Virgin Primitivist vs. Chad Transhumanist, by Anatoly …

Transhumanism is not entirely the same thing as adopting other technologies. We are biological beings, and our personalities, decisions, what we are, is totally dependent on us staying biological. A simple example is hormone levels in your blood.

For example if you feel you won an argument online, your serum testosterone level will go up. You will instinctively know that any success, however meager it is (and winning an online argument is, well, not the greatest of successes), will lead to such an increase. On the other hand, losing an argument (or any other kind of failure, however small) will lead to a decrease in your T-levels.

This will actually motivate you to try your best to strive to achieve success and avoid failures. (However small.) By the way, this wont work on females so much: this is one of the reasons males behavior is so different from females.

Now if you upload yourself to a computer right after death (or if half your brain is already a computer before death), you wont have any hormones any more affecting your decisions. This will outright change your personality. Even if hormones could (and would) be totally simulated, you (or at least some of the people uploading themselves) will eventually change yourself in some ways. For example even biologically we use drugs which change our behavior. Why wont we use something (enhancements etc.) which change our behavior once were effectively computer programs? These computer programs will then further change themselves. Then the already changed programs will decide to change themselves even further. At one point it wont resemble the original biological being at all even assuming the simulation and upload were both perfect to begin with, which is a question. (And even assuming the uploaded program will be you in a philosophical sense my instinct says it would only be a copy and not me myself.)

Now you are quite correct probably that those super-enhanced computer software things could easily turn out to be much more efficient at conquering and ruling the world than biological humans. The question is, in what sense could those transhuman beings be considered humans at all? My suggestion is they wont be humans at all. Not only that: they wont have anything in common with biological humans, or any biological beings at all. Please remember that we have a lot in common with apes, so the statement well, the change from human to transhuman will just be the same as ape to human is definitely false.

In other words, transhumans (especially the versions uploaded to a computer to there live forever) will essentially be cyborgs or T-800s or AIs which will be stronger and smarter than us. Endorsing it as well, theyre more efficient is stupid: the same stupid as inviting extraterrestrials to the Earth with the slogan theyre better, so they deserve Earth more than us. We dont know what theyll be up to, but they will have the ability to destroy us, and its foolish to expect these things to be benevolent. Over time, they (some of them, at any rate and probably those will be the strongest and smartest ones) could change beyond anything we can imagine, and might decide to get rid of us.

Why is this in our interest to encourage this? AIs (if possible to create them) might eventually destroy us anyway, why hasten the process?

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Virgin Primitivist vs. Chad Transhumanist, by Anatoly ...

What Is Blockchain Technology? –

Few people understand what it is, but Wall Street banks, IT organizations, and consultants are buzzing about blockchain technology. It's hard to remove blockchain from Bitcoin, so we'll start with Bitcoin as we work tounderstandthis technology's potential.

Bitcoin. Blockchain. Cryptocurrencies. Initial coin offerings.

Everyones talking about them, but what do these terms really mean?

As of this writing in mid-November 2017, the total market capitalization of cryptocurrencies hovers around $220B (with a single bitcoin trading for upwards of $8,000). Initial coin offerings (ICOs) have exploded in popularity, closing on $3B+ in funding in 2017 alone. Huge corporations like Walmart and Pfizer have completed successful blockchain pilots.

This explainer will offer simple definitions and analogies for blockchain technology. It will also define Bitcoin, Ethereum, blockchain broadly, and initial coin offerings, and highlight promising use cases for the technology. (For a deep dive into how Ethereum works, you can read our What Is Ethereum explainer.)

Lastly, this report will make clear the distinctions between distributed ledger technology and blockchain, and highlight where these technologies have an application and where they do not.

The 2008 financial crisis caused a lot of people to lose trust in banks as trusted third parties. Many questioned whether banks were the best guardians of the global financial system. Bad investment decisions by major banks had proved catastrophic, with rippling consequences.

Bitcoin also proposed in 2008 presented something of an alternative.

According to its whitepaper, Bitcoin was a peer-to-peer electronic cash system. It would allow for online payments [to move] from one party to another without going through a financial institution.

In other words, Bitcoin made digital transactions possible without a trusted intermediary. The technology allowed this to happen at scale, globally, with cryptography doing what institutions like commercial banks, financial regulators, and central banks used to do: verify the legitimacy of transactions and safeguard the integrity of the underlying asset.

Bitcoin is a decentralized, public ledger. There is no trusted third party controlling the ledger.Anyone with bitcoin can participate in the network, send and receive bitcoin, and even hold a copy of this ledger if they want to. In that sense, the ledger is trustless and transparent.

The Bitcoin ledger tracks a single asset: bitcoin (Note: Bitcoin capitalized refers to the Bitcoin ledger, or protocol, while bitcoin in lowercase refers to the currency or a unit of account on the Bitcoin ledger).

The ledger has rules encoded into it, one of which states that there will only ever be 21M bitcoin produced. Because of this cap on the number of bitcoins in circulation, which will eventually be reached, bitcoin is inherently resistant to inflation. That means that more bitcoin cant be printed at a whim and reduce the overall value of the currency.

All participants must agree to the ledgers rules in order to use it.

Bitcoin is politically decentralized no single entity runs bitcoin but centralized from a data standpoint all participants (nodes) agree on the state of the ledger and its rules.

A bitcoin or a transaction cant be changed, erased, copied, or forged everybody would know.

Thats it, and its a big deal.

To understand better how this peer-to-peer electronic cash system allows for online payments to move from one party to another without going through a financial institution, lets use a simple example.

Heres a scenario: Alice hands Bob a physical arcade token. Bob now has one token, and Alice has zero. The transaction is complete. Alice and Bob do not need an intermediary to verify the transaction. Alice cant give Charlie the same token, because she no longer has the token to give she gave it to Bob.

But what if the same transaction were digital? Alice sends Bob a digital arcade token via email, for example. Bob should have the digital token, and Alice should not.


Not so fast. What if Alice made copies or forgeries of the digital token? What if Alice put the same digital token online for all to download? After all, a digital token is a string of ones and zeros.

If Alice and Bob own the same string of ones and zeros, who is the true owner of the digital token?If digital assets can be reproduced so easily, what stops Alice from trying to spend the same digital asset twice by also sending it to Charlie?

How can Alice and Bob establish unique ownership over the digital token?

One answer: use a database a ledger. This ledger will track a single asset: digital arcade tokens. When Alice gives Bob the digital token, the ledger records the transaction. Bob has the token, and Alice does not.

A trusted third party, an intermediary lets call him Dave will hold the ledger and make sure that its up-to-date. Alice cant hold the ledger because she might erase the transaction and say that she still owns the digital token, although she gave it to Bob. It also cant be Bob, because he could alter the transaction and lie to say that Alice gave him two tokens, doubling his arcade time.

By default, Dave who is not involved in the transaction at all, will have to control the ledger. Dave is trusted.

Thissituation is fine, until its not.

What if Dave decides to charge a fee that neither Alice or Bob want to pay? Or, what if Alice bribes Dave to erase her transaction? Maybe Dave wants the digital token for himself, and adds a false transaction to the ledger in order to embezzle it, saying that Bob gave him the token?

In other words what happens when Alice and Bob cannot trust the trusted third party?

Think back to the first physical transaction between Alice and Bob. Is there a way to make digital transactions look more like that?

Heres a thought: Alice and Bob could distribute the ledger to all their trusted friends, not just Dave, and decentralize trust. Because the ledger is digital, all copies of the ledger could sync together. If a simple majority of participants agree that the transaction is valid (e.g. confirm that Alice actually owns the token she wants to send), it gets added to the ledger.

When a lot of people have a copy of the same ledger, it becomes more difficult to cheat. If Alice or Bob wanted to falsify a transaction, they would have to compromise the majority of participants, which is much harder than compromising a single participant.

Alice cant claim that she never sent a digital token to Bob her ledger would not agree with everyone elses. Bob couldnt claim that Alice gave him two tokens his ledger would be out of sync. And even if Alice bribes Dave to change his copy of the ledger, Dave only holds a single copy of the ledger; the majority opinion would show the digital token was sent.

In sum, this distributed ledger works because everyone is holding a copy of the same digital ledger. The more trusted people that hold the ledger, the stronger it becomes.

Such a ledger allows Alice to send a digital token to Bob without going through Dave. In a sense she is transforming her digital transaction into something that looks more like a physical one in the real world, where ownership and scarcity of an asset is tangible and obvious.

You may have noticed a key difference between the above example and Bitcoin. Specifically, Alices and Bobs ledger only allows trusted friends to participate. In contrast, Bitcoin is entirely public, and anyone can participate.

How can we get all these untrusted nodes to agree on the state of the ledger? How can we avoid bad actors corrupting the ledger?

Lets think about this for a moment. A public ledger would allow for many more participants. The more participants, the stronger the ledger becomes. Right?

As you may have guessed, its not that simple.

