Achieving True DevOps Automation – DZone DevOps – DZone News

The DevOps Zone is brought to you in partnership with Sonatype Nexus. The Nexus Suite helps scale your DevOps delivery with continuous component intelligence integrated into development tools, including Eclipse, IntelliJ, Jenkins, Bamboo, SonarQube and more. Schedule a demo today.

DevOps is something that everybody wants to do. Since it's being adopted by a large number of software organizations, a lot of confusion is arising. Everybody is practicingDevOps but are they doing it properly? Is there a roadmap for DevOps success?

It depends on the type of the organization. Today, I am going to show you a holistic view of a road map to DevOps success.

For many years, organizations have struggled to adopt and truly become Agile. DevOps to the rescue!

Here's a systematic mapon how to achieve DevOps success:

You must always remember that zero-touch automation is the goal but that doesnt mean that you have to be deploying straight to production. However, if you want to do it, you should be able to do it. It should be so easy that even an operation guy can do it with just a push of a button without needing to SSH bunch of servers.

DevOps is broken into four different blocks:

Along with these four stages, an organization must go through all of the environments as shown in the image.

The goal here should be moving the automation in your organization as far to the right as possible.

The automation is built on these four core pillars.

Your entireenterprise should be using a common image formator a common image on which all your applications will be getting built. This pillar is a way to check thepackaging and to check what versions will installed across the enterprise.

Just running a particular task is not enough. You need to know all of the other tasks that are running, when they were last run, stable versions, artifacts like IP addresses in automation, Docker container tags, etc. All of these things should be systemically available.

You need to know how the entire workflow is happening without needing to go to each thing. You need to be able to see everything in a single pane. This helps visually get an overview of your application automation process and status.

This pillarhas to do with explaining how you deploy, how you scale, etc.

Doing DevOps the right way starts with figuring out the critical processes that you can automate. If you want more information, this DevOps automation process is explained very well in this video.

The DevOps Zone is brought to you in partnership with Sonatype Nexus.Use the Nexus Suite to automate your software supply chain and ensure you're using the highestquality open source components at every step of the development lifecycle. Get Nexus today.


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Achieving True DevOps Automation - DZone DevOps - DZone News

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