HEALTH: What men need to know about prostate cancer – Covington News

COVINGTON, Ga. The American Cancer Society states that one out of every seven men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime. Prostate cancer is dangerous because there is often no way to detect it in the early stages; however, surviving prostate cancer is greatly increased when diagnosed early.

September is national Prostate Cancer Awareness Month and we encourage men to speak with their doctors about the risks and screening options, said Matthew Mote, D.O., a primary care physician with Piedmont Physicians Covington Family Medicine. Men need to know that while prostate cancer is common, if detected early, it can be curable.

Prostate cancer has many risk factors that men cant control, such as age, family history, and race and ethnicity. Among the risk factors that can be controlled however are maintaining a healthy weight, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, and staying physically active.

If you are a man over the age of 50, or if you have a family history of prostate cancer, now is the time to visit your doctor and assess your risk. If you are an African American man, you should start having those conversations in your mid-40s, Mote said. Dont be afraid to ask questions. Get the facts about prostate cancer and screening options that are right for you.

Screening for the disease can help with early detection, but men should also know the signs of a potential issue. Typical symptoms of prostate cancer include difficulty stopping or starting urination, painful urination, frequent urination at night, blood in the urine and difficulty in getting an erection.

Men should speak with a primary care physician about prevention options if they are concerned about their risk of developing prostate cancer, as well as making healthy lifestyle choices.

Visit to learn more.

Read the original here:
HEALTH: What men need to know about prostate cancer - Covington News

Black Arkansans fighting CF with national nonprofit agency – Arkansas Online

For more than 50 years, Terry Wright had no idea he was suffering from cystic fibrosis.

Oh, he was sick. So wracked by pain that from the time he was a child growing up in Little Rock he considered Arkansas Children's Hospital his second home.

But the source of the agony in his gut was always misdiagnosed -- usually as a gastrointestinal virus, or perhaps ulcers (screenings of newborns for cystic fibrosis are now required in all 50 states).

"I suffered as a child," Wright says. "It was a painful life. I would hide it from my parents and wouldn't let them know that I had problems. ... I would just push forward. I wanted to stay active and keep a good attitude."

He never gave up on that whole good attitude thing.

Despite his ailments, he excelled in sports, playing baseball and running track in school. As an adult, he completed multiple marathons, became an avid cyclist -- he's a founding member of the Major Taylor Cycling Club of Little Rock -- and worked as a certified personal fitness trainer.

He's also a certified master gardener and certified master naturalist and was named the 2016 Pulaski County Master Gardener of the Year.

Wait. There's more. In 2011, his Cracklin' Cornbread won Best Amateur, Best Traditional and Best Overall at the 2011 Arkansas Cornbread Festival.

Wright was doing all of this while dealing with the ravages of CF, a life-threatening, hereditary disease that affects the lungs and digestive system and causes the body to produce thick, sticky mucus that can clog the lungs and obstruct the pancreas.

By 2001 things were looking grim, and he underwent an eight-hour surgery to remove part of his pancreas.

"He was on death's doorstep," says Wright's wife, Michele. "I truly believe if he did not have that [surgery], he wasn't going to make it."

He bounced back after the surgery, but took a serious downturn in late 2016 and was hospitalized twice.

"I knew we were out of options and he was going to die," says Michele, an engineer with a doctorate in public policy.

A former pharmaceutical salesperson, Michele insisted that Terry see an infectious disease doctor, who noted that Wright had the signs of cystic fibrosis, but it was dismissed because only about one in 17,000 Black people have the disease.

At their wits' end, the Wrights decided to check out the cystic fibrosis angle and Terry underwent a sweat chloride test, which measures the concentration of chloride that is excreted in sweat and is used to screen for CF.

And in the spring of 2017, at the age of 54 and after decades pain, discomfort and confusion, countless hospital stays, ER visits and prodding and probing by doctors, Terry was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis.

"Now I knew why I had suffered like this," he says of how he felt when a name was at last given to his illness. "Now I knew why all these things had been going on with my body."

How did he keep his spirits up all those years of suffering?

"I always felt like I couldn't stop," he says. "You find your niche, something you enjoy doing, like the gardening and stuff. That kept me encouraged and active. When you are inactive, that's when things set in."


Speaking in late August, Terry, whose hospital visits were almost monthly, says it had been about a year since he had been in the hospital.

As part of his treatment, he suits up twice a day for about a half-hour in a blue, vibrating vest that looks like a flotation device. The special vest helps shake up and loosen the mucus that develops in his chest. He also inhales on a tube that sends medicine to his lungs.

"It's important to always take your treatments," he says. "A lot of times you think you are feeling good and you don't want to take your treatment, but it makes a big difference."

Terry and Michele, both energetic and outgoing, formed the nonprofit National Organization of African Americans with Cystic Fibrosis (, which aims to "connect, help build diverse communities and raise CF awareness in the African-American community and beyond."

Terry has also written "Terry's Journey to CF Land: A Children's Story and Coloring Book" that was illustrated by Dwight Stegall, Jr., and will be published Nov. 3.

On July 24, Terry became the first Arkansan to be awarded a $10,000 Impact Grant from the national Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

He was among four grant recipients, which included the founder of a CF-related podcast, the creator of a program that provides adults with CF and their caregivers job training and the maker behind a livestreamed dance class for those with CF.

In an announcement about this year's grants, the foundation spotlighted the importance of Wright's efforts to advocate for Black CF sufferers.

"According to the CF Foundation Patient Registry, approximately 5% of people with CF identity as Black, and are more likely to have rare mutations that cannot be treated with current modulators, making additional support for the Black community an important step to improve outcomes and quality of life."

Kelly Bullington is executive director of the Arkansas Chapter of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

"Prior to mandatory newborn screenings, many African Americans with CF went undiagnosed because it was seen as a Caucasian genetic disease," she says.

Talking about Terry, Bullington says: "He is very unique. To live undiagnosed until 54 is pretty amazing. Most people, left untreated, die prematurely ... but he had a real commitment to a healthy lifestyle. He stayed really fit and ate really well to help his quality of life. That's probably part of what helped him live so long without a proper diagnosis and treatment."


The Wrights live on a ridge in North Little Rock overlooking woods with the Little Rock skyline in the distance. Their living room is quirky, colorful and filled with plants. There is a barber's chair and a vintage jukebox with records by Elvis Presley, James Brown and others.

The steep hillside that is their backyard has been cleared of vegetation by Beavis and Butt-head, a pair of LaMancha goats Terry has had for about a year.

"Beavis is the bully,

Butt-head is the smart one. He's the escape artist," Terry says.

Talking about the National Organization for African Americans with Cystic Fibrosis and his book, Terry says, "It's about bringing awareness, getting people engaged, keeping them encouraged. And the coloring book itself is the story about my journey."

He hopes the book and his story will help comfort young CF patients, who are often kept apart from others because of their weakened immune systems.

"You have all these fears when you are very young," he says. "You're wondering: What's going on with my body? And a lot of times it's hard to connect because the only thing you see are all these doctors around you and they have diagnosed you with this terrible disease, but I want to let them know there is hope."

The money from the impact grant was used to help produce the book and develop the NOAACF website, he says.

On Oct. 21, Terry and Michele, whose own children's book, "The Water Tales: Ten Life Lessons From My Water Buddy and Family" will be published Oct. 20, will speak on a panel about culturally competent CF care during the North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference.

The Wrights say they would like to collaborate with the CF foundation, the pharmaceutical industry and hospitals to help bring awareness of CF in the Black community.

"Not just on a regional level, but global," Michele says, "where we are serving as a liaison between those minorities and African Americans with cystic fibrosis."

"It's important to have someone advocate for you," Terry says.

They also hope to host a conference for Black people and other minorities with rare diseases.

"I'm at peace," Terry says of his state of mind since being diagnosed. "Now I'm driven to help others. If I can make a difference in someone's lif
e, my hard work would not have been in vain."

Terry Wright sits in the barbers chair at his North Little Rock home. Wright, whowas diagnosed with cystic fibrosis when he was 54, won a $10,000 grant in July from the national Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.(Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Cary Jenkins)

See original here:
Black Arkansans fighting CF with national nonprofit agency - Arkansas Online

What Did Gandhi Eat? – The Citizen

Food, especially the eating or giving up of meat, has recurred in upper-caste discourse since the early days of resistance to colonialism in 19th century Bengal. Then the discussion primarily pivoted around whether Indians should consume meat to acquire physical strength like the Europeans, who had used it to subdue the Indian population, or stick to vegetarianism seen as suited to the tropical climate.

When these articles and intense discussions said Indian they meant Caste Hindus, many of whom were already vegetarian. The many meat-eating Indians of all religions were neither a part of these discussions, nor a subject.

If one man managed to make vegetarianism a mainstream nationalist agenda, it was Gandhi.

A zealous vegetarian, even vegan, Gandhi experimented so often with food and fad diets he would put our average millennial to shame. Intermittent fasting, only raw food, abstaining from salt and sugar, and veganism, you name it and he had tried it. He even perfected the production of almond milk in his ashram.

Yet not all of his whimsical experiments with food were an extension of the Caste Hindu, Vaishnav thought he internalised and has often been called out for. Much of it was political, meant to turn the conscience against the oppressive conditions of production that food entails.

Nico Slate at Carnegie-Mellon University has beautifully brought together Gandhis engagement with food in his book, Gandhis Search for the Perfect Diet: Eating with the World in Mind.

If one man put his body at the core of his politics, it was Gandhi. Be it satyagraha, fasting, non-violence, or food, depriving and disciplining his body was his primary weapon of warfare. His disciples were expected to do the same. His granddaughter is said to have advised Gandhi on her visit to Sevagram to rename it Kolagram, or pumpkin-village, so tired was the five-year old of eating pumpkins every day.

It is interesting to revisit Gandhis obsessive food and fairness politics in the context of the recent farm bills that have exposed Indian agricultural workers to the whims of a corporate market.

I see death in chocolates, Gandhi declared with characteristic bluntness. Sugar and cocoa were both grown by farmers in slave-like conditions in the colonies of Latin American and Africa, and Gandhi was no stranger to the fact. In fact, the political economy of sugar was so organised that a commodity thought of as a luxury in the late 17th century had rapidly transformed into a staple in the European diet and was then exported to other colonised markets including India.

In rejecting sugar, Gandhi was making a political statement against the conditions of labourers that facilitated this enormous industrial growth. In rejecting mill-refined salt, he questioned the colonial governments unfair taxation of a basic commodity, leading to the Dandi march.

As we usher big businesses into mandis by the stroke of three bills, it is important to ask if we are exposing farmers to the same conditions of production that Gandhi so ferociously opposedwith alternatives. As ethical consumers, shouldnt we concern ourselves with the conditions of production?

To Gandhi, what was on his plate was defined to a great extent by what was his politics. The rejection of sugar, cocoa and salt was largely a rejection of slave labour, indentured labour and imperialism respectively. In rejecting and experimenting, he was creating alternatives that are sustainable, and resist changing the political economy in such a way that farmers have no option but to cultivate what is demanded of them.

One of the perils of ushering the corporate into the mandi is that the price corporates are willing to pay for some food will be much more than for others. This will gradually force every farmer to grow certain crops to ensure her survival, and before we know it, healthier alternatives will disappear or become much more expensive to consume.

This was precisely the case with sugar in the colonial years: healthier alternatives like jaggery and honey were effectively replaced to give us a sweetener that has almost conclusively been proven harmful.

To care about what we eat and how it is produced is, therefore, an important political lesson that we need to learn from Gandhi so many years later. We cannot possibly lead a healthy life if our sources of affordable, healthy food are compromised by a few big producers and their demands.

Unfortunately, we have increasingly come to see our bodies and lives as separate from politics and policy, limiting our interests to an occasional respite from taxes and a budget revision every now and then.

Gandhis experiments with food and diet thus bring us back an important lesson: to associate everyday politics and policy with our bodies, health and everyday lives.

