Cooking lessons and more with OSU Extension | News | – Sentinel-Tribune

OSU Extension Wood County is offering virtual classes.

Wednesday, noon-12:45 p.m. - The Mediterranean Diet: The Mediterranean Diet has been a subject of intensive research for more than 50 years. The evidence of this diets health benefit is compelling. Attend this workshop to understand how to apply this eating style to your family meals.

Oct. 14, noon-12:45 p.m.- Cooking with Quinoa: Learn about the health benefits of this economical food. This program will focus on the benefits of this food in the diet, how to cook quinoa and recipes to try at home.

Oct. 28, noon-12:45 p.m.- Beating the Blues: Did you know Seasonal Affective Disorder affects about 6% of Americans; however, as many as 15% of people in the U.S. may have a milder version that includes only some of the symptoms, often referred to as the winter blues. Attend this session to Identify symptoms of winter blues, learn tips for beating the winter blues and set some goals to beat those winter blues.

Nov. 4, noon-12:45 p.m.- Seasonal Eating for people with Diabetes: November is National Diabetes Month, and with 34 million Americans who h have diabetes, this time of year can be more difficult to manage. Take Charge of Your Diabetes during the Holidays will provide you with tips for managing your diabetes during the holidays. You will learn how to prepare favorite holiday foods that are both nutritious and delicious

Nov. 10, noon-12:45 p.m.- The Mediterranean Diet Part 2: In this workshop, we will expand on the Mediterranean Diet, and build on the information from the first session. Mediterranean Diet part 1 is a prerequisite to register for this class. Learn more about the study of the 5 blue zones, which are longevity hot spots around the globe. Participants will learn what centenarians eat to live to the age of 100 and beyond. Participants will be asked to complete a brief pre-survey to ask how are following the Mediterranean diet and we will discuss it during the presentation.

Nov. 18, noon-12:45 p.m.Be Savvy with your Spirits: The average American sees an increase in their alcohol drinking habits between Thanksgiving and New Years. This session will discuss the recommendations for alcohol consumption, health implications of various drinking patterns. Participants will also learn how alcohol may impact weight, diabetes, hypertension and heart disease.

Nov. 24, noon-12:45 p.m.- Nutritions Role in a Healthy Microbiome: In this workshop you will learn the important role the human microbiome plays in human health as it relates to metabolism, immunity development, nutrition, and its link between various diseases. We will explore tips to nourish our human microbiome through the foods we choose in order to fuel our body. We will also discuss the difference between prebiotics and probiotics

Dec. 2, noon-12:45 p.m.- Humor and Stress: This session will focus on the humor and stress management techniques. This session will discuss research on stress on the body as well as the role humor can play in reducing stress. Laughter is good medicine!

Dec. 9, noon-12:45 p.m.- Aging and your Brain Health: Researchers say that living a mentally active life, is just as important as living a physically active life. This session will discuss the health benefits of brain workouts, provide examples of brain exercises.

Dec. 16, noon-12:45 p.m.- Seasonal Eating for people with Diabetes: November is National Diabetes Month, and with 34 million Americans who h have diabetes, this time of year can be more difficult to manage. . Take Charge of Your Diabetes during the Holidays will provide you with tips for managing your diabetes during the holidays. You will learn how to prepare favorite holiday foods that are both nutritious and delicious

Read more here:
Cooking lessons and more with OSU Extension | News | - Sentinel-Tribune

Women’s Health, Wealth And Longevity – A Retirement Triple-Threat – Employment and HR – UK – Mondaq News Alerts

28 September 2020

Gilson Gray

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Because women typically live longer than men and may have asmaller pension pot, they need to plan accordingly to make theirmoney last.

While longevity sounds like a blessing, we wouldn't want tobe unwell and struggling financially during our later-life years.But many women run the risk that this will be their future. Notbecause they've got the 'right genes' or live asuper-healthy lifestyle: it's simply because they were born awoman.

A 40-year-old woman has a one in four chance of living to age96, and a one in ten chance of living to 100.1 Betterhealthcare and positive lifestyle changes have helped to raise lifeexpectancies across the board, but women still are likely to livelonger than men. And with several studies finding that more menthan women have died from COVID-19, the life expectancy gap couldwiden further from here.

Women not only need their pensions to last longer, they alsogenerally have smaller pension pots to use during these extra yearsof life. We already know that women typically retire with one-fifthof the pension wealth of men.2 New analysis from theCentre for Economics and Business Research found that, when lifeexpectancy is taken into account, the gender pensions gap could beas much as 108,130 for single women, and 186,120 forwomen who are married or in a relationship.3

Because they tend to live longer, women are more likely to endup in single-person households later in life. This could addfurther to their financial pressures because it can be much moreexpensive to run a household of one, covering all bills alone.

Adding to this, the State Pension age is rising, which meansmany people who will rely on this government payment will have towork longer before they can claim it. Plus, there's noguarantee your health will support you working into your lateryears.

Some women may have taken their first job at 16. If you'replanning on working until your late 60s or early 70s, that's alot of years in the workforce - you might well be feeling burnt outor struggling with health issues. As early as your mid-40s or early50s, you could be suffering from symptoms of the menopause, such as'brain fog', which can make it tough for some women tocontinue working at the pace they once did.

You may want to drop to part-time hours or get a job with lessresponsibility to take some of the pressure off, even if it justfor a few years. But will you be able to afford it?

For women in same-sex relationships, they may think that theirjoint longevity will give them a long and happy retirementtogether. But in fact they could face a triple whammy ofchallenges: both partners might take a period of maternity leavethat could impact their earning power and pension contributions,both may need to work longer, and both may suffer from healthconditions over their long lives.

Luckily, there are things all women can do to increase yourchances of a financially secure life, however long you live. If youdo nothing else, have a think about what you want your future tolook like. Do an appraisal of all your long-term savings plans,rounding up any small savings pots you may have forgotten aboutover time. Sit down and have a chat with a financial adviser to seehow things are actually looking for your retirement years. Takinginto account the money you've already saved, and your capacityto save over the coming years, an adviser can model a likelyoutcome.

You may find that you can retire sooner than you think or canslow down your working pace as you near retirement if you come upwith a sensible plan now. Take charge today and speak to your St.James's Place Partner for help with your finances.


1. ONS life expectancy calculator, accessed 7 September2020

2. Securing the Financial Future of the Next Generation,Insuring Women's Futures and Chartered Insurance Institute,2018

3. Centre for Economics and Business Research, September2020

The content of this article is intended to provide a generalguide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be soughtabout your specific circumstances.

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Women's Health, Wealth And Longevity - A Retirement Triple-Threat - Employment and HR - UK - Mondaq News Alerts

3 Steps to Building the Workplace Culture You Want – The Advocate

Photo: Luis Alvarez | Getty Images

3 Steps to Building the Workplace Culture You Want

Every business leader influences their employees, but that influence should proceed with intentionand a clear understanding of the desired end state of their workplaceculture and its relationship tocompany objectives. A leader moving without a clear, consistent focus can very quickly erode confidence and lead to toxic impacts that can be difficult to reverse and impact the companys financial bottom line. Leaders of small businesses, in particular, should realize the direct line betweenleader-employee functioning and company stability.

Becoming an effective influencer as a leader is not a simple task. If it was, there would be a smaller percentage of disgruntled ex-employees and broad-based reduction in workforce turnover. A commonly referenced fact in human resources is that a majority of employees leave their employers due to management and failures to lead. From personal experience, having supported many entrepreneurs of large and small organizations over the last 20 years, a sampling of common, consistent reasons for employees departing shared with me include:

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Here are some approaches toward building a workplace devoid of these beliefs, with committed employees.

