The importance of Life Insurance

Everyone should have some kind of life insurance. This will protect the family after you pass away. The last thing a family should be doing is cleaning up your financial situation. The amount of the insurance policy should be enough to cover any outstanding debt, pay off utility bills, pay off the home and to bury or cremate the body. It’s hard to swallow pride and go back to work right after losing someone so important to them.

There should be a little extra left over as a thoughtful gift of love and kindness. It should be enough to cover wages for them so they can take time off to grieve over the loss of you. The family will have time to heal knowing that the insurance took care of everything.

No one knows when their final day on earth will be. Having a backup plan just in case things don’t go as planned is a great idea. Life insurance is that backup plan. This will get the family over the rough patch of missing you in their lives. It’s already a stressful time and life insurance will help the family focus on the next unknown chapter of their lives.


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