Biochemistry and Cell Biology – School of Pharmacy and …

Current research topics in the field of Biochemistry and Cell Biology include:

Due to the high incidence of both breast and prostate cancer, there is a growing need for a specific screening method for the early diagnosis and implementation of therapy. A better understanding of the pathogenic process in breast and prostate cancer will facilitate the identification of novel biomarkers for the early detection of these cancers. Endosomes and lysosomes are directly involved in the critical processes of energy metabolism, cell division and intracellular signalling, and may therefore have a direct role in cancer pathogenesis. The aim of our research is to investigate altered endosomal-lysosomal biogenesis in breast and prostate cancer. New knowledge on altered biogenesis of these organelles in cancer will be used to develop early diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers.

This research is led by Dr Emma Parkinson-Lawrence and Professor Doug Brooks and carried out in collaboration with Dr Lisa Butler, Head, Molecular Therapeutics research group in the Dame Roma Mitchell Cancer Research Laboratories (DRMCRL), at the University of Adelaide and Hanson Institute

If you are interested in this research please contact Dr Emma Parkinson-Lawrence or Prof Doug Brooks. Also see Mechanisms in Cell Biology and Diseases Research Group

Lysosomal storage disorders are a group of over 50 genetic diseases that are associated with devastating pathology, and more than two-thirds of patients are afflicted with progressive neurological dysfunction. Each disorder is caused by the dysfunction of either a lysosomal enzyme or a protein involved in lysosomal biogenesis. These defects lead to the accumulation of substrate that would normally be degraded in endosomelysosome organelles. The most common lysosomal storage disorder with neuropathology is mucopolysaccharidosis IIIA (MPS IIIA). While it is appreciated that intracellular accumulation of primary substrate ultimately leads to down-stream changes, the exact nature of the event(s) initiating a functional impairment in neurons of the brain is not known. The aim of our research is to investigate potential links between storage, altered intracellular trafficking and neuropathology in MPS IIIA.

This research is carried out in collaboration with Assoc Prof Damien Keating, Head, Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience Laboratory, Flinders University and Dr Kim Hemsley, Head, CNS Therapeutics Lysosomal Diseases Research Unit, SAHMRI.

If you are interested in this research please contact Dr Emma Parkinson-Lawrence or Prof Doug Brooks. Also see Mechanisms in Cell Biology and Diseases Research Group

Blood vessels are complex structures that are essential for the survival of all solid tissues including tumours.In recent years considerable research activity has focussed on identifying agents that may have anti-vascular potential, particularly if that applies to restricting the vascularisation and growth of tumours.

Venoms, especially those from snakes, contain a vast range of peptides and other compounds, some of which have proved to be pharmacologically useful.The most well-known of these are agents that reduce blood pressure but also more recently compounds from venom that influence blood coagulation and others that target endothelial cells are being investigated.

Studies in our laboratory have shown that venoms from Australian snakes also contain some of these compounds. However, the isolation of these molecules using traditional collection and separation techniques is problematic as venom composition can be variable and unpredictable. Our current research therefore involves a detailed study of the mechanisms that initiate and regulate venom production in vivo.To complement this work we are also exploring the development of an in vitro, immortalised venom cell culture model from snakes which will allow controlled studies into the molecular processes that underlie the expression and production of the range of venom components.

If you are interested in this research please contact Assoc Prof Tony Woods.

The emergence of pathogens which are becoming more virulent and resistant against drugs is an increasing public health problem. The available antibacterial treatments are becoming less and less effective, making urgent the discovery of new treatments and therapies. An emerging field of fighting infection is the targeting of bacterial iron acquisition. Iron is vital for the survival of pathogens as well as being an important constituent of virulence and biofilm formation. Ferrous iron is acquired by the Feo transporter. Despite the vital role of the Feo proteins in the survival and virulence of pathogens, our knowledge about this transporter system is still in its infancy.

This project aims to characterise the molecular mechanism of transport and regulation by the Feo proteins from the pathogen P. aeruginosa using molecular, biochemical and biophysical techniques.

A better understanding of the Feo system might help us devise inhibitors for this iron acquisition system and ultimately starve the pathogen from a vital nutrient as well as prevent the formation of highly drug resistant bacterial biofilms.

Keywords: pathogenic bacteria, membrane protein, iron transport, virulence

If you are interested in this research please contact Dr Rietie Venter.

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Biochemistry and Cell Biology - School of Pharmacy and ...

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