– Department of Biochemistry – The University of Texas …

Welcome! In the Department of Biochemistry at UTHSCSA, we work at the interface between molecular structures and cell, tissue, and organ function to probe the essential molecular mechanisms of life and disease. Research in the labs of our 23 primary faculty, 8 research faculty, and 11 adjunct and cross-appointed faculty (described under the faculty link), spans many disciplines, including:

The technically complex nature of the molecular and biophysical studies conducted within the Department demands sophisticated instrumentation which is housed in several core facilities, each of which operates under the guidance of an internationally recognized expert. These are located in close proximity, facilitating their multifunctional use and providing a truly unique collaborative environment within the Department. Traditional strengths in structural biology within the department have been recently expanded to include a vigorous program in drug discovery, providing the means for potential translation of our discoveries to bedside applications. Currently, facilities located within the department include:

As part of the training program, the Department offers an excellent seminar program, including the popular Horowitz Distinguished Seminar series where the students choose and invite the speakers. Travel awards are also available within the Department, and we host an annual retreat where awards are made to the most outstanding student and postdoctoral fellow presentations.

On behalf of the faculty, postdoctoral fellows, and students in the Department, I invite you to get in touch with us -- we will be happy to visit with you. Our contact information can be found in the People and the Department Contacts sections on this webpage.


Bruce J. Nicholson, Ph.D. Professor and Chair

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- Department of Biochemistry - The University of Texas ...

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