A common desire shared to me from business owners experiencing growth is that their next employee be a unicorn that elusive individual with the innate qualities that are hard to cultivate and can lead to evolution of the organization at large. My response when hearing this is, What plans do you have to develop your current workforce into that ideal? The answers are commonly inconclusive.

Most companies have not invested in training programs that provide effective means for evolvingtheir workforce towards its highest potential state. Such investments, when made effectively, have the benefit of not only improving workforce success in people individual roles, but lead to improved satisfaction, long-term workforce stabilityand improved confidence by leadership being in their corner.

A few critical, but often overlooked, training areas that I recommend companies incorporate include:

At some point, nearly every company will arrive at the decision to document its shared beliefs as value statements. When Iwork with a new organization to identityareas of improvement,senior leadership will inevitably share their corporate values as a precursor introduction to their culture and guiding principles. In a vast majority of cases, I receive feedback that indicates employees mostly experience those as somewhat akin to buzzwords affirmed infrequently (and generally for public benefit), and mostly absent from daily decisions.

This importance of a focus on daily application of values cannot be overstated. It is foundational to belief in leadership and shared sense of accountability to the organization. As an example, in my current team we have defined our values around the acronym HOOK:Humility, Over-delivering, Optimism and Kindness. We work to incorporate this into daily circumstances to ensure that application of the values to emerging scenarios does not follow a divergent path from what is intended. Driving long-term team alignment, most especially with new members,comes via documenting relevant scenarios for further shared awareness in discussion or training.

Without this contextual application, valuessometimes slip into obscurity or introduce conflict in their interpretation, which can relegate the acronym tooa mnemonic device reinforcing different outcomes and a source of frustration.

There are multiple personality-assessment types used for evaluation of prospective employees. Unfortunately, what is less understood and rarely applied is the ability for those assessments to be used in ongoing employee engagement and growth of interpersonal skills.

I have worked with many clients that have leveraged the DISC method of profiling to onboard employees, which isused at the onset of employment and rarely (if ever) referred to again. My strong recommendation to clients is that such profiles are made available to all team members as a basis for understanding optimal communication methods with the new member, and further using collective team profiles to bring improve collaboration.

As an example using the DISC model, if I was addressing teammate with high Dominance (the "D"in DISC) in a particular situation, I would modulate to being on a direct path towards resolution. If I was instead going to work with an individual with high Conscientiousness ("C") for with a similar scenario, I would instead be focusing on providing significant detail on the situation and path forward. For all distinct profile types, the key opportunity being that the assessment can guide subtle changes in interaction that allow leaders to reduce reluctance and drive clear improvements in communication and influence.

Related:11 Affordable Employee-Morale Boosters

While there are multiple facets to the relationship of an employee to their company, leaders in the organization have a singular potential to shape the health and longevity of the relationship. Key to that is balancing what employees bring on their own against with howleaders can reinforce trustthrough systems the raise the likelihood of success for all.

Related:3 Steps to Ensure Your Presentation Enraptures Your Audience3 Ways Leaders Can Better Discover What People Want6 Ways A Remote Manager Can Kill Your Workplace Culture

Go here to read the rest:
3 Steps to Building the Workplace Culture You Want - The Advocate

Top 5 Group Exercise Classes for Your Return to the Gym – Longevity LIVE

Its not hard to see why yoga has become so popular. In addition to helping with strength, balance, and body awareness, its meditative qualities can help center your life and reduce stress and anxiety. Taking a yoga class with a professional yoga instructor is an absolute must since some moves can be dangerous if not performed properly.

Taking yoga as a group class, additionally, will allow for the meditative qualities of yoga to be enhanced by group participation and will give you the motivation to participate more fully in the spiritual aspects of the practice. Being a group yoga classalso allows you to benefit from the shared, collective energy of the group, and youll be able to leverage that energy throughout your yogic flows. For those who struggle to stay consistent with their yoga effortsparticularly beginnersthese classes can be a great way to create accountability, learn from others, and make it more fun.

Taking a group dance class can be an incredibly fun social experience, especially if you go with your significant other. Dance has many of the same advantages of yoga, including strength, balance, and cardio training, but instead of meditation, it concentrates on interpersonal interaction.

The social aspects of group dance go back to ancient traditions. All over the world, dance would have incredible importance in the ritual life of the community. Many of these ancient rituals have been lost, but some of those social benefits can be tapped into. Be it through swing, salsa, and other group dance classes. In fact, the ability to build close connections with your fellow dancers is one of the biggest benefits.

Because dancing involves physical connection, it allows you to bridge the gap between human interaction and human touch. Group dance classes are also almost always more affordable than private lessons, and youll benefit from getting a firsthand look at how many different people have different styles and approacheseven for the same dance.

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Top 5 Group Exercise Classes for Your Return to the Gym - Longevity LIVE

Ask Maine Audubon: Why do baby snapping turtles hatch in the fall? –

Why do snapping turtles often build their nests quite a long walk from the water, instead of right next to it? Also, why do the babies hatch now, instead of in spring like so many other baby animals?

Avi, 4, Portland

Great to hear from a young inquisitive naturalist! Snapping turtles are a great species to study throughout our warmer months because they are fairly common, and their slow movements and large size make them easy to find and observe over time. Ive been tracking one of the snapping turtles at Maine Audubons Gilsland Farm in Falmouth for years. It lays eggs every spring, which gives us a few exciting days every fall when the babies hatch.

We can almost set our clocks to when the female snapping turtle will wander up from the pond to find a spot to lay her eggs. Every year that weve found her, it has been during the first week of June. As Avi notes, she makes the 400- to 500-foot journey from the pond to find someplace that will be safe to lay the eggs. In most cases, I see turtles moving uphill to find dry sandy areas to dig a hole for their eggs. If they lay them too close to the pond or body of water that they live in, they may risk getting the eggs wet or too cold. Temperature is critical for development, and actually determines the sex of the hatchlings: warmer temperatures during embryo development will result in females, colder temperatures result in males.

Predation is also a big problem for snapping turtles, with studies showing that over 80 percent of nests are raided by predators. Many of the animals that would make a meal of a turtles eggs, including raccoons and mink, are likely to be found around the waters or riparian habitats that the turtle lives in. So perhaps moving away from the water could also help lower predation risks.

Just as we can predict the early June laying of eggs, we almost always see baby turtles hatching out during the second week of September. This has varied over the years, with Oct. 10 being our latest hatch date, despite the same June lay day. Unlike the other spring babies that we see with other animals, especially mammals, snapping turtles have a narrower window to reproduce. They can only start mating once theyve emerged from the mud in the spring (we often see turtles mating during our Spring Warbler Walks at Evergreen Cemetery in mid-May). So by the time females lay eggs, the eggs incubate, and then hatch, we find ourselves in September.

There are sometimes reports of eggs that have overwintered in northern regions, probably because they didnt have enough time to incubate, that then hatch out in the spring. Still others can hatch, overwinter underground, and emerge from their nests in spring. Good questions, Avi!


Since reading that Paris and Oxford have approved a 30 acre solar panel farm, I have been worrying. Is it true that birds flying over such projects can get fried?

Cynthia Burmeister, Paris, Maine

With climate change arguably the greatest threat to wildlife, human health, and even habitability on this planet, we need to transition to renewable energies as quickly as possible. Acting fast does not mean we should act improperly, and this is where we need to evaluate the different options for a sustainable future, as not all are equal.

