Idaho teenager becomes millionaire by investing $1000 gift in Bitcoin – and wins bet with his parents –

The teenagers story has captivated America, delighting people with its mix of childhood ambition, entrepreneurial skills and hard work. Mr Finman has been celebrated on news channels, and lauded in the tech community.For his story is little short of remarkable.

The tale began in 2011, when he was 12, and his grandmother gave him $1,000.

Mr Finman, whose parents Paul and Lorna met at Stanford University in the 1980s, when Paul was getting his PhD in electrical engineering and Lorna was getting hers in physics, took the cash and invested it in Bitcoin, following a tip from his brother Scott.

The Finman siblings, three brothers, admit to being fiendishly competitive. Erik describes his family as being the "Elon Musk version of the Kardashians" both his older brothers work in tech and engineering,and the youngest Finman was frustrated by school.

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Idaho teenager becomes millionaire by investing $1000 gift in Bitcoin - and wins bet with his parents -

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