Because Bitcoin expands beyond trusted participants and gives anyone access, it runs a higher risk of bad actors and false transactions.

Sure, we also ran a risk of bad actors when it came toAlices and Bobs trusted friends:Dave mightturn untrustworthy. However, Bitcoin is free and open to anyone, trusted or not, like a Google document that anyone can read and write to.

How can we get all these untrusted nodes to agree on the state of the ledger? How can we avoid bad actors corrupting the ledger?

Bitcoin offers a solution: reward good actors and scare off bad ones, a classic carrot and stick act.

In simple terms, certain Bitcoin participants are incentivized to do the dirty work and maintain the network.These participants called miners bundle transactions into a block, add this newest block to the chain of prior blocks (hence: blockchain is used to describe Bitcoins unique database structure),and devote immense computational power to the network in the process. For doing this work, these miners are rewarded with bitcoin.With a single bitcoin priced at upwards of $8,000, this is a very strong incentive.

When miners devote computational power, they also use a tremendous amount of electricity. So much electricity, in fact, that arecent estimate put the Bitcoin blockchains total daily energy consumption at greater thanEcuadors, a country of 17M people.

This scares away hackers and bad actors because hacking Bitcoin to get everyones coins would cost a tremendous amount of computing power, electricity, and money.Further, if the Bitcoin community became aware of the hack, it would likely cause the price of bitcoin to drop steeply. This makes such an attack economically self-defeating.

In technical terms, this mining process creates Bitcoins consensus mechanism, called Proof of Work.

This clever game-theoretic model creates a ledger that everyone trusts, but nobody controls.

OK, lets connect all the dots:

Since Bitcoin launched in 2008, thousands of other cryptocurrencies and altcoins (alternative coins) have emerged.

Because Bitcoins code is open-source, anyone can use Bitcoins code to create an altcoin. Many of them seek to improve on Bitcoin or expand its capabilities. Remember Bitcoins rules: it caps the number of bitcoin at 21M and uses the Proof of Work system to secure the network. Other cryptocurrencies use different rules and engage with other economic models.

Hard to say. Its true that the value of one bitcoin has gone from around $300 in 2015 to above $8,000 in recent weeks. If you had invested $100 in bitcoin in 2011 that bitcoin would be worth over $2.5M today.

As discussed, Bitcoins blockchain allows for the creation of a unique and scarce digital asset where everyone knowsthe history ofeach bitcoin. A single bitcoin is not just a string of ones and zeros, but the first successful (at least so far) censor-proof, portable, easily transactable, durable, and secure digital asset.

Bitcoins value is subject to the same supply-and-demand mechanics found in any marketplace. If investors find the above characteristics valuable and demand for bitcoin grows, bitcoins price rises and vice versa.

Bitcoins supply is limited to 21M coins (although only about 17M have been mined so far). You can do the math, but as of this writing investors value bitcoin at upwards of $120B in aggregate.

To give a sense of how the market values other cryptocurrencies, heres some market information about some of the top ones:

Theres lots more to Bitcoin that were not going to get into. Hashes, public-private key encryption, segregated witness, sidechains, forks, and block size, among other elements, fall outside of the scope of this piece.

So far, weve discussed two types of ledgers.

The first, Alices and Bobs distributed ledger for digital arcade tokens,is private.

The second, Bitcoins decentralized ledger for bitcoin,is public. Anyonecan participate. To ensure its public, decentralized ledger remains secure, Bitcoin uses a blockchain.

If we were to define blockchain as a technology separate from Bitcoin, it might look something like this:

Blockchain technology offers a way for untrusted parties to reach agreement (consensus) on a common digital history. A common digital history is importantbecause digital assets and transactions are in theory easily faked and/or duplicated. Blockchain technology solves this problem without using a trusted intermediary.

The short answer: in unique instances.

Specifically, a blockchain is needed for Bitcoin because:

Effectively, Bitcoin uses a blockchain to decentralize payments. Where else could we use this unique database architecture to get rid of the middleman? Are there other things that could bedecentralized?

Lets take this step-by-step. Whats another scenario where everyone needs a record of ownership, and where a trusted third party isnt preferred?

A couple of immediate use cases come to mind.

Land title is one. It could be quite useful for everyone to have access to a decentralized source of record saying who owns a given parcel of land. Considering that coups and wars often redistribute land unfairly and/or incorrectly, this could not only prove useful, but also have humanitarian implications. Once a land distribution is agreed upon, it can be recorded in a distributed ledger and no longer be subject to ongoing debate. A number of companies are working on this, including velox.RE.

In the same vein, a blockchain could be used to establish ownership over any number of physical assets cars, art, musical instruments, and so on. Lets think about why this makes sense.

A paper record of title is prone to forgery and/or physical degradation. Centralized databases are prone to hacking, human error, and/or tampering. A blockchain means there is no single entity controlling the ledger. Therefore, recording physical assets on a blockchain is a prime example of where the technology might come in handy to track ownership with a tamper-proof, neutral, and resilient system.

Identity might also be low-hanging fruit. The recent Equifax hack exposed the social security numbers of 143M Americans. Social security numbers were never meant to be used for identification; notice how this old social security card proudly states not for identification.

Blockchain technology might present a better means of establishing identity. Instead of a state or government issuing it, identity could be verified on an open, global blockchain controlled by nobody and trusted by everybody. Thus, users could control their own identity. A number of companies are working in this arena, including ID2020 and Civic.

The applications for blockchain technology extend well beyond these two examples.

Lets back up for a moment.

We mentioned that Alices and Bobs private implementation where everyone knows and trusts everyone involved doesnt need a blockchain (or miners to verify and append transactions to the cryptographically-protected blockchain).

Without blockchains verification step, were left with a distributed ledger, basically a decentralized spreadsheet that is only accessible to a select groupof trusted parties. Because this ledger is private, it doesnt need the same security measures as Bitcoin.

Its important to make this distinction.

The hype around Bitcoin, blockchain, and cryptocurrencies has contributed to renewed interest in distributed ledger technology. This is the idea of distributing a database among participants to ensure a commonrecord of truth. Bitcoin uses distributed ledger technology and adds a consensus layer on top the blockchain.

Because Alices and Bobs participants are trusted and their ledger is private, Bitcoins blockchain isnt needed. In fact, a blockchain might prove unwieldy, slow, and overly complex for Alices and Bobs ledger, for reasons which well address below. Instead, a trusted third party could be used to lightly administer a distributed ledger.

Bitcoin and Ethereum (which well dive into below) are considered public, permissionless blockchains. This means anyone can access them.

On the other hand, if all parties are known and trusted, distributed ledger technology could provide sufficient security.One example ofdistributed ledger technologyis R3s Corda, which is working with major financial services organizations to improve banking processes.

Whiledistributed ledger technology and blockchain technology each have their own pros and cons, the important thing to remember here is that blockchain is not a cure-all. For Bitcoin, a public, permissionless blockchain is the only possible solution. In many other instances, a blockchain would be a terrible idea.

Blockchains are really good at a couple of things and absolutely awful at others.

Weve addressed the distributed ledger versus blockchain debate above. Another major issue is scaling blockchains.

For a blockchain to work, lots of participants need to hold up-to-date copies. This means that the same database is held by thousands of nodes. This is fairly inefficient.

If we were to look at how technology has developed over the past fifteen years, blockchain runs counter to the logic behind cloud computing. Cloud computing trends toward a single database that multiple nodes can access. These nodes dont have to hold their own private copy of this database.

Further, nodes holding copies of the blockchain receive constant updates. These nodes are distributed around the world. Because of this, blockchains have high latency (latency is the amount of time it takes for data to move through the network). As a result, blockchains face scaling issues. Bitcoin can process about 3-4 transactions per second. Ethereum maxes out at about 20 transactions per second. Visa can process over 1,500 transactions per second.

Scaling is just one of the issues facing blockchain technology, but its an important one.

We asked earlier what other applications could be built with blockchain technology.

Recall that Bitcoin is, effectively, a decentralized application for payments. Ethereum adds another layer by allowing users to put code on its blockchain that executes automatically. This code is called a smart contract. In this way, Ethereum hopes to create a decentralized computing platform a global supercomputer.

To illustrate a smart contract, lets say Alice and Bob enter into a bet.

Alice thinks that the temperature tomorrow morning will reach 70 degrees. Bob thinks that it will stay lower. They wager 10 bitcoin on the outcome. If Alice and Bob dont trust each other, they will have to use a trusted third party as an escrow agent. In other words, they will each have to give the agent that amount of bitcoin, and the agent will distribute the winnings and the amount staked to the winner.