See the rest here:
What Did Gandhi Eat? - The Citizen

World Vegetarian day: Why are top athletes turning to greens, to stay healthy and fit? – Gulf News

World Vegetarian Day Image Credit: Shutterstock

Today, add an extra serving of vegetables to your plate and make a conscious effort to eat your greens. No? Do try, because its World Vegetarian Day.

First celebrated on October 1, 1977, by the North American Vegetarian Society to promote the many benefits of a meatless diet, World Vegetarian day also kicks off Vegetarian Awareness Month.

For the uninitiated, vegetarianism is a dietary choice where an individual abstains from eating fish, meat and chicken for ethical, environmental, health and religious reasons.

The fringe nutritional movement that skulked on the margins of menus and culinary practices in the 1960s has now been catapulted into mainstream fame and has found a newfound appetite in large parts thanks to social media.

If the terms 'Veganuary' and 'MeatFreeMondays' havent been drizzled over your dinner table tte--ttes, then its definitely been tossed around your newsfeed as hashtags.

So, is the buzz around vegetarianism all that its cracked up to be?

Those whove already made the switch to the plant-based diet will vouch for its virtues. The list of scientific studies and research extolling a vegetarian lifestyles value pile up higher than Instagram-worthy multi-stacked burgers.

For starters, the less red meat on your plate, the greener the planet the livestock industry emits around 15 per cent of climate change-causing greenhouse gases (methane, carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide) and spearheads the felling of rainforests by cattle ranchers in South America to turn land into grazing pastures. Those expensive steak dinners do cost the Earth.

But surely you need poultry and fish to fuel your fitness goals and meet your protein requirements, yes?

A resounding no, from some of the worlds top athletes featured on the Netflix documentary The Game Changers, busts that myth. The likes of MMA fighter James Wilks credit their record-cinching stamina and peak performance bodies to a protein-rich vegan diet mined from legumes, tofu and oatmeal.

Hear us out before you think vegan and flee. All vegans are vegetarian but not all vegetarians are vegans. That means you dont have to cut out dairy and all animal-sourced products such as honey from your diet. So, those cheeseboards and Manuka honey-topped milkshakes can stay put. Unless youre lactose-intolerant, of course.

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Vegetarianism, in fact, goes one step further and also includes egg-eaters under its umbrella. The correct terminology for vegetarians who eat eggs are ovo-vegetarians or the more colloquial eggetarian. But its a topic that falls foul of strict vegetarians.

Whichever version of vegetarianism appeals to you, or even if youre a staunch carnivore ambivalent about the power of produce, theres nutritional merit to straying down the vegetarian path on occasion.

Great way to fight heart disease and diabetes

The US-based Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics states that vegetarians are at a lower risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, certain types of cancer, and obesity.

If these reasons arent the carrot on a stick that sway you towards a flexitarian diet a watered-down vegetarian diet thats primarily plant-based but includes fish and meat on occasion then these three scrummy vegetarian recipes should do the trick.

Packed with complex flavours, these dishes are flag-bearers for vegetarian cuisines versatility and creative range. Cooking techniques bound outside of salad bowls and there isnt an iceberg lettuce in sight in the ingredients. But theres plenty of crunch and zing, nevertheless.



This Iranian breakfast staple from Executive Chef Mansour Memarian would do Popeye proud. Loaded with garlicky spinach, its traditionally topped with a fried egg, making it resemble the bright yellow narcissus flower called Nargesi in Farsi. But this vegetarian version featuring an addition of potatoes lets you skip the sunny-side up. If youd still like some protein, add poached quail eggs as a garnish.

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 20 30 minutes

Vegetable oil (for frying)

1. Melt 50gm of butter in a pan, add potato cubes, garlic slices and fresh thyme and cook all sides of potatoes in a low flame.

2. Heat the pan and saut spinach with remaining butter, season with salt and pepper.

3. Slice potatoes in thin sizes, fry them in hot, slightly bubbling vegetable oil. Drain.

4. Place all items in a plate, serve and enjoy!

Recipe courtesy: Palazzo Versace, Dubai

Tortang Talong

Youd be hard-pressed to find purely vegetarian dishes in Filipino cuisine since it relies heavily on seafood and meat for flavouring but the Tortang Talong, a fried aubergine pancake comes close enough, but with eggs. For the average Filipino, doing away with the mandatory egg wash strips the iconic comfort food of its authenticity. The aubergine is the star, but its the egg that works hard to enhance the aubergines earthy chewiness and smokey flavour, lending it a satisfying crunch. Executive Chef John Buenaventura, however, has tailored the recipe to suit strict vegetarians by replacing the egg wash with flour equally crunchy, equally delicious.

Preparation time: 20 minutes


1. Wash the aubergines and score it with a fork multiple times to allow steam to escape while grilling. Let the stalk remain.

2. Grill the aubergine until soft and skin is almost black. Let the eggplant cool until you can peel the skin off. Set aside.

3. In a bowl mix flour and salt.

4. On a flat surface, place the whole aubergine and flatten using a fork.

5. Dust the flattened eggplant with the flour and salt mix and ensure it is coated completely.

6. Heat cooking oil to medium heat in a frying pan. Then fry the coated aubergines for approximately 3 to 4 minutes on each side.

7. Transfer to a serving plate and enjoy.

Recipe courtesy: Hilton Abu Dhabi Yas Island

Samosa Doughnut

In Michelin-star celebrity Chef Vineet Bhatias modern take on the quintessential Indian appetizer, the teatime hit sheds its triangular pastry casing for a circular doughnut-shaped one. The traditional potato-based filling welcomes into its fold a range of healthy vegetables, such as carrots and broccoli.

Preparation time: 30 minutes

Cooking time: 20 minutes

tsp carom seeds (ajwain)

For Punjabi chickpeas masala (chole)

1 tbsp fresh ginger, chopped

1 tsp green chilli, chopped

300g canned chickpeas, drained and rinsed

1 tbsp channa masala powder

2 tbsp red onion, chopped

1 tbsp coriander, chopped

1 tbsp green cardamom pods

1 tbsp coarsely chopped fresh ginger

1 green chilli, roughly chopped

tsp ground dried ginger (sauth)

1. Mix refined flour with salt and carom seeds.

2. Add in warm ghee and water and knead to make a semi-hard dough.

1. Heat oil in a pan and splutter cumin seeds, then saut garlic and ginger until it sweats.

2. Add powdered spices and chopped vegetables except potato to it and cook it for a while. Then mix it with the boiled potato and season it.

3. Cool it down and transfer to a piping bag.

1. Roll the dough into thin sheets of 1 cm. Then cut the sheets in squares measuring 8cm all the sides. Pipe out stuffing into the centre leaving a little space on the sides of the sheet to enclose it.

2. Roll halfway (like a cigar) and make 3 to 4 vertical slits on the dough leaving the edges.

3. Now, close both ends by applying water on the edges to get them to stick and fold it to make a round shape.

4. Deep fry the doughnut until nicely golden brown crisp, drain on kitchen paper.

Punjabi chickpea masala (chole)

1. Heat the oil in a deep pan and add the cumin seeds.

2. When they crackle add the garlic and sweat until soft. Add the chopped onions and cook until lightly golden, then add the ginger and green chilli and saut for a minute.

3. Stir in the chopped tomato, cook for a minute longer and add the red chilli powder, turmeric, cumin and coriander.

4. Cook over medium heat till the oil separates from the side of the pan, then stir in the tomato puree and add 50ml water.

5. Add the chickpeas and cook until they are coated in the masala. Add the channa masala, chopped red onion and some salt. Then remove from the heat and leave to cool. Finally, stir in the chopped coriander.

1. Place all the ingredients except the chaat masala and ground ginger in a saucepan and add 750ml of water.

2. Bring to water to a boil and cook spices for 30 minutes or until reduced by half, stirring frequently.

3. Strain immediately through a fine sieve to remove all the whole spices, then stir in the chaat masala and ginger. Leave to cool.

4. If you are not using the chutney straight away, it will keep in the fridge for a month.

Spoon the warm chickpeas masala into the centre of the plate and place the doughnut on top. Drizzle with the tamarind chutney and sweetened yoghurt. Sprinkle the gram flour vermicelli (sev), pomegranate seeds and chopped coriander leaves.

Recipe courtesy: Indego by Vineet, Grosvenor House Dubai

Read more from the original source:
World Vegetarian day: Why are top athletes turning to greens, to stay healthy and fit? - Gulf News

World Vegetarian Day 2020 HD Images and Wallpapers for Free Download Online: WhatsApp Stickers, Facebook Messages and GIF Greetings to Send to the Veg…

World Vegetarian Day 2020:The occasion of World Vegetarian Day is celebrated around the globe annually. The international day is observed on October 1, which also marks the beginning of the Vegetarian Awareness Month, which ends on November 1, with World Vegan Day. The World Vegetarian Day aims to promote vegetarianism lifestyle and its health benefits. People share across a lot of informative messages through pictures and wallpapers to mark the celebrations on this day. If you are searching for the top trending World Vegetarian Day 2020 images and wallpapers for free download online, then you have arrived at the right destination.

Also Read | #HappyChildrensDay Wishes and Images Trend on Twitter: Trending Topics, Viral Videos & Funny Memes of The Day

People can share this insightful World Vegetarian Day 2020 HD pictures and wallpapers to their loved ones via WhatsApp messages, Facebook statuses, and Hike messages. You can also share these amazing World Vegetarian Day 2020 images and HD wallpapers via Telegram, Snapchat, and Instagram. It would be amazing on your behalf to spread the benefits of adopting the lifestyle of being vegetarian.Planning to Turn Vegetarian? Types, Pros and Cons & Tips to Switch to Vegetarianism in a Healthy Way!

Individuals can share these latest World Vegetarian Day 2020 HD images and wallpapers through picture messages as well. If you want to share it as a text message, you can copy the text and send it via SMSes and text messages as well. If you like to be more creative, then you can download these HD wishes and messages, and convert them into beautiful videos as well. With you can share your World Vegetarian Day 2020 videos on Instagram Reels, Roposso, and Chingari mobile apps as well.

Also Read | World Vegetarian Day 2020: These Memes and Jokes Are As Common As Paneer But too Funny to Be Missed Today

If you are looking for the most-popular World Vegetarian Day 2020 images and wallpapers, then look no further as you arrived at the right place. We, at LatestLY, bring you some of the most amazing and popular 2020 World Vegetarian Day pictures and wallpapers, which you will love to share with your friends, family, relatives, etc. on this special day.

World Vegetarian Day 2020 HD Images (Photo Credits: File Image)

WhatsApp Message Reads: Happy World Vegetarian Day 2020!

World Vegetarian Day 2020 Wishes (Photo Credits: File Image)

WhatsApp Message Reads:Happy World Vegetarian Day 2020!

World Vegetarian Day 2020 Wallpapers (Photo Credits: File Image)

WhatsApp Message Reads:Happy World Vegetarian Day 2020!

Story continues

World Vegetarian Day 2020 HD Images (Photo Credits: File Image)

WhatsApp Message Reads:Happy World Vegetarian Day 2020!

To download the World Vegetarian Day 2020 WhatsApp stickers, android phone users will have to visit the Play Store app or click HERE.

The first observation of World Vegetarian Day took place in 1977. It is observed by all the vegetarians across the planet. There are events, seminars, workshops, and parades too, where people educate and promote the benefits of vegetarian practises. The observance of World Vegetarian Day aims to educate people about how beneficial being a vegetarian can be. This Vegetarian Awareness Month is also popularly called as Reverence for Life month.

We at LatestLY, wish you all a very Happy World Vegetarian Day 2020. We hope you would love to share these popular World Vegetarian Day 2020 images and wallpapers, on this international day.

World Vegetarian Day 2020 HD Images and Wallpapers for Free Download Online: WhatsApp Stickers, Facebook Messages and GIF Greetings to Send to the Veg...

