Insights from the Behavioral Science Guy: The Behavioral Science Guy: What to say to a flirtatious co-worker

If you are astute in reporting what is already happening and insightful about the effects it has on things your co-worker cares about, he or she is likely to listen.

KatarzynaBialasiewicz, Getty Images/iStockphoto

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Dear Joseph,

I have a surgeon colleague who is flirting with a staff member. He is very obviously taken with her and cannot seem to help himself. She is now reciprocating the attention. Both are married to other people and the staff are becoming uncomfortable. I need some advice on how to have the conversation with the surgeon so we can maintain a professional working relationship.


Flirting with Disaster

Dear Flirting,

Yikes. Thats about as sensitive a subject as you could take on. And I absolutely agree that you must. People under the spell of intoxicating hormones often delude themselves into thinking that their behavior is either invisible or acceptable to everyone else in the world. Or they become so self-absorbed that they stop caring what others think. This is a tough veil to penetrate.

But theres a good chance you can.

More here:
Insights from the Behavioral Science Guy: The Behavioral Science Guy: What to say to a flirtatious co-worker

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