Britain will be EU’s patsy for 20 years unless we rip-up Brexit Agreement – JAYNE ADYE – Express

I personally challenged Mrs May about the problems in both the Withdrawal Agreement and the Political Declaration when I met her in February 2019, but she denied any problems even existed. With limited time and the need to actually Leave the political institutions of the European Union Boris Johnson managed to get some limited improvements over the line last October. However, the EU had no interest in changing the major details of an agreement which simply gave them what they wanted. One area which seems significant however is the issue of the European Investment Bank (EIB).

The UK is now being held to ransom, obliged to support EU projects during the Transition Period and we are expected to do so for at least the next 20 years.

As always, the devil really is in the detail.

Just last month the UK was jointly liable for new EU loans - including 125 million to Greece to help build a power plant and 2 billion to Italy in the form of a COVID-19 investment into their healthcare system.

This is money which was insured by the UK money which should be focussed on our own financial problems due to this virus, or on our own NHS.

So, the UK has jointly financed these projects (though there is no way of telling how successful these so-called investments will be) but we have

sacrificed any possible return of profits as a result of the Withdrawal Agreement.

We are well and truly in a lose-lose situation.

Way back in 1973 when the UK joined the EU, we also joined the EIB and put in an original investment of 3.5 billion to help fund growth across the EU.

Now we are Leaving the EU and its institutions in full, surely this money should be returned and adjusted for inflation that would make it around 37 billion.

However, the EU is only returning the UKs original stake of 3.5 billion.


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To make matters worse, the EU is only returning this 3.5 billion over 12 years.

If the boot was on the other foot its hard not to imagine the EU would be demanding immediate payment so why arent we?

I have regularly called for the Government to answer questions like this and have frequently written to MPs, Cabinet Ministers and the Prime Minister to ask why no action is being taken to correct these categoric failings of negotiation.

It is not even as if changes are not possible.

As the director of Get Britain Out I have clearly identified the loopholes built into the Withdrawal Agreement which give powers directly to the UK-EU Joint Committee - co-chaired by the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, Michael Gove MP on the UKs side, and the Vice-President of the European Commission for Inter-Institutional Relations and Foresight, Maro efovi on the EUs side.

These powers are clearly stated in Articles 164 and 166 of the Withdrawal Agreement, detailing how this Committee has the ability to change the Withdrawal Agreement.

While mutual consent would be required, decisions do not have to be approved by both sides parliaments, meaning change is far more possible without party politics interfering.

Interestingly, Maro efovi has often voiced his opposition to EU federalisation, meaning he may be more receptive to the UKs cause than other EU bureaucrats.

While this might not be a silver bullet to resolve all the problems in the Withdrawal Agreement, it is a valid option for the UK Government.

I implore Boris Johnson and Michael Gove to understand they have a duty to use the tools they have at their disposal to try and make the vital changes needed to free the UK from the EU and not leave us trapped in a permanent state of purgatory.

There is a legal obligation for this UK-EU Joint Committee to reconvene at least on an annual basis indefinitely.

This Government can still make changes up to the end of this year and they also have the capability to push for changes for years to come.

Negotiations may be hard, but changes must be made and fast.

These possibilities for change are, however, available to both sides. I fear, if this Government - fortified with Brexiteers - doesnt use this chance to change the Withdrawal Agreement the EU will simply wait them out until a more receptive politician sits at the table in Downing Street.

Expect the EU to take full advantage - if and when this happens - to claw back powers from the UK which have so far been lost to Brexit.

It is not too late for this country to free itself from the death sentence lurking within the Withdrawal Agreement, but firstly the Government must accept problems exist.

Actions must be taken to resolve this quickly. A lack of awareness is never an excuse.

Jayne Adye is the Director of grassroots, cross-Party Eurosceptic campaign Get Britain Out


Britain will be EU's patsy for 20 years unless we rip-up Brexit Agreement - JAYNE ADYE - Express

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