The Simpsons Appear to Predict the Future, and It’s Plant-Based – The Beet

It is well known in the world of The Simpsons that fans of the iconic show believe it predicts the future. There was one episode that predicted a President Donald Trump, and there is even a brand new rumor that the showpresaged Trump getting COVID-19, althoughan article in Newsweek found the picture in question to be doctored, and not from any Simpsons episode.But more broadly the show predicted a plant-based world.

Creator Matt Groening could be accused of sorcery, having transversed the decades in a time travel machine, and enjoying a laugh as he duped us, unsuspecting viewers, with his tickling tease of what is coming down the pike from the future, which only he has visited. But instead of winning the lottery or the Super Bowl pool, he has used this seeing eye to show us ways that the world is changing, evolving, as if we are pawns in a game only he can see.

A most recent example: the growth of plant-based eating, which his character Lisa, lived out in her episodes that started with a guest visit from Paul and Linda McCartney, way back in 1995. Sir Paul, now knighted, is the founder of Meatless Mondays, which he started in England (as No Meat Mondays) when beloved Linda died of breast cancer, with daughters Stella (the designer) and Mary (the photographer) to honor their late wife and mom.

The Simpson visit from Paul and Linda, two dedicated vegetarians, was a meaningful episode since as they were asked to guest-starthey had an ask in return. They would come on the show as long as the creators adhered to one important stipulation: that Lisa would remain vegetarian for the rest of the series. Groening and the showrunners agreed, in part because one of thecreators, David Mirkin, recently had become a vegetarian himself. The episode was a hit, receiving accolades from the press, with the writer John Serba of the Grand Rapids Press calling it his favorite episode, "because the tale of Lisa's conversion to vegetarianism has more humorous scenes per square inch than any other episode."

We loved this episode and Paul and Linda's real voices. Plus, watch to the end for a quick snip of "Maybe I'm Amazed..." Watch the remastered version with an ode to Linda here.

Rumor has it that over the years, writing and creating the much-loved animated characters, Matt Groening was so influenced by Lisa's lifelong conversion and commitment to vegetarianism that he himself ditched meat, a classic tale of art imitating life, imitating art. The episode has continued to inspire vegetarians everywhere and is still one of the most meme-ified on social channels. Vegans begged Groening to make Lisa convert to veganism. She kept her stalwart commitment to no meat, and one wonders: Did the Simpsons yet again predict the future, and it's plant-based!

The Simpsons' Crystal Ball:Predicted Activism by Greta Thunberg

The Future is Now: Lisa Simpson Changed How We Think About Vegetarians

Plant-Based Nation: Lisa Simpson is honored for Vegetarianism

Go here to see the original:
The Simpsons Appear to Predict the Future, and It's Plant-Based - The Beet

Spiritual Holistic Tourism, an Eco-Healthy Expanding Trend – The Costa Rica News

More than 60 percent of the worlds population lives in urban centers that are increasingly facing problems such as pollution, traffic, and poor diet, a situation that has begun to have a negative impact on the health of its inhabitants.

As a result, in recent years a unique offer of tourist experiences has emerged that seek to break with this situation and provide city dwellers with a temporary escape into a different and healthier environment.

Experiences for practices such as yoga, meditation, vegetarianism and the different forms of alternative therapy, spas and hot springs, are growing in demand for people looking to increase their levels of well-being and health.

Destinations in the Costa Rican coasts have generated an extensive offer of yoga and meditation centers, spas, temazcales, and holistic health centers offering spiritual retreats that specialize in meditation, yoga and healthy gastronomy retreats.

These spiritual practices coming from philosophical and religious traditions of the East and Mesoamerica such as Buddhism, Hinduism, or pre-Hispanic indigenous cultures, has its origin in the social movements that emerged in response to the problems of industrialization and ecological predation, promoting environmentalism, spirituality, and the exploration of altered states of consciousness as a means to counteract the harmful effects of uncontrolled urbanization.

Gradually these alternative practices have been incorporated into the lifestyle of the modern world, leading to the flourishing of a large international holistic health and naturism offers.

Thanks to this growing interest in the physical-spiritual practices of ancient traditions, global destinations such as Costa Rica, have considerably increased their numbers of visitors in recent years.

This mystical-spiritual tourism has begun to take hold in indigenous and rural communities, where through organizations like Resonance, tourists participate in a series of transformational experiences involving the culture and lifestyle of the host community.

Innovative tourism

Experiences like this innovative spiritual tourism and alternative health resort option have consolidated to take advantage of these trends, which have already been recognized by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), that promotes Spiritual Tourism for Sustainable Development, in which the importance of spiritual tourism as a means to achieve sustainable development and the preservation of natural and cultural heritage is recognized.

These emerging forms of alternative tourism will continue to spread over the next years, and their effects will have to be analyzed from different disciplinary perspectives to be understood and managed in favor of local populations and the protection for the heritage of their communities.

See the article here:
Spiritual Holistic Tourism, an Eco-Healthy Expanding Trend - The Costa Rica News

Incremental Sales to Drive the Anti-Aging Medicine Market from 2018 to 2026 – Crypto Daily

Longer life-expectancy is a cumulative effect of a healthy lifestyle and favorable environmental conditions. A trend of continuously increasing life expectancy has been a witness since a decade, primarily because of advances in medical sciences and treatment of chronic life-threatening diseases, availability of clean water and environment and other factors. This trend is projected to further show even more exponential growth graph owing to the anti-aging medicines, stem cell therapeutics, genetic screening and interventions, and high-tech biomedicines. American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine claimed that anti-aging medicines can add up to 10-20 years to the life expectancy of a human. Today, a combination of calorie-restricted diet, regular exercise, and anti-aging medicines are claimed to slow the process of senescence and aging. Various medicines used against the treatment of acute or chronic diseases can be considered as anti-aging medicines, however, to define anti-aging medicine market we have considered only the drugs that are directly prescribed and used for delaying the effects of aging.

The constantly growing demand to look young in old individuals and to remain young and youthful in young people drive the anti-aging market. The influence of aesthetics from the fashion and television industry propel the demand to retain the features and energy of younger age in old people. Additionally, the increasing number of anti-aging medicine manufacturers in the decade contribute to higher availability of the anti-aging medicine resulting in expansion of the global anti-aging medicine market. However, skeptical approach to anti-aging medicine as being an external stimulator of cell-cycles is a restraint to the expansion of anti-aging medicine market.

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The global Anti-aging medicine market is segmented on basis of product type, age group, distribution channel, and region:

The rising demand for beauty consciousness amongst people and the desire to stay young is the primary factor fueling the growth of anti-aging medicines in the market. The acclaimed benefits of the products and affordability along with regional presence compel the demand for anti-aging medicine in the global market. Hormonal replacement therapy segment in product type is expected to account maximum market share in the terms of revenue in the global anti-aging medicine market. However, antioxidant therapy segment in product type is expected to grow with the highest CAGR over the forecast years owing to the rising awareness about the plethora of benefits of antioxidants in anti-aging among the public. On the basis of the route of administration, the global anti-aging medicine market is segmented as oral, injectable and topical, out of which oral segment is expected to generate maximum revenue share over the forecast period. As per the distribution channel, the global anti-aging medicine market is segmented as hospital pharmacies, retail pharmacies, e-commerce, and drug stores. The e-commerce segment in the distribution channel is estimated to grow with the highest CAGR over the forecast time.

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Regionally, the global anti-aging medicine market is segmented into five key regions viz. North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Middle East & Africa. North America anti-aging medicine market is projected to account for the largest market share in the terms of revenue in the global anti-aging medicine market owing to the higher healthcare expenditure and presence of numerous manufacturers. Europe is expected to hold the second largest share in the global anti-aging medicine market during the forecast period because of the growing geriatric population and higher spending on healthcare products and supplements. MEA anti-aging medicine market is expected to witness sluggish growth over the forecast time owing to the limited presence of manufacturers and lower healthcare expenditure. Asia Pacific is projected to grow with the highest CAGR over the forecast years in the global anti-aging medicine market due to higher demand from end users and regional penetration of the key players in the region.

Some of the players operating in the global anti-aging medicine market are Pfizer, Evolution GmbH, Himalaya Global Holdings Ltd., Cipla Limited, Mylan Laboratories, Novartis, Merck Group, Vitabiotics, William Ransom & Son Holdings Plc, Uni-Vite Healthcare and Health Made Easy Limited amongst others.

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Incremental Sales to Drive the Anti-Aging Medicine Market from 2018 to 2026 - Crypto Daily

3 Practical Anti-Aging Tips For Men – The Good Men Project

Traditional doctors approach aging as something that is imminent, unavoidable, and uncontrollable. Their goal is to merely treat your age-related symptoms as they pop up, like a medical version of whack-a-mole.

But I view aging VERY differently.

Science has shown us that theres a lot we can do to slow and actually reverse the course of your aging process. Thats because healthy aging is NOT about hitting the genetic jackpot. Instead, its about adopting preventative strategies that slow the cellular processes associated with aging, improve your immune system, prevent disease, and ultimately boost your sense of youth and vitality.

Theres one factor that dramatically speeds up the process of aging inflammation. In fact, chronic inflammation underlies nearly every disease associated with aging, including hypertension, cardiovascular disease, dementia, arthritis, cancer, and diabetes just to name a few. [1]

Chronic inflammation may not directly cause aging per se. Rather, it acts like gasoline, turning the normally smoldering embers of cellular degeneration into a raging fire that causes destruction throughout the body and brain. Inflammation wreaks havoc on your immune system, your gut health, your brain health, and your mental wellbeing.

Unfortunately, our modern routines are riddled with factors that increase inflammation from highly processed diets to a sedentary lifestyle to environmental toxins. But it doesnt have to be that way. With a few tweaks to your daily regimen, you can smother the flames of inflammation and be on your way to living a long, energetic, disease-free life.

Eat for Life

If you are like most people, your major source of inflammation comes served on your dinner plate. Eating a typical American diet high in omega-6 polyunsaturated fats (think canola oil, safflower oil, etc.), highly-processed oils (think partially hydrogenated anything), and refined sugars all directly promote inflammation and increases your risk of disease. Conversely, eating a healthy diet reduces inflammation, boosts your immune system, and protects you against both infectious and chronic diseases.

Lets break down the three key pillars that form the basis of a healthy, anti-aging diet.

Simple carbs are found in anything made with sugar, but they are also found in things we dont consider sweet, like white bread, potatoes, pasta, white rice, pizza dough, and pasta. What makes simple (or refined) carbohydrates unique is that theyve been stripped of all their fiber, bran, and nutrients. As a result, your body is able to quickly break them down into sugars, which sounds like a good thing but it isnt. Eating simple carbs floods your system with sugar, resulting in body-wide inflammation

This sugar spike also triggers your pancreas to create a surge in insulin in order to clear the sugar from your bloodstream. But all that insulin makes you feel hungry again, which is why we tend to crave simple carbs rather than vegetables.

Over time, this dramatic rise and fall in blood sugar causes you to overeat, gain weight (especially dangerous belly fat), and develop insulin resistance (i.e., type-2 diabetes). It also causes unhealthy fluctuations in your mood and energy levels. And if that isnt bad enough, a diet high in simple carbs puts you at greater risk for high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, depression, and bipolar disorder. [2, 3]

Simple carbs are also dangerous because they produce a particularly nasty substance called Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs). AGEs are toxic molecules that form when protein or fat combines with the sugar in our bloodstream. [4]

When AGEs accumulate, they form a sticky, inflexible substance that clogs our blood vessels and coats our major organs, sometimes resulting in organ failure. AGEs promote oxidative stress, which is a fancy way of saying they make our cells old before their time. Scientists are just starting to discover the ways in which AGEs drive age-related illnesses, but what is clear is that consuming a healthy diet is the main way to keep these toxic molecule levels low. [5]

Now trying to quit anything cold turkey is hard, so instead of just cutting out sugars and simple carbs, think about replacing them with complex carbs.

With a few creative tweaks to your diet, you are less likely to feel deprived and more likely to stick with your new eating habits.

