Ethereum Price Forecast: Tough Regulations Favor ETH Over Bitcoin

Ethereum News Update
As the South Korean government backs away from a full-scale ban, investors should be thinking more and more about political risk. How do you protect your crypto investments against sudden shifts in the regulatory landscape?

One option is to avoid cryptos altogether. I know the potential returns are seductive, but if you can’t take the heat, maybe kitchens aren’t the best place for you.

On the other hand, you could ask: Which cryptos are likely to survive the regulatory purge?

I’ve used this thought experiment.

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Ethereum Price Forecast: Tough Regulations Favor ETH Over Bitcoin

Two Pump-and-Dump Cryptocurrencies You Should Avoid in 2018

Two Pump-and-Dump Altcoins to Shun in 2018
Investing in cryptocurrencies is like playing the ponies. Virtually everyone is taking a gamble to get rich quick here. Every other day, a new breed of altcoins is thrown into the market in the hopes that naive investors will take the bait. It is unsurprising that there are now more pump-and-dump cryptocurrencies out there than we can count.

In the following report, I'll be talking about two sister cryptocurrencies that seem likely to leave investors with a double whammy of misfortunes in 2018.
A Pump-and-Dump Ponzi Scheme About to Blow Up?
The first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, was.

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Two Pump-and-Dump Cryptocurrencies You Should Avoid in 2018

How to Store Stellar Lumens: Best XLM Wallets with Reviews 

Stellar Lumen (XLM) Explanation
Lumen (XLM), the native cryptocurrency of the Stellar network, is creating quite a buzz in the crypto-market, thanks to Stellar’s recent tie-up with IBM (NYSE:IBM).

The original name for Lumen in 2014 was "Stellar" but, in 2015, the name was changed to Lumen to avoid confusion between the currency and the network itself.

You can’t hold a lumen in your hand, because they are built into the network.  But you can store them in Lumen wallets, also called XLM wallets.

Before we dive into.

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How to Store Stellar Lumens: Best XLM Wallets with Reviews 

Mendelsohn & Maltese Neurology Consultants

Office Hours

Monday: 10:00 - 6:30 pm

Tuesday: 9:00 - 4:30 pm

Wednesday: 9:00 - 4:00 pm

Thursday: 9:00 - 5:00 pm

Friday: 9:00 - 1:00 pm

Saturday: closed

Sunday: closed

We are closed daily for lunch from 12:15 - 1:15 pm.

Dr. Todd J. Maltese

Dr. Laura M. Davids

650 Hawkins Avenue, Suite 7

Ronkonkoma, NY 11779

Phone: (631) 737-0055

Fax: (631) 737-0076

In June 2016, we modernized our practice with a completely electronic medical records system. To access your electronic health records, please visit our Patient Portal by clicking HERE.

We would like to welcome Dr. Laura Davids, M.D., to our practice. She joined us in September 2016 after completing her residency in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. She looks forward to continuing our office's tradition of quality, patient-focused care.

We manage a wide variety of neurologic ailments, with the treatment plan tailored towards each patient's needs.

To learn more about each of our providers, please click HERE.

We accept most major insurance plans. Click HERE for a list of the insurances that we accept.

Most new patients can be seen within 1-2 weeks. Please call today to check our availability.

Please call 631-737-0055 during our regular business hours to schedule an appointment.

Mendelsohn & Maltese Neurology Consultants

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Mendelsohn & Maltese Neurology Consultants

Coinbase Exchange Review: Things To Know Before Buying Any Cryptocurrency

Coinbase Exchange Review
Investors keen on digital currencies need a platform on which to trade them. This Coinbase exchange review will give newcomers a few important pointers on how to interact with blockchain and store digital currency, as well as serve as a basic Coinbase buying guide.

Coinbase is a global digital asset exchange company (GDAX) that serves as a platform to trade (buy and sell) and store digital currencies. Headquartered in San Francisco, California, Coinbase is the official exchange for Bitcoin, Bitcoin cash, Litecoin,.

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Coinbase Exchange Review: Things To Know Before Buying Any Cryptocurrency

Litecoin Price Forecast for Jan 2018 Shows Bullish Trend

Litecoin Forecast
Cryptocurrency markets are subdued at the moment and this is the best time to hunt for digital coins that hold great potential in the coming years. Although there are many lesser-known tokens that could provide astronomical returns to investors in the coming years, we want to stick to one that we believe would provide superlative returns sans the high volatility associated with other well-known cryptocurrencies.

Litecoin is one such currency, which has been in the news since last month when LTC creator Charlie Lee donated.

