Nigel Farage’s attempts to spark another ‘Brexit’ in Italy – The New European

PUBLISHED: 12:43 25 July 2020

Steve Anglesey

Gianluigi Paragone, the former Five Star Movement senator who is heading up the new 'No Europe for Italy' party. Picture: Andrea Ronchini/NurPhoto via Getty Images

Andrea Ronchini/NurPhoto

After Nigel Farages role in Brexit, STEVE ANGLESEY looks at why he might be tempted to try to pull off something similar in Italy.

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Almost four years after its creation The New European goes from strength to strength across print and online, offering a pro-European perspective on Brexit and reporting on the political response to the coronavirus outbreak, climate change and international politics. But we can only continue to grow with your support.

Mussolini can be quite funny, Nigel Farage told a Channel 4 reality show in 2014. I saw his granddaughter last week Pretty girl, pretty girl.

These are opinions Farage might want to keep on the QT now he appears to be acting as unofficial advisor to Italys version of the Brexit Party, which is due to launch this week. Since historians hold Mussolinis 20-year-long reign responsible for the deaths of one million of his countrymen, its just possible that not all Italians will chuckle along with Nigel at the thought of his memory.

Neither, youd imagine, would they be too impressed to learn that Hermann Kelly, who worked as a PR man for Farages EFDD grouping in the European parliament, used to refer to his boss as Il Duce (Thats just a bit of fun, isnt it, Nigel told Politico in 2018). Or to recall how in 2017, Farage was booed by Italian MEPs for comparing the EU to the mafia, later withdrawing his remark on the grounds of national sensitivities.

And you cannot see them looking too fondly on Farages speech in early March at the Daily Telegraphs Heroes of Brexit event, when he claimed Italys battle with Covid-19 presented a golden opportunity for Britain: This awful crisis and the way it is gripping parts of Italy makes a trade deal with the EU easier now than its ever, ever been. The collapsing Italian economy needs a deal with the UK desperately, he said.

None of this will matter much to Farage fanboy Gianluigi Paragone, the former Five Star Movement senator for who is heading up the new No Europe for Italy party names like Quitalia and Italexit having been deemed too Anglophone which is already polling around 7%. He calls Farage a true British patriot, hailing him for bringing the United Kingdom out of the European Union cage... the only one who sent away the technocrats from Brussels.

The former talk show host shares Farages awkward squad tendencies; public criticism of his partys fading commitment to Euroscepticism saw him kicked out of Five Star earlier this year. Paragone says the pair have discussed the present and future of a truly sovereign country which, even more so after Brexit, is able to give real answers to citizens in the midst of the post-Covid economic crisis.

Its hardly surprising to hear that Farage is interested in helping out. Along with the Denmark, Poland, the Netherlands and risibly Ireland, Italy is a country hes mentioned repeatedly as being prime for the next Brexit.

Until recently, the polls were firmly against him, with the Italian research institute Censis reporting late last year that only 25% believed leaving the EU was a good idea against 62% who thought it a bad idea. But the unions muddled response has been another silver lining from coronavirus for Farage; in April a Tecn poll put the numbers at an uncomfortable 51%-49% in favour of Remain.

Those polls are expected to move away from Leave after Italy became one of the key beneficiaries of the EU recovery fund that was finally agreed on Tuesday morning prime minister Giuseppe Conte says it will receive 28% of the 675 billion available in grants and loans but Farage has good reason to stay interested. Not only does it look like his lucrative private jet trips to the USA will become far more infrequent after Thursday, November 3, but Italy represents some kind of spiritual homeland for Brexit.

It was after discussions with Five Star co-founder Gianroberto Casaleggio in Milan in January 2015 that Farage resolved to make Facebook and data the key battlegrounds for pro-Leave campaigning, telling the political scientists Matthew Goodwin and Caitlin Milazzo: If I was starting UKIP today would I spend 20 years speaking to people in village halls or would I base it on the [Five Star co-founder Beppe] Grillo model? I know exactly what I would do.

Casaleggios methods attracted the eye of Arron Banks too, making the Milan meeting a fatal first step on the road to Leave just 17 months on. The Brexit Party, which toppled Theresa May and appears to have forced Britain into the kind of Brexit that in 2016 existed only in the wildest dreams of the wildest Leavers, was founded in Five Stars image.

Banks can now be found working for crotchety right-winger Winston Peters in his flagging New Zealand general election campaign against hugely popular incumbent PM Jacinda Ardern, telling website Newshub Nation this week that he is determined to deliver Winston on steroids a happy warrior.

Far cry, isnt it, from the days after Barack Obama delivered his pro-Remain Get to the back of the queue speech in March 2016? Back then, Banks organisation responded with a Back Off, Barack! petition and Farage warned him to butt out of the Brexit debate.

Honestly, the cheek of these foreigners trying to interfere in the democratic process of other countries...

Almost four years after its creation The New European goes from strength to strength across print and online, offering a pro-European perspective on Brexit and reporting on the political response to the coronavirus outbreak, climate change and international politics. But we can only rebalance the right wing extremes of much of the UK national press with your support. If you value what we are doing, you can help us by making a contribution to the cost of our journalism.

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Nigel Farage's attempts to spark another 'Brexit' in Italy - The New European

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