The sun sends us energy in the form of solar radiation, and we have several technologies (and more coming) for harnessing this hopefully infinite source of energy. One of those is used in concentrated power facilities, and it has been known to be harmful to birds. These facilities essentially use mirrors to reflect light back to a single point, on a tower, and convert that heat into energy. These systems can heat water to produce steam, or even efficiently store heat in molten salts.

The problem with concentrated solar power facilities is that they use lots, often thousands, of specialized mirrors (heliostats) that essentially create a heat ray. This is practically the same technology that Archimedes used to burn attacking Roman ships during the Siege of Syracuse (213212 BC). Scale up that Greeks science project, and you can imagine how effective these modern facilities are. They can, unfortunately, fry birds that fly through the hot beams. However, to allay Cynthias concerns, concentrated solar power is not very common, and Maine is far from suitable for this technology.

The solar technology that we are seeing a big push for in Maine is generating electricity through photovoltaics. This is basically a plan to scale up the solar panels you see collecting sunlight directly on rooftops and ground-mounted platforms. Photovoltaics represent the cheapest solar electricity source, and Maine is a great place for them, especially for homeowners thanks to the restoration of net-metering by Gov. Janet Mills in 2019. From an environmental impact perspective, photovoltaics are great: they dont produce any pollution or green-house gases. Yes, manufacturing of anything will produce some waste and carbon emissions, but the longevity and efficiency of photovoltaic cells make them one of our best options. And from a birds perspective, there is virtually no harm from photovoltaics themselves.

There is potential for adverse impacts, however, as my colleague Eliza Donahue wrote about in August. Photovoltaic technology is great, and placing them on rooftops or brownfields are ideal, but we need to be cautious in large-scale adoption. Proposals for large solar farms on grasslands, woodlands, or other ecologically productive sites need to be thoughtfully sited and evaluated for long-term impacts to the species that rely on those areas including humans.

Do you have a nature question for Doug? Email questions to [emailprotected] and visit to learn more about virtual and backyard birding, online classes, and other programs about Maine wildlife and habitat.

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Ask Maine Audubon: Why do baby snapping turtles hatch in the fall? -

COVID-19 Cross-Sector Impact Thematic Research, Q3 2020 – – Business Wire

DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The "COVID-19 Cross-Sector Impact - Thematic Research (July 2020)" report has been added to's offering.

This report analyzes the impact of COVID-19 across industry sectors. It provides side-by-side analysis of alternative datasets to present you with unique quantitative analysis of the effects of COVID-19 and how these differ across sectors. We also provide qualitative analysis of each sector and analyse COVID-19's impact on leading companies.

According to John Hopkins University data, by 28 July 2020, COVID-19 had infected more than 16.4 million people and claimed 650,000 lives. The pandemic forced governments to impose rigid lockdowns that essentially shut down the worldwide economy for many months. With the exception of India and China, all major economies are expected to shrink this year. Unemployment levels have increased at jaw-dropping rates.

The COVID-19 recession has not been caused by a demand shock, rather, it is a policy-driven supply shock designed to save people's lives. Consequently, the strategies-of governments and companies-that will be used in the economic recovery could be different from previous recessions.

Despite the substantial uncertainty regarding the economic downturn, this could well be the first recovery with a focus on sustainability. The human cost of COVID-19 extends beyond infection and into the broader economy. Companies that ignore social, environmental and governance issues could face significant customer backlash. Governments are already showing signs that sustainability-particularly green energy-will feature strongly in stimulus programs.

The way we live our lives has been changed permanently. However, the extent to which human life will change will be affected by two competing factors: the longevity of COVID-19's presence and the speed with which a vaccine is developed. Most enterprises successfully transitioned to work from home; few will revert back to pre-COVID-19 practices. Many staff will opt to work from home at least part of the week. There will be ramifications for the way we plan our future cities and future transportation networks, as well as for the commercial property sector.


Reasons to Buy

For more information about this report visit

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COVID-19 Cross-Sector Impact Thematic Research, Q3 2020 - - Business Wire

Never too old or young to live a healthy lifestyle – Clinton News Record

Positive behaviours can be learned (or re-learned) at any stage of our lives. Photo Supplied

Learning is something that we can do every day of our lives.

Learning can be done anywhere, at any age and in a variety of mediums. We can learn by reading, by doing, by listening, by watching and more.

We all learn differently and that is because we are all individuals. We all have different levels of interests and passions, as well as internal and external devices that drive us. We learn at different paces and on different schedules. We can learn life skills, languages, instruments and trades; but we can also learn behaviours; behaviours such as how to be active and how to eat well. These positive behaviours can be learned (or re-learned) at any stage of our lives. However, just as with other types of learning, we need to be selective of where we get our information and how we choose to apply it as we move forward.

When were looking for information on how to be active or eat healthier, its important that we learn from credible and certified sources that we trust. Learning a new behaviour such being active or cooking healthy on a regular basis, needs to be a behaviour that fits with who we are and within our way of life. While learning has many benefits, one of the great things about learning is that there is more than one way to do things; and being active and eating well both have multiple pathways to success.

Our challenge this week, as were on this learning journey to eat better and move more, is to remind ourselves of the importance that anything we learn needs to be applied to our own situations. For example, perhaps we have a friend who sets an alarm at noon every day so that she can keep herself accountable to walk on a consistent basis; however, being active at the same time doesnt work for us because we work shift work. Our takeaway from that example could be that we prioritize and schedule time each day, even if it varies, to be active and keep ourselves on-track.

Learning is a process. Its a process of gathering new information, skills, behaviours, preferences and knowledge. Its giving ourselves an understanding of the potential we can have; and when that relates to being active and eating well, our potential is unlimited. Learning takes time, and it takes patience. It takes trying different methods, failing, gathering what we learned and trying again. Learning is fluid and continual.

Were never too old or young to learn new skills to be active or cook healthy at home. How will you learn a new skill this week to live a healthier lifestyle? How will you apply that learning to your own situation so that your new behaviour is sustainable? What will you learn today, that will bring you a healthier tomorrow?

This column was written and provided by Strathcona County Parks, Culture, and Recreations Jennifer Wilson.

See more here:
Never too old or young to live a healthy lifestyle - Clinton News Record

Be true to your heart – Hindustan Times

We just celebrated the birth anniversary of our beloved Bapu Mahatma Gandhi, and his teachings are invaluable to our life. One of the key things he shared is to follow the path of satya (truth). But are we truly following that? We must look inside and be true to our body and the organ that truly gives us the essence of living i.e. the heart. We have seen Covid-19 is most dangerous to people who have comorbidities such as heart diseases, diabetes, etc.

With rising number of cases, timely medical care and invasive life saving procedures such as angioplasty and coronary artery bypass are known to save lives. Patients who have angina that suddenly worsens, angioplasty and stent placement can restore blood flow to the oxygen-starved heart, easing the pain within 30 minutes the average time for the procedure. Once the patients recover, they are able to exercise longer than before. In addition, the procedure lowers their risk of death.

However, every heart disease requires a disease management plan. Cardiology has improved itself, with advent of latest techniques, and the best of stents are now available to improve the results. Invasive coronary angiography is the standard technique since the past four decades. Although it has stood the test of time, many shortcomings also have been uncovered. It is an eye ball evaluation of artery by an examiner. A lesion which may be significant, requiring treatment in terms of stent implantation to one cardiologist, may be insignificant, requiring only medical therapy to another. This becomes a source of immense confusion for the patients mind. Newer technologies like FFR help in evaluating the right lesions (point of disease), as functional assessment is more necessary than quantitative assessment by angiography only. This technique help remove dilemma from minds of doctors and patients. It is not always necessary that all patients having coronary artery disease have to be treated by angioplasty or bypass surgery, sometimes management through medicines alone is sufficient.

