Prince Charles congratulates homeopaths who try to treat AIDS with homeopathy

The School of Homeopathy are celebrating their 30th anniversary this weekend.  Amongst the attractions are talks from some of homeopathy’s leading lights including Jeremy Sherr, a patron of the school who is somewhat infamous for attempting to conduct unethical trails on HIV/AIDS patients in the developing world.  Pride of place amongst the school’s programme is a very special announcement from a very special supporter.

There will be a special written announcement from His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales.

“This is one of the largest most exciting events ever held in homeopathy. Never before have so many influential homeopaths come together to present at one free online event  – it is truly world class! We are honoured and proud by the added endorsement from His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. We are so pleased to be bringing all of this to UK and our local community”.

Mani Norland, the School’s Principal

This is somewhat inappropriate as the School have endorsed the use of homeopathy for HIV/AIDS and Africa as well as the work of Mr Sherr.  The activities of Mr Sherr have been condemned by the World Health Organisation and Sense About Science.  While the work of Mr Sherr and the School of Homeopathy in Africa is small scale their beliefs, when found in governments, can have devastating consequences.  In South Africa, where then Prime Minister Thebo Mbeki was influenced by unconventional theories, there have been devastating consequences with preventable deaths being measured in the hundreds of thousands.

While Mr Sherr’s ideas remain unpopular their harm, although real, will not be on this scale. However, should Mr Sherr or the School of Homeopathy gain the endorsement of prominent figures, such as HRH The Prince of Wales, the consequences may be devastating should this increase their influence on the governments of the countries in which they work.

Given the support of HRH The Prince of Wales, and his family, for organisations that seek to ease the hardship faced by those who are victims of HIV/AIDS it is concerning that he should lend his name to the School of Homeopathy.

I wrote to the Clarence House, the Prince’s residence, to express my concerns as laid out above. Their response was brief and to the point.

The Prince of Wales has sent a letter of congratulations to the Stroud School of Homeopathy’s [sic] on their 30th Anniversary. The Prince has not endorsed any particular individuals or treatments.

This is to miss the point somewhat. Prince Charles is a man who has and uses influence. Sometimes he uses it to prevent building projects, other times he uses it to try and fire academics who challenge his beliefs on alternative medicine. He can apply his title to a charity by honorary appointment or endorsement and this is seen as increasing both the profile and fund raising ability of that charity. For the prince to act as though a formal letter of congratulation has no influence, and is not an endorsement, is at best staggeringly naive.

However, when you consider his long standing support for alternative medicine, and his meddling in academic appointments in this field, it is hard not to think that he is a man whose belief in alternative medicine have blinded him to the worst behaviours in that field, such as the delusional attempts to treat AIDS in Africa. The Prince, should he continue to support alternative medicine, should look closely at those he lends his name to. It is not in his interests, or those of the country which he will one day head, to be seen to lend his name and congratulations to the kind of people who see Africans as subjects for their medical fantasies.

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