outraged at a knee on football turf than at a knee on a mans neck. And it means declaring that even though we may not agree on everything about race and American life, we can agree on some things, and we can unite where we agree.

For example, heres a thoughtyou dont have to be a critical race theorist, agree with arguments about implicit bias, or buy into the radical social platform of Black Lives Matter to reach consensus on some changes that can make a difference. Ill call this tweet, from my progressive friend at Vox, Jane Coaston, the Coaston plan, and I endorse each prong:

A journey of a thousand miles continues step-by-step, and you dont have to agree on the entire travel plan to put the next foot forward.

Oh, and as we do it, be better than me. Remember, I had to change where I sat before I could change where I stood. If you first change where you stand, then the next generation will sit in a very different and better place.

One last thing ...

Weve seen too many images of violence from this weeks protests. Weve seen police violence. Weve seen riots. We havent seen enough moments like the short clip below. It comes from one of my favorite cities (Memphis), its my favorite hymn, and it touched my soul:

Photograph by Brent Stirton/Getty Images.

Read this article:

American Racism: We've Got So Very Far to Go - The Dispatch

The alt-right: identity politics on steroids – Spiked

According to the alt-right identitarian worldview, identity, in terms of ones race, culture and heritage, defines who one is. This would mean that there is a white culture, a white history and, therefore, a white worldview; in short, a white mind. This is race tribalism at its purest. According to this view, individuals see themselves, others and the world around them through the prism of the group in this case, the racial group. Using such a worldview, other groups are viewed with suspicion, or even hostility, and communication with them is difficult. After all, they have their own distinct worldviews and minds.

Do these themes sound familiar, and have we heard them elsewhere? As we will shortly see, the answer is yes.

Since different groups of people think, act and view the world in different ways, the next logical step, politically speaking, is segregation. Thus, Spencer and others in the alt-right movement envision the establishment of a white ethno-state, where the white race can fulfil its destiny. Such an ethno-state will be built on traditionalist values, and will reject many of the tenets of a supposedly alienating modern world.

Predictably, Spencer and the alt-right are sceptical of Enlightenment ideas and critical of the gains of modernity. The modern, Enlightenment view of individuals as sovereign agents, capable of making sense of the world through reason, which is universal and unrelated to race or identity, stands against everything that the alt-right stands for. Being philosophically opposed to individual agency and autonomy, most alt-rightists even have a disdain for capitalism, insofar as it manifests a form of individual freedom. As Spencer said in a video now removed from YouTube (as most of the material related to the alt-right tends to be), a nation based on freedom is just another place to go shopping. Despite some of its prominent members flirting with libertarianism in the early days of the alt-right, its politics are small n-and-s national socialist, and they apply in one state: the white ethno-state.

One of the ugliest parts of the alt-right, which links it to the dark tradition of national socialism, is its anti-Semitism. For Spencer, including Jews in the white ethno-state would be problematic, as the preservation of their identity as Jews was and is contingent on resistance to assimilation, sometimes expressed as hostility towards their hosts. Another alt-rightist is overt in his hate towards Jews: When any element of the organised Jewish community is the counterparty in an agreement, like the fable of the frog and the scorpion, the compulsion towards betrayal, even against allies, is irresistible for the Jew. (1)

One might wonder how the sewer of history broke, and such ugly and vile racist views resurfaced. The answer is not that it is a resurrection of national socialism, or of older forms of white supremacy and racism. Its members might view such movements sympathetically, and consider themselves heirs to their legacy. But the alt-right is a distinctive 21st-century phenomenon. This is because the worldview of the alt-right is the logical result of the dominant ideology in the West today namely, tribalism. Spencers talent, such as it is, lay in his ability to adapt his racist message to the prevailing cultural climate of our times. Thus, the alt-right is focusing on two areas possessed of a strong currency in todays politics: identity and victimhood.

We are constantly being told that our identity is special, that we should be proud of it, and that it makes us who we are. It tells us we are not sovereign individuals; rather, we are male, female, cis heterosexual, LGBT, BAME, minorities the list goes on. The alt-rightists see this trend, nod approvingly, and simply add their identity to the list. We are white, they say, and this is who we are.

In this sense, the alt-right is entirely on trend, intellectually speaking. In academia, for example, racial thinking has also experienced a powerful revival in recent decades. But it has come back wearing a progressive face. Critical-race studies, and similar disciplines, tell us that colour-blindness is problematic, and that whiteness is an inescapable predicament for white people. Indeed, critical-race theorists present whiteness as something close to a modern form of original sin.