Even one of the trials also suggested that patients with stable heart disease might do equally well with medicines only. Medicines include blood thinning medications, cholesterol lowering medications, and medicines to normalise the heart rate.

It is extremely important, if you are a heart patient, that you discuss the possible treatment options with your cardiologist, best suited to your clinical condition. Besides, an active and healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet is equally important to reduce your risk of heart diseases and evade the need for angioplasty.

The author of this article is Dr Naveen Bhamri, HOD and director - Cardiac Sciences,Max Super Speciality Hospital, Shalimar Bagh, Delhi.

(Disclaimer: This initiative is undertaken in the public interest. The information is only suggestive for patient education and shall not be considered as a substitute for doctors advice or recommendations. Please consult your doctor for more information.)

Read more:
Be true to your heart - Hindustan Times

World Heart Day 2020: 5 Diet And Lifestyle Tips To Keep Your Heart Healthy Post COVID – NDTV Food

World Heart Day 2020 also aims to raise awareness about rising heart ailments.


World Heart Day is celebrated on29th September globally and there's no better time to discuss how our lifestyle and diet choicesaffect our health in a big way. Lifestyle choices, we all know, is the only way to keep ourselves healthy. It is very true for heart's health too. The steep increase in non-communicable diseases in recent decades has been attributed to poor choices that we make daily. Intake of foods that are unhealthy, nutrient-free, sugary as well as full of saturated, coupled with a sedentary lifestyle, smoking and stress have adverse effects on your heart. A recent study has shown that by just improving our lifestyle choices, we can reduce the risk of heart-related diseases by 50%.

World Heart Day 2020 aimsto encourage a healthy lifestyle and healthy eating habits. One of the objectives is to also raise awareness about the importance of engaging in physical activity to reduce the risk of heart diseases. According to the World Heart Federation, this yearin the light of the Coronavirus pandemic,the theme of World heart day is '#UseHeart to beat cardiovascular disease'. World Heart Federation stresses on the fact that in the time of COVID-19, CVD patients are faced with a double-edged threat. They are not just more at risk of developing severe forms of the virus, but they may also be afraid to seek ongoing care for their hearts. Thus, taking care of our hearts right now is more important than ever.

Heart-related diseases (cardiovascular diseases) are on the rise globally and India is right at the forefront. Today, when we are facing a pandemic, there are certain limitations that we face to achieve a healthy lifestyle, so how do we protect our heart? Let me take you through easy things that will improve your overall health and keep your heart in top shape.

Healthy food is basically food made with fresh ingredients, less oil and salt. Very easy to achieve right now, especially when we are eating home-cooked food. Let me detail this using the 5 food groups:

- Whole grains should make up at least half your grain servings. So, ensure that two major meals contain whole grains in the form of millets, parboiled rice/ brown rice, multigrain flour. Keep the refined for one meal. Whole grain fibre is the most effective in controlling Lipids, as a number of researches have shown

(Also Read:7 Best Heart-Healthy Breakfast Recipes)

World Heart Day 2020:Whole grain fibre is the most effective in controlling Lipids.

- Protein: Choose healthy plant-based protein sources like legumes, nuts and seeds. Whole dals like rajmah, lobia, chickpeas come with lots of fibre, heart protective minerals and phytonutrients. They add satiety to the meal preventing overeating and keep the food longer in our system - meaning you avoid binging. Proteins are also the cornerstone for a healthy immune system. Add one protein to every meal. Other than whole dals, egg, chicken breast, and fish made in less oil are also healthy.

- Oils and Fats: Choose healthy oils from peanut, rice bran, and sunflower. Change the oil source every month or two. Plant-based oils are good sources of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, poly-unsaturated fats and are also low in saturated fats. Adding a mustard oil or sesame oil in combination to the above makes it perfect. Quantity of 500mls/person, including all sources of added oil, is the thumb rule!

- Vegetables and Fruits: Fresh seasonal, locally-grown vegetables are freely available. Fill up half your plate with different colours daily. They add fibre and phytonutrients that protect the heart from degeneration and keep it healthy. Rich in antioxidants, they protect the heart from oxidative stress. Whole fruits are where the health is. Fresh juices leave out a lot of nutrients and packaged juices add extra sugar calories.

World Heart Day 2020:Rich in antioxidants, fruits and veggies protect the heart from oxidative stress.

- Milk and Milk Products: Best source of calcium, which is an important nutrient for heart muscle health, drinking two glasses of fat free or double toned milk is necessary. Dahi, the fermented form of milk, is rich in probiotics, which keep our gut healthy and also add up to a healthy heart and lower Lipids.

In conclusion: While planning a major meal, make sure that you have at least one component from a minimum of four food groups. For snacks, choose proteins over carbs and roasted over fried. Avoid anything that is packet, because you will invariably add extra sodium and fat into your day.

Do stationary aerobic exercises daily for at least 30 minutes unless contraindicated by your doctor.

- Working from home: Walk and talk. Use every opportunity to walk at home.

- Chair Yoga: Do your stretches while working, it will keep you from feeling crampy.

- Count your steps: 10,000 is a good target for the day. 15,000 is where you start to protect your heart. If you are nowhere near this, no need to worry. Start today, walk at one spot, increase your steps every 2-3 days.

I would not advice you to go out or join a gym just yet, but all of the above are achievable at home.

World Heart Day 2020: One can do simple exercises at home.

Deprivation of sleep has a direct effect on heart health, irrespective of other risk factors. While staying at home, we may have got into a habit of sleeping during the day and staying awake at night. You may be getting 7-8 hours of sleep, but the circadian clock in our brain works on solar time, so night is when it matters the most.

World Heart Day 2020:Deprivation of sleep has a direct effect on heart health.

There are variou reasons to get stressed - from the scare of getting infected to job uncertainty and to being away from friends and family. All of these things may add up to the list and you may hamper your heart health too. Take control, talk to family and friends, talk to a life coach if necessary, but work on your feelings (reasons for stress) before they get the better of your heart.

Take any medications prescribed religously and reach out to your doctor, if required. Even a video consultation will be good.

It is very important to take care of our body and mind during these Covid times. Eat healthy and maintain a sustainale lifestyle to keep your body, mind and soul happy.



The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. NDTV is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, suitability, or validity of any information on this article. All information is provided on an as-is basis. The information, facts or opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of NDTV and NDTV does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.

About Rupali DattaRupali Datta is a Clinical Nutritionist and has worked in leading corporate hospitals. She has created and lead teams of professionals to deliver clinical solutions for patients across all medical specialties including critical care. She is a member of the Indian Dietetic Association and Indian Association of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition.

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World Heart Day 2020: 5 Diet And Lifestyle Tips To Keep Your Heart Healthy Post COVID - NDTV Food

Berny Unruh: Staying positive when times are tough – Hays Daily News


What is the secret to staying positive? Staying positive when times are tough is much easier said than done. Living a healthy lifestyle is very important but maintaining a positive attitude in todays world is even more important.

On Wednesday October 7, 2020 at 12:10 pm Berny Unruh will be presenting "Im Positive, Im Ok" at the Cottonwood Extension Office, 601 Main, in Hays. Come spend your lunch hour with us as we outline ideas to keep a positive outlook on life. The program will be concluded by 12:50 pm so participants can return to work. The program will be held in the large meeting room at the back of the Extension office and social distancing will be practiced.

Research has shown that optimism improves not only mental well-being but also physical health and that resilience and optimism can be associated with greater longevity. There are many ways to stay keep a positive outlook and the first one is to be around positive people and those that support you. That has been more difficult during the last six months but there are many ways to connect with people when you cannot physically be with them.

