Drum lines set off Perth beaches

One of two sharks caught on the drum lines is taken aboard the Fisheries vessel. Picture: Ian Munro/The West Australian

Two tiger sharks have been caught on baited hooks set by the Fisheries Department off metropolitan beaches this morning.

The first is thought to have been about 1.5m to 2m long.

It was pulled aboard the Fisheries vessel, the hook was removed and it was returned to the water.

The State Government policy stipulates that only great white, tiger and bull sharks greater than 3m can be killed if caught by the drum lines.

An under-sized tiger shark, was caught soon after and released.

A tiger shark is taken aboard the boat. Picture: Ian Munro/The West Australian

Channel 7 reporter Geof Parry told 6PR Fisheries officers struggled to get control of the shark as it thrashed in the water.

The release prompted a warning on Twitter from Surf Lifesaving WA.

"Swimmers at Cottesloe have been advised to exercise caution. A 2.6m Tiger shark has been released 1km from shore by Dept Fisheries," it said.

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Drum lines set off Perth beaches

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