Ethereum Price Forecast: ETH on Track for $1,500 Despite Continued Volatility

Ethereum News Analysis
All is sunshine and roses in the cryptocurrency world. Or at least that’s how things look at the moment, given that Bitcoin crossed $11,000 and Ethereum is holding above $450.00.

But markets never hold still for long.

Cryptocurrency markets are particularly restless. Investors swoop in, betting on Bitcoin, Ethereum, or one of the altcoins. Then, before they begin to understand the dynamics of the market, they get cold feet.

Some of them leave en masse, driving prices down. Others take advantage of the low prices,.

The post Ethereum Price Forecast: ETH on Track for $1,500 Despite Continued Volatility appeared first on Profit Confidential.

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Ethereum Price Forecast: ETH on Track for $1,500 Despite Continued Volatility

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