Ultimate run-around: ASBFEO calls on big tech to do better by small businesses – SmartCompany

Social media applications are displayed on an iPhone. Source: AP/Jenny Kane

Big tech providers need to urgently improve their dispute resolution services and back their small and family business customers, according to the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman (ASBFEO) Bruce Billson.

The ASBFEO issued the call on Tuesday to some of the globes largest digital platform providers, including Meta, Uber, Amazon, eBay and Shopify, citing an urgent need to support small businesses that are using platforms to launch or grow their businesses.

At the same time, the Ombudsman has released a free Guide to Using Social Media Securely for small businesses, which explains how small business operators can tighten security and reduce the risk of social media accounts being hacked.

Speaking to SmartCompany, Billson said big tech platforms must do better by their small business customers.

We are urgently calling for big tech providers to introduce codified, dependable and easy-to-use dispute resolution processes to get problems resolved quickly for their small business customers, he says.

This needs to be backed up by a real person you can speak to when a problem cant be easily fixed.

In too many cases, when there is a problem, these platforms require a time- and resource-poor small business to navigate the most elaborate maze of dead-ends and blockages.

One of the absurdities of the current situation is, after being locked out of your account, you need to access your account to make a complaint. Its the ultimate run-around.

According to the Ombudsmans data, since July 2022, the number of cases involving a small business having issues with a digital platform has gone up by 127%, with two-thirds of the cases relating to Meta, the owner of Facebook and Instagram.

Last month, 75% of the disputes were about getting access to an account after being hacked and issues with digital platforms continue to be one of the top reasons small businesses contact Billsons office for help.

Billson says some of the delays experienced by small businesses have lasted many months.

Some people have built their entire businesses on social media and digital platforms and having someone else access and control their account is devastating for their business and their reputation, he says.

They watch the financial, business and emotional damage occur in real-time with no ability to stop it.

Small business owners need to know there is help available if they find themselves in a dispute, says Billson.

Publicising that ASBFEO is an external escalation point if internal dispute resolution processes fail to secure a satisfactory outcome would also help small businesses dependent on these platforms, he says.

We have helped many small and family businesses across various digital platforms to resolve their disputes, and (the) guide includes some simple cybersecurity tips and practices for small businesses to protect themselves.

Billson says its vital that small businesses dont overlook important security elements when operating on social media.

Treat your online business security like you would a shop, factory or your home, he says.

You wouldnt give a person you have just met the keys to your business or your house, so only give access to your business account to trusted individuals. And remember not all users require full admin access.

If you are hacked, report your issue immediately to the platform and make sure you are actually communicating with the platform and not the hacker.

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Ultimate run-around: ASBFEO calls on big tech to do better by small businesses - SmartCompany

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