Hopefully this lesson will inspire you to make a checklist of the things that will help you live a more positive and successful life. An RSVP that you will be able to attend to the Extension Office 785-628-9430 or an email to would be greatly appreciated.

Berny Unruh is the Family and Community Wellness Agent for the Cottonwood Extension District.

Continued here:
Berny Unruh: Staying positive when times are tough - Hays Daily News

Keeping A Healthy Heart To Show Your Kids You Love Them – Moms

Regardless of how old or how young you are, you can start taking care of your heart and making the time & effort is good for your kids, too.

Your kids need you around for a long time. The best way to show your kids that you love them is by protecting and taking good care of them. However, you cannot do this effectively if you are in poor health. Having a healthy heart is the key to enjoying overall health. Most people fail to take care of this most important muscle until it is too late. Do not wait until your heart is not working right before you start taking care of it. Make the effort to keep your heart healthy starting today!

Heart diseases are a major cause of death worldwide. Many people who end up dealing with heart issues could have avoided the diseases if they had taken care of their hearts. Fortunately, taking care of your heart is as simple as embracing a healthy lifestyle. This is something that you can start at any age.

Regardless of how old or how young you are, you can start taking care of your heart. The sooner you begin making healthy choices, the more you can expect to reap the benefits.

RELATED:Man Suffered Heart Attack & Suddenly Realized He Needed To Find His Birth Mother

One of the easiest and most effective ways to help your heart is by making healthy food choices. Eating a good diet is something that everyone can do. Healthy food can lower the risk of getting a heart attack or stroke. The same way you want to give your kids healthy food, you should do the same for yourself. Introducing good eating habits in your home will keep everyone healthy. Fortunately, getting details about the best foods for your heart is easy. Talk to a health expert or go online for all the information you need about choosing a good diet.

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Happy World Heart Day! Last year, on my journey to solving my heart mystery, I learned that one of my undiagnosed congenital heart diseases (myocardial bridge) caused another type of heart disease called endothelial dysfunction. Endothelial dysfunction is a type of non-obstructive coronary artery disease (CAD) in which there are no heart artery blockages, but the large blood vessels on the heart's surface constrict (narrow) instead of dilating (opening). This condition tends to affect more women than men and causes chronic chest pain. In my case, surgery to correct the structural problems with my heart was the first step to healing my damaged heart vessels. The next part has been my responsibility by being more conscious about living a heart healthy life in terms of diet, exercise, and stress management. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for women in the United States, killing 299,578 women in 2017or about 1 in every 5 female deaths. About 1 in 16 women age 20 and older (6.2%) have coronary heart disease, the most common type of heart disease Symptoms of heart disease include pain in the neck, jaw, , back, abdomen, or throat. Some women may have no symptoms. Blessed to still be here to be able to say: Take care of your hearts, you only get one

A post shared by Jay Rishe (@lifeabove_illness) on Sep 29, 2020 at 9:43am PDT

Exercise helps to keep the heart healthy. If you are a busy mom, you may be thinking that you dont have time to exercise. The truth is that you can make the time, at least 30 minutes every day. You can turn playtime into a time to exercise with your kids. Kicking a ball around, playing with the dog, shooting hoops and other activities can help you to get some exercise. Exercise helps to keep your heart rate up thereby strengthening it and preventing plaque buildup. Keep active and you can start looking good and feeling fit in the bargain.

Stress is one of the major contributors to heart disease. Taking care of your kids, running the home and maybe even maintaining a full-time job can be stressful. However, you need to do everything that you can to get rid of stress. Sometimes, it may mean changing your schedule or getting a new job. You may think that you are trying to do whats best for the family but the truth is that your kids need you more than the things you provide. Learn some relaxation techniques and make time for yourself where you can recharge and find some peace.

Smoking exposes you to harmful substances that have a toxic effect on the heart. Cigarette smoke will increase your chances of getting heart disease. You also have to be careful about being around smokers. Remember that you can suffer the same problems if you spend time around someone who smokes. Drinking alcohol in excess can lead to severe heart problems. Drinking too much alcohol will not just affect your health, it also interferes with your mind. Your kids want a healthy and happy parent and this means making responsible choices.

Being overweight is linked to different health and heart problems. You can find out your ideal weight by carrying out a body mass index test. The more weight you have the higher your risk of health complications including high blood pressure, heart disease, high blood sugar, breathing problems, and even cancer. Choosing a healthy diet and exercise will help you to lose weight. Losing 5% to 10% of your current weight can drastically reduce your risk of having a stroke or heart attack.

Remember that you are in control over many of the things that influence heart health. A healthy lifestyle will improve your mood, leaving you with more energy and reduced stress. When you understand the benefits of having a healthy heart, you will realize its worth the effort to make some changes. You can be on the path to improved health and showing your kids how much you love them. To ensure that your heart remains healthy, make sure that you visit a doctor for consultation and regular checkups.

NEXT:Healthy And Active Young Mom Suffered 3 Heart Attacks In 1 Week


9 Amazing Barbie Facts You Might Not Know

I have been a writer since 2012, and have enjoyed the journey thus far. When I am not busy writing like there's no tomorrow, I enjoy spending time with my three daughters and watching Netflix.

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Keeping A Healthy Heart To Show Your Kids You Love Them - Moms

Simple tips to eat right, bite by bite and meet your fitness goals – The Indian Express

By: Lifestyle Desk | New Delhi | Updated: October 3, 2020 9:16:48 amIf you want to meet your fitness goals, start paying attention to what you eat. (Source: Getty Images/Thinkstock)

A recent report called Indias Diet Paradoxpublished by Nu-Shakti, highlighted that 98 per cent agree that a nutritious diet is essential for a healthy lifestyle, however only 60 per cent of the respondents rarely or never make a conscious effort to add nutritive elements or additional supplements to their diet. On the other hand, the Indian Heart Journal Volume 71, also highlights that India is home to 77 million diabetics, second highest in the world, and almost one in every three Indian adults is affected by hypertension, says Ramya Ramachandran clinical nutritionist, lactation consultant, and diabetes educator, Chennai.

Given the increasing awareness about healthy eating and living, backed by improved technologies and greater access to information, millions across the globe make resolutions to eat healthy. However, most resolutions either do not see the light of day or disappear somewhere along the way. The increasing awareness about health and fitness is not translating into actions. Hence the gap and the above report validates the same, says Ramachandran.

According to the nutritionist, such resolutions mostly fail due to lack of proper planning or food strategy. Having said that, it is important to understand that it is not just about correcting the food on our plates; we also have to correct our habits to stay healthy. So heres a low down of some super simple tweaks you can make to your food habits and pledge for a healthier year ahead, she adds.

Eat colourful

Vegetables are an important part of our diet, which is why we are advised to eat a lot of green and leafy vegetables. However, if you are looking for a wholesome and balanced diet that fulfills all your nutritional requirements, you need more colours on your plate. More so because green leafy vegetables are rich sources of vitamins like ascorbic acid, folic acid, etc. and rich in minerals such as iron, calcium, and phosphorus, making them a natural cache of nutrients. Likewise, red-coloured fruits and vegetables are a rich source of antioxidants that reduce the risk of hypertension, cancer, heart diseases, etc. The point being, the more the colours on your plate, the better the variety of nutrients you get. Despite all the benefits of colourful food, if your tight work schedule doesnt allow you to lay your hands on these veggies, the next best option is to include food supplements and essentials in your food. Please note that dietary supplements cannot replace bad eating habits, but aids in preventing the damages caused by it.

