Travel Fix: all about the Caribbean – CW33 NewsFix

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Travel Fix's Drew Binsky tells us everything we need to know about the Caribbean including when the best time to visit, which he says is between December and April.

"That's the peak season...meaning best weather, less humid and it's not rainy season," says Drew.

Drew says the Caribbean has mostly good weather throughout the year, but May to September are considered rainy season. But the good news is, "in the Caribbean it's not going to ruin your trip. It might rain for an hour or two a day, but then it'll go away," he said.

According to Drew, every country in the Caribbean is somewhat the same, but he says his favorite country in the Caribbean by far is Cuba, which he visited in March.

"They haven't really gotten out of the 1950's yet, everything there is really old school. People are really nice, and there's lots of things to do."

Another Caribbean country that's near the top of Drew's list is Haiti. It's not a very touristy place, although it has beautiful beaches, according to Drew. It's for people who are more adventurous.

"It's more of like you go just to like throw yourself in a new culture and kind of see what happens," Drew said.

The most touristy destination out of the bunch, he said, is the Bahamas.

"It's super close to Miami, and easy to get to. A lot of resorts and stuff, and it's really expensive," Drew said.

If you're willing to take longer flights, Drew says you should visit the southern Caribbean.

"Countries like Saint Lucia, Dominica and Barbados."

Once you get there, each country is around a 2 hour fair ride from each other.

If you want to see what part of the world Drew will explore next, add him on Snapchat for the latest.

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Travel Fix: all about the Caribbean - CW33 NewsFix

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