Health Alert – Turks and Caicos Islands – US Embassy in The Bahamas

Health Alert U.S. Embassy Nassau, The Bahamas July 22,2020

Location:Turks and Caicos Islands

Event:Mandatory Health Requirements for Entering the Turks and Caicos Islands

TheTurks and Caicos Islands announced a mandatory entry requirement program called TCI Assured upon the reopening of its international borders on July 22, 2020. Entry requirements are subject to modification, given the ongoing global pandemic. We urge you to closely monitor the below referenced webpages, the U.S. Embassy Nassau website, and your travel vendors (air carriers and hotels) before your anticipated travel.

As of July 22, the current travel requirements for the Turks and Caicos Islands are as follows. You will need to closely monitor official information sources for any possible updates.

The health entry requirements and link to the application are available at FAQs are available at:

Please direct any questions to the Ministry of Tourism at

Upon Arrival

The Department of State Global Level 4 Health Advisoryfor COVID-19 remains in effect.

Visit the local government COVID-19webpagefor updated information.The Ministry of Healths COVID-19 hotline numbers are +1-649-333-0911 and +1-649-232-9444.

Effective March 16, U.S. Embassy Nassau suspended routine consular services. For emergency American Citizens Services, including emergency passports, please visit ourwebsitefor additional information.

Actions to Take:


U.S. Embassy Nassau, The Bahamas#42 Queen Street, Nassau+1-242-322-1181ACSNassau@state.govU.S. Embassy Nassau webpage

For U.S. Citizens in an Emergency

Call State Department Consular Affairs at+1 888-407-4747 (when dialing from within the U.S.)+1 (202) 501-4444 (when dialing from overseas)

Enroll inSmart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)to receive Alerts.Follow us onFacebookandTwitter

By durazoda | 27 July, 2020 | Topics: Alert

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Health Alert - Turks and Caicos Islands - US Embassy in The Bahamas

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