Age of Autism

No colonial power is going to succeed unless its going to play on existing divisions, and sharpen them, increase them, exacerbate them. ~Mahmood Mamdani,Uganda Rising

Read Part 1, Part 2 , Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6 and Part 7.

By Adriana Gamondes

McRevolutions, Resources and Panoptic Optics

In looking at the pattern of global philanthropy in the buildup towards Western intervention in resource-rich nations around the world, connections cant be forced. The substantiations are often hidden in closed door meetings and on the ground among populations the media, largely controlled by those pushing particular agendas, mostly ignores. But even so, certain patterns emerge in the shadows.

For instance, the map illustration from the lead article in this series simply compared GAVI target countries with oil operations and US military expansion using a map provided by Tom Dispatch from an article by Nick Turse, AFRICOMs Gigantic Small Footprint:

Heres a question for you: Can a military tiptoe onto a continent? It seems the unlikeliest of images, and yet its a reasonable enough description of what the U.S. military has been doing ever since the Pentagon created an Africa Command (AFRICOM) in 2007. Its been slipping, sneaking, creeping into Africa, deploying ever more forces in ever more ways doing ever more things at ever more facilities in ever more countries -- and in a fashion so quiet, so covert, that just about no American has any idea this is going on. One day, when an already destabilizing Africa explodes into various forms of violence, the U.S. military will be in the middle of it and Americans will suddenly wonder how in the world this could have happened.


The fact that medical philanthropy often tiptoes in prior to invasions for resources might demonstrate, at least in part, how in the world this could have happened. In order to avoid exaggerating associations between events through blatant examples like Ebola outbreaks and the US boots on the ground that followed, and because sometimes, as Turse puts it, to see the big picture you need to focus on the smallest part of it, I raked over several seemingly random news items for countries which are mostly obscure to Westerners such as Mali. Most dont even know where Mali is much less the countrys history or what the US is currently doing there. But the stories I ran across took a certain shape: the a rash of experimental trials for Ebola, HPV, rotavirus and other vaccines and the Gates Foundations involvement; a US-facilitated coup dtat in 2012 and finally an industry-centric view of civil disorder as an impediment to oil and gas exploration in that country.

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Age of Autism

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