World Pantheist Movement – Official Site

Do you feel a deep sense of peace, belonging, and wonder in Nature or under a clear night sky? You may be a scientific pantheist.Scientific pantheism respects the rights not just of humans, but of all living beings.It focuses on saving the planet rather than saving souls.It encourages you to make the most and best of your one life here.It values reason and the scientific method over adherence to ancient scriptures.Take our popular quiz to find out if it suits you:-Atheist, Agnostic, Pagan, Deist, Pantheist or What?

We relate closely to some of the central challenges of our era. At a time when the balance of our Earth is under unprecedented threat, scientific pantheism is one of the few forms of spirituality in which Nature plays a central part. For us, Nature is a source of peace and beauty, as well as the focus for our care and vigilance. Nature was not created for us to use or abuse. Nature created us, we are an inseparable part of her. We have a duty to live sustainably, to care for Nature and to halt and reverse the harm that humans have done to her.

Sign the Earth Pledge

Scientific pantheism is the only form of spirituality we know of which fully embraces science as part of the human exploration of Earth and Cosmos. We wonder at the picture of a vast, creative and often violent Universerevealed by the Hubble Space Telescope. We regard stargazing as a spiritual practice. We oppose climate change denial and evolution denial, especially in education.

Scientific pantheism has a joyous affirmative approach to life. It has a healthy and positive attitude to sex and life in the body. We wont tell you what you should be smoking or doing in the bedroom. We fully accept diverse gender choices, and we oppose all forms of discrimination.

Scientific pantheism moves beyond God and defines itself by positives.Atheism and Agnosticism both define themselves negatively, in relation to a God that they deny or doubt. These are useful starting points but they dont take us very far. Most people also need positive beliefs and feelings about their place in Nature and the wider Universe. We take Nature and the Universe as our start and finish point, not some preconceived idea of God. We do not believe in a supernatural creator god, let alone one that watches or judges us. Most of us avoid god-language or religious words like church, worship, divinity and so on. We regard them as misleading. Those of us who do use those kinds of words do so metaphorically, in a similar way to how Einstein used the word.

Get the Scientific Pantheism handbook.

Our beliefs and values are summarized in our Pantheist Statement of Principles.The statement was drawn up by fallible humans. It is not required dogma it is simply a notice on our door, to show what we are about so people can decide if it suits them or not. These are the key elements:

Many people feel the need to belong to a religious community. Research shows that such groups provide mutual support and friends and are good for physical and mental health. Theres no good reason why groups of like-minded non-theistic folk should not enjoy similar benefits.

In the WPM we are spiritual but not religious. We dont have churches, priests, or prescribed dogma and rituals. But we do aim to provide a home base for people who love Nature and the Universe and do not believe in supernatural entities.

Two of the major benefits our members and friends say they value are gaining new like-minded friends and finding a place where they can share their enthusiasms without fear of being ostracized or feeling isolated. There have been many local meetings of members across the USA and in other parts of the world, where people have found a rare level of fellowship and stimulation.

The WPMs short term goals are to:

In the longer term, as resources permit, we hope to:

If you would like to help promote these goals, please consider becoming a WPM member. Volunteering is another great way of supporting the WPM.

All who agree with our principles are encouraged to join our Facebook page (with more than 160,000 fans), or join our Facebook discussion groupwith more than 10,000 members.

We use the name pantheism because the term encompasses a long and venerable history dating back to Heraclitus and Marcus Aurelius and extending to Einstein, D. H. Lawrence and beyond.

Our beliefs (see the Statement of Principles) are entirely compatible with atheism, humanism, agnosticism, universalism, and symbolic paganism (viewing magic, gods and spirits as symbols rather than objective realities). We offer a home to all forms of naturalistic spirituality however you may choose to label it. Other paths that approximate include philosophical Taoism, modern Stoicism, Western forms of Buddhism that celebrate Nature and daily life without supernatural beliefs, and Unitarian Universalists who do not believe in supernatural beings.

You are free to adopt the terms and practices you prefer and draw on other traditions for inspiration or celebration. Some call this a religion (a positive one), while others call it a philosophy, a way of life, or a form of general spirituality. Its up to you.

Please explore our pages. If you have any questions, please contact us.

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World Pantheist Movement - Official Site

Cyberpunk 2077 Features Music That Has Never Been Heard …

Details on Cyberpunk 2077 have so far been few and far between, following a cryptic tweet from the developers earlier this month.