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What Is Blockchain Technology? - Forum – Index

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New Jersey Medical School – Wikipedia

New Jersey Medical School (NJMS)also known as Rutgers New Jersey Medical Schoolis a graduate medical school of Rutgers University that is part of the division of Biomedical and Health Sciences. NJMS is the oldest school of medicine in New Jersey. The school of medicine was founded in 1954 as the Seton Hall College of Medicine and Dentistry, established under the auspices of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Newark, in Jersey City, New Jersey. On August 6, 1954, the College was incorporated as a legal entity separate from Seton Hall University, but with an interlocking Board of Trustees. The first class of 80 students was admitted to the four-year MD program in September 1956, becoming only the sixth medical school in the New York City metropolitan area. In 1965, the institution was acquired by the State of New Jersey, renamed the New Jersey College of Medicine and Dentistry (NJCMD), and relocated to Newark, New Jersey. With the passing of the Medical and Dental Education Act of 1970, signed into law by Governor William T. Cahill on June 16, the College of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (CMDNJ) was created, merging NJCMD with the two-year medical school established at Rutgers University in 1961, under a single board of trustees.

With the creation of the CMDNJ, the medical school adopted its title the New Jersey Medical School. In 1981, legislation signed on December 10 by Governor Byrne established CMDNJ as the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (UMDNJ). NJMS served as one of five regional campuses that constitute the UMDNJ health science institution. On June 28, 2012 the New Jersey state legislature passed a bill that dissolved the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey and merged most of its schools including New Jersey Medical School with Rutgers University forming a new Rutgers Division of Biomedical and Health Sciences effective July 1, 2013. With a cohesive student body, each class consisting of approximately 170 students, NJMS is experiencing impressive growth on a number of fronts. Robert L. Johnson is the current Dean.

In 2004, the school received $104 million in extramural grants supporting basic, clinical and translational research. New Jersey Medical School is also home to the Global Tuberculosis Institute, The Institute for Ophthalmology and Visual Science, and the Center for Emerging and Reemerging Pathogens. New Jersey Medical School is a charter member of the New Jersey Stem Cell Research and Education Foundation. The Summer Student Research Program provides students with stipends to conduct research in the laboratories of NJMS faculty. Each year, more than 100 first- and second-year students, as well as prospective students considering medical school, participate in the program, which has a strong emphasis on cancer research and heart, lung and blood research. NJMS faculty have contributed significantly to medical science breakthroughs including the development of the worldwide standard in knee replacement, the New Jersey Knee; a patented method for the early detection of Lyme disease; the identification of pediatric AIDS and the development of drug-therapy to reduce the likelihood of pre-natal transmission; and proof of the connection between smoking and cancer resulting in the warning message printed on cigarette packages.

New Jersey Medical Schools core teaching hospital, The University Hospital, is located on campus. It is home to a Level I Trauma Center, the busiest in the state, and one of the nations most active liver transplant programs. The 504-bed facility is also highly regarded for its Comprehensive Stroke Center, the New Jersey Cardiovascular Institute (NJCI), the cochlear Implant Program, a neurosurgical intensive care unit and a special Brain Tumor Program, the Neurological Institute of New Jersey, a federally designated spinal cord injury program and The University Center for Bloodless Surgery and Medicine. University Hospital is also the states single largest provider of charity care. Approximately 500 residents are pursuing advanced clinical training at University Hospital in 18 accredited programs.

Other major affiliated teaching sites include Hackensack University Medical Center, Morristown Medical Center, and the East Orange Veterans Affairs Hospital.

Admission to NJMS is highly selective and competitive. NJMS selects its students on the basis of academic excellence, leadership qualities, demonstrated compassion for others and broad extracurricular experiences. One hundred and seventy students enrolled in the class of 2012, selected from over 5,000 applicants. All applicants must be either permanent residents or citizens of the United States, meet specific course requirements, and take the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT).

Deans of NJMS:

Charles L. Brown, MD (195559)

James E. McCormack, MD (196066)

Arthur J. Lewis, MD (1966)

Desmond Bonnycastle, MD, PhD (acting 1967)

Rulon Rawson, MD (196772)

Harold Kaminetsky, MD (acting dean and dean, 197274)

Stanley S. Bergen, Jr., MD (acting 1974)

Vincent Lanzoni, MD, PhD (197587)

Stuart D. Cook, MD (acting 1987-89)

Ruy V. Loureno, MD (December 1989-June 2000)

Joel A. DeLisa, MD, MS (interim July 2000-December 2000)

Russell T. Joffe, MD (January 2001-September 2005)

Robert L. Johnson, MD (October 2005 to present)

Coordinates: 404421N 741124W / 40.73924N 74.190111W / 40.73924; -74.190111

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New Jersey Medical School - Wikipedia

Ethereum Price Forecast: Chaos Is Hiding Long-Awaited ETH “Flippening”

Ethereum News Update
“Ethereum’s not doing that badly,” is a phrase I hear often. It’s poor consolation, a pat on the back for being the least terrible asset in this crumbling class. But there’s a nugget of truth there.

For all its painful backsliding in January, last month was extremely important for Ethereum. It established the No. 2 cryptocurrency as a true “safe haven” asset, a crypto that investors flock to in times of trouble.

Just take a look at the BTC dominance metric..

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Ethereum Price Forecast: Chaos Is Hiding Long-Awaited ETH “Flippening”

Where is Seychelles? / Where is Seychelles Located in The …

Located in the continent of Africa, Seychelles covers 455 square kilometers of land, making it the 203rd largest nation in terms of land area.

Seychelles became an independent state in 1976, after gaining its sovereignty from The United Kingdom. The population of Seychelles is 90,024 (2012) and the nation has a density of 198 people per square kilometer.

The currency of Seychelles is the Seychelles Rupee (SCR). As well, the people of Seychelles are refered to as Seychellois.

The dialing code for the country is 248 and the top level internet domain for Seychellois sites is .sc.

Seychelles does not share land borders with any countries.

To learn more, visit our detailed Seychelles section.

Victoria is the capital city of Seychelles. It has a population of 22,881, and is located on a latitue of -4.62 and longitude of 55.45.

Victoria is also the political center of Seychelles, which is considered a Republic, and home to its Executive head of state.

This page was last updated on October 2, 2015.

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Where is Seychelles? / Where is Seychelles Located in The ...

Using Psychedelics to Address End of Life and Chronic Illness

Psychedlic drugs allow people to face their deepest and most troubling fear with a level of openness and honesty that is often impossible otherwise. In a very general sense, psychedelics can remove the painful, fearful, and reactionary associations that we all have with traumatic events.

If you are struggling with the mental pain of a terminal or debilitating illness, loss of a loved one, or other trauma, you mind find relief in conscious use of psychedlics. After treatment, many individuals find that they can face the obstacles in their life with a new honesty and openness and can embrace the path they are on, regardless of how difficult it may be for themselves and their loved ones.

Heres one womans story of being treated with mushrooms as she was facing death, described in a New York Times article (see below):

Before Pam Sakuda died, she described her psilocybin experience on video: I felt this lump of emotions welling up . . . almost like an entity, Sakuda said, as she spoke straight into the camera. I started to cry. . . . Everything was concentrated and came welling up and then . . . it started to dissipate, and I started to look at it differently. . . . I began to realize that all of this negative fear and guilt was such a hindrance . . . to making the most of and enjoying the healthy time that Im having. Sakuda went on to explain that, under the influence of the psilocybin, she came to a very visceral understanding that there was a present, a now, and that it was hers to have.

Two weeks after Sakudas psilocybin session, Grob (the researcher) readministered the depression and anxiety assessments. Over all among his subjects, he found that their scores on the anxiety scale at one and three months after treatment demonstrated a sustained reduction in anxiety, the researchers wrote in The Archives of General Psychiatry. They also found that their subjects scores on the Beck Depression Inventory dropped significantly at the six-month follow-up.

To learn how to use mushrooms for treating depression and anxiety, please see our step-by-step Mushroom Guide.

Psychedelic Psychotherapy for Life-Threatening Illness Anxiety Panel

from MAPS: Psychedelic Science Vimeo Channel.

Psychedelics have been misunderstood and misrepresented for decades. That's changing. Please help us share safe, responsible information on using psychedelics by sending this page to friends, and posting to Facebook, Twitter, and Google:

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Using Psychedelics to Address End of Life and Chronic Illness

One Chart Shows Why Ethereum Weathered the Cryptocurrency Crash

Here’s Why Ethereum Is Faring Better Than Other Cryptos
Cryptocurrencies are in an unholy mess. It feels like the sky is falling as we watch the crypto markets crash to new lows. But for some reason, there’s a ray of hope shining for one crypto.

Of all the top 10 cryptocurrencies, there’s only one that has managed to weather this storm better than the rest. Ethereum is the only cryptocurrency that stood guard for investors through these tumultuous times.

How exactly has this cryptocurrency managed to do that? I’ll divulge more information on that shortly. But first, let’s take a step back and acknowledge Ethereum’s steady endurance through this absolute.

