MBB Curriculum – Biochemistry

Learning Goals for the MBB Major:

1. Students should demonstrate an understanding of the knowledge that is needed to begin biomedical research and that is required for post-graduate exams and studies.

2. Students should demonstrate the ability to find and evaluate information about specific biological systems or problems.

3. Students should demonstrate the ability to design experiments and critically analyze data.

4. Students should demonstrate the ability to communicate their research and findings orally through seminar and poster presentations and through written research papers.

This is the basic core curriculum that is required for all majors in the Division of Life Scienes.

119:115, 119:116, and 119:117

160:161 and 160:162 - or - 160:163 and 160:164

640:151-152 - or - 640:135,138

160:309 - or - 160:311

MBB students must choose between one of two course options for the major.

Course Option I is for students with a strong background in math and that may be pursuing research and graduate work in the physical biosciences. This course option requires a year of Physical Chemistry courses offered by the Chemistry Department. A prerequisite for Physical Chemistry is Multi-variable Calculus. Students taking this option with 12 credits or more of research are required to take one MBB elective. Students with less than 12 credits of research are required to take two MBB electives in addition to the Physical Chemistry and Calculus courses. Note: Students taking course Option I fulfill the requirements for a Minor degree in Chemistry.

Course Option II is for students with broad interests in molecular biology and biochemistry. Students taking this option with 12 credits or more of research are required to take three MBB electives. Students with less than 12 credits of research are required to take four MBB electives.

All MBB students are required to perform an independent research project under the direction of a faculty advisor. Students may choose to work with faculty member from any of a number of RutgersSAS, SEBS, or Medical School departments. Registration in research courses is by special permission only. Students must fill out aSpecial Permission Form for Undergraduate Researchand have it signed by their research advisor and MBB academic advisor before they can get a special permission number from the MBB Department Undergraduate Secretary, Shalene Montgomery. Research is required in the senior year, but students are strongly encouraged to start their research in their sophomore and junior years and during the summers if possible. All students doing research must submit a paper to the department office describing the work done, before credit will be given.

Lab Option I: Students need a total of 12 or more credits of research.

Lab Option II: Students need only 6 credits of research and must take an another MBB elective in addition to the required MBB elective for Course Option I (Calc. III, Physical Chemistry, and a MBB elective) or the three electives required for Course Option II (3 MBB electives or 2 MBB electives and a DLS elective).

Non-Lab Option:Non-lab students must take Literature Research in MBB (694:489/490) for6 credits.

The number of electives required for the different combination of the Course and Lab Options is shown below.

Course Option II (MBB electives)

Lab Option I (12 or more research credits)

1 MBB Elective

2 MBB Electives and 1 MBB or DLS Elective

Lab Option II (6-11 research credits)

2 MBB Electives

3 MBB Electives and 1 MBB or DLS Elective

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MBB Curriculum - Biochemistry

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