Apart from hearing whispers that CD Projekt Red may bring a playable version of its sci-fi RPG to E3 2018, not much is known.

However, some interesting information has surfaced that gives us an idea on the direction of Cyberpunk 2077s soundtrack. According to IMDB listing, Brian Mantia, who has worked as a drummer with the likes of Guns NRoses and Primus is working on the game.

However, hes also spoken about the game publically. In the following article, which appeared on Audified, Brian speaks about his role on Cyberpunk 2077, stating:

Im also working on the soundtrack for theCyberpunk 2077video game. This project in particular has been a little challenging because the developers are looking for music that has never been heard before if that makes any sense They are looking for music that would be made in the year 2077 Im into it because I really love white noise and I figure thats where music is gonna be in 60 years from now (lol) Basically every frequency within the range of human hearing (20 hertz to 20 kHz) Anyways, im really diggin the experimentation on this project!!!

So, it sounds like like the developer will be experimenting with some funky, futuristic sounds!

Its also confirmed that Melissa Reese is also working on the game (as listed in her IMDB portfolio). Shes worked on many video game soundtracks in the past, including Bloodborne (where he was a singer) and InFamous: Second Son.

Stay tuned for more news on Cyberpunk 2077 as it comes in.

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Cyberpunk 2077 Features Music That Has Never Been Heard ...

Jewel V. Nsa stories at Techdirt.

With some of the proceedings unsealed in the EFF's long-running Jewel vs. NSA lawsuit, more details can finally be exposed. Not that what's already been exposed hasn't been damning enough. Over the past several months, the DOJ has run interference for the NSA, traveling from courtroom to courtroom, destroying and saving (or at least pretending to...) collected data amongst a flurry of contradictory orders.

Not that it ultimately mattered. The NSA just kept destroying relevant evidence, claiming the system was too complex to do anything with but allow to run its course. Evidence would be destroyed at the 5-year limit, no matter what preservation orders were issued. The NSA, of course, has a vested interest in destroying evidence that its 215 and 702 programs collect the data and communications of Americans. Thanks to Snowden's leaks, it can no longer pretend it doesn't. But despite this, the DOJ still claims Section 702 targets only foreigners and American suspects located outside of the US.

The mock concern about compliance with court orders was a hustle. The DOJ wants as much evidence that might be useful to plaintiffs gone as swiftly as possible. Thanks to the unsealing of Jewel court documents, the EFF can now relate that the DOJ's efforts went much further than simply letting aged-off collections expire. It also actively tried to change the historical record of the Jewel case, as Mike covered here recently.

Citing classification concerns, the DOJ sought to editorialize its statements to the court, removing them (not redacting them) from the public record and it didn't want anyone to find out. Take a moment to soak in the audacity of this request, made by the US government in a federal court.

If the judge had sided with the DOJ, there's a good chance some of the transcript embedded below would have gone missing forever. Even after the documents were eventually unsealed, whatever the government had managed to convince the court was "classified" would no longer exist -- despite the fact that one week earlier these statements were made in an open court room.

It's likely that the judge's decision to notify the plaintiffs changed the DOJ's mind about retconning its own statements. It's a good thing nothing's missing. What's in there is terrible. The DOJ basically mounts the argument that no plaintiff should ever have standing to challenge either the Section 215/501 or 702 programs, unless they are Verizon Business customers and even then they should only be able to challenge the former. (Apologies for the all caps, but that's the way the court transcribed it.)


And while acknowledging that it has withheld info on the telephony metadata program, the DOJ's lawyers simultaneously claim the plaintiffs should have been prevented from amending their case to include the recent Section 702 revelations, because that program has supposedly been out in the open and fully transparent since 2008.




This is only a small part of a document the DOJ wanted to selectively edit and present later as an untouched factual record of a federal hearing. The government claims no one has standing because everything related to the NSA's programs is "rank speculation" -- basically pretending the "terrible disclosures" never happened. In the same breath, it claims the programs have always been transparent and completely above board, therefore no one should be able to amend their complaints when additional info is exposed by leakers.

The government not only wants it both ways, but it has the breathtaking gall to ask to touch up its talking points after delivering them. After a dozen attempts to wrap up this post with something that pithily highlights the anger the government's editing attempt (and the horrible arguments contained in the transcript) has generated in me, I'm left with little more than this: FUCK THE DOJ -- it and every agency it oversees.

