St. Thomas’ Sugar Bay Beach

Sugar Bay Beach in St. Thomas

With a name like Sugar Bay, you’d expect powdery sand and calm, crystalline waters and Sugar Bay beach definitely lives up to its name. I visited St. Thomas on a press trip, courtesy of Wyndham Sugar Bay Resort and the beach was the first place I checked out.  It’s a tiny beach but it packs in lots of activity. 

The turquoise waves are gentle at Sugar Bay but the water close to the shore is lined with limestone and rocks so swim shoes are a good idea. The beach is a few steps from the hotel’s bar and grill so there are always waiters available to get a drink or snack.  Boats, kayaks  and jet skis  cover the end of the beach, which is the headquarters for the Water Sports Center.  There’s also sunset cruises that head out from the beach twice a week.  On afternoon that I was there, Delroy from the hotel was carving faces into coconuts. It looked like fun but I couldn’t drag myself away from my lounging chair to join in.  There’s a light breeze that frequents Sugar Bay beach as well as a large sea grape tree that provides lots of shade. I’d say its the perfect lounging beach if you don’t want to kayak or jet ski.   My favorite memory is lolling in a hammock and watching the sunset.

Photo courtesy of  Rosalind Cummings-Yeates

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