Cook for yourself

Now that we have expanded the food content on our plate, lets talk about treating the food. Inculcate a habit of cooking your own food. Theres no better way to know whats in your food than cooking it yourself. By making it yourself, not only can you play around with different flavours and spices, but also control the amount of sugar and salt you consume.

Relish every bite slowly

Once the food is ready, how you consume it also has an impact on your health. Considering the hectic lifestyle we live, most people tend to gobble down everything on their plates; that is a very unhealthy habit. Primarily because you chew the food less, which interrupts the proper processing of the food inside your body; this could lead to health issues like obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, etc. Therefore pledge to eat slowly and relish every bite because thats how you Eat right, bite by bite.

Focus on mindful eating

Yet another essential aspect to consider as a healthy eating habit would be to eat attentively. Most of us underestimate the importance of paying attention to our food while eating. Being distracted by TVs, computers and mobile phones while eating might interfere with the digestion process as your mouth might not produce enough saliva. This, in turn, interferes with regulating your appetite and impedes the body from signaling when youre full.

Manage your stress better

The above-discussed aspects are some of the simplest ways of having a healthy eating habit. However, one must note that stress eating is a real thing, causing major health hazards. Pledge to manage your stress better by finding better ways to blow off some steam and compose yourself. Explore reading, massages, cooking, or even going for a run, anything that helps you unwind. Find something else than food to unload your stress.

Plan your meal and cook adequately

Planning anything helps you set objectives and deciding in advance the appropriate measures. Another quick hack to healthy eating is to plan your meals in advance and cook adequate portions. This way, you wouldnt be wasting food. Instead of grabbing junk food when youre hungry, stock healthy foods like fruits, yogurt, nuts, and dry fruits at home; and most importantly, hydrate yourself with adequate fluids. Last but not the least, dont go too hard on yourself over food. Drooling over that muffin? Then eat it! The point is to pay attention and not to obsess over eating right.

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Simple tips to eat right, bite by bite and meet your fitness goals - The Indian Express

New poll finds majority of Americans have experienced better oral health habits, healthier lifestyles, and financial benefits as a result of having…

OAK BROOK, Ill., Sept. 30, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --As communities continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, maintaining good overall health is of the utmost importance, which is why Delta Dental is shining a spotlight on oral health's connection to overall health. Today, Delta Dental released new data that highlights the overall health and financial benefits that dental insurance provides and reminds Americans that Delta Dental is the perfect partner in achieving optimal oral and overall health.

"According to a new poll, an overwhelming majority of Americans have experienced the positive impact dental insurance can have on oral and overall health. In fact, two of the top-cited benefits of having dental insurance includeits ability to enable Americans to lead a healthy lifestyle (86%) and encourage better oral health habits (86%)," said Emily O'Brien, spokeswoman for the Delta Dental Plans Association. "Delta Dental encourages Americans to remain focused on their health and find a dental insurance plan that meets their needs, helps them save money, and enables them to receive care from dedicated dentists across the country."

In addition, this new poll also found that many Americans also recognize the financial benefits that dental insurance provides: a substantial majority know that having dental insurance saves them money in the long-run (80%), is worth the cost (75%) and provides discounts pre-negotiated with their dentist (71%).

Selecting a dental plan that is right for you Learn more about selecting a dental plan that is right for you by visiting Delta Dental's "Protect my Smile: Dental Insurance" page. Topics include:

To learn more about Delta Dental Plans this open enrollment season, visit

About the survey

The Adult's Oral Health & Well-Being Survey was conducted between December 30, 2019 and January 11, 2020 among a nationally representative sample of 1,055 Americans ages 18+. The margin of error is +/- 3.02%

Follow us on Twitter @DeltaDental and Facebook: Delta Dental Plans Association

About Delta Dental Plans AssociationDelta Dental Plans Association, based in Oak Brook, Illinois, is the not-for-profit national association of the 39 independent Delta Dental companies.Through these companies, Delta Dental is the nation's largest provider of dental insurance, covering more than 80 million Americans, and offering the country's largest dental network with approximately 156,000 participating dentists. In 2019, Delta Dental companies provided approximately $76 million in direct and in-kind community outreach support to improve the oral health of adults, children and infants in local communities across the country.For more information, visit:

SOURCE Delta Dental Plans Association

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New poll finds majority of Americans have experienced better oral health habits, healthier lifestyles, and financial benefits as a result of having...

Lockdown led to better heart health in masses: Report – India New England

By Siddhi Jain

New Delhi The unavailability of processed, packaged foods and a shift in the everyday lifestyle of Indians during the nationwide lockdown, may have helped people especially those over 50 years of age to better their heart health, days from an at-home health test service provider shows.

The platform Healthians has revealed that it has observed an astounding decrease of 22.3 percent in the incidence of high total cholesterol in people during the lockdown. The findings are based on data collected from more than 50,000 samples during the last quarter of 2019 in comparison to the third quarter of 2020, just after the Unlock process started in the country. Samples were split equally between males and females, to make accurate analysis.

Interestingly, the drop is far significant among men than women across ages. Men have witnessed a drop of 25.4 percent versus a drop of just 17.2 percent in women.

This drop, points to improved heart health amongst the populace and can be attributed to the fact that during the lockdown, people were forced to change their lifestyle and adapt to a life full of dietary restrictions. Non-availability of processed and packaged foods, ready to eat items has caused a shift in the consumption habits of people. Due to the lockdown and pandemic, there is a marked reduction in the consumption of junk food which is considered as one of the biggest causes of heart issues.

According to Healthians, cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that helps the human body to make hormones, vitamin D, and healthy cells. The body makes the required cholesterol on its own. Its excess in the human blood can lead to plaque that sticks to the wall of arteries and can cause the coronary arteries to become narrow. Maintaining an optimum level of cholesterol is necessary for heart health. High levels of cholesterol significantly increase the risk of heart disease.

Another significant finding of the study indicates that a significant drop was witnessed by people in their 50s and above. Comparatively people in the age groups of 20s, 30s and 40s witnessed a significantly smaller drop.

While, lifestyle choices and altered living may be the primary reasons for this drop, healthcare professionals attribute weather also as a factor as cholesterol levels may be elevated during winters.

Lifestyle changes play a vital role in determining the health of individuals; Lockdown has shown us why and how healthy lifestyle changes affect our overall well being. Just a few simple changes in eating habits whether forced or unforced can do wonders to our health, shared Deepak Sahni, CEO and Founder, Healthians.

One can also notice an explosion of health-focused content highlighting the importance of maintaining fitness, nutritional choices and making the most of the limited resources available. There is also a growing awareness about immunity. The conversation surrounding health has had a subliminal effect on people. Most packaged foods, ready-to-consume meals, fast food, and food items from eateries are usually high on unhealthy ingredients and contain extremely harmful trans-fats.

Reduced consumption of unhealthy fats and a focus on cooking meals with healthy ingredients has caused a dramatic change in eating habits. Even those who crave junk food are cooking more nutritious versions of their favourite options. Consumption of home-cooked, healthy food, following a timely eating schedule could also be a contributing factor in the reduced cholesterol levels.

As per the report by the doorstep health solutions provider, smaller cities like Jaipur, Amritsar, Kanpur, and Jalandhar have witnessed a more significant drop as compared to metros. It is possible that it could be due to a more severe shortage of processed, junk food in smaller cities as compared to big ones.(IANS)

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Lockdown led to better heart health in masses: Report - India New England

ARH webinar on preventative healthcare | Health | – Beckley Register-Herald

Appalachian Regional Healthcare (ARH) invites adults across Central Appalachia to participate in a webinar on preventative healthcare and how it saves lives.