It witholds information about the companies involved in its dragnet surveillance programs, covers up everything else and pretends unauthorized disclosures "don't count," at least not when it comes to citizens being granted standing. It could easily clear up this "rank speculation," but it would rather shelter telcos from irate customers and give itself an easy way to get lawsuits dismissed. Then it spins everything around and claims the plaintiffs are misrepresenting the programs to the court -- something the DOJ has actually done itself -- and should not be allowed to amend complaints to reflect additional evidence gleaned from leaked documents.

Hey, I'm sorry the leaks have made it harder for these agencies to do whatever the hell they want, but they are all part of a government that's supposed to be accountable to the citizens picking up the check. But when faced with unhappy citizens and their diminished rights, all the DOJ's lawyers can say is that the public doesn't know shit and has no right to question the government's activities.

The government has somehow managed to come to a conclusion others reached weeks ago -- there's more than one leaker out there. GOOD. Burn it down. In the DOJ's hands, the government isn't by or for the people. It's despite the people. The DOJ can't be trusted to protect the balance between privacy and security. As it sees it, what the public doesn't know will likely hurt it, and it's damned if it's going to allow citizens to seek redress for their grievances.

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Jewel V. Nsa stories at Techdirt.

Posted in NSA

Jewel v. NSA | United States Courts

Case Summary: 08-cv-04373

This case involves claims by numerous citizens that their constitutional rights were violated by the United States government through unauthorized surveillance of their telephone and internet activity by the National Security Agency (NSA) and other government actors under the "Terrorist Surveillance Program" or TSP. They allege that this was done in concert with major telecommunications companies and outside of the procedures of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) and without authorization by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC).

According to Plaintiffs, Defendants have a nationwide network of sophisticated communications surveillance devices attached to the key facilities of telecommunications companies that carry Americans' internet and telephone communications. Using this network, Defendants continue to acquire the content of a significant portion of phone calls, emails, instant messages, text messages, web communications and other communications, both international and domestic, of practically every American who uses the phone system or the internet. Plaintiffs also allege that Defendants have unlawfully solicited and obtained from telecommunications companies the private telephone and internet transactional records of those companies customers, indicating who the customers communicated with, when and for how long, among other sensitive information.

Defendants are claiming that the information necessary to litigate plaintiff's claims is subject to and excluded from use by the "states secrets privilege" and other related privileges and that their cases should be dismissed. Plaintiffs counter that Congress displaced the "states secret privilege" in electronic surveillance actions when it enacted FISA. Plaintiffs filed a motion for partial summary judgment to have the trial court rule on that issue. This video is of the hearing on that motion.

Case highlights for this case are not yet available.

Case-related documents, including those referenced above, are available via the Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER) service. For more information, visit

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Jewel v. NSA | United States Courts

Posted in NSA

Ripple Price Prediction: 3 Issues with Bloomberg’s XRP Takedown

Ripple News Update
Ripple (XRP) prices plunged on Friday morning after a Bloomberg Businessweek report said that banks “have no interest in using XRP.” (Source: "Ripple Wants XRP to Be Bitcoin for Banks. If Only the Banks Wanted It," Bloomberg Businessweek, January 25, 2018.).

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Ripple Price Prediction: 3 Issues with Bloomberg’s XRP Takedown

Stellar Price Prediction 2018: Consider XLM, the Possible “Ripple Killer”

Here’s Why the Stellar Lumens (XLM) Price Skyrocketed
As Ripple (XRP) prices continue to lose steam, a purported “Ripple Killer” is fast catching up. Stellar (XLM) is now sitting at the sixth spot on the list of most valuable cryptocurrencies, after having pushed Litecoin off the podium.

If you follow my work, I’ve been pitching Stellar as a potential multibagger for a while now. This time around, I’ll be flirting with numbers to put a price.

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Stellar Price Prediction 2018: Consider XLM, the Possible “Ripple Killer”

Redheads Making Out and Eating Pussy Hd –

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cryptocurrency Litecoin – Bitcoin Exchange Guide

Litecoin is the worlds fourth most popular cryptocurrency by market cap, after bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple. Find out everything you need to know about the global decentralized currency today.

Litecoin is a blockchain-based cryptocurrency that works in a similar way to Ethereum and bitcoin. Its a peer-to-peer internet currency that allows for instant, near-zero cost payments to anyone in the world. Its a decentralized payment network that isnt managed by any central authorities. The network, like other blockchains, is secured by mathematics. Individuals can control their own finances without relying on third parties like banks or traditional financial institutions.