In the 1980s, fat got a bad rap. Doctors argued that eating a diet high in fat skyrocketed cholesterol and caused heart disease. But experts now recognize this assumption was wrong. In truth, there are good fats and bad fats and a key to anti-aging is knowing the difference.

Generally, fats fall into these broad categories:

Trans fats: Trans fats are the worst kind of fats because they raise your LDL (bad cholesterol) and triglycerides and lower your HDL (good cholesterol). For this reason, the FDA started banning trans fats in 2018, but they can still be found in some food sources, including vegetable shortening, fried fast foods, and some brands of microwave popcorn.

Omega-6 polyunsaturated fats: These are the fats found in oils such as safflower oil, sunflower oil, canola oil, soybean oil, corn oil, and most other oils that are used for cooking.

Unfortunately, when you eat out at a restaurant, almost ALL of the foods are cooked using these oils. These fats stimulate your fat cells to produce cytokines, which are proteins that cause low-level, chronic inflammation. They have been linked to a number of age-related, inflammatory-based illnesses, including diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and arthritis.

Omega-3 polyunsaturated fats: These are considered to be heart-healthy fats because they raise your HDL and lower your LDL, thereby protecting you against vascular diseases. These fats are found in fish, vegetables such as avocados, and healthy nuts.

Monounsaturated fats: These are also considered to be the most heart-healthy fats. They reduce inflammation, promote cellular efficiency, and protect you from vascular disease. These fats are found mostly in olive oil and healthy nuts such as almonds and macadamia nuts.

Saturated fats: A diet high in saturated fats can increase your risk for developing heart disease and vascular disease, which is why most nutritionists recommend limiting saturated fats to no more than 10% of your daily fat intake. [6]

Saturated fats are found in animal-based foods such as red meat, cheese, and dairy, as well as plant-based oils like coconut and palm oil. These oils are also commonly used in commercially produced baked goods like boxed cookies and crackers.

Both are types of polyunsaturated fats (omega-3 and omega-6) are considered essential fats which means the body requires them for normal functioning. Our body doesnt naturally produce these fats, which means the only way to get them is through our diet. But an important distinction is that omega-6s are pro-inflammatory, and omega-3s are anti-inflammatory.

Omega-6 fats, like soybean oil, are far cheaper which means they are more likely to appear in processed foods. And since processed foods make up a significant proportion of the American diet, we as a nation are consuming too many omega-6s and not enough omega-3s.

The recommended ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids in 4:1, but the Western diet ratio is more like 10:1 or even 50:1! [8] This imbalance increases body-wide inflammation and negatively alters cell-membrane health.

To correct this imbalance, try to reduce the amount of omega-6s in your diet and boost the omega-3s. An excellent way to do this is to follow the World Health Organizations recommendation to consume two servings of oily fish per week.

In fact, research shows people who eat seafood 1-4 times per week are less likely to die of heart disease or strokes. [9] You can also stock up on flaxseeds, chia seeds, walnuts, avocados, and grass-fed beef, which are all high in omega-3s.

Excessive saturated fats also promote inflammation, weight gain, and ultimately aging. Depending on your genetics (remember how important epigenetics is?), some people can tolerate more saturated fats than others. But for some, consuming more than 10% of your fat intake as saturated fat can dramatically increase your risk for early Alzheimers Disease and cardiovascular disease.

But here is the good news the negative impact of these fats can easily and quickly be reversed. One study found that after just two weeks of swapping out saturated fats with monounsaturated fats, cytokines were reduced and as a result, brain functioning was significantly improved. [7] So by making just a few simple swaps to your diet, you can quickly reduce inflammation, prevent disease, and enable your body and brain to age healthier.

Focus on incorporating dark greens (broccoli, watercress, kale) and brightly colored vegetables and fruits (red bell peppers, carrots, blueberries).

Supplements can also help you incorporate important nutrients into your diet. Research supports the use of several anti-aging supplements, including CoQ10 and Vitamin C.

Keep Moving

What you put into your body is only half of the anti-aging equation; just as important is what you do with your body. Exercise isnt just a solution for weight loss. It actually equips your body with the tools it needs to successfully navigate the aging process.

With the rise of wearable tech, there has been an emphasis on counting the number of daily steps to improve health, but there is no scientific evidence to support the well-known 10,000 steps a day rule. Instead, what you should be focusing on are the minutes you spend each day in your target heart rate.

Heart Rate Matters

Your target heart rate varies depending on your age. First, you need to calculate your maximum heart rate (MHR), which is 220 minus your age. So a 40-year old man would have an MHR of 180.

The key to heart-benefiting exercise is to work out at the proper intensity and duration. In terms of intensity, you want to exercise hard enough to raise your heart rate, but not so much that it reaches all the way up to your MHR.

Moderate aerobic activity is generally defined as 50-70 percent of your MHR. So in the case of our 40-year old man, that would be a heart rate range of 90-126.

Vigorous aerobic activity is defined as 70-85 percent of your MHR, which for a 40-year old man would be 126-153. Either way, you should always avoid going over the 85 percent upper limit since it offers no health benefits and can actually strain your heart.

In terms of duration, the Mayo Clinic recommends you strive for at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity brisk walking, swimming, yard work, and household chores per week, but you could go all the way up to 300 minutes for maximum benefit. [10] If instead, you prefer vigorous aerobic activity running, aerobic dancingstrive for at least 75 minutes per week.

Keep in mind that exercise doesnt just keep your heart young, it keeps your brain young, too. One study published in the Journal of Alzheimers Disease found that a lack of exercise in older adults raised their risk of developing dementia to a level that was equivalent to people who were genetically predisposed to the disease. [11]

Studies like this prove that despite what your genes say, you have a great amount of control over your aging process. This is just one reason why Im so passionate about epigenetics the idea that your external environment affects the way our genes behave. And to clarify, your environment is not just chemicals or toxins in your environment, but also what you eat, how you move, how you breathe, how you sleep, etc..

In addition to aerobic exercise, the other essential component of an anti-aging workout is strength training. As we age, muscles lose their flexibility and shrink.

In fact, after the age of 30, you lose 3-5 percent of your muscle mass every decade, and men on average lose 30 percent of their muscle mass over their lifetime. [12] On top of that, ligaments, tendons, and connective tissues dehydrate and degrade as we age, further reducing our mobility and increase risk of injury.

But as exercise physiologist Dr. Thomas Storer makes clear, Older men can indeed increase muscle mass lost as a consequence of aging. It takes work, dedication, and a plan, but it is never too late to rebuild muscle and maintain it. [12]

To kick start muscle gain, focus on high rep workouts rather than heavyweights. A typical program might include 8-10 different exercises that target all major muscle groups, with 2-3 sets of 12-15 reps, performed 2-3 times per week. Once this program is established, you can increase the weights, drop the number of reps down to 10, then eventually work your way up to 15 and repeat the process.

And dont forget that muscle building requires protein. According to the American College of Sports Medicine, men engaging in strength training should consume 0.5-0.8 grams of protein per pound of body weight. [13] That means a 165-pound man generally needs around 80-135 grams per day, although remember that your genetics direct specifically how much protein your body needs (epigenetics!!).

Lastly, consider supplementing with things known to prevent muscle loss, including fish oil, vitamin D, and hormone replacement therapy. And dont forget to fortify your bones too, with calcium and vitamin D (take these together for maximum absorption), as well as vitamin C, B12, and magnesium. [14]

Build a Better Brain

Our body isnt the only thing that degrades as we age. The older we get, the longer our brains have been exposed to inflammatory triggers like toxins, chronic stress, and unhealthy foods. Only now are scientists discovering that conditions we assumed were inevitable as we age, like dementia and Alzheimers disease, are actually caused by brain-wide inflammation. [15]

The good news is that most of the things weve discussed that prevent the body from age-based decline benefit the brain as well. Exercising, avoiding sugar, keeping your cholesterol in check, and maintaining a healthy diet are all excellent ways to protect your brain against aging. Additional strategies include getting 7-8 hours of sleep every night, limiting alcohol, quitting smoking, and reducing stress.

Certain supplements have also been shown to preserve cognitive functioning and prevent neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimers and Parkisons disease. [16] For example, vitamin D and B12 play vital roles in memory formation and cognitive functioning, which is why a deficiency in these vitamins has been linked to cognitive impairments, depression, and Alzheimers disease in older adults.

Fat is another important factor when it comes to brain health. Omega-3s account for 40 percent of the fatty acids found in our brains cells, and they are especially concentrated at the synaptic connections where all communication between brain cells occurs. [17] Research shows a higher intake of omega-3s is associated with larger brain volume and a decreased risk of developing Alzheimers disease, so consider adding a fish oil supplement to your daily routine.

Aging isnt something you have to take lying down. With just a few tweaks to your routine and the addition of a few foods and supplements, you can actively slow down or even reverse the effects of aging.

To see the power of lifestyle changes in action, look no further than a study published in The Lancet Oncology. [18] In this study, researchers had a group of men start a plant-focused diet, exercise for 30 minutes six days a week, and practice yoga or meditation for three months. After the three months, the researchers examined the mens telomeres.

Telomeres are a lot like those plastic endcaps on shoelaces that stop the laces from fraying and falling apart. In each of our cells, we have telomeres that cap off the ends of our chromosomes and keep the DNA strands intact.

Cells replenish by copying themselves and each time they do, these telomeres get shorter and shorter. Eventually, they become too short to do their job, the DNA becomes damaged and the cell stops working.

For this reason, the length of our telomeres is considered an indicator of our biological (rather than chronically) age. The shorter our telomeres, the older our cells are, and the more likely we are to succumb to age-related illnesses.

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3 Practical Anti-Aging Tips For Men - The Good Men Project

Massive Growth Of Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Size Strong Revenue and Competitive Outlook – The Daily Chronicle

TheTestosterone Replacement Therapy Marketresearch report thoroughly explains each and every aspect related to the Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market, which facilitates the reports reader to study and evaluate the upcoming market trend and execute the analytical data to promote the business.

The Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market research report assembles data collected from different regulatory organizations to assess the growth of the segments. In addition, the study also appraises the global Testosterone Replacement Therapy market on the basis of topography. It reviews the macro- and microeconomic features influencing the growth of the Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market in each region. Various methodological tools are used to analyze the growth of the worldwide Testosterone Replacement Therapy market.

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Prominent Key Players Covered in the report:

AbbVie Inc., Bausch Health Companies Inc., Allergan, Amneal Pharmaceuticals LLC, Pfizer Inc., Endo International plc, Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., Perrigo Company plc, Cipla Inc., Lupin, Novartis AG, Sun Pharmaceuticals Industries Ltd., Hikma Pharmaceuticals PLC, among others.

Major Regions as Follows:

A complete value chain of the global Testosterone Replacement Therapy market is presented in the research report. It is associated with the review of the downstream and upstream components of the Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market. The market is bifurcated on the basis of the categories of products and customer application segments. The market analysis demonstrates the expansion of each segment of the global Testosterone Replacement Therapy market. The research report assists the user in taking a decisive step that will be a milestone in developing and expanding their businesses in the global Testosterone Replacement Therapy market.

The Objectives of the Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Report:

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Market Dynamics:The Testosterone Replacement Therapy report also demonstrates the scope of the various commercial possibilities over the coming years and the positive revenue forecasts in the years ahead. It also studies the key markets and mentions the various regions i.e. the geographical spread of the industry.

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Part 01:Executive Summary

Part 02:Scope of the Report

Part 03:Research Methodology

Part 04:Market Landscape

Part 05:Pipeline Analysis

Part 06:Market Sizing

Market Definition

Market Sizing

Market Size And Forecast

Part 07:Five Forces Analysis

Bargaining Power Of Buyers

Bargaining Power Of Suppliers

Threat Of New Entrants

Threat Of Substitutes

Threat Of Rivalry

Market Condition

Part 08:Market Segmentation



Market Opportunity

Part 09:Customer Landscape

Part 10:Regional Landscape

Part 11:Decision Framework

Part 12:Drivers and Challenges

Part 13:Market Trends

Part 14:Vendor Landscape

Part 15:Vendor Analysis

Vendors Covered

Vendor Classification

Market Positioning Of Vendors

Part 16:Appendix

In conclusion, the Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market report is a reliable source for accessing the research data that is projected to exponentially accelerate your business. The report provides information such as economic scenarios, benefits, limits, trends, market growth rates, and figures. SWOT analysis is also incorporated in the report along with speculation attainability investigation and venture return investigation.