Participants will learn what screenings and immunizations they should have at every age, how living a healthy lifestyle can change your health outcomes andthe importance of maintaining healthcare appointments during a pandemic.

Speakers Dr. Elizabeth Nelson and Dr. Paula Jones will discuss adult preventative screenings by age and gender, beginning at age 18; the importance of regular health check-ups; the importance of a healthy lifestyle; immunizations you should have; Covid safety precautions at hospitals and clinics and the ease of telemedicine.

Elizabeth Thompson Nelson, MD, FHM, practices at Beckley ARH Hospital in Beckley. Dr. Nelson is board certified in internal medicine, providing care for adults. She diagnoses and treats chronic illness, promotes health and disease prevention and is dedicated to excellence in patient care. Dr. Nelson completed her residency and internship in internal medicine at Georgetown University Hospital in Washington, DC, and her doctor of medicine degree at the Howard University College of Medicine, Washington, DC.

Paula Jones, DO, practices at ARH Medical and Specialty Associates in Harold, Ky. Dr. Jones treats adults and children over 13 years of age, diagnosing and treating both acute and chronic illnesses. She provides routine health screenings and counseling on lifestyle changes in an effort to prevent illnesses before they develop. Dr. Jones completed her doctor of osteopathy from Kentucky College of Osteopathic Medicine in Pikeville, Ky. and is a board-certified Osteopathic Family Physician.

Adults who would like to participate in this webinar can register for the event at the following link:

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ARH webinar on preventative healthcare | Health | - Beckley Register-Herald

Irvines residents are healthy, happy and fit – Irvine Standard

IRVINE HAS TWO AWARD-WINNING HOSPITALS in the heart of the city by design.

Hoag and Kaiser Permanente anchor the Sand Canyon Medical Corridor that was master planned to put comprehensive medical care within a few minutes of everyones home. (In comparison, less than half of Orange County cities have even a single hospital.)

The Master Plans promise of balance also includes a healthy lifestyle with abundant parks, open space, bike trails, athletic fields and farm-fresh food.

As a result, three recent studies by Anthem Foundations Fittest Cities in America, and Niches Healthiest Places to Live in America, and WalletHubs Healthiest U.S. Cities all ranked Irvine among Americas top 10 healthiest cities.

Nature Connection

Irvines Master Plan has created one of the greenest cities in America, with 271 parks and access to 57,500 acres of open space that has been compared to a national park in our backyard. The benefits? Walking in all this nature, according to recent research, makes us feel calmer, happier and more creative.

UCI Health

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Irvines residents are healthy, happy and fit - Irvine Standard

A Nutrition Expert Just Said This Is More Important Than Losing Weight – Yahoo Lifestyle

For the majority of his career, James Hill, PhD, chair of the nutrition sciences department at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, has devoted his time and attention to health and wellness issues. And in holding positions such as chair of the World Health Organization's (WHO) Consultation on Obesity, that meant honing in on the more physical aspects of a healthy lifestyle. He even helped to create national guidelines for treating and preventing obesity. But Hill is leading the charge in rethinking what we believe to be a healthy lifestyle, suggesting that taking a holistic approach to wellness is of the highest importanceeven more so than simply losing weight.

"Wellness is still a rather vague concept with no clear definition and no definitive method of measurement," Hill said in a statement ahead of the keynote address he gave on Sept. 28 at the 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting of The North American Menopause Society (NAMS). He urged people to "consider the advantages and disadvantages of a focus on wellness, as well as issues of definition, measurement, and method of change."

The problem, as Hill sees it, is the separation of the different aspects of wellness and the trend of people focusing their efforts on one thingdiet and exercise, for exampleas the answer to their problems. Hill says this singular approach simply isn't working. Considering the fact that the adult obesity rate in the United States is 42.4 percentthe highest rate ever recorded, according to the Trust for America's Health 2020 reportit's clear something is amiss.

"As a country, we're just not well. We're suffering from so many of what I call lifestyle-related chronic diseases," Hill recently told Healthline. "I think we definitely need a concept like wellness that can unite obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and so on."

Hill even admits that he was guilty of not seeing the bigger picture early in his career. "I started out way more focused on physical health: fitness level, risk of diabetes, and so on," he said. "In recent years, what's become clear to me is that one of the key parts of this is the whole mental or psychological component."

Story continues

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Once he had this revelation, Hill began to think about a healthy lifestyle not centered around a number on a scale or the fear of heart disease, but one where an individual's sense of self, their life's purpose, their physical well-being, and their idea of happiness weren't each a singular idea or pursuit, but intertwined with one another into one concept: wellness.

So, what would Hill say to someone today if they asked him how they should go about getting healthy?

"Think about why you want to change and dive deep into thinking about how you want to align how you're living your life with those things that are most important in your life," he said. "The behavior change can happen. It's the sustainability of it that's difficult, and it's aligning that lifestyle with what we call purpose in life that's necessary to sustain it." And for more on how to work wellness into your daily life, check out The Single Best Thing You Can Do for Your Health Right Now.

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A Nutrition Expert Just Said This Is More Important Than Losing Weight - Yahoo Lifestyle

Raising awareness on World Heart Day –

Every year, 29 September is dedicated to the human heart.

Twenty years ago, World Heart Day was established by the World Heart Federation (WHF), an association of cardiological societies and heart foundations from more than 100 countries, in cooperation with the World Health Organisation (WHO). On this day, the focus is on heart health, and campaigns are organised to raise awareness of what individual people can do to prevent risks of cardiovascular disease and strokes.

A large number of events and campaigns are intended to make people aware that almost 80 per cent of deaths from heart attacks and strokes could be prevented with a heart-healthy lifestyle.

In 2020, the slogan 'Use Heart' will focus on what individuals can do to prevent the risks of cardiovascular disease and strokes.

...the head



According to the WHF, over 17 million people worldwide die each year from cardiovascular diseases. Sudden cardiac death is particularly alarming and every year, in Germany alone, it affects around 65,000 apparently healthy young and old people. In takes the form of a rapid and unexpected cardiac arrest, which is preceded by severe cardiac arrhythmia, a so-called ventricular fibrillation.

Many of these deaths could be prevented if help could be quickly provided at the scene. According to the WHF, about 80 per cent of these deaths could be avoided through leading a healthy lifestyle.

Following the tragic death of Cameroonian footballer Marc-Vivien Foe, who collapsed on the pitch without any outside influence during the FIFA Confederations Cup 2003 and died shortly afterwards, FIFA launched various initiatives to prevent and raise awareness of sudden cardiac arrest among footballers. In 2006, it introduced the pre-competition medical examination (PCMA) to detect cardiovascular abnormalities at an early stage

FIFA also offers medical seminars at FIFA tournaments, among others, to provide training on sudden cardiac arrest for referees, sports scientists, players and FIFA employees. In 2016, FIFA launched the FIFA Diploma in Football Medicine. This free online course allows professionals to exchange ideas, learn, research and engage in prevention. Sudden cardiac arrest and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) each have their own dedicated module.

In 2018, FIFA began a campaign to raise awareness of sudden cardiac arrest by using posters, presentations and seminars. Through football, FIFA is raising awareness of this important issue and helping to save lives on and off the pitch.

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Raising awareness on World Heart Day -

Survey: Americans are Concerned About Their Physical Fitness and Mental Health – Yet Resolved to Take Charge of Their Self-Care – PRNewswire

DOWNERS GROVE, Ill., Sept. 29, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --The COVID-19 pandemic has Americans concerned about their physical and mental well-being. A new survey* reveals a majority of Americans are exercising less, with nearly half gaining weight and neglecting healthy eating as they deal with feelings of isolation and perceived barriers to maintaining their health and fitness. Yet, a majority are resolving to emerge stronger, with nearly nine in 10 Americans hoping to improve at least one aspect of their self-care. Global sports nutrition leader, OPTIMUM NUTRITION ("ON"), commissioned the survey and is aiming to help people be BETTER THAN BEFORE with an ongoing program of free training sessions, dynamic workouts, and a social community of support on the brand's social channels.