The website describes how the currency doesnt want to work as an alternative to bitcoin, but as a complementary force:

With substantial industry support, trade volume and liquidity, Litecoin is a proven medium of commerce complementary to bitcoin.

One of the first advantages that Litecoin has over bitcoin is its higher transaction volume: the blockchain generates blocks more frequently, which means transactions can be processed more quickly (2.5 minutes as opposed to 10 minutes).

Lets take a closer look at some of Litecoins most prominent features.

Litecoin offers all of the following features:

You can find general information as well as a list of services and exchanges that support Litecoin. General information can be found at the Litecoin Wiki, while up-to-the-minute network stats can be found at Litecoin Block Explorer Charts. Meanwhile, the source code for Litecoin Core is all open and available to anyone through GitHub.

Like most members of the cryptocurrency community, Litecoin is open source software. The software project was released under the MIT/X11 license, which means users have the power to run, modify, and copy the software and to distribute, at your option, modified versions of the software. Litecoin has a transparent release process that facilitates the independent verification of binaries and their corresponding source code.

The Litecoin blockchain can handle higher transaction volume than bitcoin. Thats because the Litecoin blockchain has more frequent block generation. The network supports more transactions without the need to modify the software in the future. As a result, merchants enjoy faster confirmation times while still having the ability to wait for more confirmations when selling bigger ticket items.

Like all good cryptocurrencies, your Litecoins can be encrypted. You can secure your wallet, view transactions, and check your account balance using the Litecoin projects own wallet. Before you spend Litecoins, however, youll need to enter your password.

Mining rewards are a crucial part of any blockchain. With the Litecoin blockchain, miners are currently awarded (as of June 2017) with 25 new Litecoins per block. That amount gets cut in half about once every 4 years (or every 840,000 blocks). The Litecoin network is scheduled to produce 84 million Litecoins, which is 4 times as many currency units as bitcoin.

Litecoin and bitcoin are two very similar cryptocurrencies. Litecoin was originally based on a bitcoin fork, so the two have a common foundation. However, there are some key differences between Litecoin and bitcoin, including:

Litecoin processes blocks every 2.5 minutes, instead of the 10 minutes taken by bitcoins blockchain. There are pros and cons to this processing time: theres a higher probability of orphaned blocks, for example. On the positive side of things, Litecoins faster processing time means a greater resistance to a double spending attack over the same period as bitcoin. However, total work done is also a consideration so if the network has 10 times less computing work done per block than bitcoin, then bitcoins confirmation is about 10 times harder to reverse even though the Litecoin network can add confirmation blocks at a rate four times faster.

Litecoin uses Scrypt in its proof of work algorithm, which is a sequential memory-hard function requiring asymptotically more memory than an algorithm that isnt memory-hard. That generally means you need more memory in your miners compared to blockchains that dont use Scrypt.

The Litecoin blockchain plans to release 84 million Litecoins in total, or four times as many currency as the total supply of bitcoin.

The use of Scrypt was an interesting choice. The purpose of using Scrypt was to allow miners to mine both bitcoin and Litecoin at the same time. It was also chosen as a way to avoid giving an advantage to GPU, FPGA, and ASIC miners over CPU miners. The other component of using the Scrypt algorithm is that FPGA and ASIC devices made for mining Litecoin tend to be more complicated to create and more expensive to produce than they are for bitcoin, which uses SHA-256. This is because the Scrypt hashing scheme is more memory intensive, and ASICs and FPGAs have higher memory requirements as a result.

Litecoin was introduced to the internet in October 2011. The first release occurred on October 7, 2011, via an open source client released on GitHub. Litecoins first release ( was a fork of the Bitcoin Core client created by Charlie Lee, a former Google employee. The key improvement over Bitcoin was its decreased block generation time (2.5 minutes, instead of 10 minutes with bitcoin).

Other advantages included the increased maximum number of coins, different hashing algorithm (Scrypt-based, instead of SHA-256), and a slightly modified GUI.

Litecoin remained a lesser-known altcoin until around November 2013, when it exploded with growth. The aggregate value of Litecoin surged by 100% within a 24 hour period during that month. By the end of November 2013, Litecoin had a market cap of $1 billion. In early 2017, the currencys market cap stood at around $1.5 billion. As of June 2017, Litecion has a market cap over $2 billion, with a price of around $30 to $40 per token.

