Aruba’s Fisherman’s Huts (Hadikurari) Beach – Hold On To Your Hat!

Fisherman's Huts Beach (Hadikurari) in Aruba

It must be the way the coast curves inwardly between Palm and Malmok Beaches; whatever the cause, Aruba’s Fisherman’s Huts Beach (Hadikurari) is incredibly windy, and it’s the place to be if you want to try out (or just) watch some windsurfing. Especially in the summer months, the warm trade winds whip across this beach’s sands and waters at upwards of 20mph, with some gusts reaching the 30s. It’s a true hold-on-to-your-hat (and your sunglasses, and your beach bags) beach.

Trying to windsurf on Hadicurari Beach in Aruba

Although I did not try windsurfing myself, I can attest to the patience of the instructors on this beach; my husband and I watched one teacher try to get a girl to windsurf for well over an hour. It’s apparently a lot harder than it looks, and getting dragged through the water by a lofty sail did not look like the most fun. Once she finally got going though, I was jealous! It looked so carefree and fun.

The water on this beach is quite shallow at first, and not the best for snorkeling due to all of the wind. But, the water is warm year-round and invites lazy wading.

Human spectators aren’t the only visitors to this beach. Keep your eyes peeled for gorgeous turquoise and green lizards. One of them was so friendly that he/she came right up to us and crawled over our hands. The wind doesn’t seem to bother them much, probably because they’re so close to the ground. They’re completely harmless and their scampering adds a touch of frolicking frivolity to the picturesque scene.

IF YOU GO: Take the Arubus and pack a lunch to eat in the shade. Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from the sand flying around.

Lovely lizard on Aruba's Fisherman's Huts Beach

Photos: Jenny Bengen-Albert

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