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One Chart Shows Why Ethereum Weathered the Cryptocurrency Crash

Ethereum Price Prediction 2018: $2,500 Is Our Ethereum Price Target

Where Ethereum Goes from Here
Aside from Bitcoin, no cryptocurrency is more popular and promising than Ether (the native token of the Ethereum platform). ETH prices exploded by 9,383% in 2017, beating every Ethereum price forecast in the world. Yet, now that it’s time to make Ethereum price predictions for 2018, analysts outside crypto-land remain gun-shy...

...and it’s no secret why. They are worried about a bubble in.

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Ethereum Price Prediction 2018: $2,500 Is Our Ethereum Price Target

Ripple XRP Will Survive on New Partnerships Despite Crashes

If you are glued to the cryptocurrencies market prices at the moment, then it is not the best of times for Ripple XRP. At the time of writing, Ripple was down by almost 30% amid a cryptocurrency market crash and was trading at around $0.75.

Ripple XRP prices are being impacted due to the overall cryptomarket suffering from an influx of negative news of late. News that South Korea would not be banning cryptocurrencies was encouraging, but then the message from the Indian Finance Minister, Arun Jaitley, was painted in a negative light to convey that there was no place for cryptocurrency in the growing digital economy of India.

However, he clearly mentioned that India was open to.

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Ripple XRP Will Survive on New Partnerships Despite Crashes

Bitcoin Cash: The New King of Cryptocurrency? | Investopedia

Less than a month ago, a few new lines of code and a verbal agreement forked the Bitcoin blockchain, creating a newer, more nimble version called Bitcoin Cash. Since its arrival on Aug. 1, the infant cryptocurrency has more than doubled in value from $300 to a price north of $600, and investors are now wondering if its popularity poses a serious threat to the Bitcoin throne.

Bitcoin Cash is essentially a clone of the existing Bitcoin blockchain with one important feature: additional block size capacity (more on that later). Those who owned Bitcoin before the split now own an equal amount of Bitcoin Cash, meaning Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin each now have 16.5 million units in circulation. Multiply Bitcoin Cashs recent price of $607 times 16.5 million units, and you arrive at a market cap of $10.8 billion, making it the third-most valuable cryptocurrency at around 16% of Bitcoins $69 billion market value. An asset with the same value as streaming-music service Spotify or social media giant Twitter was born overnight.


Bitcoin Cash got off to a slow start but sprang to life as the cryptocurrencys mining algorithm self-corrected to attract profit-seeking computers, known as miners. These super-computers are the beating heart of the blockchain responsible for verifying and embedding transactions in digital ledgers, called blocks. Once the market noticed a rise in the rate at which blocks were being produced, known as the hash rate, investors bid up the price of the resulting tokens.


An Answer to a Years-Long Dispute

When Bitcoin was first introduced in 2009, block sizes were unlimited. To buy and sell Bitcoin, wallets required users to keep a record of the entire blockchain. It was as if one had to download the entire history of Google searches to find something on the internet. This led to an abundance of Denial of Service (DOS) attacks as hackers stuffed blocks with meaningless transactions making it difficult for users with slower computers to transact. To alleviate this problem, the Bitcoin community moved to limit block size to one megabyte (MB)

Currently, the 1 MB block size limits transaction speeds to four to seven per second, which cant compete with Visa's and Paypals 2,000 transactions per second. Newer, innovative wallets permit an increase in block sizes, and the introduction of Bitcoin Cash is necessary to scale for mass adoption as a payment platform.

The new cryptocurrency attempts to solve the scaling problem by increasing existing block sizes from 1 MB to 8 MB, thereby increasing the amount of transactions processed per day and improving transaction speed.

Critics argue that larger block sizes will lead to the centralization of mining operations, as larger blocks require professional hardware. This would run counter to the idea of a decentralized network of miners, and limit oversight of the Bitcoin network to a few large miners and nodes.

What Has Happened Recently

To run a cryptocurrency, miners must confirm and account for recent transactions and mine new blocks. Their profitability is the spread between the value of the block reward (price of the coin x # issued per block) and the amount of resources needed to mine the block (known as the difficulty). The hash rate is the speed at which blocks are created. Higher hash rates make mining coins more lucrative as it increases the opportunity of mining the next block and receiving the reward.

The blockchain contains an important, self-correcting mechanism that can either speed up or slow down the hash rate when necessary. Essentially, the mathematical formula at the heart of the blockchain goes through a difficulty adjustment every 2,016 blocks. The difficulty is set so that 2,016 blocks will be mined just about every two weeks. If the pace is too slow, the difficulty adjusts downwards; and if the pace is too quick, the algorithm becomes more difficult to solve.

As Bitcoin Cash struggled out of the gates to attract miners, its difficulty adjusted sharply downward, making mining an extremely lucrative proposition. Accordingly, Bitcoin miners chased the easy money and shifted capacity to Bitcoin Cash. Hash rates subsequently skyrocketed, and this caused havoc to the original Bitcoin network. In just the past few days, the Bitcoin hash rate has been halvedslowing down the network and raising transaction prices.


Reports on social media say that Bitcoin transactions are taking hours or even days to confirm. However, the slower hash rate means that Bitcoins difficulty adjustment will be lowered for the next cycle and lead to an increase in miners.

The Bottom Line

Blockchain miners are now shifting capacity to Bitcoin Cashs larger block-sized network, which is temporarily troublesome for the Bitcoin network. However, the difficulty adjustment for both networks will ensure that Bitcoin remains the king cryptocurrencyat least for now.

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Bitcoin Cash: The New King of Cryptocurrency? | Investopedia

Ripple Price Forecast: Finally, a Crypto Exchange Built Around XRP

Ripple News Update
Despite the epic XRP price crash in January, Ripple’s main partner in East Asia—a Japanese financial services provider called SBI Holdings Inc (TYO:8473)—doubled down on its support. It even launched a digital asset exchange: SBI Virtual Currencies.

At first, this doesn’t sound like big Ripple news. One more exchange. Big deal.

But if you take a closer look at the release, you’ll notice two things:

SBI Securities, a subsidiary of SBI Holdings, has four million brokerage accounts, making it Japan’s biggest online securities company.
XRP is the first crypto listed on the new.

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Ripple Price Forecast: Finally, a Crypto Exchange Built Around XRP

Ethereum Price Forecast: 3 Causes of This Week’s ETH Price Crash

Ethereum News Update
Ethereum prices are proving more resilient than BTC or BCH, but that doesn’t mean they are untouched by this week’s crypto market crash. Ethereum too was affected by the tidal wave of pessimism.

As a result, ETH is trading 4.66% lower against the U.S. dollar.

This puts the Ethereum to USD exchange rate near $1,108.36. However, the Ethereum to Bitcoin rate is up 1.94% to 0.10871 BTC, adding a silver lining to this otherwise depressing news.

At first, I looked to see if trading volumes were driving the ETH price crash. They are not. Investors swapped about $4.6 billion worth of ETH in the last 24 hours. It just so happens that no one wanted higher.

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Ethereum Price Forecast: 3 Causes of This Week’s ETH Price Crash

Litecoin Price Forecast: South Korean E-Commerce Giant Adding LTC Support

Daily Litecoin News Update
Let me begin with a reminder; today is January 30—the day when South Korea’s new cryptocurrency trading rules take effect. From today onward, anonymous cryptocurrency trading has been completely banned in the country. As expected, cryptocurrency markets are remaining cautious about how the new regulations will play out.

All of the top 20 cryptocurrencies, including Litecoin, are blinking red as investors stay spooked in anticipation.

Nonetheless, we now know for certain that South Korea is no longer banning.

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Litecoin Price Forecast: South Korean E-Commerce Giant Adding LTC Support

Ripple Price Prediction: CEO Garlinghouse Fires Back at XRP Skeptics

Ripple News Update
Ripple (XRP) prices kicked off 2018 in the worst way, losing more than 44% in under a month. The sell-off began as a reaction to trouble on the Korean peninsula. But it was made worse by a Bloomberg Businessweek report, which said that Ripple’s corporate partners had no interest in XRP.

Now, however, the dust is settling.

Volatility is easing. Markets are returning to normal. And Ripple is starting to play offense rather than defense.

CEO Brad Garlinghouse took the fight straight to XRP skeptics, beating back the idea that.

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Ripple Price Prediction: CEO Garlinghouse Fires Back at XRP Skeptics

This unique Swedish invention could transform how millions …

As global warming intensifies, the world is turning to large-scale environmental technologies like electric cars and solar power at breakneck pace.

But so far, innovations that transform resource use inside people's homes have been few and far between.

Swedish upstart Scandinavian Water Technologies, or Swatab, wants to change that: the company's patented filter system helps clean clothes with nothing but cold water.

The idea was born three years ago on a small-town farmyardin southern Sweden, where entrepreneur Per Hansson and his wife Katarina Klfverskjld ran their painting firm.

We had bought a system for cleaning building facades in an environmentally friendly way. Seeing how efficient it was in removing algae and dirt, I realized that the same method could be applied to washing machines, says Hansson.