Litecoin has also distinguished itself from the cryptocurrency community for other reasons. In May 2017, Litecoin became the first of the top 5 cryptocurrencies (by market cap) to adopt Segregated Witness. Later that month, the company completed the first Lightning Network transaction through Litecoin, when it transferred 0.00000001 LTC from Zurich to San Francisco in under one second.

You can contact the Litecoin project development team at [emailprotected]

Litecoin has remained steady as the worlds fourth most popular cryptocurrency (by market cap). The only currencies ahead of Litecoin in market cap are bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple. With a market cap of over $2 billion, Litecoin has grown from a small bitcoin fork project into a giant of the digital economy. You can learn more about Litecoin by visiting today.

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cryptocurrency Litecoin - Bitcoin Exchange Guide

Litecoin Price Forecast: LTC Finally Getting a Formal Marketing Team

Daily Litecoin News Update
On Wednesday morning, I stayed on the edge of my seat, biting my nails as I awaited the release of the first-of-their-kind cryptocurrency ratings. The expectation was that the ratings would drive fickle investors toward another sell-off.

I was wrong. Investors were unmoved. The ratings were a complete dud.

That’s actually a good thing because it shows the crypto space is slowly getting dominated by.

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Litecoin Price Forecast: LTC Finally Getting a Formal Marketing Team

NEO Price Prediction 2018: Could the “Chinese Ethereum” Hit $225?

Chinese Cryptocurrency NEO Smashes Our Price Target
After the recent cryptocurrency crash, triggered by rumors of a South Korean ban, many investors seem to have begun losing hope in cryptos. I hear them saying that the 2017 returns were the best we could get and that those returns may never be replicated again. That line of thinking is absolutely flawed. Take the example of NEO—the one cryptocurrency that, despite the crash, is up more than 60% this year, and is the top performer of 2018 in the top 10 ranking cryptocurrencies.

Exactly two months ago, I had.

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NEO Price Prediction 2018: Could the “Chinese Ethereum” Hit $225?

Litecoin Price Prediction: Upcoming Litecoin Upgrade To Make it Even Cheaper Than Bitcoin

Daily Litecoin News Update
It’s a quiet day in the cryptocurrency world. The storm has settled and the sun is out. Investors are finally out of choppy waters and trading with more peace of mind. Top cryptos, including Litecoin are trading in the green. At this point another piece of good news may serve as the icing on the cake that Litecoin investors may have been longing to taste.

Litecoin founder Charlie Lee updates from the headquarters that Litecoin’s next upgrade is on its way. As promised, the developers will be cutting down transaction fees to further make LTC transactions cheaper for users.

Later, he also updates that Litecoin, like Bitcoin, would be integrating.

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Litecoin Price Prediction: Upcoming Litecoin Upgrade To Make it Even Cheaper Than Bitcoin

Ripple Price Prediction: Big Business Ensures Higher XRP Prices in 2018

Ripple News Update
Cryptocurrencies passed through all stages of Dante’s Inferno this week, but that doesn’t mean investors are confined to hell in perpetuity. There is a way out, and its name is Big Business.

Or to put it in crypto terms, “enterprise use-cases of blockchain technology may expedite token adoption” by “leveraging the power of existing institutions.” (My god, this industry needs better language.)

What am I talking about?

Let me explain…

When the market crashes, investors believe that cryptocurrencies are failing. This is true in some cases and horribly untrue in others.
Ripple (XRP) Price Chart.

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Ripple Price Prediction: Big Business Ensures Higher XRP Prices in 2018

Litecoin Price Forecast: The “Chikun” Rises from the Dead as Koreans Come to the Rescue

Daily Litecoin News Update
The Koreans are rejoicing and so is the rest of the crypto-world. The air of uncertainty around the ban is finally dissipating. Investors are feeling reinvigorated and cryptocurrencies are once again out of the red zone.

This may have been one of the shortest crashes in the history of all crashes. Just a week ago, the sentiment was extremely dim. Cryptocurrency prices kept tumbling for three consecutive days as sellers continued to dominate the space.

For reference, cryptocurrency prices crashed after the South Korean Minister.

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Litecoin Price Forecast: The “Chikun” Rises from the Dead as Koreans Come to the Rescue

Ripple Crash 2018: Should I Hold or Sell My XRP Amid Cryptocurrency Crash?

Facing the Great Cryptocurrency Crash of 2018 
The moment of truth has finally arrived. We’re witnessing the great cryptocurrency crash of 2018.

