Eroded beaches to share dredged New Pass sand

Published: Monday, October 1, 2012 at 11:46 p.m. Last Modified: Monday, October 1, 2012 at 11:46 p.m.

SARASOTA COUNTY - In an effort to meet the regional beach management and renourishment needs of the barrier islands, government officials are planning to work together to relocate the sand from New Pass Inlet to eroded beaches on Lido beach and Longboat Key.

Coordinating regional beach needs could result in millions of dollars saved for the county, those officials said.

The plan was discussed at a joint meeting Monday between Sarasota County commissioners and Town of Longboat Key commissioners.

While precise numbers were not disclosed, commissioners agreed that the sand share would be cost efficient for every local government involved.

"There are a lot of opportunities for great savings if we coordinate regional efforts," Sarasota County coastal resource manager Laird Wreford said. "We can satisfy the sand need at Lido beach as well as provide the management needed at the New Pass Inlet."

By combining efforts the local governments could save at least $4 million, he said.

New Pass is a channel that is routinely dredged by the Army Corps, and officials plan to distribute the sand from the next dredge to area beaches.

Lido beach, which is currently under a federally authorized beach nourishment project, has been searching for sand 15 miles offshore, which has resulted in extra expenses. Longboat Key Mayor Jim Brown said that sand is imported from the Tampa area for their needs.

Rather than look at the New Pass Inlet management project and beach nourishment project separately, commissioners said it would be better to unite the projects.

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Eroded beaches to share dredged New Pass sand

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