14th International Women’s Day in Boorowa – The Hilltops Phoenix

Women across the Hilltops district will come together to celebrate the 14th International Womens Day in Boorowa.

The event will be held at the Boorowa Ex-Services Club on Sunday the 8th of March from 9am to 4pm. Registration from 9am-9.45am.

The theme for this year is Skin Deep. The theme can have many meanings, i.e. skin health, nutrition and recovery not just the physical skin but emotional and psychological aspects, skin allergies, plastic surgery, or it could be being thick skinned being in the limelight, thin skinned or what gets under your skin so many dimensions.

Tickets are $30 per head, paid at the door. Includes morning/afternoon tea and a light lunch. Bookings essential.

Bookings: Janene Hurley on 1800 628 233 or email: janene.hurley@hilltops.nsw.gov.au If you have made a booking and for various reasons are unable to attend on the day, please advise Janene.

Dr Libby Weaver (PhD) Beneath the Surface, Connecting Nutrition, Biochemistry and EmotionsNutritional Biochemists, Author, SpeakerNutrition plays a key role in how we feel, look and function each day, but so too does the interplay between the stress we experience and our hormones. Dr Libby will delve into these relationships as well as discuss how our beliefs drive our behaviours and choices, helping us to understand why we do what we do, even though we know what we know. This session will leave you better informed about how your amazing body works and uplifted and empowered to take even better care of yourself which not only benefits you, but everyone whose lives you touch.

Tanya Barton-Brown Skincare for Life! Young Skin LogicWith over 34 years in the industry, Tanya will share her knowledge. Tanya will be explaining corneotherapy, the barrier of the skin. She will explain what type of skin conditions a corneotherapist can have an impact on. Tanya will also give a quick overview on skincare ingredients and the importance of a clean diet, sun protection and collagen induction therapy.

Liz Giuliano The Truth of BeautyRenew Medica Clinic and Founder of ElixalifeLiz will cover the latest in medical cosmetic beauty treatments available. She will speak about hero products to add to your routine and key beneficial ingredients. What ingredients to avoid and the pitfalls of unethically sourced ingredients. Liz will speak about beauty and confidence, our mindset and that beauty is much deeper than skin deep. She will share her wealth of experience in the industry.

Peter and Suzanne OKeefe Under our Skin Digging DeepInspirational Couple, Burns Recovery SurvivorGraziers, OK Earthmoving ContractorsA story of resilience, commitment and recovery after a shocking farm accident where Peter suffered full thickness burns to 46% of his body. Together they will share their story of how they are rebuilding their lives, the challenges both physically and mentally and how it changed their lives and made them stronger. They are inspirational.

Read the rest here:
14th International Women's Day in Boorowa - The Hilltops Phoenix

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