Dee Takemoto, Santa Cruz County Stories: Former professor stays busy in retirement as an author

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Author and scientist Dee Takemoto edits her latest book in her Aptos studio. takemoto taught biochemistry for 32 years at Kansas State University and recently published a book detailing the corn syrup/obesity relationship.

APTOS -- To Dee Takemoto, retiring from teaching biochemistry for 32 years at Kansas State has meant tackling books she's been meaning to write.

"I haven't really wanted to slow down yet," the 63-year-old Aptos resident said.

Takemoto published "Gaining Weight? High Fructose Corn Syrup and Obesity" in January, just wrapped up her first novel [science fiction, of course], and is finishing up a book about genetics and obesity. In addition to writing, Takemoto edits science journals from China, Korea and Japan.

While Takemoto used to study primarily diabetic retinopathy, she said she became interested in studying obesity after more and more of her students at Kansas State seemed overweight. She challenged them to omit corn syrup from their diets, which Takemoto said led them to lose an average of 40 pounds per person.

Takemoto said she decided to further study this connection in her book.

"I have a number of people who call me and say it's an easy diet to be on because you don't have to give up your favorite stuff," Takemoto said. "I'm just really committed to people losing weight."

Takemoto began her career in health and sciences at USC, where she earned a doctorate in molecular biology. She and her husband Larry Takemoto [he received a doctorate in biology from UCLA] were offered tenure-track positions teaching at Kansas State.

Moving to Manhattan Center, Kansas, took a bit of adjusting, said Larry Takemoto.

Read the rest here:
Dee Takemoto, Santa Cruz County Stories: Former professor stays busy in retirement as an author

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