Officials failing at biology

Sad, sad, sad that our public officials are so unaware of basic biology, health and environmental issues.

The 2012 Bioinitiative Report was just released ( Twenty-five international scientists and doctors reported on the most recent science on electromagnetic radiation, in particular, radio frequency microwaves emitted by wireless devices (Wifi, cell/cordless phones, i-anythings, baby monitors, microwave ovens, wireless smart meters) and their summary says were in deep do-do (my words, not theirs) already, and will be in deeper if we continue adding layers of radiation to our already over-saturated environment.

North America has the absolute worst (most lax) regulations worldwide, and our elected officials, who are supposed to protect public health, dont.

They fall back on Big Telecomms experts, then proclaim and maintain their ignorance by refusing to learn the safety-conscious science of unbiased (unbought) scientists.

If they want to destroy themselves, individually, go ahead; I have no problem with that. I do have a problem with their performing mass biological experiments, the kind banned at Nuremberg, on other people without informed consent.

I am informed. I do not consent.

Christel Martin

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Officials failing at biology

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