Beach Bocce

Beach Bocce Ball

Beach Bocce Ball

Looking for new fun ways to enjoy your day at the beach? Try Beach Bocce. Bocce comes from an ancient line of sport going back to the Roman Empire. It is pronounced “Botchie.” The rules are fairly simple and the great thing is that you don’t need a lot of people, it is fairly cheap for a set of Bocce balls, it is for all ages, you don’t need to physically overexert yourself and you don’t necessarily have to be sober to play it. In fact, it goes well with beers.

The game can be played between two people, two teams of two, three or four. Once you have your teams one of the teams throws a small ball called the jack out onto the sand no more than say 15 feet out. The objective then for each team to throw (“bowl”) their four bocce balls underhanded and try to get as close to the jack as possible. You can even knock your opponents balls out of the way. The scoring team gets one point for each of their balls that is closer to the jack than the closest ball of the opposing team. The team with the most bocce balls closest to the jack wins. It is that simple.

A set of decent bocce balls will run about $30 but there are certainly cheaper ones out there. Remember to put sunscreen on your shoulders before you get carried away in a heated bocce match.

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