Patrols now enforcing new jet ski ban at Henley Beach and Grange

ABC Paul Caica says there is wide support for a ban

Safety officers are patrolling beaches at Henley Beach and Grange to enforce a new ban on jet skis and other motorised craft.

They now are banned from use within 200 metres of the shore in a trial aimed at increasing safety for swimmers.

South Australian Transport Minister Tom Koutsantonis says Charles Sturt Council has been allowed to police restrictions and he says other councils might also want to apply to the Government for a licence have similar trials.

"Henley and Grange are two of our most highly-populated metropolitan beaches and we ... want South Australians and visitors to be able to enjoy these beautiful beaches and this ban will go a long way in improving swimmers' safety," he said.

The council chose to make its restricted zone within 200 metres of shore for the area from Grange Jetty to the River Torrens outlet at Henley Beach South.

Rescue vessels and those enforcing the rules are exempt from the ban.

Anyone illegally entering the restricted zone could face a fine of more than $100 and the court penalty is a maximum of $750.

Seaside MP Paul Caica says many residents of his area had called for a ban for some time.

"I know they are as happy as I am about this trial," he said.


Patrols now enforcing new jet ski ban at Henley Beach and Grange

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