Top 6 Bitcoin Mining Pools Signalling SegWit The Merkle – The Merkle

With the bitcoin scalability situation remaining a pressing issue, it is up to the developers to come up with an answer. Segregated Witness is touted as one of the possible solutions, albeit it requires a majority of the networks miners to support it before getting activated. Below is a brief overview of some of the worlds top bitcoin mining pools signalling for SegWit activation right now.

While most people may know Bitcoin India as a cryptocurrency exchange, the company is also running an official mining pool. Albeit this mining pool is very small compared to some of the others on the network, it is good to see Indias exchanges weigh on on the scalability debate. Moreover, to reach the necessary support before SegWit can activate on the network, every little bit helps.

CKPool is another bitcoin mining pool that has been around for quite some time. There are two different pools operated by the team, one of which is used for solo mining. Both entities support SegWit signalling as we speak. The normal mining pools controls 1.2% of the network, whereas the solo pool represents 0.3%. Once again, small percentages will add up in the long run.

The BitClub mining pool is well-known among cryptocurrency enthusiasts. It controls 2.3% of the total network hashrate, yet that is not enough to be considered as one of the top 10 bitcoin mining pools. However, that 2.3% can help push SegWit activation over the required majority threshold in the end. BitClub has always been loyal to Bitcoin Core and that situation will not change anytime soon, by the look of things.

One of the oldest bitcoin mining pools in the world goes by the name SlushPool. Albeit it only represents 65% of the total bitcoin network hashrate, Slushpool is an invaluable asset for SegWit supporters. Slush was also one of the very first mining pools to acknowledge the world start signaling SegWit and the code was implemented promptly. Many people see this pools support as vital to the potential activation of SegWit.

While BTCC was one of Chinas largest cryptocurrency exchanges for some time, their mining pool has been growing steadily at the same time. Right now, BTCC represents 7% of the network hashrate albeit that number used to be a bit higher in the past. Then again, more decentralization in the mining world is never a bad thing, that much is certain. It is doubtful BTCC would ever switch allegiances and support Bitcoin Unlimited all of a sudden.

It is anything but surprising to learn BitFury supports Segregated Witness signalling. With its 10.3% of the hashpower, that is a major addition to the growing support for SegWit. Then again, BitFury is only the worlds third-largest mining pool, which means there is still a lot of convincing to do before the SegWit threshold can be reached. Antpool, the worlds largest bitcoin mining pool, said they would not run SegWit without an immediate block size increase. That statement dates back to May of 2016, albeit it seems not much has changed since then.

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Top 6 Bitcoin Mining Pools Signalling SegWit The Merkle - The Merkle

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