What are the top Biochemistry Colleges in Richardson, TX?

With an overall population of 91,802 and a student population of 16,988, approximately 15,783 of Richardson students attend one of Richardson's schools that offer biochemistry programs.

The largest biochemistry school in Richardson, by student population, is The University of Texas at Dallas. Approximately 19 students graduated in 2010 from The University of Texas at Dallas with credentials in biochemistry.

A total of 19 students graduated with credentials in biochemistry from biochemistry schools in Richardson in 2010. If you decide to join their ranks, you can expect to pay an average of $21,772 per year in tuition if you are eligible for instate tuition. Out of state tuition for all Richardson biochemistry schools was an average of $32,602 per year in 2009.

In addition to tuition costs, you should plan on spending an average of $1,200 for books and supplies each year, while enrolled in a biochemistry program in Richardson. And if you live on campus, you will face an additional expense of $8,228 per year, on average, for room and board. If you live at home, you can cut this cost down to approximately $13,820.

If you plan on staying in Richardson after graduating from biochemistry school, you should know that job prospects for biochemists in Richardson, which is the most popular biochemistry profession, are good. There were 12,330 biochemists working in Texas and 1,550 working in the greater Richardson area in 2010. By the year 2018, the number of biochemists is expected to increase by 13% in Richardson. This projected change is faster than the projected nationwide trend for biochemists.

The average salary you can expect to earn as a biochemist in Richardson is $89,250 per year, which is higher than the average for biochemists state-wide.

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What are the top Biochemistry Colleges in Richardson, TX?

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