~ FLUORIDEGATE ~ A Film by Dr. David C. Kennedy – Video

~ FLUORIDEGATE ~ A Film by Dr. David C. Kennedy
FLUORIDEGATE the Film is a new documentary film that reveals the tragedy of how the United States government, industry, and trade associations protect and promote a policy known to cause harm to our country and especially to small children who suffer more than any other segment of the population. While the basis of their motivation remains uncertain. The outcome is crystal clear: fluoridation policy is destroying our nation. An American TRAGEDY ! This information relates to Canada and any other Country that continues to artificially fluoridate their community and city water supplies. http://www.fluoridegate.com http://www.fluoridegate.com http://www.fluoridegate.com Special Thanks to: Boyd Haley PhD, Professor Emeritus University of Kentucky Robert Carton PhD, Retired Scientist US EPA J. William Hirzy PhD, Adjunct Professor American University William L. Marcus PhD, EPA | Senior Science Advisor-retired Stephen M. Kohn, Attorney National Whistleblower Center Yolanda Whyte MD, Pediatrician Daniel Stockin, The Lillie Center Reverend Gerald L. Durley, Providence Missionary Baptist Church Roger D. Masters PhD, Professor Emeritus Dartmouth College Chris Nidel, Attorney Nidel Law, PLLC Jeffrey L. Green, National Director Citizens for Safe Drinking Water Producer and Director -- Dr. David Kennedy DDS: Dr. Kennedy is the Past President of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology. His BA is in Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology from the University of Kansas (1967) and his ...

By: DianeDi

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~ FLUORIDEGATE ~ A Film by Dr. David C. Kennedy - Video

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