altKeySets or retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the left or right ALT key was down at the time when the event occurred.altLeftSets or retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the left ALT key was down at the time when the event occurred.attrChangeReturns an integer that specifies the type of the action that modified an attribute.attrNameRetrieves a string that specifies the name of the modified attribute.bookmarksRepresents a collection of ADO bookmarks associated with the rows affected by the current event.boundElementsRepresents a collection of elements bound to the data set on which the current event occurred.bubblesReturns a Boolean value that indicates whether the current event can propagate up the DOM hierarchy or not.buttonSets or retrieves the mouse button(s) that were pressed at the time when the current event was fired.cancelableReturns a Boolean value that indicates whether the current event can be canceled or not.cancelBubbleSets or retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the current event should propagate up the DOM hierarchy, or not.charCodeRetrieves the Unicode character code of the key that generated the onkeypress event.clientXSets or returns the x-coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the top-left corner of the browser window's client area.clientYSets or returns the y-coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the top-left corner of the browser window's client area.ctrlKeySets or retrieves whether the left or right CTRL key was down at the time when the event occurred.ctrlLeftSets or retrieves whether the left CTRL key was down at the time when the event occurred.currentTargetReturns a reference to the element whose event listener is being processed.dataReturns the characters entered in case of the textInput event or the contents of the message for the onmessage event.dataFldSets or returns the name of the modified data column in case of the oncellchange event.dataTransferRepresents a drag-and-drop operation.detailReturns an integer value that specifies additional information about the event.domainReturns the hostname of the server that served the document that caused the onmessage event.eventPhaseReturns an integer value that indicates the current processing phase of an event.explicitOriginalTargetReturns a reference to the exact object on which the event originally occurred.fromElementReturns a reference to the object that lost the active state or that the mouse pointer left.horizontalOverflowRetrieves a Boolean value that indicates the horizontal overflow state of an element when the overflowchanged event occurred.isCharReturns whether the character that belongs to the current event is a key character or not.isTrustedReturns a Boolean value that indicates whether the event is a trusted event or not.keyCodeSets or retrieves the Unicode character code of the key that generated the onkeypress event and the Unicode key code of the key that generated the onkeydown and onkeyup events.lastEventIdReturns the identifier of the last event in case of onmessage events.layerXRetrieves the x-coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the top-left corner of the closest positioned ancestor element of the element that fires the event.layerYRetrieves the y-coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the top-left corner of the closest positioned ancestor element of the element that fires the event.metaKeyRetrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the META key was down at the time when the event occurred.newValueRetrieves a string that specifies the current value of the modified attribute or TextNode element.offsetXSets or retrieves the x-coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the top-left corner of the offsetParent element of the element that fires the event.offsetYSets or retrieves the y-coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the top-left corner of the offsetParent element of the element that fires the event.orientRetrieves whether the visibility of the horizontal or vertical scrollbar changed when the overflowchanged event occurred.originReturns the scheme, hostname and port of the document that caused the onmessage event.originalTargetReturns a reference to the object on which the event originally occurred.pageXRetrieves the x-coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the top-left corner of the document.pageYRetrieves the y-coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the top-left corner of the document.prevValueRetrieves a string that specifies the previous value of the modified attribute or TextNode element.propertyNameSpecifies or retrieves a string that contains the name of the property that is changed.qualifierSets or retrieves the name of the default data member. Use this property with data binding events (such as ondatasetcomplete).rangeOffsetReturns the end position of the current selection relative to the element referred to by the rangeParent.rangeParentReturns a reference to the element where the selection ends.reasonSets or retrieves an integer value that indicates whether the data transfer was successful or not. Use this property with ondatasetcomplete events.recordsetSets or retrieves a reference to the default record set in a data source.relatedNodeReturns a reference to the node on which the mutation event occurred.relatedTargetReturns a reference to the related element in case of onmouseover, onmouseout, dragenter and dragexit events.repeatSets or retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the onkeydown event is being repeated (a key has been down long enough).returnValueSets or retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the current event is canceled.screenXSets or retrieves the x-coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the top-left corner of the screen.screenYSets or retrieves the y-coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the top-left corner of the screen.shiftKeySets or retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the left or right SHIFT key was down at the time when the event occurred.shiftLeftSets or retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the left SHIFT key was down at the time when the event occurred.sourceReturns a reference to the window object that contains the document that caused the onmessage event.srcElementRetrieves a reference to the object on which the event occurred.srcFilterSpecifies or retrieves a reference to the filter object that generated the onfilterchange event.srcUrnSets or retrieves the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the behavior that fired the event.targetReturns a reference to the object on which the event originally occurred.timeStampReturns the time in milliseconds when the current event occurred.toElementReturns a reference to the object that the mouse pointer entered.typeRetrieves a string that represents the type of the event, such as "mouseout", "click", etc.uriReturns the location of the document that caused the onmessage event.verticalOverflowRetrieves a Boolean value that indicates the vertical overflow state of an element when the overflowchanged event occurred.viewReturns a reference to the AbstractView object where the event occurred.wheelDeltaReturns an integer value indicating the distance that the mouse wheel rolled.whichReturns the Unicode character or key code of the key or the identifier of the mouse button that was pressed when the current event fired.xSets or retrieves the x-coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the top-left corner of the closest relatively positioned ancestor element of the element that fires the event.ySets or retrieves the y-coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the top-left corner of the closest relatively positioned ancestor element of the element that fires the event.
See the original post here: