What if I told you that social media platforms are manipulating you, steering you toward health information that they think is right, rather than letting you evaluate content for yourself?
Accredited professionals, meanwhile, who stand for health freedom and who criticize BigAnything, are losing posting privileges, getting banned, being buried, finding themselves deranked, and getting digitally assassinated.
Content is literally disappearing from the Internet along with our health choices.
It sounds conspiratorial because it is. Independent journalists and health experts are blowing the whistle. But its become a silent one.
The censorship that is being applied to alternative health is nothing less than demonic, saidZach Vorhies, 39, who worked as a Google software engineer for eight-and-a-half years before coming out as a whistleblower. That may seem extreme, but Ive been following the happenings in the new cures that are being suppressed.
According to Vorhies, in the last three years, Google has rolled out changes that purposely down-rank independent health websites, even extremely high-quality and independent medical articles that are written by credentialed health care professionals.
At the same time, establishment, big corporate pharma websites like WebMD are monopolizing the first page of results, added Vorhies.
He continued, Whats terrifying is that many of these establishment medical articles landing on the first page do not even have a stated author and make assertions that are contradicted by science.
Consider that people use Google to search for about1 billion health questions a day, states author and health professionalJoe Cohen. Eighty percent of Internet users have searched for a health-related topic online,according to a recent study.
High-quality online health sites that have been negatively affected includeGreenmedinfo,Dr. Axe,Erin Elizabeth of Health Nut News,SelfHacked,Dr. Joseph Mercola, andHoneyColony(my website).
Censorship and freedom of speech vis a vis politics is being discussed, but no one in the mainstream media is covering the impact on the health space.
As Vorhies reminds us, Googles stated mission statement was to organize the worlds information and make it universally accessible. But in the last three years, it has betrayed those values by intervening in the search algorithm to tunnel users toward big corporate establishment players, he said.
In late June 2019,Project Veritaswith the assistance of Vorhies proved that Google is indeed manipulating search results,filtering content, and dubbing information news based on Googles agenda. Vorhies released 950 pages that insinuate that the search engine secretly boosts or condemns content on a platform that was supposedly neutral.
A document entitled news blacklist site for Google now singles out nearly500 websitesto be hidden from users of Google Now, an Android application that was phased out in 2016 and replaced by the Google Feed.
The stifling of natural remedies in favor ofpeddling pharmaceuticalsand monetizing medicine isnt new. We gave our health over to thefaux faithof maligned science and technology ages ago, back in 1910, when a teachernot a doctorwrote the so-calledFlexner Report. Since World War II, thepharmaceutical industryhas steadily netted increasing profits to become the worlds second-largest manufacturing industry after war toys.
Over100 years ago, the powers-that-be created a gatekeeper who would help influence legislative bodies on state and federal levels to create regulations and licensing red tape that strictly promoted drug medicine while stifling and shutting down alternative, inexpensive natural remedies, according tohealth journalist S.D. Wells.
Whatisnew and novel is that now Big Tech is collaborating with Big Pharma to suppress free speech. As if Big Pharma doesnt do enough harm, Big Tech is harnessing their power to modify search algorithms to align and appease an arguably sick agenda in the name of the supposed safety and protection of the public.
Jason Erickson, a writer,wrote:
Evidently, the fact that a level playing field of informationwhich is exactly what the Internet was promised to beis skewing toward anti-vaccination (and other holistic healing)must be worrying to those who rely on the financial support of Big Pharma and establishment medicine.
Consider that alternative medicine empowers the patient and that the supplement industry is an approximately $32.5 billion business, according to the Nutrition Business Journal.
Googles latest trick? Autosuggestions. Its bad enough that Google is effectively scrubbing previously high-ranking sites from their search results, now they are actually suggesting what you should search for.
Heres Googlesofficial statement:
Autocomplete is designed to help people complete a search they were intending to do, not to suggest new types of searches to be performed. These are our best predictions of the query you were likely to continue entering.
From a psychological point of view, autosuggestions are arguably the simplest yet strongest tool for mind control. Incredulously,Google statesthat the autosuggestions are actually predictions, not suggestions.
Tsk, tsk, Google, who made you resident psychic?
For instance, when I searched for supplements are on Sept. 1, the suggestions were bad, useless, not regulated, and so on. In the past few weeks, Google has peppered in some positive keywords: amazing and healthy.
Sayer Ji, founder of GreenMedinfo, a reputable health site,writes:
Google is auto-completing the search fields of billions of users with false information (topics ranging from natural health to candidates for election), based not on objective search volume data, but on an extremely biased political and socio-economic agendaone that is jeopardizing the health and human rights of everyone on the planet.
The articles we publish atHoneyColony.comall reference studies published in the peer-reviewed scientific literaturethe commonly recognized gold standard for research. But that doesnt matter now that Big Pharma propaganda is disseminated via Google.
Dont believe you are being bamboozled?View the disparitiesin volume yourself by going to Google Trends. Compare the actual search volume with Googles amazing new predictions feature.
These actions trump the principles of truth and justice. Its called social engineering. Human experimentation even. What it isnt is a search engine synonymous with looking for and finding objective answers. The Project Veritas video was promptly removed by YouTube (owned by Google) and then by Vimeo.
Many of these acts can be classified as technofascist.
Four years ago,Chet Bowers, a now-deceased author, lecturer, and environmental activist, described technofascism as an increased reliance upon computer-mediated learning at all levels of education [to spur] conformity of thinking.
As Bowers put it, the populace assumes they are being given accurate information and over time are only able to digest short explanations. In addition to conformity, fascism necessitates the loss of historical memory and a perceived crisis or endpoint that requires the collective energy and loyalty of the young and old.
The Internet has certainly shorten[ed] peoples attention spans to the point where slogans and sound bites conveniently serve as the basis of political decision-making. Masking disinformation as models of factual accuracy and objective reporting, the prevalence of disinformation and fake news facilitates the ability to condition millions of Americans to accept ideologically driven propaganda, which further reduces the likelihood of mass resistance to the techno-fascist agenda.
While the moral foundations of techno-fascism align with the values of market capitalism and the progress-oriented ideology of science that easily slips into scientism, its level of efficiency and totalitarian potential can easily lead to repressive systems that will not tolerate dissent, especially on the part of those challenging how the colonizing nature of techno-fascism promotes consumerism that is destroying the environment and alternative cultural lifestyles such as the cultural commons, wrote Bowers.
Its 2019. Or wait, is it 1984?
Social media platformstoxins for the mind and intellectnow feed the masses processed manufactured information while omitting or fudging whatever doesnt jive with Big Healthcare, aka Sick Care.
The future is now. The zombies are here.
Were being reduced to robots obsessively gazing at blue-lit screens, like in a twisted version of the Greek myth of Narcissus where we never recognize who we truly are: a magnificent species worthy of complete health and vitality. But alas, in this rendition, were too busy engaging in palatable online vitriol and trollism and ingesting toxic lies.
Instead of debating the subjects at hand with civilized decorum, were being polarized and were engaging in red herrings and ad hominem attacks. For instance, you begin talking about the negative impacts of 5G and someone on social media calls you a tin hat-wearing loon and discredits you, instead of focusing on all the experts that have spoken up and shared scientific evidence against this technology.
In this balkanization, we become part of sub-tribes, making it easier for corporations and government to manage and manipulate us.
Smoke and mirrors. Cloak and daggers. Crowd control.
All sickness. No health.
In 2006, Google became so popular that the Oxford English Dictionary officially turned the company into averb. Their role, we hoped, was not to take sides on a debate but to give the world access to information on an unprecedented scale. Knowledge is power.
Thirteen years later, Google is no longer an unbiased platform; theyre a publisher with an agenda. And theyre not only the most powerful search engine; theyre also a drug company. Google is a beautifully crafted Trojan horse for Big Pharma.
Simply put, Googles parent company,Alphabet, owns pharmaceutical subsidiaries. In 2013, Google foundedCalico.Calicos mission is to understand the biology that controls lifespan and to treat age-related diseases. Two years later, Alphabet foundedVerily LifeSciences(previously Google Life Sciences). Both pharma companies are partnering with others and having babies of their own.
Verily joined forces with the European pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline, one of the worlds leading vaccine manufacturers. They formed a new drug company,Galvani Bioelectronics.
In January 2019, BusinessWirereportedthat Mary Ellen Coe, Googles president of customer solutions, was joining Mercks board of directors. Merck is another huge vaccine producer.
But the real clincher is that GV, the venture capital arm of Googles parent company, Alphabet, has also invested inVaccitecha companydescribedas the future of mass vaccine production.
Founded by scientists at Oxford University, Vaccitechs end goal is to develop a vaccine that would be the first in the world to fight all types of flu.
If all goes well, Vaccitechs shot could potentially be ready for launch in 2023. The potential developmenta so-called universal flu vaccine that elicits immunity against parts of the virusthat do not change from year to yearhas been described as a Holy Grail.
The Vaccitech trial marks the first time a universal flu vaccine has progressed beyond phase one clinical testing, wroteThe Independent.
Yet to others, a one-size-fits-all flu shot sounds like a disastrous future on several levels. According to a 2018 Department of Justice report, the annual flu shot is the most dangerous vaccine in the United States.
This invention doesnt take into account or respect biodiversity. Not every body system reacts to medicine in the same way.Not to mention that we are sovereign humans; we should be able to choose what we do with our bodies, not be forced to subject ourselves to questionable medicine.
Is it just coincidence that vaccine safety has become so maligned in the media as of late? Were being divided by design. People are being ostracized like never before for merely questioning alternative views. Its to pave the way for what is comingmandatory vaccines, not only for children but for adults, too.
Vaccines are a billion-dollar business. In 2012 alone, theworlds 11 top pharmaceuticalcompanies generated $700 billion-plus in profits on vaccines.
Stated another way: Google and Friends stand to earn a lot of money from vaccinating whomever they can stick a needle into, multiple times over. And letting people have access to valid questions about vaccine safety might damage their bottom line.
Commenting on the United States National Vaccine Plan, Dr. Sherri J. Tenpenny,wrote:
It lays bare the incestuous public-private relationship between the pharmaceutical vaccine manufacturers, the U.S. government and the World Health Rulers.
Furthermore, the objectives in Healthy People 2020 represent the massive expansion of a nanny-state government, intent on taking over every area of a persons life and eliminating health choices,Tenpenny added.
Did you know that partners from all over the world came together with a global commitment to vaccination,declaring20102020 the Decade of Vaccines? Meanwhile, in January 2019, the World Health Organizationin perfect timingstressed the importance of getting your child vaccinated to protect them, and others, from deadly diseases. Not doing so poses a global threat.
Check, please.
How about the$4 billion-pluspaid out to those who have been impacted by vaccine injuries? The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program was started as a result of a law passed in 1986, giving pharmaceutical companies total legal immunity from being sued due to injuries and deaths resulting from vaccines, according to Health Impact News.
Said another way, Big Pharmacan create as many shots as they wantwith no accountability involved. Its a liability-free market.
Given whats in the pipeline, isnt it a bit odd that simply engaging in an educated conversation/exploration, or presenting opposing evidence, results in being 86d from the Internet? Oftentimes, opposers do not have informed arguments nor are they scientifically literate. And if you use intuition on whats best for your own body? Fuhgeddaboutit.
One health influencer I spoke to pointed out that other platforms like Vimeo and MailChimp are also helping to shut down the discussion.
In early July,Vimeo announcedthat it will no longer publish sites critical of vaccines, or sites that question vaccine safety.
Facebook, whose committee members include former Big Pharma employees, hasalso censoredlegitimate scientific inquiry and debate regarding vaccine safety.
No matter what your view is on vaccines, the point Im illustrating here is that Big Pharmas tentaclesfull of suction and swaynow extend to Big Tech, and that prohibiting the sharing of (health) informationa tenet of the Netis wrong. Unless you do not believe in the First Amendment.
If you bother to look, the conflicts of interest are obvious. Google has a clear agenda that serves pharmaceuticals, and its success is now directly built into its search algorithms.