With a burning passion for molecules and chemistry, Hansson ran with his idea; and only two years after the founding of Swatab, he and his wife had received a Europe-wide patent for their water filtration system.

Water in itself is highly soluble. For example, if you get a blood stain on your clothes, you can remove it with cold water," Hansson explains.

"Our filter makes tap water super clean, and by de-ionising it, we can do away with the last remains of salts and contaminants. This super clean water is not in a balanced chemical state, and to become so again, the water will attach itself to stains and dirt and absorb them.

Swatab's filter system removes the need for laundry detergents and warm water.

Swatabs filter system, Diro, is a closet-sized module that sits between the water pipes and the washing machine. Dirohas cleared extensive testing done by Swedish research institute Swerea IVF as well as the Eropean Union's research center in Sevilla, Spain.

These [tests] show that we can meet the requirements. We have achieved an acceptable cleansing effect according to EU-standards that normally apply on tests involving laundry detergents.

Swatab is now working to prove that its solution can save money and emissions for businesses and consumers alike.

It looks very promising. For every 5 kilograms of laundry, our technology saves one kilogram of carbon emissions, says Hansson, referring to tests done over the past year with MKB, a housing association in Malm that makes six million laundry washes per year.

Swatabs first foreign expansion takes place in the U.K., where the company has garnered interest from several major companies.

However, Hanssons long-term dream is to get Diro into millions of homes. To this end, he and his wife are developing a solution aimed for the consumer markets, due for launch next year.

Recognized as a WWF Climate Solver.

At the annual Cleantech Forum Europe in May in Helsinki, organized by San Francisco-based Cleantech Group, Swatab was among six Nordic companies recognized as a WWF Climate Solver - an annual award "forenterprises that can lead the way to a sustainable economy with zero emissions and energy access to all."

Put together, the winning companies' solutions could reduce global carbon emissions by more than 300 million tons by 2027, according to WWF. That is more than the entire Nordic regions CO2-emissions each year.

Read theoriginal articlein Swedish onVeckans Affrer.


This unique Swedish invention could transform how millions ...

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Litecoin Price Prediction: Litecoin Is an “Elite” Coin Ahead of Ripple

Daily Litecoin News Update
A common ill-founded fear in the crypto investor community is that a coin is losing the race if it drops down from its position on the market capitalization rankings. Concerns like these are absolutely fallacious.

For instance, Litecoin slipping down another spot on the crypto rankings yesterday kept some investors up at night. Lesser-known coins like NEO and Stellar are now sitting above it on the ranks.

What investors must not forget, however, is that Litecoin is an “elite” coin, far superior than these largely.

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Litecoin Price Prediction: Litecoin Is an “Elite” Coin Ahead of Ripple

Genetics Smithsonians Human Origins Program


Through news accounts and crime stories, were all familiar with the fact that the DNA in our cells reflects each individuals unique identity and how closely related we are to one another. The same is true for the relationships among organisms. DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is the molecule that makes up an organisms genome in the nucleus of every cell. It consists of genes, which are the molecular codes for proteins the building blocks of our tissues and their functions. It also consists of the molecular codes that regulate the output of genes that is, the timing and degree of protein-making. DNA shapes how an organism grows up and the physiology of its blood, bone, and brains.

DNA is thus especially important in the study of evolution. The amount of difference in DNA is a test of the difference between one species and another and thus how closely or distantly related they are.

While the genetic difference between individual humans today is minuscule about 0.1%, on average study of the same aspects of the chimpanzee genome indicates a difference of about 1.2%. The bonobo (Pan paniscus), which is the close cousin of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), differs from humans to the same degree. The DNA difference with gorillas, another of the African apes, is about 1.6%. Most importantly, chimpanzees, bonobos, and humans all show this same amount of difference from gorillas. A difference of 3.1% distinguishes us and the African apes from the Asian great ape, the orangutan. How do the monkeys stack up? All of the great apes and humans differ from rhesus monkeys, for example, by about 7% in their DNA.

Geneticists have come up with a variety of ways of calculating the percentages, which give different impressions about how similar chimpanzees and humans are. The 1.2% chimp-human distinction, for example, involves a measurement of only substitutions in the base building blocks of those genes that chimpanzees and humans share. A comparison of the entire genome, however, indicates that segments of DNA have also been deleted, duplicated over and over, or inserted from one part of the genome into another. When these differences are counted, there is an additional 4 to 5% distinction between the human and chimpanzee genomes.

No matter how the calculation is done, the big point still holds: humans, chimpanzees, and bonobos are more closely related to one another than either is to gorillas or any other primate. From the perspective of this powerful test of biological kinship, humans are not only related to the great apes we are one. The DNA evidence leaves us with one of the greatest surprises in biology: the wall between human, on the one hand, and ape or animal, on the other, has been breached. The human evolutionary tree is embedded within the great apes.

The strong similarities between humans and the African great apes led Charles Darwin in 1871 to predict that Africa was the likely place where the human lineage branched off from other animals that is, the place where the common ancestor of chimpanzees, humans, and gorillas once lived. The DNA evidence shows an amazing confirmation of this daring prediction. The African great apes, including humans, have a closer kinship bond with one another than the African apes have with orangutans or other primates. Hardly ever has a scientific prediction so bold, so out there for its time, been upheld as the one made in 1871 that human evolution began in Africa.

The DNA evidence informs this conclusion, and the fossils do, too. Even though Europe and Asia were scoured for early human fossils long before Africa was even thought of, ongoing fossil discoveries confirm that the first 4 million years or so of human evolutionary history took place exclusively on the African continent. It is there that the search continues for fossils at or near the branching point of the chimpanzee and human lineages from our last common ancestor.

Due to billions of years of evolution, humans share genes with all living organisms. The percentage of genes or DNA that organisms share records their similarities. We share more genes with organisms that are more closely related to us.

Humans belong to the biological group known as Primates, and are classified with the great apes, one of the major groups of the primate evolutionary tree. Besides similarities in anatomy and behavior, our close biological kinship with other primate species is indicated by DNA evidence. It confirms that our closest living biological relatives are chimpanzees and bonobos, with whom we share many traits. But we did not evolve directly from any primates living today.

DNA also shows that our species and chimpanzees diverged from a common ancestor species that lived between 8 and 6 million years ago. The last common ancestor of monkeys and apes lived about 25 million years ago.

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Genetics Smithsonians Human Origins Program