COVID-19 Impact Analysis:

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Massive Growth Of Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Size Strong Revenue and Competitive Outlook - The Daily Chronicle

World Vegetarian Day 2020: History, significance and this years theme – Republic World – Republic World

Tomorrow, October 1, will be theWorld Vegetarian Day. This special day is dedicated to promoting a vegetarian diet, as many people find it to be healthier and more eco-friendly compared to a non-vegetarian diet. Moreover, this day is also important for animal right activists, who promote vegetarianism to try and save animal lives. The main mission oftheWorld Vegetarian Day is to "promote the joy, compassion and life-enhancing possibilities ofvegetarianism".

Every year,World Vegetarian Day has a different theme to focus on. Here is a look atWorld Vegetarian Day 2020's main theme. Also, find out the brief history and significance ofWorld Vegetarian Day below.

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World Vegetarian Day was started all the way back in 1977 by theNorth American Vegetarian Society. Just a year later, this day became an international event after it was endorsed by the International Vegetarian Union in 1978. Moreover, this day also starts off the 'Month of Vegetarian Food', an event started by theInternational Vegetarian Union. According to the union, every October should be a month for vegetarian food to promote the health andhumanitarian benefits of eating only plant-based products.

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Since 1977, World Vegetarian Day has been the day that kickstarts the Vegetarian Awareness month. Many proponents of vegetarianism use this month to spread awareness about the benefits of plant-based food over meat-based products. Vegetarians consider their diet to be more friendly to the environment. Moreover, they also believe that vegetarian food is humanitarian as no animals are killed for human consumption.

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The Vegetarian awareness month ends in November, which is considered to be the Vegan awareness month. On World Vegetarian Day, many institutes and restaurants switch to a fully vegetarian menu. Moreover, several people across the globe promote vegetarianism via social media and public events.

Every year, theInternational Vegetarian Union creates new themes for World Vegetarian Day. Back in 2018, the theme was 'time to contemplate what we are eating', during which the Vegetarian Union discussed the different cons of non-vegetarian food. This year, the Union has not yet announced the theme for World Vegetarian Day 2020.

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World Vegetarian Day 2020: History, significance and this years theme - Republic World - Republic World

#ThursdayThoughts and #ThursdayMotivation Trend on Twitter: Trending Topics, Viral Videos & Funny Memes of The Day – Yahoo India News

It's a new month and netizens hope it comes with goodness. As October as arrived, people have taken to social media platforms with their hopes and wishes for the tenth month of the year. Netizens are hoping that October does not act like the rest of the years of the month, but stays a little easy on everyone. Meanwhile, people are sending Good Morning wishes to each other. They are also sharing viral videos, funny memes and trending topics on social media platforms. And others are sending inspirational quotes and motivational thoughts on the internet using the hashtags #ThursdayMotivation and #ThursdayThoughts. As the day progresses, we promise to keep you updated with everything happening on the internet.

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It marks International Day for Older Persons which creates awareness on elder issues and celebrates it.The theme of International Day of Older Persons 2020 aims to Leave no one behind.The objective of the observance is to highlight the role of the health care workforce in contributing to the health of older persons, with recognition to nurses. It also marks World Vegetarian Day that promotes a vegetarian lifestyle. It also marks International Coffee Day to promote coffee as a beverage and highlights issues pertaining to the coffee trade.

It also marks National Voluntary Blood Donation Dayto highlight the need and importance of safe blood in the life of an individual. It also marks National Poetry Day in the United Kingdom. International Music Day is observed on the day to promote global peace and harmony through music. We wish you all a Happy Thursday and a great week ahead!

Also Read | World Vegetarian Day 2020: Planning to Turn Vegetarian? Types, Pros and Cons & Tips to Switch to Vegetarianism in a Healthy Way

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#ThursdayThoughts and #ThursdayMotivation Trend on Twitter: Trending Topics, Viral Videos & Funny Memes of The Day - Yahoo India News

International Coffee Day 2020 Quotes & HD Images: Quirky Thoughts And Instagram Captions to Share With Photos of a Hot Cup of Coffee! – Yahoo…

International Coffee Day promotes and celebrates coffee as a beverage. It was first officially observed on October 1, 2015, as decided by the International Coffee Organisation and was launched in Milan. It is used to promote fair trade coffee and to raise awareness about coffee growers. As we observe International Coffee Day 2020 we bring to you quotes and captions to share on the observance. On this day, many shops offer discount, coupons and special deals on coffee. On International Coffee Day 2020, people give greeting cards wishing Happy International Coffee Day to those who love the beverage. You can share these quotes as Instagram captions, quotes, quirky thoughts and HD Images and send it to coffee lovers around the world.International Coffee Day 2020 Date And Significance: Know The History And Celebrations of the Observance That Celebrates the Beverage.

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Coffee is a loved beverage across countries and today it is available in various flavours. You can celebrate the day by sharing pictures and videos of social media with the hashtag #InternationalCoffeeDay and #coffee. The International Coffee Organization (ICO) is the main intergovernmental organisation to tackle the challenges facing the world coffee sector through international cooperation. They create awareness of coffee and the issues faced in the business.On International Coffee Day 2020, These Coffee Quotes and Funny Memes Jokes Are Perfect to 'Espresso' Your Love For The Brew.

International Coffee Day (Photo Credits: File Image)

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Quote Reads: I Have Measured Out My Life With Coffee Spoons. T.S.Eliot

International Coffee Day 2020 Quotes (Photo Credits: File Image)

Quote Reads:Science May Never Come Up With a Better Office Communication System Than the Coffee Break. Earl Wilson

International Coffee Day Quotes (Photo Credits: File Image)

Quote Reads:Its Amazing How the World Begins to Change Through the Eyes of a Cup of Coffee. Donna A. Favors

International Coffee Day Quote (Photo Credits: File Image)

Quote Reads:Adventure in Life Is Good; Consistency in Coffee Even Better. Justina Chen

Story continues

International Coffee Day 2020 Quote (Photo Credits: File Image)

Quote Reads: Coffee, the Favorite Drink of the Civilized World. Thomas Jefferson

Quote on Coffee (Photo Credits: File Image)

Quote on Coffee Reads: I Never Laugh Until Ive Had My Coffee. Clark Gable

Quotes on Coffee Day Photo Credits: File Image)

Quote Reads:Coffee Its the Lifeblood That Fuels the Dreams of Champions! Mike Ditka

Quotes on Coffee (Photo Credits: File Image)

Quote Reads:Even Bad Coffee Is Better Than No Coffee at All. David Lynch

Quote on Coffee Day (Photo Credits: File Image)

Quote Reads:You Cant Buy Happiness but You Can Buy Coffee and Thats Pretty Close.

Coffee also has a lot of health benefits too. Along with increasing the immunity system and thwarting many diseases, the beverage can do a lot of things if consumed in required quantities. Drinking over-limit, however, is not advisable. Celebrate your cup of coffee and offer one to a person who cannot afford one. We wish you all a Happy World Coffee Day and wish you have a great one today!

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International Coffee Day 2020 Quotes & HD Images: Quirky Thoughts And Instagram Captions to Share With Photos of a Hot Cup of Coffee! - Yahoo...

National Poetry Day 2020 in UK Date and Theme: Know Significance and Celebrations of The Day Encouraging Literary Medium of Poems – Yahoo India News

How often have you read poetries that have moved you? Have you shared the few lines that cast an impression on you? To celebrate this very ability of poetry to spark conversations and share more such thoughts, National Poetry Day is marked every year in the UK. Observed on the first Thursday of October, it falls on October 1 this year. It is an annual celebration thatencourages all to enjoy, discover and share poetry. Let us more details about the theme, significance and celebrations of this day.On Poet's Day 2020, Learn a Few Tips and Tricks to Start Writing Beautiful Poetry and Express Yourself.

Also Read | International Coffee Day 2020 Quotes & HD Images: Quirky Thoughts And Instagram Captions to Share With Photos of a Hot Cup of Coffee!

National Poetry Dayis the annual mass celebration on the first Thursday of October. So it will be marked today, October 1. Every year there is a theme to it and people can share their writings based on it. This year's theme for National Poetry Day 2020 is Vision.

National Poetry Day may be marked annually today in the UK but it has a global presence since the medium of poetry is for everyone. The observance infuses poetry into every area of the nation. Schools, businesses to coffee shops, poets write their poems or recite the best ones. Forward Arts Foundation is a charity that celebrates poetry and increases awareness about this medium of expression.World Poetry Day 2020: Quotes and Lines by Famous Poets That Describe The Beauty of This Literary Art.

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Poetry allows each one to creatively express themselves. There are so many different forms to it as well, it could be a few lines and still be impactful. One of the programs includes making an annual anthology of the year's best poems. The entire idea is to connect poets and strengthen the community. It shows how poetry can add its own value to one's thoughts and also encourage society.

See the article here:
National Poetry Day 2020 in UK Date and Theme: Know Significance and Celebrations of The Day Encouraging Literary Medium of Poems - Yahoo India News

Beware The Transhumanists: How ‘being Human’ Is Being Re-engineered By The Elite’s Covid-19 Coup – The Nigerian Voice

If you tell a lie, tell a big one.If you tell a lie long enough, it becomes the truth.

Propaganda works best when those who are being manipulated are confident they are acting on their own free will.

Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Minister of Propaganda, 1933 to 1945

Transhumanism is a set of beliefs based on the premise that human beings can be improved by genetic manipulation and/or implanting technologies into the brain and body to achieve enhanced capacities. Transhumanism has a long history as an idea but since 1990 it has attracted serious attention from an increasing number of technology-lovers and early advocates are readily identified. See What is Transhumanism?

As part of his research as an investigative reporter throughout his life, which included writing a comprehensive expos of how the AIDS hoax was perpetrated in the 1980s, in 2001 Jon Rappoport interviewed a Cold War-era propagandist-turned-anonymous-whistleblower who had spent decades working for the medical and other cartels to promote their agendas to gain increasing control over the human population. Here, in part, is what the propagandist told Rappoport:

Look at the medical cartel. Do they ever declare victory? From now until the end of time theyll be planting stories in the press about the latest medical advance that will make life better for every person in the world. Most of it is a lie, but that doesnt stop them. Until the planet is depopulated down to under a billion people and every one left is a robot, these cartels [elsewhere identified as energy, government, intelligence, media,medical, military,money] are not going to quit. And even then, with a lobotomized world, theyll still push their propaganda. This IS 1984, and people better realize it... The medical cartel. Theyre planning to take over the mind... after which PR wont really matter. [pp.61-62 & 87.]

Thecartels wereusing and creatingandbolstering the Cold War as ameans toanend.Makingwhatyoucouldcall the enemygame apart of the human psycheatsuchalevel that it would maintain itself as a living myththatcouldbe tapped intoatanytimewith any enemies inserted into the lineup.The enemiesgame is as old astimeitself. But this was the version of the moment.To installa rigid sense ofnational security as the overriding fact or that would damn well justifythe deflatingof individual freedom on many fronts. Makenationalsecuritythething youcouldntrefuse. [p.70.]

