Bite-Sized Biochemistry #23 – Glycolysis III/Gluconeogenesis (Carbohydrate Metabolism) – Video

03-08-2011 12:09 (11/22/10) Lecture by Kevin Ahern of Oregon State University discussing Biochemistry Basics in BB 450. See the full course at This course can be taken for credit (wherever you live) via OSU's ecampus. For details, see Download Metabolic Melodies at Related courses include BB 350 - BB 450 - BB 100 - Glycolysis II/III 1. Deficiency of the enzyme lactase leads to lactose intolerance 2. Regulation of glycolysis is controlled by three enzymes - hexokinase, PFK, and pyruvate kinase. Hexokinase's regulation is a bit complicated and is controlled partly by availability of substrate. 3. PFK is very unusual in being negatively regulated by a molecule (ATP) that is also a substrate. This is possible because the enzyme has an allosteric binding site for ATP in addition to the substrate binding site and the Km for the allosteric site is higher than the substrate binding site. 4. Pyruvate kinase is regulated both allosterically and by covalent modification (phosphorylation/dephosphorylation). Phosphorylation of the enzyme by a protein kinase turns the enzyme activity down, whereas F1,6BP acts as an allosteric activator. This activation is known as feedforward activation. 5. Feed forward activation is rare in metabolism. It is a term used to describe a metabolic product (such as F1,6BP above) that ACTIVATES an enzyme that catalyzes a reaction further ahead of it in a metabolic ...

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Bite-Sized Biochemistry #23 - Glycolysis III/Gluconeogenesis (Carbohydrate Metabolism) - Video

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