$1m complex ‘a sign of investor confidence in Grand Bahama’ – Bahamas Tribune


Tribune Freeport Reporter


THE new $1m Agora building complex that was officially opened in Freeport over the weekend signals the growing investor-confidence of local Bahamians in the Grand Bahama economy, Minister of Agriculture and Marine Resources Michael Pintard said.

Johniece Smith, a successful entrepreneur of several businesses, was commended by Mr Pintard for her incredible entrepreneurial spirit.

The single-story complex, situated at No 51 East Beach Drive, is expected to be ready for occupancy by the end of the month. Agora (which means marketplace in Greek) will house her 10 businesses at the location, as well as three others.

Ms Smith owns the Meat Market & Chicken Depot, Big Johns Restaurant Supplies, Nickels & Dimes Variety Store, All Service Auto Club, among several others.

The mother of three attributed her drive to succeed to her late father and businessman John Smith (owner of Lucaya Shipping Agency), who was a role model and major source of inspiration in her life.

Mr Pintard said that he is pleased with Ms Smith and all other entrepreneurs who are keeping the economy going.

I want to congratulate Johniece on behalf of the Prime Minister of The Bahamas because she has done an incredible job over the years creating opportunities for GB, he said.

The truth is we are going through an extremely difficult time nationwide and globally. And when entrepreneurs show confidence in their country and their community by investing, it lifts the spirits of persons and creates opportunities.

And no matter how many programmes any government or non-governmental agency put in place to help people, citizens would rather create sunshine for themselves through having job opportunities. And so, it is the work of persons like Johniece Smith, and her incredible teamwho are creating opportunities so that people are able to provide for their families with dignity.

Ms Smith, CEO of Enaje Challis Group of Companies, started construction on the complex in 2017, but work came to a halt in September 2019 during Hurricane Dorian. However, work resumed and went into full force during the COVID-19 pandemic.

She was determined to keep pushing, despite the tough economy and the hardship brought on by the pandemic.

Valued at just over $1m, Ms Smith anticipates the building will become the ultimate marketplace in Grand Bahama. It will give customers a unique one-stop-shop experience So, we will almost be able to satisfy every possible need or desire of the average customer, she said.

Being a successful businesswoman, Ms Smith is a big supporter of women empowerment. I think Im a great motivator for young females, especially young black females. If they simply put their trust in God, put their foot forward, and be prepared to put in the hard work they can achieve all their dreams.

I think I am a clear example of what can happen through diligence and hard work. We are operating a total of eight businesses in Freeport, said the CEO, who also revealed that her company has about five new projects on the table that are anticipated to open by the end of the year.

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$1m complex 'a sign of investor confidence in Grand Bahama' - Bahamas Tribune

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