Free gattaca Essays and Papers – 123HelpMe

Title Length Color Rating Gattaca, A Film by Andrew Niccol - Gattaca, A Film by Andrew Niccol Exactly five seconds after he came into the world, Vincent Freeman was already considered to be a loser. His first genetic test revealed high probabilities of hyperactivity, sight troubles and serious heart diseases, a life expectancy of 30 years and 2 months and quite low intellectual faculties. At that time, the artificial insemination of test tube babies selected according to their genetic potential had become for many people the natural way of making children.... [tags: Movie Films Gattaca Niccol Essays]1596 words(4.6 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] A Brave New World and Gattaca - Anti-humanity; people arent even people. Could you possibly visualize that type of world. A world where people are invented and controlled. That type of world is inhuman, and inhumanity is an interesting concept pointed out in the perfect/not so perfect world that Aldous Huxley describes in his classic novel, Brave New World, and what Andrew Niccol describes in his famous film Gattaca. In the stories presented by both of these writers, viewers and readers witness a dystopian world where the government controls the people, and people are conditioned to like the social class set for them, whether it be lower, middle, or upper class.... [tags: science fiction film vs utopian-dystopian fiction]1219 words(3.5 pages)Better Essays[preview] General Science and GATTACA - General Science is a study involving biology, chemistry, physics and environmental sciences. Students from Year 7 to Year 10 are introduced to these various disciplines to gain general knowledge about science and can later be develop into deeper concepts. 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Gattaca is a film about a man, Vincent Freeman, overcoming his genetic disadvantage to become an astronaut. Jurassic Park on the other hand is a film about bringing dinosaurs back to life, while also causing massive chaos. However, despite these major differences in plot, both films are based on a similar idea, genetic engineering. Genetic engineering is defined as the process of directly affecting the genetic makeup of an individual using biotechnology.... [tags: film, andrew niccol, stephen spielberg]:: 3 Works Cited 1110 words(3.2 pages)Strong Essays[preview] The Debate for Genetic Engineering Exposed in Gattaca - ... The child will get fed up and decide to leave. I believe that children should be left to chance or be genetically modified. There can be no in between; it puts too much pressure on society and on individual parents and kids. While the movie states that there are laws against genetic discrimination, it still does not protect those who were brought into this world by chance, because of illegal urine or blood tests. While greed and competition is evident in our society, this genetically perfect world would create a whole new battle field.... [tags: imperfect, fear, society]593 words(1.7 pages)Good Essays[preview] Movie Review: Gattaca - Vincent Freeman was born into a futuristic society dominated by biological technology. In this society, genetic technology has become so advanced, a drop of blood at the time of your birth can tell you any diseases you might develop the day you will die. More importantly, wealthy parents can choose to have their unborn children engineered to be as perfect as their potential would allow. This type of technology created a prejudice society of the genetically altered against natural-borns. Vincents parents did not have the foresight to know that the future of a natural-born would be laden with prejudice and discrimination, and they conceived him through the power of love, rather than techn... [tags: sicence fiction films]819 words(2.3 pages)Better Essays[preview] Analysis of the Bioethical Issues in Gattaca - Analysis of the Bioethical Issues in Gattaca Biology is the science of life. Technology uses science to solve problems. Our society has progressed in its understanding of life to the point that we are able to manipulate it on a fundamental level through technology. This has led to profound ethical dilemmas. The movie Gattaca explores some important bioethical issues that are currently the focus of much dispute. The underlying thematic issue presented is the question of the extent to which biologically inherent human potential determines the true potential of a person.... [tags: Papers]843 words(2.4 pages)Better Essays[preview] Brave New World and Gattaca - Brave New World and Gattaca Huxley Living in a genetically perfect world is not necessarily a great achievement to mankind. It makes one think, "where do you draw the line in the advancement of eugenics?" Both worlds, the Brave New one and Gattaca, are alternative futures (clearly dystopic), written and shown in a believable way (not as much in BNW, though) through the use of satire. Also, for GATTACA, the director incorporates the traditional elements of movie - a murder-mystery tied in with a love story PLUS a science fiction touch - very effectively. Satire in Huxley's novel is glaringly obvious (mockery of the education system and the morals of today along wi... [tags: Brave New World]624 words(1.8 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Gattaca The Movie And Discrimination - In the movie Gattaca the main character Anton was discriminated against because of his gene makeup. Anton never even had a chance in the society in Gattaca because the potential employees of companies were not tested on their skills or knowledge but on their physical and mental possibilities. The same society also used derogatory terms for people like Anton. Just because his parents decided that he would come into the world naturally instead of through gene therapy or alteration. Terms like faith birth'; and invalid'; were used against Anton.... [tags: essays research papers]409 words(1.2 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Dehumanization in Never Let Me Go vs. Gattaca - The movie Gattaca and the novel Never Let Me Go, both display a form of dehumanization and the relationship between those who have been dehumanized and those who are brought up in a more ideal way. Gattaca and Never Let Me Go, try and show an alternative future based on the advancement of genetics and how they affect our world in a possible future. They do this by genetically cloning individuals for organ harvesting and attempting to create a perfect world by creating perfect humans. Living in a world where they have successfully created human clones for organ donations, is not a great achievement to mankind in any way, shape, or form. It makes you wonder, where exactly do you draw the... [tags: genetics, cloning, humans, perfect]828 words(2.4 pages)Better Essays[preview] Gattaca - Gattaca is a movie directed by Andrew Niccol and the film is set in the "not too distant future." Andrew Niccol's perception of the future isn't what most people expect, but once thought about carefully it seems quite believable. This movie presents us with a new method in which society strives for perfection and it also makes us wonder if genetic engineering is morally correct. Your place in society in Gattaca is based on your genetic makeup and the way you were born. People born the way we know as natural are "in-valids".... 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Vincent is one of the last naturally born babies born into a sterile, genetically enhanced world, where life expectancy and disease likelihood are ascertained at birth. Myopic and due to die at 30, he has no chance of a career in a society that now discriminates against your genes, instead of your gender, race or religion. Vincent an invalid, dreams of working within Gattaca and making it into space.... [tags: essays research papers]667 words(1.9 pages)Good Essays[preview] Gattaca - Film Name: GATTACA Director / Writer: Andrew Niccol Producers: Danny DeVito, Michael Shamberg, and Stacey Sher Co-Producer: Gail Lyon Main Characters: Ethan Hawk as Jerome Morrow / Vincent Uma Thurman as Irein Jude Law as Eugene / Jerome Morrow Summary of Film: The film starts out in the not-too-distant future. The setting is a dark almost surreal view of Nineteen-Fifty Retro. In fact, every object in the film has a Fifties look to it, yet every thing was operated with future technology.... 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This idea is explored through the character of Vincent who exhibits desire, resilience and determination, natural human elements that cannot be manufactured and are seemingly not present in the faultless future that is presented in Gattaca. These characteristics appear to be contrasted by the other characters in the film, such as Anton and the conforming Irene, who are perceived to be flawless in the context of their surroundings but are quite mechanical and emotionless.... [tags: Movies, Films]711 words(2 pages)Better Essays[preview] Exploring the Future - Science Fiction often opens the eyes of humanity so we can try to imagine what the future will hold. More specifically, Science Fiction movies allow us to explore examples of utopian or dystopian societies. They allow us to explore different planets in outer space. Due to all of the creative components found in the set designs of several science fiction movies, a viewer can watch the movie and escape reality. The interesting innovations seen in the set designs look very futuristic so the viewers imagination is inspired and lets you indulge in the film.... [tags: Science Fiction, Gattaca]1252 words(3.6 pages)Strong Essays[preview] The Idea of Discrimination Based on Genetic - The film Gattaca was released in 1997, just six years prior to the completion of the Human Genome Project (completed in April 2003), with a working draft completed in June 2000. The name of the film refers to an Aerospace corporation featured in the movie; however, its letters correspond to the 4 nucleotide bases that make up the integrity of the human genome. The sequencing of the human genome poses tremendous benefits not only in the future, but in the present. From identifying pharmaceutical targets in the body, screening for diseased genes, or determine if individuals are predisposed for certain hereditary or nonhereditary illness.... [tags: human genome, gattaca, genetic discrimination]1245 words(3.6 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Cracking Your Genetic Code: A Review of Genetic Testing - Cracking Your Genetic Code: A Review of Genetic Testing In Gattaca, the plot focuses on the ethics, the risks, and the emotional impact of genetic testing in the nearby future. The film was released in the 90s; yet in the present, the film does not give the impression of science fiction. Today, genetic testing is prevalent in many aspects of the scientific community. This paper will describe genetic testing, its purpose, diagnostic techniques that use genetic testing, relating Huntingtons disease to genetic testing, and the pros and cons of genetic testing.... [tags: film analysis, gattaca, ethics, risks]:: 9 Works Cited 1554 words(4.4 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] Comparing Dystopian Dream of Brave New World, The Handmaids Tale and GATTACA - The Dystopian Dream of Brave New World, The Handmaids Tale and GATTACA In Utilitarianism, John Stuart Mill writes that it is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied. By this he meant there are qualitative degrees of satisfaction and if to be satisfied were lowered in status to that of a pig, its better for us to be dissatisfied humans. The film GATTACA and the books Brave New World and The Handmaids Tale create fictional places where the needs and desires of humans are met, but not as well as they should be and not without a price.... [tags: comparison compare contrast essays]3033 words(8.7 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Discussion of Whether Gattaca Portrays A Realistic View Of The Future And Gene Manipulation - Discussion of Whether Gattaca Portrays A Realistic View Of The Future And Gene Manipulation Media. It controls a lot of what we think, what we believe and so changes our attitude and behaviour towards certain things. It has changed our thinking so much so that we believe almost anything and everything the media say and do. Without the media, life would not be as it is. Newspapers, magazines, television, internet, radio, the