Impacts of Drilling on Human and Animal Health (Michelle Bamberger

Impacts of Drilling on Human and Animal Health (Michelle Bamberger Robert Oswald)
Continuing Medical Education (CME) Activity Jointly Sponsored by Physicians Scientists Engineers for Healthy Energy and the Medical Society of the State of New York. If you wish to receive credit for this activity please access the learning modules through the following web site: This lecture will add to the previous lectures by offering a general introduction to the potential hazards associated with shale gas development. Specifically, it will draw on the descriptive epidemiology and case studies of Drs. Bamberger and Oswald to examine how and why animals can be used as sentinels for human health. After completing this lecture the learner will be able to: 1. Describe why high-volume hydraulic fracturing of shale is a public health issue. 2. Describe existing evidence of adverse health outcomes in exposed animal populations 3. Describe the value of using animals as sentinels of potential health effects in humans. 4. Discuss some of the problems and limitations encountered in public health research on shale gas development. Robert Oswald, PhD Dr. Oswald received his Ph.D. from Vanderbilt University in Biochemistry studying the effects of toxins on proteins in the central nervous system. He did postdoctoral studies as a Muscular Dystrophy and Collège de France Fellow at the Institut Pasteur in Paris before joining the faculty of Cornell University in 1981. While on sabbatical leave from Cornell, he was a Fulbright Fellow at the University of ...

By: PSEHealthyEnergy

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Impacts of Drilling on Human and Animal Health (Michelle Bamberger

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