The alt-right has seized on this revamped concept of race, and appropriated it for its own ends. In its hands, whiteness becomes something that must be defended. As Jared Taylor, a sixtysomething race realist intellectual, who is popular in the alt-right movement, puts it:

What do you call a black person who prefers to be around other black people, and likes black music and culture? A black person. What do you call a white person who listens to classical music, likes European culture, and prefers to be around white people? A Nazi. All non-whites are expected to have a strong racial identity; only whites must not. (2)

Whiteness, here, has first been turned into an identity, and then into a source of pride, equivalent to blackness in mainstream identity politics. This shows how the promotion of identity politics by the progressive left has fuelled, and paved the intellectual ground for, the adoption of identity politics on the right.

This is why the identitarianism of the left has been a boost for the alt-right. As Spencer wrote in 2015:

Conservatives like to demean such things as identity politics, as just another car on the gravy train. But the reality is that leftists are engaging in the kind of ideological project that traditionalists should be hard at work on the formation of meta-politics.

By meta-politics, Spencer means the culture wars. He views this arena as a battle for cultural hegemony, a rightist version of the long march through the institutions, in which the alt-right aspires to turn its values and beliefs into the socially dominant values and beliefs. If all this sounds redolent of the thought of Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci, thats because it is.

This is due to the strong ideological influence on the alt-right wielded by the French New Right (Nouvelle Droite), an intellectually peculiar movement that emerged during the 1960s, which argued that people should be segregated according to their ethno-cultural backgrounds, and subsequently set the tone for rightist identitarianism in Europe and the US (though it avoids some of the ugly racist overtones of the alt-right). Its leader, Alain de Benoist, was influenced not just by reactionary traditionalists (such as Italian thinker Julius Evola), but also by intellectuals associated with the New Left, including the Frankfurt School and, of course, Antonio Gramsci.

Some right-wing identitarians even call themselves Gramscians of the right. They understand well the importance of culture and of ideas in shaping the development and direction of society. And in a society in which the idea of identity plays such a prominent role, the alt-right has made itself firmly at home. The alt-rights worldview could be characterised as identity politics on steroids.

The other mainstream value the alt-right embraces is that of vulnerability, which is both a status requiring special recognition and a basis for political organisation. Ironically, it is perhaps more accurate to portray the alt-right as a white-vulnerability movement, rather than a white-supremacy one. After all, this is the ultimate justification for the alt-rights dream of an ethno-state namely, that it will provide a safe space, as Spencer himself puts it, for white people, threatened, as they allegedly are, by globalism and multiculturalism.

Indeed, Spencer, Taylor and others in the alt-right openly claim that other races have, on average, a higher IQ than whites. Such a claim would have been unimaginable for old-style white supremacists. But here it provides another reason as to why whites need their own racial ethno-state because they are not as bright, as, say, Asian people.

Fortunately, a world of ethno-states is not going to happen anytime soon. The actually existing alt-right has always had a very limited appeal, despite many mainstream commentators and politicians boosting the actual size and threat of the movement. The ugliness of the Nazi-like parades, the Aryan salutes, and, most importantly, the horror show of the Charlotesville riots in 2017, which cost the life of a counter-protester, have delegitimised Spencer and his movement. In fact, many on the anti-establishment right have gone out of their way since Charlottesville to distinguish their position from that of the alt-right.

Yet, a danger remains. Until the tribalism and anti-humanism, so prevalent in mainstream culture, are properly challenged, a more sophisticated version of the alt-right could still have a wide appeal. This is why we need to challenge identitarian ideology as a whole. We need to challenge the idea that people are mere members of groups, and start seeing people as individuals again. Too often, someone starts a sentence by saying as a person of x race, or of y gender, or of z sexual orientation, I think. We need to reply that we dont think with our skin colour or our gender, but with our minds minds that are universally capable of reason and sympathy.

We are constantly being told that our ethnicity, our gender, our upbringings and our culture define who we are. We need to stand up to this view, and defend our individual free will and our capacity to change our predicament. Only then, perhaps, will it be possible to change the world for the better. This is how we will defeat the alt-right and its misanthropy through a defeat of tribal thinking and identitarianism in general.

Nikos Sotirakopoulos is a lecturer in sociology at York St John University and the author of The Rise of Lifestyle Activism: from New Left to Occupy. Follow him on Twitter: @Nikos_17

(1) What the Alt Right Isnt, by P Le Brun, included in The Alternative Right, edited by G Johnson, Counter-Currents Publishing Ltd, 2018, loc, 1936

(2) Race Realism and the Alt Right, by J Taylor, included in The Alternative Right, edited by G Johnson, Counter-Currents Publishing Ltd, 2018, loc, 594

All pictures by: Getty.

See the article here:

The alt-right: identity politics on steroids - Spiked