lot have very much altered our thinking. Lately, there have been many talks on the issues regarding genetic manipulation and human cloning.... [tags: Papers]1548 words(4.4 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] Eugenic Decision-Making - Eugenics is defined, in some way or the other, as the process of reshaping the human race by determining the kinds of people who will be born. As such, there is much debate in the field of eugenics, with authors, like Philip Kitcher, who support laissez-faire or a minimalist approach of eugenics in which eugenic decision-making should be limited only to avoid neurological illnesses and in which parental free choice is valued. Gregory Stocks essay, The Enhanced and Un-Enhanced, presents otherwise by supporting the position of maximalist eugenics, allowing individuals the full extent in the selection of genes.... [tags: Gattaca, Laissez-Faire, Maximalist Eugenics]1482 words(4.2 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Evolution of Human Characteristics - Human characteristics have evolved all throughout history and have been manipulated on a global scale through the use of science and technology. Genetic modification is one such process in which contemporary biotechnology techniques are employed to develop specific human characteristics. Despite this, there are a countless number of negative issues related with genetic modification including discrimination, ethical issues and corruption. Hence, genetic modification should not be used to enhance human characteristics.... [tags: genetic modification, ethics, discrimination]794 words(2.3 pages)Better Essays[preview] Creating the Perfect Child - Everyone wishes for their child to be perfect, and new measures are being taken to ensure their child is everything and more. To make sure a child has all the desired traits necessary, humans genetically modify them. In doing so, changes are being made to the DNA code of the child to take the best characteristics of the parents and pass it down to the child. The ideal traits, such as being athletic, tall, and smart are given to the child and undesirable traits, such as being colorblind and having other genetic mutations, are prevented.... [tags: genetics, moral, design]834 words(2.4 pages)Better Essays[preview] A Critique on the Transhumanism Movement - When did being human become not good enough. Transhumanism theories strive toward the perfect human, a posthuman, which can be achieved through modern technology. In the opinion of transhumanists, humans are constantly subject to change and their calling is to transcend their body and brain in order to reach their full potential. While this may have positive effects for the people involved, such as immunity toward hereditary diseases, Down syndrome for example, the question arises what is considered ethical in these practices.... [tags: Genetic Manipulation, Nanotechnology]:: 18 Works Cited 3010 words(8.6 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] Fishing in the Gene Pool - I belonged to a new underclass, no longer determined by social status or the color of your skin. No, we now have discrimination down to a science.-Vincent. The previous statement was said by the main character Vincent in the futuristic movie known as Gattaca. In the movie Gattaca, parents who wish to have a child are recommended to go to a geneticist in order to help pre select their future child. The reason for this is to help avoid the chances of the child inheriting genetic diseases such as heart disease, cystic fibrosis, hemophilia, etc.... [tags: heart disease, cystic fibrosis, hemophilia]:: 1 Works Cited 965 words(2.8 pages)Strong Essays[preview] The Dangers of Genetic Engineering - The Dangers of Genetic Engineering Science is defined as knowledge based on observed facts and tested truths arranged in an orderly system. It has had an extreme effect on technology, which covers production, transportation, and even entertainment. In the past, though, science has always remained distant. However, with the birth of genetic engineering, science has become something that will deeply affect lives. Advancements are being made daily with genetic engineering: the Human Genome Project is nearly done, gene replacement therapy lies within reach, and cloning is on the horizon.... [tags: Papers]1248 words(3.6 pages)Good Essays[preview] The Battle Between Science and Religion: The God of the Gaps Theory by Neil DeGrasse Tyson - Imagine a world where many people are not born the way they are just by chance, but by design. Not a design by a god but by men. What is one of the most common science fiction topics. Well thanks to scientific advancement people can start moving cloning more into science and less into fiction. Thanks to the impeccable work of many scientists across the world the world is moving forward in many ways. But it begs the question, what limits do politicians have to place on science. Is best to let them have free reign over their domain, as politicians have on their own, or do they need to be tethered.... [tags: god, scientific ignorance, bias, media]:: 5 Works Cited 1676 words(4.8 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] Programmed To Be Free: Exploring Andrew Niccol's Gatacca - Programmed To Be Free Gatacca by Andrew Niccol tells the story of Vincent, a young man naturally and traditionally engendered in a world where genetic engineering is the followed pattern to have a child. Few minutes after his birth, Vincents fate is revealed through a DNA analysis. Two important facts in the analysis will mark Vincents life, a fail in his cardio system and his life expectancy, only thirty years. The film shows a world where life is highly determined by genetics, and happiness is mostly based on the quality of the genetic profile, a kind of identity card for people.... [tags: Film Analysis, Movies, Films]:: 4 Works Cited 1231 words(3.5 pages)Strong Essays[preview] The Case Against Perfection by Michael Sandel - Michael Sandel is a distinguished political philosopher and a professor at Harvard University. Sandel is best known for his best known for his critique of John Rawls's A Theory of Justice. While he is an acclaimed professor if government, he has also delved deeply into the ethics of biotechnology. At Harvard, Sandel has taught a course called "Ethics, Biotechnology, and the Future of Human Nature" and from 2002 to 2005 he served on the Presidents Council on Bioethics (Harvard University Department of Government, 2013).... [tags: ethics, biotechnology, genetic engineering]:: 4 Works Cited 972 words(2.8 pages)Better Essays[preview] Testing an Authors Vision Organization Guide - Testing an Authors Vision Organization Guide Introduction You will need to transition us, the readers, from our world into your paper. Make sure you give us a sense of context (what gave rise to your paper?), conflict (give us a sense of They Say/I Say), and focus (give us a question that focuses your paper or give us your thesis statement). So, for the focus you might have: ---Is this vision of genetic manipulation in literature possible, and if so, should we be afraid. ---OR.This vision of genetic manipulation is occurring in small amounts today and could blossom into a world in which individuals fear imperfection and groups of perfect people wield power over those less than the visio... [tags: Assignment]1045 words(3 pages)Strong Essays[preview] ?Vincent is not a hero? Discuss - Vincent is not a hero Discuss Andrew Niccol has created a character that is portrayed as being a struggler from the moment he was born, he was destined to play this role as soon as he was conceived naturally as he was to wear the label of God child for the rest of his life , this label determines they life style and quality of life he will lead and the prospects are not good -They used to say that a child conceived in love has a greater chance of happiness. They don't say that anymore. Niccol leads us to believe that Vincent is a man who has overcome the odds in order to achieve his dream in a society where individuality is an unrequited trait and the ability to conform plus right DN... [tags: essays research papers]972 words(2.8 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Genetic Engineering is Immoral - Genetic engineering gives the power to change many aspects of nature and could result in a lot of life-saving and preventative treatments. Today, scientists have a greater understanding of genetics and its role in living organisms. However, if this power is misused, the damage could be very great. Therefore, although genetic engineering is a field that should be explored, it needs to be strictly regulated and tested before being put into widespread use. Genetic engineering has also, opened the door way to biological solutions for world problems, as well as aid for body malfunctions.... [tags: Genetic Engineering Essays]423 words(1.2 pages)Strong Essays[preview] What is a Designer Baby and How are They Made? - DESIGNER BABIES There have been many social views on the topic of designer babies, which include a scientist point-of-view. Designer babies are those of which parents can make the rash decision to genetically alter their child so that they do not develop the genetic disorders that many of us have today. By using IVF or InVitro Fertilization as the method of altering the genes, doctors have been able to custom make unborn babies to portray or eliminate certain characteristics. What is a Designer Baby and How Are They Made.... [tags: Genetically Modified, Genes, Alterations]:: 6 Works Cited 1687 words(4.8 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] Neo-Eugenics The Social and Biological Ethics of Designer Babies - Neoeugenics is the idea of new, neo, eugenics or a new way of creating a healthier race. Eugenics was first defined in the late 1800s by a man named Sir Francis Galton who said that it was basically the study of traits that will cause an advantage or disadvantage in the traits of future generations. Eugenics soon turned from being about the use of artificial selection of breeding to create a stronger species, to being about the advancement of certain races over others. When talking about neo eugenics, it is believed that it may turn into something similar to that of eugenics in that the use of artificial selection would now be used to bring the upper class higher in standards of health and... [tags: Healthier Reace, Future Generations]:: 2 Works Cited 1586 words(4.5 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] Hollywood: Promoting Stereotypes to Make Easy Money - Every week numerous Hollywood movies and rereleases open in theaters, video stores, and online movie distributors nationwide: heartwarming films such as The Blind Side; laughter inducing and children captivating classics like Aladdin; movies about overcoming struggles such as, Gattaca. All these new movies and classics alike hold a particular place in our hearts and in our lives. Maybe because of a similarity to our own lives or the main character embraces characteristics we hold dear. Whatever the reason, a contributing factor to the variety of movie produced in Hollywood can trace itself to liberal and socially progressive movie making.... [tags: Hollywood vs Minorities]1841 words(5.3 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] The Ethics of Genetically Enhancing Children - The term designer children is unnerving at first to many. The idea of parents designing the genetic makeup of their offspring makes children seem like a commodity in a genetic free market. Thoughts of a dystopian society like the one in the film Gattaca come to mind. However, taking an immediate repugnant stand against genetic enhancement is not well-founded. A more open-minded inspection of the issue reveals that the idea of parents improving their childrens life prospects through genetic engineering (provided it is safe) is, at its core, not unethical.... [tags: designer children]1314 words(3.8 pages)Strong Essays[preview] The Decline of the World's IQ - What will end the world as we know it. It could be climate change, disease, famine, or global war. If none of those come to pass there is always the truth that we are breeding our IQ into the basement. Its called dysgeneic fertilization, and it has been happening for as long as weve been recording intelligence. Although this decline can be seen across the board, not everyone is affected the same way or