Bite-Sized Biochemistry #28 – Citric Acid Cycle II (Oxidative Metabolism) – Video

03-08-2011 12:33 (01/05/11) Lecture by Kevin Ahern of Oregon State University discussing Biochemistry Basics in BB 451. See the full course at This course can be taken for credit (wherever you live) via OSU's ecampus. For details, see Download Metabolic Melodies at Related courses include BB 350 - BB 450 - BB 100 - Lecture Summary Citric Acid II 1. The first decarboxylation of the citric acid cycle is catalyzed by isocitrate dehydrogenase and the reaction is strongly favored to the right. The products of this reaction are NADH and alpha ketoglutarate. 2. Alpha ketoglutarate is an important intermediate for its involvement in anaplerotic reactions related to transamination (we'll talk about these later). The products of this reaction are succinyl-CoA and NADH 3. The only substrate level phosphorylation in the citric acid cycle is catalyzed by succinyl-CoA synthetase. The products of this reaction in the citric acid cycle are GTP and succinate. 4. Succinate dehydrogenase contains a covalently-linked FAD electron carrier. The Delta G zero prime of zero allows the reaction to be readily reversed to produce succinate, when needed. The products of this reaction in the forward direction of the citric acid cycle are FADH2 and fumarate (trans double bond). 5. Addition of water to fumarate (catalyzed by fumarase) yields L-malate. 6. Oxidation of L-malate by malate dehydrogenase yields NADH ...

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Bite-Sized Biochemistry #28 - Citric Acid Cycle II (Oxidative Metabolism) - Video

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