ON's upcoming BETTER THAN BEFORE series of free livestreamed events (running October 5th-9th), will offer expert coaching in fitness, nutrition and mental health. The sessions including workouts, information sessions and Q&A will feature leading fitness professionals, influencers and celebrities, along with registered dieticians and health providers.

"COVID-19 has disrupted our fitness and nutrition routines and it's taught us a lot about ourselves. We commissioned this survey to measure how we could support consumers maintaining their fitness and self-care routines. We found that while Americans have weathered significant setbacks, they are resolved to take charge of their own health and fitness," said Sarah Lombard, marketing director for ON.

"Supporting those who are making a commitment to their fitness in in our brand DNA and we've done it for over 30 years. ON is responding to this moment by pulling together some of our strongest trainers and experts to support people on their quest to maintain a healthy lifestyle, even for those who are struggling with their motivation and changes to their finances and gym access," said Lombard.

Snapshot of a Pandemic-Weathered NationON survey results show that a majority of Americans (62%) are concerned with their overall health. Healthy habits such as workouts and pickup sports games with friends have taken a back seat of late, with 63% of respondents admitting they are not as active as they'd like to be.

More than half (51%) are exercising less than before the pandemic: 45% report gaining weight and 42% say they are eating less healthy. And a majority of respondents (85%) say they are facing barriers to getting healthier, be it a lack of motivation (38%), lack of financial resources (33%) or lack of access to equipment and proper training for workouts (30%).

Concerns emerging in the survey show the toll on mental health too: two-thirds of respondents say they are more stressed and anxious than before the pandemic, and 45% report feeling "less like myself." Feelings of isolation may be a contributing factor, as six in 10 feel like they've lost a sense of community because of COVID-19 and two in five are concerned about maintaining relationships with friends and family.

Despite it all, Americans remain optimistic: 86% feel that there are ways in which the pandemic could lead to lasting improvements, like a deeper appreciation for the little things in life (63%), for friends and family (56%) and for themselves and what they're capable of doing (38%.) Nine in 10 say they've learned something about themselves a third of those realized they are strong and resilient.

"Just like resistance in exercise, adversity can build strength," said Lombard. "Individually and together, we know we can emerge from this challenge more resilient, more committed to our well-being and, ultimately,better than before.ON is committed to helping people along that journey, wherever they are in their path."

Better Than BeforeON developed its BETTER THAN BEFORE campaign to support people as they seek to navigate a new normal. Focused on fitness, performance and overall health, the integrated campaign features a series of free, virtual events the week of October 5 -9. Programming includes workouts, information sessions and Q&A panels on a range of wellness topics.

ON's BETTER THAN BEFORE sessions will address relevant topics like how to maintain a healthy immune system, quality of sleep, managing stress, nutrition and supplementation, retooling workouts to suit the "new normal" and more. In addition to expert advice, ON imbues a spirit of fun in the program with sessions like "date night," which addresses the challenges of close relationships during the pandemic and includes a couples workout, and "bedtime stories" to promote good sleep.

Hosts include leading fitness celebrities and influencers like reality TV personalities Tyler Cameron, Clay Harbor and designer Hayley Paige, elite athletes like professional soccer player Abby Dahlkemper and gymnast Sam Mikulak, along with leading personal trainers and ambassadors from Team ON, including Peloton instructor Tunde Oyeneyin and fitness influencers Conrad Louis and Karina Elle. Other guests include experts like sports psychologist Dr. Jarrod Spencer, sports medicine orthopedic surgeon Dr. Brian Cole and Registered Dietitian Brooke O'Connell.

"BETTER THAN BEFORE will provide information, inspiration and encouragement," said Kerry Leslie, brand activation manager for ON. "Perhaps most importantly, we hope it makes people realize they are not alone there is a community, from fitness influencers and experts to fellow Americans near and far, who have the same concerns and still can come together, virtually, to support one another in pursuing their best and healthiest lives."

All content will be broadcast live morning and evening via OPTIMUM NUTRITION Instagram Live, and will be archived for convenience viewing anytime via IGTV and to the OPTIMUM NUTRITION YouTube channel. For a complete schedule of events, interested participants can visit

About OPTIMUM NUTRITIONOPTIMUM NUTRITION was established in 1986 to satisfy consumer demand for consistent quality in sports nutrition. The company is also known for anticipating ever-changing customer needs and meeting the demands of a dynamic market with innovative products. With four state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities based inthe United States, India and in theUnited Kingdom, ON manufactures items in every product category, including nutritional bars, protein powders, ready-to-drink shakes and beverages, energy products, multi-vitamins and other health & wellness items that support a healthy lifestyle. The brand's GOLD STANDARD 100% WHEY is universally recognized as the world's best-selling whey protein powder. ON products can be found throughoutthe United Statesin close to 10,000 independent natural product and specialty retail stores, gyms, and fitness centers, and most online retailers. ON products are also sold in 90+ countries around the world. Learn more at

* Independent research firm Kelton Global conducted the online survey of 1,004 representative American adults on Sept. 2, 2020.


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Survey: Americans are Concerned About Their Physical Fitness and Mental Health - Yet Resolved to Take Charge of Their Self-Care - PRNewswire

Build Immunity With This Turmeric, Black Pepper And Carrot Juice – NDTV Food


No matter where wego, or what wedo- oneconstantly plagued by this question, 'if this could lead to a flu?' A lot of us are trying our best to strengthen our immunity, and looking for some kind of magic formula that would keep the infection and viruses at bay. Turns out that there is no such magic potion;immunity is not built in a day. You need to work on it every day, make wise calls, eat responsibly andlead a healthy lifestyle to prepare your body's natural defenses to fight the seasonal ailments. Some of our kitchen ingredients may help too.

Since time immemorial, we have valued our spices not only for their flavour but also their holistic benefits. Spices, if consumed in moderation, could do wonders for your immunity, with minimum side-effects.

(Also Read:Turmeric And Black Pepper: The Kitchen Spices That Heal Together)

India's golden spice turmeric is creating quite some stir on global shores for its healing benefits. Its active compound curcumin is known to have potent qualities to combat chronic infections. The anti-inflammatory properties are also helpful in managing the symptoms and discomfort tied to cold, cough and flu. Another wonder spice is black pepper is also enriched with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that help keep your body resilient against disease causing bacteria.In addition to our spices, some of our veggies too are loaded with immunity-boosting properties. Carrots, for instance are replete with disease fighting Vitamin C. t also happens to be one of the best sources if beta-carotene, a potent antioxidant that fights free radical damage of cells, which in turn may take a toll on immunity.

(Also Read:Make Ginger-Tulsi Herbal Tea For Healthy Immunity This Monsoon)

You could blend the goodness of these three in one juice and make yourself your own immunity-booster. Here's what you need.




1. Take a blender, and add all the ingredients. Blend until you get your desired consistency.

Drink this juice early in the morning for more benefits. Make sure you practice moderation and do not skip any medicines if you are on any.

(This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.)

About Sushmita SenguptaSharing a strong penchant for food, Sushmita loves all things good, cheesy and greasy. Her other favourite pastime activities other than discussing food includes, reading, watching movies and binge-watching TV shows.

Build Immunity With This Turmeric, Black Pepper And Carrot Juice - NDTV Food