Letter: Brexit will close businesses and put people out of work – East London and West Essex Guardian Series

Michael McGough now admits that people are going to lose their jobs: Some weak businesses will close post virus, Brexit or no Brexit (Stop the scare stories, Opinion, July 30).

We all know that more will close in the case of a no-deal Brexit.

It will not be the fault of the employees of these businesses.

It may not be the fault of the people running the businesses if they fail due to the change in the economic environment.

This neo-Darwinian concept, survival of the fittest, takes no account of human suffering.

Darwin recognised changes which took multi-generations to happen. A company can close overnight but it will take years to establish a new one.

In the meantime countless people will be out of work, trying to exist - you cant call it living - on universal benefit.

It will be little consolation to them that the tax, which they no longer have to pay because their incomes are so low, is not going to a body which has fashioned our economy for forty years.

Chris Sumner

By email

Read more from the original source:

Letter: Brexit will close businesses and put people out of work - East London and West Essex Guardian Series

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