South Coast beaches among the best in Australia

Locals soak up the sun at Broulee beach: South coast beaches are rated as some of the best in Australia Photo: Colleen Petch

South coast beaches have been rated as some of the best in Australia as swimming spots across NSW become cleaner.

An annual report by the Department of Environment's Beachwatch water quality monitoring servicerated 35 beaches on the south coast as either "very good" or "good" based on reporting data compiled during the past two to four years.

Two-thirds of south coast beaches reviewed were found to be very good, which meant water quality was considered to be excellent with very few potential sources of faecal pollution.

The remaining beaches were considered suitable for swimming at most times of the year with few exceptions.


The south coast's report card was a stark contrast to Sydney's where eight beaches were found to be poor and one Foreshore beach next to Sydney Airport was awarded a "very poor" rating for the second year running.

Foreshore beach, which was closed earlier this year after reports of a mysterious orange tint, was considered unsuitable for swimming and susceptible to contamination from sewage overflows.

In the Shoalhaven City Council, all beaches were considered "very good" with the exception of Racecourse beach south of Bawley Point, where storm water pollution occasionally resulted in discoloured water or floating debris.

Further south in the Eurobodalla Shire Council, all beaches were classed as very good with the exception of Surf beach, Bengello beach south of Broulee, and Shelly beach at Moruya Heads which were considered occasionally unsuitable for swimming.

See more here:

South Coast beaches among the best in Australia

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