Karol Sikora is a very confused man

A few months ago I posted on the very silly views of Karol Sikora in commenting on the life expectancy of the Lockerbie bomber, Abdelbaset al-Megrahi.  The words of Professor Sikora have apparently informed the US senators who are demanding an enquiry into the release of al-Megrahi.  I was interested in finding out just how a man such as Sikora, who has previously been in trouble for claiming affiliations he does not have, got involved with the reasonably competent Scottish Prison Service, so I asked them.  This the (edited) reply:

The decision of the Cabinet Secretary for Justice to release Mr Al-Megrahi on compassionate grounds was based on advice from the Director of Health at the Scottish Prison Service, who drew on expert advice from a range of specialists. These specialists did not include Dr Karl Sikora, who has been the subject of recent media attention. The decision was also based on the recommendations of the Parole Board and Prison Governor.

The views of Sikora played no part in any official decision.  Any claim that they did is not compatible with this statement.

Sikora was interviewed for The Observer yesterday.  Here is an excerpt:

“What I find difficult is the idea I took the key and let him out. I provided an opinion, others provided an opinion, and someone else let him out. That decision of compassionate release is nothing to do with me. No one asked me, ‘Should we let him out?’ All they said was when do you think he will die?”

Maybe Sikora is genuine in assuming that his views were considered, perhaps this is why he feels he should distance himself from a decision that it is denied he had any part in.  If so he should probably be relieved at the Scottish Government’s insistence that he played no part, his conscience is clear.

There is another possibility of course, that maybe Sikora is using his peripheral involvement as a medical advisor (paid for by the Libyans), whose advice was not considered, as an opportunity for self-promotion.  In this Sikora has caused distress to the families of the victims of the Lockerbie bombing, facilitated the misinterpretations of US senators and failed to correct erroneous assumptions.  Just to see his name in lights.

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