Biochemistry – University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine

Lacy Barton receives 2015 Subramanian Thesis Award

Lacy Barton, who completed her PhD with Dr. Pamela Geyer, has been named the 2015 Subramanian Award for best PhD thesis in the Department of Biochemistry. Lacy is currently a postdoctoral fellow in Ruth Lehmanns laboratory at New York University School of Medicine in New York, NY. She was recently awarded a Damon Runyon Cancer []

Nicholas McCarty, an undergraduate major in the Abel laboratory, was recently featured on the ICRU Undergraduate Research Spotlight highlighting his experience as an undergraduate working in the laboratory, more specifically his work on studies examining the role of insulin signaling in regulating the cardiovascular system, and his goals for professional development. Read the full feature []

The Taylor laboratory has recently published an article entitled Hepatic Mitochondrial Pyruvate Carrier 1 Is Required for Efficient Regulation of Gluconeogenesis and Whole-Body Glucose Homeostasis in Cell Metabolism. Postdoctoral Fellow Larry Gray was first author of this work. Gray et al. show that the Mitochondrial Pyruvate Carrier (MPC), is critical for controlling glucose production in []

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Biochemistry - University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine

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