A: Onceyou fatiguepeopleenough with thestrategies of 1984, they are set up forthemedicalization of society. Which is the brain stuff. The altering of the humanbrainwithdrugs andother approaches. Genes, perhaps. A brainmachinelinkup.Creating a differentperception of reality. Externally appliedelectromagnetic fields.In whichpeoplewill feel happy eventhough they are slaves.Yousee, in 1984 its really all about hysteria. The people are beingdriveninto the wall withlies aboutwars and liesabout enemies and lies about political structure, andthe control overindividuals is very harsh, and the leadersarenotlooking to create real happiness,not the fluffy stuff.Redemption,yes. Forgiveness, perhaps. The people arebeingfed pain and big brother is commandingthem like a drill sergeantthrough their TVsets. Butafter that,after people sink intoanacceptance ofthe delusions thatarebeing foisted on them, then comes the science. Themakingof somekind of replicaofhappiness.The oldorder is1984. Youcan call that thePlan fromthe dawnoftimeto about 1945. After that is the transitionto Brave NewWorld.

Q: Andthats why the medical cartel is the prince of the cartels.

A: Theprince, the king.Q:1984A: Leaves people with no moralconviction. It runsoverthatlike a freighttrain.1984is dark. Brave New World issunny andlight and the control isappliedsothatthe interiorlife changes.

Q: Soyou worked on medical stories.A:Yes. Making the medical cartellookgood, lookhumane,look rational, looklikeexcellent science that works. Especially psychiatryandneurology.Andpharmacology.That became a major job for me. Becausetheyre experimentingonthe human race, and they wanttheir horrible mistakes whicharelegion,tolooklikeadvancesand goodscienceat every stepuntil theyget it right,until theyhave your

brain in their hands fromcradle to grave. [p.71.]

As noted earlier, the words above were penned in 2001. If you would like to read the full transcript of the interview, which offers a reasonably accurate explanation of what is happening around the world at the moment, you can do so in The Matrix Revealed Volume 1, Jon Rappoport Interviews Ellis Medavoy (Part 1 of 3).

And if you would like to read about the AIDS hoax (caused by the non-existent HIV) and how it was done, using much of the same formula being used to perpetrate the elites Covid-19 hoax (caused by the non-existent SARS-CoV-2), you can do so in AIDS Inc.: Scandal of the Century.

Unfortunately, the Covid-19 hoax is being played for stakes that are infinitely higher than they were during the AIDS hoax.

After 200,000 years of Homo Sapiens, the species is about to evolve rapidly and profoundly. But it wont be a natural evolution. And it wont be an improvement unless you dont like the many qualities that make humans human, biologically and socially.

If the transhumanists have their way, individual human identity will vanish along with human volition. Homo Sapiens will be superseded by Homo Cyborg.

If this all sounds like science fiction or just plain ridiculous, let me invite you to consider the evidence below.

As warned by scientist Andrew Herr in an article see This Scientist Wants Tomorrows Troops to Be Mutant-Powered published in 2012:

Greater strength and endurance. Enhanced thinking. Better teamwork. New classes of genetic weaponry, able to subvert DNA. Not long from now, the technology could exist to routinely enhance and undermine peoples minds and bodies using a wide range of chemical, neurological, genetic and behavioral techniques.

Its warfare waged at the evolutionary level. And its coming sooner than many people think.

Well, that time has arrived. The thin edge of the wedge, if we keep allowing it to happen, is the various restrictions and technologies being introduced under cover of Covid-19 which are supposedly being used to tackle the virus.

However, just as in the AIDS epidemic when no (HIV) virus was ever scientifically demonstrated to exist, there is zero science to prove the existence of the virus labeled SARS-CoV-2. Instead, this elite coup is designed and being conducted to achieve a profound transformation in the nature of the human individual and human society, including a substantial depopulation. Moreover, it is proceeding rapidly because it entails a complexity and depth that is not easy to comprehend but also because it seems so preposterous that few people are inclined to contemplate the possibility objectively. Joseph Goebbels knew why. For some of the detail of essential elements of this coup, see Covid-19 Does Not Exist: The Global Elites Campaign of Terror Against Humanity and Halting our Descent into Tyranny: Defeating the Global Elites Covid-19 Coup.

But for another recent comprehensive history and critique of the coup being conducted by the billionaires club, see Dr. Jacob Nordangrds insightful article Analysis: Globalists reboot of the world and their plans for us which opens with the following words:

The Corona crisis is the trigger for a global coup dtat of monumental dimensions. It is the beginning of a new era, with a new international economic order that risks completely destroying human freedoms. Tyrants have now taken over to forcibly steer us into a climate smart and healthy world through the World Economic Forums new techno-totalitarian roadmap The Great Reset.

In this article, however, I want to focus on the agenda of the transhumanists under cover of this coup and what this would mean for Homo Sapiens unless it is stopped.

TechnotyrannyIn one of his videos about the Covid-19 coup watch This Couldnt Possibly Happen. Could it? the transcript for which can be accessed by clicking the Health tab after entering his website the UKs Dr Vernon Coleman explains the sinister agenda of the technological control sought by the transhumanists:

If you were a mad doctor and you wanted to control an individual it would be a doddle.

Youd just tell them you were giving them an injection to protect them against the flu or something like that and in the syringe there would be a little receiver. And then youd stick a transmitter on the roof of the house across the road from where they lived.

And then you could send messages to make them do whatever you wanted them to do. You could make them sad or angry or happy or contented. You could make them run or fight or just spend all day in bed.

Remember, thats what Dr Delgado was doing over half a century ago. Its nothing new.

Of course, if you wanted to do the same thing for lots of people youd need a whole lot of people to help you.

And youd need something to inject into people. A medicine of some kind for example.

And then youd need someone good at software to help with all the transmitting and the receiving and youd need people with access to lots of tall poles or roofs where they could put the transmitter things.

But none of that would be any good unless you had a reason for injecting people. You cant just go around injecting millions of people for no reason.

Ideally, youd need them all to be frightened of something so that they were keen to let you inject them. And then you could put your tiny receivers into the stuff that was being injected. Or squirted up their noses or whatever.

Introducing her own careful explanation of the agenda of the transhumanists, in her video Dr. Carrie Madej opens with the following words:

So what do you think about going from human 1.0 to human 2.0?... Transhumanism is about taking humans, as we know ourselves, and melding with artificial intelligence. That might seem kinda cool to you, we might have some superhuman abilities thats the idea, thats what you see in sci-fi movies Thinking about this topic... I [had thought that it was] many years in the future.

However, this question, this idea is now right in this moment. We need to make a decision... because I investigated the proposed Covid-19 vaccine and this is my alarm call to the world. I looked at the pros and cons and it frightens me.

And I want you to know about this, you need to be very well informed because this new vaccine is not like your normal flu vaccine. This is something very different, this is something brand new, something completely experimental on the human race. And its not just about being a different vaccine. There are technologies that are being introduced with this vaccine that can change the way we live, who we are and what we are. And very quickly.

Some people... like Elon Musk, who is the founder of SpaceX and Tesla Automotive, as well as Ray Kurzweil, who is one of the bigwigs of Google, are self-proclaimed transhumanists. They believe that we should go to human 2.0 and they are very big proponents of this. Theres a lot of other people... involved with this. I think the easiest way to explain this to you is to go with one of the frontrunners for the vaccine and go into a little bit of the history and tell you how they want to make the vaccine and I think that will speak volumes. So, for instance, Moderna is one of the frontrunners for the Covid-19 vaccine. Watch Human 2.0 Transhumanist Vaccine A Wake Up Call to the World.

If you doubt the capacity of medicine to achieve this level of human transformation, in this video produced in August 2020, transhumanist Elon Musk explains how his Neuralink microchip will be surgically implanted into the human brain, as has already been done with animals. While he specifically mentions the chips capacity to monitor certain health parameters and to play you music, he does not mention its intended uses for digitization of your identity, recording of your personal data such as medical and bank records, any of its surveillance functions or its capacity for emotional, thought and behavioural control. Watch This Is How Elon Musks Neuralink Microchip Will Be Put In Your Brain.

As Raul Diego explains in his own article on this subject:

The most significant scientific discovery since gravity has been hiding in plain sight for nearly a decade and its destructive potential to humanity is so enormous that the biggest war machine on the planet immediately deployed its vast resources to possess and control it, financing its research and development through agencies like the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and HHS Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA).

The revolutionary breakthrough [involved devising] a way to reprogram the molecules that carry the genetic instructions for cell development in the human body, not to mention all biological lifeforms.

These molecules are called messenger ribonucleic acid or mRNA and the newfound ability to rewrite those instructions to produce any kind of cell within a biological organism has radically changed the course of Western medicine and science, even if no one has really noticed yet. As [inventor, Professor Derek] Rossi, himself, puts it: The real important discovery here was you could now use mRNA, and if you got it into the cells, then you could get the mRNA to express any protein in the cells, and this was the big thing. See A Transhumanist Dream: A DARPA-Funded Implantable Biochip to Detect COVID-19 Could Hit Markets by 2021.

Moreover, as Patrick Wood, who has intensively studied and reported the efforts of the transhumanists for decades, explains in a recent article The Siamese Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism and discusses in a related video Humans 2.0: GMO Vaccinations and Transhumanism that draws out some of the more nuanced elements of their agenda:

Technocracy and Transhumanism have always been joined at the hip. Technocracy uses its science of social engineering to merge technology and society. Transhumanism uses its field of NBIC to merge technology directly into humans. To put it another way, Technocracy is to society what Transhumanism is to the humans that live in it.

NBIC stands for Nano (nano-technology), Bio (bio-technology), Info (information technology) and Cogno (cognitive sciences). These four scientific disciplines remained separate avenues of study in Universities around the world until the early 1970s. Today, NBIC has become an established discipline of its own in most major universities with personnel contributed from each separate department.

All together, NBIC offers a scientific cauldron to Transhumans in their quest to create Humans 2.0.

Its also no wonder that the upcoming vaccine for COVID-19 being produced by Moderna is also using NBIC science to accomplish a merging of the human body with advanced technology. The Trump Administration has contracted with Moderna see Trump Administration collaborates with Moderna to produce 100 million doses of COVID-19 investigational vaccine to deliver 100 million doses of its investigational vaccine, ostensibly to be kitted and transported to the nation by the U.S. Military.

[Technocracy and Transhumanism are both] extremely dangerous for all of humankind and must be rejected before it is too late to stop them.

And Whitney Webb provides further insight into the elite intention in this regard. In one of her meticulously-researched articles Coronavirus Gives a Dangerous Boost to DARPAs Darkest Agenda she outlines the hidden technological agenda behind the Covid-19 coup that might well be delivered as part of any vaccination program by the Pentagons Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). After carefully outlining the history and logic of what is taking place such as the development of cyborg super soldiers and injectable Brain Machine Interfaces (BMIs) with the capability to control ones thoughts she concludes with the chilling words:

Technology developed by the Pentagons controversial research branch is getting a huge boost amid the current coronavirus crisis, with little attention going to the agencys ulterior motives for developing said technologies, their potential for weaponization or their unintended consequences.

Those who are fearful and desperate will not care that the vaccine may include nanotechnology or have the potential to genetically modify and re-program their very being, as they will only want the current crisis that has upended the world to stop.

In this context, the current coronavirus crisis appears to be the perfect storm that will allow DARPAs dystopian vision to take hold and burst forth from the darkest recesses of the Pentagon into full public view. DARPAs transhumanist vision for the military and for humanity presents an unprecedented threat, not just to human freedom, but an existential threat to human existence and the building blocks of biology itself.

Of course, if you want to read how involved corporations, DARPA and other elite agencies explain it, you can do so. But unless you dig beneath the surface you will only get their sanitized accounts which, just like Elon Musk, focus on seemingly benign elements like digitized identity and health reporting while not mentioning the technologys capacities and intended uses for the invasion of your privacy, the recording of your personal data such as medical and bank records, any of its surveillance functions or its capacity for emotional, thought and behavioural control. See, for example, Modernas mRNA Technology, Profusa is pioneering tissue-integrating biosensors for continuous monitoring of body chemistries, A Military-Funded Biosensor Could Be the Future of Pandemic Detection (which discusses the role of hydrogel) and DARPAS Developing novel, safe and efficacious treatments for COVID-19 following its much earlier In Vivo Nanoplatforms (IVN). For two elite presentations of the importance of your digital identity, see The Need for Good Digital ID is Universal and ID2020 and partners launch program to provide digital ID with vaccines.