to the same extent. With each generation that passes a gap widens between those retaining intelligence and those hemorrhaging intelligence.... [tags: Dystopic Apocalypse]:: 6 Works Cited 1099 words(3.1 pages)Strong Essays[preview] DNA Donation: A Personal Choice - Moral choices, ethical dilemmas, personal biases, and strong opinions tend to go hand in hand; you certainly cannot have one without the other. The topic of this paper is an ethical dilemma that will cause me to make a moral choice; I am also personally biased and strongly opinionated in regards to the situation. The topic is the donation of my DNA for a research study; the goal of the study will be to find a variant of a gene that will resist specific bacterial diseases. If the company succeeds in finding this gene, it may be able to produce a drug to sell to people who have these diseases.... [tags: Medical Ethics ]:: 5 Works Cited 1340 words(3.8 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Should Human Cloning Be Pursued? - ... Stem cells can replace worn out or damaged tissues and is an alternative to organ donation. It is less likely to result in rejection by the recipient because the tissue would be made from the recipients own genetic material. Like stated previously, therapeutic cloning does not involve the creation of a live human being. However, despite the benefits of therapeutic cloning, there are huge controversies surrounding the topic. One argument against therapeutic cloning is that creating stem cells on a large scale would require the use of vast amounts of human eggs.... [tags: reproductive and therapeutic cloning]:: 9 Works Cited 814 words(2.3 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Altering Human Genome - Altering Human Genome The gene pool could use a little chlorine. -Bumper Sticker Consider Gods handiwork; who can straighten what He hath made crooked? -Ecclesiastes 7:13, from Gattaca I not only think that we will tamper with Mother Nature. I think Mother wants us to. -Willard Gaylin, from Gattaca With the scientific breakthroughs of the recent decades the humans have become more powerful than ever in their mastery of Nature. The genetic engineering that allows extracting and modifying the genetic makeup of the future person or animal is in a sense the power of Creation.... [tags: Eugenics Genetics Science Essays]:: 14 Works Cited 1425 words(4.1 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] Value of a Dystopia - A perfect world with no negative aspects can be defined as a utopia. A utopia consists of having all the required or desirable elements of life that one has in mind. Everyone has an altered perception on what a utopia is, but in order for the world to be a utopia a universal definition is vital. Some elements to be considered in a utopia include a society that is stable socially, morally, politically, and economically. The more a world is in deficient to these key elements of a utopia, the farther the world travels from the parameters of a utopia.... [tags: Sociology ]:: 5 Works Cited 2306 words(6.6 pages)Term Papers[preview] The Theory of Knowledge - That which is accepted as knowledge today is sometimes discarded tomorrow. Knowledge itself can be compared to a small child who is about to begin the long way in learning. Why this comparison. Since, as the child grows and goes through all the school years, with time, he will learn more and more than what he did before. The same situation can be applied to knowledge itself. The pursuit of knowledge has lead mankind to the point of development we are at as of the 21st century. With the passing of time, new ideas and methodologies, and key technological developments have lead, not to discarding knowledge, but to modifying our previous knowledge.... [tags: Natural Sciences]:: 3 Works Cited 1037 words(3 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis - In todays advanced world, modern technology has enabled humans to accomplish tasks once thought to be purely science fiction. We live in a world today where everything is instant and customed designed. Who would have ever thought that one day parents would be able to design their children. Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) is a process [that] involves taking a 3-day-old embryo and pulling one of its six cells to test for genetic markers of disease. (Edmonds). Although this process is meant to help to discover harmful diseases or complications like cancer, the idea of parents using this process to give their children what they consider ideal traits comes into question.... [tags: designer babies]:: 5 Works Cited 1117 words(3.2 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Dystopian Comparisons - In the Book A Clockwork Orange, the short stories Harrison Burgeron, The Lottery and the movies Gattaca and the Truman Show by Anthony Burgess, Kurt Vonnegut, Shirly Jackson, Andrew Niccol and Peter Wier respectively. These pieces of literature(and cinematography) all have a society that controls and manipulates the individual or Protaganist. The society does this because it wants total control over both the individual and the society as a whole. A Clockwork Orange is futuristic look at England.... [tags: Compare Contrast]1439 words(4.1 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] Genetic Engineering and the End of the World As We Know It - "It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)" --- From a Song by REM Having completed the Human Genome Project, scientists now seek to uncover the secrets of the human proteome (Begley 1). It is "guesstimated" that the proteome, meaning all the proteins, will involve up to 1000 times more data than the genome did. But this again brings us to the question: What will the scientific and medical communities do with all this information. deCode Genetics, partnered with Roche Holding of Basel, wants Iceland's genes to examine 25-35 common genetically linked diseases (Marshall 539).... [tags: Genetic Manipulation Essays]:: 5 Works Cited 1406 words(4 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] Designer Babies - Within the last 100 years or so scientists have many valuable discoveries that have benefited mankind. These discoveries include the discovery of genes. Scientists have discovered what makes humans so unique from one another. However, with this newly gained knowledge of the function of genes comes the ability to alter or change them. Just imagine in the not so near future, you and your partner want to start a family together. You travel to your local gene councillor to pick the physical and characteristic traits of your child.... [tags: Genetic Engineering]:: 3 Works Cited 1141 words(3.3 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Therapuetic Cloning - Children grow up watching movies such as Star Wars as well as Gattaca that contain the idea of cloning which usually depicts that society is on the brink of war or something awful is in the midsts but, with todays technology the sci-fi nature of cloning is actually possible. The science of cloning obligates the scientific community to boil the subject down into the basic category of morality pertaining towards cloning both humans as well as animals. While therapeutic cloning does have its moral disagreements towards the use of using the stem cells of humans to medically benefit those with incomplete sets of DNA, the benefits of therapeutic cloning outweigh the disagreements indubitably due... [tags: dna, medicine, treatment]:: 5 Works Cited 1296 words(3.7 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Genetic Engineering - In the field of animal and human genetic engineering there is much more speculation, than fact, because very little has actually been tested in the real world. Firstly, theres a big question mark over safety of genetic engineering. In addition, genetic engineering can cause greater problems than that what we have today. Moreover, we can create a injustice world between Designer vs Non-designer children. Furthermore, genetic engineering is a type of murder because of the process of genetically modifying a baby.... [tags: designer babies, perfect baby]:: 5 Works Cited 911 words(2.6 pages)Better Essays[preview] Biometric Security Technology - Biometric Security Technology You have seen biometric technology in the films Mission: Impossible and Gattaca. The technology has also graced the covers of many weekly news magazines. But many people, even though the technology has been widely talked about for the last half decade, are still surprisingly unaware of what biometrics are and why the technology is so important for computer security and personal identification. Biometrics are automated methods of recognizing a person based on a physical or behavioral characteristic (2001).... [tags: Technological Computers Essays]:: 6 Works Cited 1393 words(4 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] Belief and Knowledge - There are many contentions our present world has faced that require a thorough thought process in order to represent a side of the argument. We see that there are many different authorities that tell us we should be thinking in certain directions. However, most people need to realize that influence from these different sources such as academics, politicians, companies, global organizations, media, and others in this nebulous category, dont always steer us in the write direction. Maybe they can provide us with knowledge about a certain problem, or information regarding each side, but when it comes down to the bottom, belief and knowledge seems to be what most people turn to.... [tags: essays research papers]1571 words(4.5 pages)Strong Essays[preview] The Truman Show - The Truman Show The life of Truman Burbank has been broadcast around the world with tremendous success since the day he was born. A star for the mere fact that he exists, Truman has no idea that there are cameras in every corner of his world. he has literally been ON television from the moment of his birth. With the honor of being the first child to be formally adopted by a corporation, Truman has had every moment of his existence captured by television cameras. The Truman Show, a worldwide reality series that runs twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, and every day of the year, has been witness to his first words, his first steps, his first day at school-- nothing has escaped the... [tags: Papers]677 words(1.9 pages)Better Essays[preview] Genetic Manipulation - Genetic Manipulation Genes, being part of the basic building blocks of man, control all aspects of one's life. They control how tall you are, what color your eyes are, and what diseases might afflict you in the future. Therefore, the manipulation of such genes can be a controversial topic. The controversy most likely stems from the ethical and social questions that are raised by this procedure. Jean Dausset, author of "Scientific Knowledge and Human Dignity," and George B. Kutukdjian, author of "UNESCO and Bioethics," both discuss the topic of genetic manipulation.... [tags: Papers]1136 words(3.2 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Is Utopia Possible? - Is Utopia Possible. Utopia: remote cabin on the beach, the kingship of a vast empire, Nirvana; Heaven, the Happy Hunting Grounds, paradise, perfection. What exactly is Utopia. According to Webster it is "1, an imaginary and indefinitely remote place" or " 2, often capitalized : a place of ideal perfection esp. in laws, government, and social conditions". Where is this perfect place. Will my dog live forever there. Will I never grow old. If I never grow old there does that mean I never mature.... [tags: Papers]588 words(1.7 pages)Strong Essays[preview] The Truman Show and Pleasantville Review - The Truman Show and Pleasantville Review The Truman Show, a comedy/ drama was directed by Peter Weir (nominee for Best Director in 1998, Academy Awards). The film was scripted by Andrew M. Niccol, including last years "Gatttaca," a similarly themed tale, Niccol delivers optimism and affection for the human condition. Jim Carry plays the role of Truman Burbank who is a charming and unwitting star, the world's most popular, 24 hour non-stop soap called 'The Truman Show'. Pleasantville is a winsome and witty comedy/ drama starring Tobey Maguire as 'David' and Reese Witherspoon as 'Jennifer'.... [tags: Papers]1332 words(3.8 pages)Strong Essays[preview]

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