Back in the good ole days, organic search results closely matched the users search query. The algorithm was based on relevance and popularity unless you paid Google extra to get listed on top as an obvious ad.
Until recently, popular search terms helped connect Googlers with the information they were actually looking for. This, in turn, spurred writers to pivot and employ search engine optimizationsuch as keywordswhen crafting content online.
By June 2016, our online magazine and marketplaceHoneyColonywhose mission is to empower you to be your own health advocatewas getting about 500,000 unique visitors a month, according to Google Analytics. We were genuinely and organically garnering interest and offering value withsolid well-researched articles.
Until we werent.
What happened?Google changed its algorithms.
Updates on Google arent new. The company has gone through thousands of updates throughout its existence. And every once in a while, it rolls out a majoralgorithmic update. But until now, theres been nothing as sinister as the recent changes, which apparently are powerful enough to do serious damage to a health-oriented sites revenue, alongside the sites organic traffic. Especially if Google doesnt agree with what theyre saying.
In the past, Google claimed their updates were actually beneficial to pages that werent getting as many views. But its becoming clear that Google has other aimsto control what information is most accessible to searchers.
In August 2018, traffic toHoneyColony.comdwindled 30 percent. We proverbially scratched our heads during marketing meetings, wondering what we were doing wrong, based on Googles standards. And then, we learned we had been impacted by what would be referred to as the Medic Update.
According toSearch Engine Land, the focus of the changes made under the Medic Update centered around the medical and health space, as well as the areas referred to as Your Money Your Life, defined by Google as:[T]ypes of pages [that] could potentially impact the future happiness, health, financial stability, or safety [of users].
When asked how to ensure their sites dont lose traffic, a Google employee named John Mueller said in a Webmaster Hangout, There is no specific thing where wed be able to say you did this and you should have done that and therefore were showing things differently.
This kind of vagueness and evasiveness is something Ive encountered when interviewing government or big corporate lackeys who excel in the language of gobbledygook (or in this case, Googlygook) who speak from pre-approved PR texts.
Google claims that sites can improve their rankings by improving their EAT: Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. But what criteria are they using to decide these?
Joe Cohen of the reputable and detailed siteSelfHacked, another site that has found its traffic plummet,says, The thing is, no matter who I ask, theyve all told me thatSelfHackedis already authoritative, trustworthy, and displays expertise. You can look at any of our posts and judge for yourself.
Were witnessing a slow, sneaky purge where crowdsource relevance is now seemingly irrelevant. The definition of what constitutes credible has drastically changed.
Then, inJune 2019, Google rolled out yet anotheralgorithmic change.
Sites impacted in previous core updates were once again affected. On average, the impact was smaller than the August Medic update, as measured byMozCast.
While one source says the impact was smaller than the August Medic update, many would disagree. Devastating may be a more appropriate word than smaller, depending on if youve personally experienced content go from page one of a Google search to being buried on page six.
The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became truth, said George Orwell in 1984.
The new updates make it so searchers have to know the site name to find us. Unless you add, or to a key term, you wont find the content our sites publish.
Even skipping .com will minimize your search results,wroteMercola, whose Google search results had been topping the charts organically for years. Since these updates, Mercolas site traffic has been slashed by about 99 percent.
Shadow-banned. Ostensibly scrubbed.
Google used to rank pages based on whether an author could prove his/her expertise, on how many people visited a page, or on the number of other reputable sites that linked to that page. How about when an author has a degree? Doesnt seem to matter anymore.
Google now buries expert views if theyre deemed harmful to the public, explains TheSEM Post:
There has been a lot of talk about author expertise when it comes to the quality rater guidelines. This section has been changed substantially. [I]f the purpose of the page is harmful, then expertise doesnt matter. It should be rated Lowest!
But who decides? What qualifications do Google quality checkers possess? Who is deciding whats harmful?
Who exactly defines fake news at Google?According to Vorhies, If one was expecting an open and transparent group then they would be wrong: It turns out its the hyper-partisan left-wing groupMedia Matters.
Read more:
Google Censors, Shadowbans, and Blacklists Alternative Health News - The Epoch Times