What is at Stake?As discussed above, the technology now available after decades of effort enables receiver nanochips to be sprayed, injected or otherwise implanted into human bodies. With the ongoing deployment of 5G (which includes extensive space and ground-based technologies: see Deadly Rainbow: Will 5G Precipitate the Extinction of All Life on Earth?), just one outcome of these combined technologies is that it will be possible to direct the individual behaviour of each person so implanted. Given that the control technology will be owned by corporate executives, here is a list of examples of how the elite might direct that it be used (more or less as a drone pilot sitting in the United States controls a drone flying in the Middle East that fires weapons on local people):

1. The official chain of command to launch nuclear weapons can be subverted by using remote control to direct the chosen individual in a particular chain of command to order (or execute) the launch of one or more nuclear weapons at the target(s) nominated at the time(s) specified. Subordinates can be directed to follow orders they might otherwise question.

2. Cyborg soldiers (either as mercenaries or as members of national military forces) in groups or as individuals can be deployed anywhere to fight as ordered by those in charge of their remote controls.

3. Cyborg workers can be directed to work in dangerous conditions for extended periods and simply be replaced as required. Someone else nearby will have been vaccinated too and can be directed to take their place.

4. Cyborg consumers can be directed to purchase a particular product, irrespective of its functionality, including health or otherwise, for the person so directed. That is assuming that money is not just taken directly from their bank account, given that it will no longer be under their exclusive control.

5. Cyborg activists on any issue can simply to be directed to refrain from further involvement in their campaign. Or to actively take the opposite position to the one they had previously.

What can we do to halt this transhumanist agenda and the elite coup itself?

Fortunately, we can do a great deal.For a detailed series of options on how to have strategic impact, see the end of the article Ye are Many, They are Few: Nonviolent Resistance to the Elites Covid-19 Coup.

Importantly, however, if you would like to be part of the campaign to defeat the elite coup and prevent implementation of the transhumanist agenda, see the list of strategic goals necessary to achieve these outcomes here: Coup Strategic Aims.

If you wish to nurture children to be far more able to critique society and elite propaganda, rather than be easily duped, see My Promise to Children.

If you wish to reduce your vulnerability to elite control, consider joining those who recognize the critical importance of reduced consumption and greater self-reliance by participating in The Flame Tree Project to Save Life on Earth. In addition, you are welcome to consider signing the online pledge of The Peoples Charter to Create a Nonviolent World.

Finally, if you want a better fundamental understanding of how we reached this point, see Why Violence?, Fearless Psychology and Fearful Psychology: Principles and Practice and The Global Elite is Insane Revisited.

ConclusionIn the elegant words of South African liberation activist Steve Biko:

The most potent weapon of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed.

When he uttered these words before being tortured to death in an Apartheid prison, Biko presumably did not realize the profound meaning they would acquire in 2020.

The transhuman mind will be owned and controlled by the oppressor.

If we are to avert this fate, we must struggle with clarity and purpose.

Biodata: Robert J. Burrowes has a lifetime commitment to understanding and ending human violence. He has done extensive research since 1966 in an effort to understand why human beings are violent and has been a nonviolent activist since 1981. He is the author of Why Violence? His email address is [emailprotected] and his website is here.

See the original post here:
Beware The Transhumanists: How 'being Human' Is Being Re-engineered By The Elite's Covid-19 Coup - The Nigerian Voice

It’s now up to health systems to solve our food problems | TheHill – The Hill

The whole world is getting fat," declared Whole Foods founder, John Mackey, in a recent interview with the New York Times. Because, he continues, "in some sense, we are all food addicts." Mackey explains that he does not think we have a food access problem, but rather a market demand problem. "If people want different foods, the market will provide it."

While this perspective ignores the rising wave of food insecurity across the nation, creates a false narrative of choice where there is often none and dismisses the complex relationship between food, obesity and trauma, we can't dismiss Mackey's comment outright.

He's right about one thing. He said: "We have to recognize both what business can do and what business cannot do." Stores like Whole Foods are unlikely to help households struggling to access healthy food. It's now up to health systems to play a significant role in solving our food problems.

Food insecurity is defined by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) as "a household-level economic and social condition of limited or uncertain access to adequate food." Researchers estimate that during our spring COVID-19 surge, food insecurity rates doubled nationally and tripled in households with children; approximately 23 percent of households across the country currently have inadequate access to sustenance.

The relationship between COVID-19 and food insecurity is not merely that the former drives the latter. Food insecurity is associated with increased risk and poorer control of chronic diseases, which consistently have been shown to put individuals with COVID-19 infection at higher risk of complications and death. While chronic diseases have long been the leading drivers of premature death, COVID-19 takes all of our chronic diseases and makes them acute.

As with COVID-19 infection, the burden of food insecurity falls disproportionately on low-income and Black and Latinx households. Some of the highest rates of food insecurity are seen among undocumented immigrants; a recent MIRA survey found 78 percent of households with at least one undocumented family member did not have enough to eat.

Access to healthy foods is further restricted by food deserts, neighborhoods without grocery stores, and food swamps, neighborhoods saturated with fast food. To say this landscape is a result of the market disregards the policies that have stacked the deck towards our unhealthy food system: government subsidies for ingredients of processed, energy-dense foods such as corn, soybeans, dairy and livestock instead of fruits and vegetables. What we eat is impacted by availability and cost; decreasing these barriers changes our choices for the better.

Nutritional interventions can prevent, improve and even reverse chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. Diet is one of the most important modifiable risk factors of chronic non-communicable disease, according to the WHO. This is why simply put, food is medicine. Acknowledging food insecurity's outsized role in driving poor nutrition and chronic disease necessitates prioritizing healthy food access for all in our response to our worsening food insecurity crisis.

Increasingly, we understand that trauma influences our food and our health. Last summer, a friend of mine became a vegetarian. That same summer, a family member of hers was murdered. Sitting under a large umbrella at a work pool party, we talked about how she was doing. "Not great," she admitted, waving her hamburger with one hand. "I feel anxious all the time. And as you can see, my vegetarianism is out the window. I just crave meat."

In the setting of the COVID pandemic, we can all likely readily agree that stress influences our bodies and food cravings. And chronic trauma and stress, particularly during childhood, has a lasting influence on our neurobiology, stress hormones, food choices and weight. Increasingly, research recognizes a significant link between adverse childhood events (ACEs) and a range of chronic medical conditions including obesity. For these patients, offering a nutritional intervention alone is insensitive and will not work.

Health systems are well poised to play a strategic part in fixing our food problems due to their proximity to communities, central responsibility in treating chronic disease, the inclusion of mental health and participation in value-based payment models that incentivize addressing patients' health-related social needs such as food.

Masshealth, the Medicaid insurance product for low-income individuals in Massachusetts, has created one of the first programs to allow health systems to partner with social service organizations and provide nutritional interventions i.e. healthy food on their dollar with its 149 million dollar Flexible Services Program.

Health systems ready to incorporate nutritional interventions can reference the Food is Medicine pyramid, created by Food is Medicine MA, which provides a helpful schema of evidence-based programs.

For example, nutritious food referrals, which provide vouchers for free or discounted nutrient-dense food, have been shown to improve fruit and vegetable intake, improve diabetic control and improve Body Mass Index. The most intensive program, medically tailored meals, provides prepared meals tailored to a patient's medical conditions. Medically tailored meals have been shown to reduce ED visits by 70 percent, reduce inpatient hospital admissions by 50 percent and to reduce net healthcare costs by 14 percent.

Some may say it is not in scope for health systems to provide food for their patients. But the persistent long lines at food pantries and rise of community fridges are clear indications that we need more widespread solutions. As Congress has demonstrated by failing to renew Pandemic Unemployment Assistance, our government will not provide solutions anytime soon. Public assistance programs such as WIC, SNAP and school lunches are helpful but insufficient; eligibility and authorization requirements pose barriers to enrollment, particularly for immigrant populations.

Health systems are already increasingly harnessing available resources to tackle food insecurity for their communities. A trauma-informed food is medicine approach that has the power to transform our disease-oriented system into a health system; it's time we fully embrace it.

Sarah Matathia, M.D., MPH, is a family practitioner at Massachusetts General Hospital and a Public Voices Fellow with The OpEd Project.

Read this article:
It's now up to health systems to solve our food problems | TheHill - The Hill

A book that will make you think about your groceries –

In a millennial-driven world where vegetarianism is on the up, and during a pandemic that has already forced us to look within, comes a book that will further provoke debate about eating habits.

The Secret Life of Groceries: The Dark Miracle of the American Supermarket by Benjamin Lorr exposes facts about the food industry that nauseate and startle, even when you are not expecting anything to the contrary. And though mainly about America, the book has relevance to other parts of the world.

Behind glistening arrays of seafood laid out on ice across supermarket shelves are stories of slaves and torture. Lorr took the Hemingway-Gonzo route of immersing himself in an activity and then writing about it. In the five years he spent on the book, he worked at supermarkets, endured their fecal-matter like stench during cleaning, and visited fishing docks in Thailand, among other things. When an unpaid labourer on a boat in Thailand got delirious from exhaustion, he wasnt given fluids and taken to hospital. The man was beaten up and thrown overboard. Some others were lashed with stingray tails.

One of the first things you realize working retail grocery is that people, in general, are hideous and insane, Lorr writes. A grocery store is a finely tuned instrument to serve human whim, and the diversity of human whim often allows it to do double duty serving one through the act of serving another. To do so, the industry relies on an anonymous and underpaid staff working without health care or job security.

Lorr blames American consumers for a lot of the troubles in the grocery business. If best practices are ever to be adopted, and people want to crunch into their prawn tempura without guilt, they have to be willing to pay higher prices. But Lorr feels people want the best of everything at low cost. American shoppers, he says, demand completely impossible, unsustainable opposites low price and high quality, immediate availability and customized differentiation.

Thanks to environmental, health and animal welfare awareness, many people are eating consciously all over the world. Veganism, a concept that is nearly eight decades old, is on the rise. The Economist had predicted that 2019 would be the year of the vegan.

Where millennials lead, businesses and governments will follow, was the publications simple explanation for its stand. And millennials were going vegan or at least vegetarian. According to The Economist, a quarter of 25-34 year old Americans were vegan or vegetarian. There are 8 million plus millennials in the US. India, of course, has 426 million of them.

Continued here:
A book that will make you think about your groceries -

‘Covibesity’ May Be the Next Epidemic We Need to Tackle Free Press of Jacksonville – Jacksonville Free Press

During the initial days of the lockdown, a lot of people found that being at home left them with a lot of time to concentrate on their mental and physical wellbeing.

However, almost seven months into the lockdown, even the most committed of fitness enthusiasts have found themselves sliding down the wellness slope. Months of forced inactivity coupled with stressors like never-ending work hours, the burden of household chores and, taking care of the family and kids, has led to a dip in fitness levels and poor eating habits.

Studies say, stress often leads to comfort eating and is more prevalent among those who are unable to, or are less able to, express their feelings.

The lockdown has led to an increase in the consumption of unhealthy food and take-away orders in children, revealed a study bythe Department of Counselling, School and Educational Psychology, University at Buffalo.

Compared to data recorded last year, the children ate an additional meal a day; slept an extra half hour a day; added nearly five hours a day in front of the phone, computer and television screens; and dramatically increased their consumption of red meat, sugary drinks, and junk foods, it said.

I have people coming to me every day who say that they have put on 18-20 pounds during the lockdown, said Dr. Jasleen Kaur, a Delhi-based nutritionist. Pre-lockdown, we had a daily routine. We all had a fixed time of eating or going to the office or coming back. Now, when we sit idle, all we think about is what to eat. We find comfort in food.

The spike in the number of such cases has been so high that a new term, Covibesity (rising obesity during the pandemic), has been coined by theNational Center for Biotechnology Information.It is being regarded as the new pandemic.