The granddaddy of cryptos just bit the bullet and with it, the dominoes have begun to fall. While all the top 10 cryptocurrencies are trading lower by more than 20%, the Ripple crash eclipses them all with more than a 33% drop in prices in just one day.

It is nerve-racking because this cryptocurrency alone has wiped out more than $40.0 billion from the market in just one week. That’s the most any cryptocurrency has lost in market value, after Bitcoin.

The optimists are arguing that this could only be a.

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Ripple Crash 2018: Should I Hold or Sell My XRP Amid Cryptocurrency Crash?

Ripple January 2018 Crash: Why XRP Is Falling Extensively

As the bloodbath in the cryptocurrency market continues, the focus is on which digital coins are falling more in value compared to the rest. And right now, Ripple XRP is in the red more than the other major digital currencies. It is true that pessimism has taken over the cryptomarket and fear and uncertainty are leading this phase of panic selling. However, the point to note about Ripple XRP is that it is different from other cryptos. It works within the system to enable faster and cheaper financial transactions. And regulators are most likely to be at ease with Ripple.

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Ripple January 2018 Crash: Why XRP Is Falling Extensively

Cryptomarket Crash: Ethereum Shall Survive Despite Bitcoin and Ripple Crash

The last few days have seen some extreme movements in the cryptocurrency market. And while almost all cryptocurrencies are trading in red right now, it has been a roller coaster ride for Ethereum, which touched record highs of over $1,400 and is now trading at a little over $1,100.

Ethereum has grown rapidly in past few months as its platform continues to increase in popularity and the number of transactions on the network keeps on increasing. We believe that the cryptomarket shall continue to witness such wild swings as regulators all over the world keep coming up.

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Cryptomarket Crash: Ethereum Shall Survive Despite Bitcoin and Ripple Crash

Ethereum Price Forecast: Why 2018 Could Still Be Huge for Ethereum

Ethereum News Update
Cryptocurrencies look like a wasteland this Tuesday morning, and Ethereum is no exception.

ETH was down 13.18% against the U.S. dollar at the time of writing. This put the Ethereum to USD rate at $1,143.57, which is a sharp retracement, though a minor one compared to Ripple or Bitcoin. XRP lost more than half its market cap since the start of the year.

But even in this moment of darkness, Ethereum investors have a lot to look forward to.

The frenzy of initial coin offerings (ICOs) have passed and Bitcoin’s internal conflict is no longer dominating the media narrative. There is room for real progress. I believe we will see this progress come to.

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Ethereum Price Forecast: Why 2018 Could Still Be Huge for Ethereum

Ripple (XRP) Prices Pull Back as Major Exchanges Refuse New Investors

Here’s What’s Holding Back Ripple (XRP) Prices
Many of the new potential investors looking to buy cryptocurrencies are being turned away by major cryptocurrency exchanges. In case you haven’t heard, some of the biggest cryptocurrency exchanges have temporarily disabled new registrations, while others are taking longer than usual to verify new user accounts. The result? Cryptocurrency prices are hanging in the balance, with Ripple (XRP) in the lead.

Cryptocurrency prices are now in the second week of a market correction. A covert market.

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Ripple (XRP) Prices Pull Back as Major Exchanges Refuse New Investors

Litecoin Price Forecast: “Be Greedy When Others Are Fearful”

Litecoin News Update
The South Korean shock wave, which panicked investors into selling their holdings last week, is continuing to mar the cryptocurrency markets. So far, revival is not in sight.

At times like these, we’re reminded how many average investors turned into billionaires following a simple formula of investing. They turned greedy when others remained fearful.

In case you missed the big rumor that threw a death scare into the markets, here’s a quick heads-up for you.

The South Korean government hinted that it.

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Litecoin Price Forecast: “Be Greedy When Others Are Fearful”

Ripple Price Prediction: New Korean Rules May Spark Bullish Rally in XRP

Ripple News Update
It’s amazing how much damage one man can inflict with arrogance and misinformation. Take, for instance, South Korea’s Minister of Justice, the man who single-handedly drove billions out of the crypto market last week.

In a press scrum with reporters, the minister blurted out that Korea would seek to ban cryptocurrency trading. Prices began to fall almost instantly.
XRP, in particular, lost tens of billions in market cap.

One could argue that the minister was doing his job, but that’s only true if his information was correct. It.

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Ripple Price Prediction: New Korean Rules May Spark Bullish Rally in XRP