Working and autism

Editor's note: A little over a decade ago, California officials raised an alarm about the growing number of children being diagnosed with autism. The Star examined the struggles of several Ventura County children who were part of that surge in 2000. In this series, we look at what has happened to them as they've come of age.

More on mobile: 2000: Special report - Children in Disorder

Q: What percentage of autistic adults work?

A: About 55 percent of young adults with autism spectrum disorders had held paid employment in the first six years after high school, according to a study published in May. In a review of studies from the 1980s through the mid-2000s, about 25 percent of autistic adults were employed, autism authority Patricia Howlin reported. The studies covered a period when autism was more strictly defined than it is now.

Q: What kinds of jobs do they hold?

A: Some held responsible positions that paid well, but most were menial jobs, such as kitchen hands, unskilled factory workers or backroom supermarket staff, Howlin wrote. In the Southern California area today, autistic adults work in fast-food restaurants, grocery stores, movie theaters and offices, employment specialists said. Some run their own businesses. Media production and computer jobs could be a growth area. They can receive preference for federal jobs under the government's hiring policies for people with severe disabilities. Some are noted for their success, including Temple Grandin, a professor whose life inspired a television movie. Historically, many have worked in sheltered workshops or have done piece work, earning less than minimum wage.

Q: What are the obstacles?

A: Communication problems and social skills are blamed for unsuccessful interviews and problems on the job. People with autism may need routine, have difficulty making eye contact and misunderstand expressions or facial cues, such as a wink or nod. Employers fear they will have outbursts, although not all do. Behavioral interventions have reduced such problems, educators say. Job coaches boost chances of success, as does finding the right match between job and employee.

Q: What's being done about it?

A: Specialists at UC Santa Barbara's Koegel Autism Center are tackling the issues from a research and counseling standpoint. They're working with people who are having trouble preparing for careers because of social issues and studying procedures to ease the passage to adulthood.

See the rest here:
Working and autism

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