COVID-19 has had collateral effects, which extend beyond just the direct viral infection. People from all age groups, who were already struggling with obesity, were isolated. This fueled inactivity and a lack of motivation. Apart from attending online classes or working, youngsters are glued to the screen playing games or watching web content.

The food industry has noticed the increase in screen time and intensified online advertisement, focusing on children and young adults, noted a study byNielsen.

Dr. Naini Setalvad, a Mumbai-based nutritionist, blamed the lockdown for the increased obesity among individuals.

Tedious online schooling, increased screen time, lack of movement and eating with distractions like the TV, mobile and computer, causes more food consumption, she said. The ability to order food at any time of the day is also worrisome. Convenience foods are increasing as the house and office workload is also high.

Narendra Modi, the Indian Prime Minister, recently announced that September 2020 would be observed as nutrition month to raise awareness about the importance of proper nutrition. Diseases such as obesity and cardiovascular ailments and related illnesses are caused by malnourishment or lack of proper nourishment. In India, malnourishment and obesity are also linked with cultural, economic, and caste factors.

Indias eating habits are strongly influenced by casteist notions of purity/pollution, clean/unclean. These are the factors that govern eating practices, said Dr. Sylvia Karpagam, a public health doctor and researcher. While the rich will tend to imitate the West and eat highly processed junk food, the poor will be forced (by bad policies) to eat just cereals and millets, without additional good quality protein and sources of vitamins and minerals. So, obesity is bound to increase.

Karpagam believes the lockdown aggravated such habits because the middle class, sitting at home, has been snacking on lots of sugary and oily foods with carbohydrate-rich cereals/potatoes as the base.

Even the vegetarians need to plan their diets by cutting down on sugars, cheap vegetable oils, cereals, and millets, said Karpagam. They will have to consume more dairy products like cottage cheese, yogurt and milk, and more vegetables.

Caste and culture have influenced the eating habits in India. Meat and eggs, which are the best sources of protein, are looked down upon.

The caste system has played havoc on peoples eating choices, criminalizing not just animal foods but those who consume such foods as well,saidKarpagam.

There is enough evidence to show that good-quality protein is essential for growth and development. Most Indians do not get access to this. This is the major cause of stunting, under-nutrition and non-communicable diseases. Vegetarians consume animal foods such as dairy, but those in positions of power, tend to push cheap vegetarianism (mainly cereal and millets) on predominantly meat-eating communities. All these factors add up to creating barriers to good nutritious food. Unless these basic issues are addressed, and the government at least starts providing eggs to children and other vulnerable people, nutrition is only going to deteriorate.

See the rest here:
'Covibesity' May Be the Next Epidemic We Need to Tackle Free Press of Jacksonville - Jacksonville Free Press

Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market 2020 Global Industry Sales, Industry Analysis with Top Countries Data, Share, Trends, Market Demand, Revenue,…

Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Research Report provides primary Data, surveys, Scope of the Product and vendor briefing. The market dynamic forces have been determined after conducting a detailed study of the Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy market. It also provides key analysis on the market status of the Testosterone Replacement Therapy manufacturers with best facts and figures, meaning, definition, SWOT analysis, expert opinions and the latest developments across the globe. The Report also calculate the market size, Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales, Price, Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share, cost structure and growth rate. The report considers the revenue generated from the sales of This Report and technologies by various application segments.

COVID-19 can affect the global economy in three main ways: by directly affecting production and demand, by creating supply chain and market disruption, and by its financial impact on firms and financial markets.

Final Report will add the analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on this industry.


Short Description About Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market:

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is a class of hormone replacement therapy in which androgens, often testosterone, are replaced. Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is an FDA-approved medical treatment for men of any age who have low testosterone, a hormone necessary for male sexual development.

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The research covers the current Testosterone Replacement Therapy market size of the market and its growth rates based on 5-year records with company outline ofKey players/manufacturers:

Scope of the Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Report:This report focuses on the Testosterone Replacement Therapy in global market, especially in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa. This report categorizes the market based on manufacturers, regions, type and application.Testosterone deficiency, also referred to as hypogonadism, is a common problem among men aged between 40 and 79 years, with some studies stating that nearly 30% of all men worldwide are affected by hypogonadism. As the incidence of testosterone deficiency increases, it is expected that the demand for TRT will also show a simultaneous increase.The global average price of testosterone replacement therapy is in the decreasing trend, from 45.4 USD/Unit in 2012 to 34.9 USD/Unit in 2016. With the situation of global economy, prices will be in decreasing trend in the following five years.The classification of testosterone replacement therapy includes gels, injections, patches and other types, and the proportion of gels in 2016 is about 72%.Testosterone replacement therapy is widely sold in hospitals, clinics and other field. The most proportion of testosterone replacement therapy is sold in clinics, and the consumption proportion is about 43%.North America region is the largest supplier of testosterone replacement therapy, with a production market share nearly 86% in 2016. Europe is the second largest supplier of Testosterone Replacement Therapy, enjoying production market share nearly 9.9% in 2016.North America is the largest consumption place, with a consumption market share nearly 83% in 2016. Following North America, Europe is the second largest consumption place with the consumption market share of 12%. Market competition is intense. AbbVie, Endo International, Eli Lilly, Pfizer, Actavis (Allergan)Bayer, etc. are the leaders of the industry. The top five players together held about 80% of the market in the same year and they hold key technologies and patents, with high-end customers; have been formed in the monopoly position in the industry. The worldwide market for Testosterone Replacement Therapy is expected to grow at a CAGR of roughly -4.2% over the next five years, will reach 1410 million US$ in 2023, from 1820 million US$ in 2020, According to a New Research study.

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Report further studies the market development status and future Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market trend across the world. Also, it splits Testosterone Replacement Therapy market Segmentation by Type and by Applications to fully and deeply research and reveal market profile and prospects.

Major Classifications are as follows:

Major Applications are as follows:

Geographically,this report is segmented into severalkey regions, with sales, revenue, market share and growth Rate of Testosterone Replacement Therapy in these regions, from 2014 to 2024, covering

This Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Research/Analysis Report Contains Answers to your following Questions

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Major Points from Table of Contents:

1. Market Overview1.1 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Introduction1.2 Market Analysis by Type1.3 Market Analysis by Applications1.4 Market Dynamics1.4.1 Market Opportunities1.4.2 Market Risk1.4.3 Market Driving Force

2.Manufacturers Profiles

2.4.1 Business Overview2.4.2 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Type and Applications2.4.2.1 Product A2.4.2.2 Product B

3.Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales, Revenue, Market Share and Competition By Manufacturer (2019-2020)

3.1 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales and Market Share by Manufacturer (2019-2020)3.2 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue and Market Share by Manufacturer (2019-2020)3.3 Market Concentration Rates3.3.1 Top 3 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Manufacturer Market Share in 20203.3.2 Top 6 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Manufacturer Market Share in 20203.4 Market Competition Trend

4.Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Analysis by Regions

4.1 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales, Revenue and Market Share by Regions4.1.1 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales and Market Share by Regions (2014-2019)4.1.2 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue and Market Share by Regions (2014-2019)4.2 North America Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales and Growth Rate (2014-2019)4.3 Europe Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales and Growth Rate (2014-2019)4.4 Asia-Pacific Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales and Growth Rate (2014-2019)4.6 South America Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales and Growth Rate (2014-2019)4.6 Middle East and Africa Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales and Growth Rate (2014-2019)

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5.Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Forecast (2020-2024)5.1 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales, Revenue and Growth Rate (2020-2024)5.2 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Forecast by Regions (2020-2024)5.3 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Forecast by Type (2020-2024)5.3.1 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales Forecast by Type (2020-2024)5.3.2 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Share Forecast by Type (2020-2024)5.4 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Forecast by Application (2020-2024)5.4.1 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales Forecast by Application (2020-2024)5.4.2 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Share Forecast by Application (2020-2024)

6.Sales Channel, Distributors, Traders and Dealers6.1 Sales Channel6.1.1 Direct Marketing6.1.2 Indirect Marketing6.1.3 Marketing Channel Future Trend6.2 Distributors, Traders and Dealers

7.Research Findings and Conclusion

8.Appendix8.1 Methodology8.2 Data Source


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Regional Forecast of Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Emerging Technology (Analysis of COVID-19), Regional Imapact, Business and Industry…

Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market reports offers vital insights that facilitate the trade consultants, product managers, CEOs and business executives to draft their policies on varied parameters together with enlargement, acquisition and new product launch in addition as analyzing and understanding the market trends.

Each segment of the worldwide Testosterone Replacement Therapy market is extensively evaluated within the analysis study. The segmental analysis offered within the report pinpoints key opportunities on the market within the international Testosterone Replacement Therapy market through leading segments. The regional study of the worldwide Testosterone Replacement Therapy market enclosed within the report helps readers to achieve a sound understanding of the event of various geographical markets in recent years and conjointly going forth. Weve provided a close study on the important dynamics of the worldwide Testosterone Replacement Therapy market, that embrace the market influence and market impact factors, drivers, challenges, restraints, trends and prospects. The analysis study conjointly includes alternative styles of analysis like qualitative and quantitative.

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Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market report offers a close Outlook and future prospects of the trade. The Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market report includes varied topics like market size & share, Product sorts, applications, key market drivers & restraints, challenges, growth opportunities, key players, competitive landscape.

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The report forecast global Testosterone Replacement Therapy market to grow to reach xxx Million USD in 2019 with a CAGR of xx% during the period 2020-2025 due to coronavirus situation. The report offers elaborated coverage of Testosterone Replacement Therapy trade and main market trends with impact of coronavirus. The marketing research includes historical and forecast market information, demand, application details, worth trends and company shares of the leading Testosterone Replacement Therapy by earth science. The report splits the market size, by volume and price, on the premise of application kind and earth science.

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Global Major Market Players indulged in this report are:



Eli Lilly

Teva Pharmaceuticals


Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals

Antares Pharma

Ferring Pharmaceuticals


Antares Pharma


Clarus Therapeutics

Juniper Pharmaceuticals

Endo International

Acerus Pharmaceuticals

Forendo Pharma

MetP Pharma

Repros Therapeutics

The Testosterone Replacement TherapyThe Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market report is segmented into following categories:

The Testosterone Replacement Therapy market report is segmented into Type by following categories;Gels




The Testosterone Replacement Therapy market report is segmented into Application by following categories;Hospitals



First, this report covers the current standing and also the future prospects of the worldwide Testosterone Replacement Therapy marketplace for 2020-2026. And during this report, we have a tendency to analyze international market from five geographies: Asia-Pacific [China, geographical region, India, Japan, Korea, Western Asia], Europe [Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Holland, Turkey, Switzerland], North America [United States, Canada, Mexico], Mideast & Africa [GCC, geographic area, South Africa], South America [Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Peru]. At constant time, we have a tendency to classify Testosterone Replacement Therapy in keeping with the sort, application by earth science. a lot of significantly, the report includes major countries market supported the sort and application. Finally, the report provides elaborated profile and information info analysis of leading Testosterone Replacement Therapy company.

Checkout FREE Report Sample of Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Report for Better Understanding:

Our exploration specialists acutely ascertain the numerous aspects of the worldwide Testosterone Replacement Therapy market report. It conjointly provides associate degree in-depth valuation with reference to the longer term advancements wishing on the past information and present circumstance of Testosterone Replacement Therapy market state of affairs. During this Testosterone Replacement Therapy report, weve investigated the principals, players within the market, geologic regions, product kind and market end-client applications. The worldwide Testosterone Replacement Therapy report contains of primary and secondary information that is exemplified within the style of pie outlines, Testosterone Replacement Therapy tables, analytical figures and reference diagrams. The Testosterone Replacement Therapy report is bestowed in associate degree economical means that involves basic non-standard speech, basic Testosterone Replacement Therapy define, agreements and bound facts as per solace and comprehension.

See the original post:
Regional Forecast of Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Emerging Technology (Analysis of COVID-19), Regional Imapact, Business and Industry...