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Litecoin Price Forecast for Jan 2018 Shows Bullish Trend

Ethereum Price Forecast: Despite Slump, ETH Prices Up 21% Over the Last Week

Ethereum News Update
I’ve often heard that wisdom is the rarest commodity on Earth, but I never fully grasped its meaning till yesterday. I was reading conflicting reports about Korea’s impending regulations—none of which is written in stone—and then ETH prices fell by double digits.

I was shocked. One report said that Korean authorities were contemplating a full-scale crypto trading ban, similar to what China implemented last year. Meanwhile, another report denied those rumors.

What’s going on?

Well, it appears as though Korea is divided on the subject of cryptos. The Ministry of Justice seems in favor of a full-scale ban, having admitted as much during a.

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Ethereum Price Forecast: Despite Slump, ETH Prices Up 21% Over the Last Week

Ripple Price Prediction: If LTC Survived China’s Ban, XRP Can Survive Korea’s

Ripple News Update
This week, tax authorities (and in some cases, police officers) investigated South Korean cryptocurrency exchanges on claims of money laundering. At the same time, the Korean government considered a bill to impose strict rules on crypto trading within the country.

I think you can guess the impact on crypto prices…

Everything is in freefall. Ripple prices are particularly hard hit, falling 12.86% against the U.S. dollar, and bringing the XRP to USD rate down to $1.70.

From my preliminary analysis, investors are bracing for another Chinese-style cryptocurrency ban. This would sever all conversions from local fiat currency to crypto coins, but would.

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Ripple Price Prediction: If LTC Survived China’s Ban, XRP Can Survive Korea’s

Ethereum Price Forecast: ETH Gains 12% Despite SEC Setback

Ethereum News Update
Once again, regulators at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) have rejected applications for Bitcoin-based exchange-traded funds (ETFs), citing volatility as their main concern.

Three different funds submitted proposals for the ETFs. However, all three put distance between the proposed product and the underlying asset, meaning that the ETFs would not hold Bitcoin directly. Instead, the fund would track Bitcoin futures.

One of the firms, Direxion Shares ETF Trust, released a statement on January 8 to explain what happened.

"On a call with the Staff on January 5, 2018, the Staff expressed concerns regarding the.

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Ethereum Price Forecast: ETH Gains 12% Despite SEC Setback

Litecoin Price Forecast: BTCPay & CoinCards Initiate Support for LTC

Litecoin News Update
Today’s Litecoin news update would raise your spirits. Two big payment service providers have just begun supporting Litecoin on their platforms, taking it another step closer to becoming the “payments coin.”

One of these is BTCPay Server—a Bitcoin-based equivalent of Paypal Holdings Inc (NASDAQ:PYPL). BTCPay allows merchants to accept Bitcoin payments by integrating BTCPay into their checkouts. BTCPay makes the payments process seamless for both merchants and their customers.

The good news is that.

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Litecoin Price Forecast: BTCPay & CoinCards Initiate Support for LTC

Ripple Price Prediction: XRP Crash Creates Massive Buying Opportunity

Ripple News Update
Ripple prices continued to spiral on Tuesday morning, driven by a sudden change in how the currency’s price is calculated. At the time of writing, the XRP to USD exchange rate was down 8.83%.

CoinMarketCap’s exclusion of Korean exchanges started the entire fiasco.

The popular web site omitted Bithumb, Coinone, and Korbit from global averages, claiming that Korean prices are shady outliers with no business being included..

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Ripple Price Prediction: XRP Crash Creates Massive Buying Opportunity

Ethereum Price Forecast: ETH Price Rises Despite Chinese Mining Crackdown

Ethereum News Update
For yet another day, Ethereum emerges as the big winner of the top 10 biggest cryptos.

ETH prices rose 4.95% in the last 24 hours, bringing the Ethereum to USD exchange rate to $1,213.84. Other cryptos, from Bitcoin to TRON, fell during the same time period.

Judging by Reddit threads and social media posts, investors are blaming China’s imminent ban on Bitcoin mining as the source of pessimism.

Bloomberg first reported China’s policy shift last Wednesday. Since then, one of China’s biggest mining pools has closed its doors, leading to a deep sense of uncertainty in the market.

It’s a simple case of supply and demand.


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Ethereum Price Forecast: ETH Price Rises Despite Chinese Mining Crackdown

Free immortality Essays and Papers – 123HelpMe

Title Length Color Rating The Quest For Immortality - I believe that literal and spiritual immortality are impossible but genetic, memorial, and historical are achievable. In my opinion, literal immortality is impossible from a medical view. This could never happen because the bodys organs and muscles would wear out and stop working, for example the heart is a muscle and would eventually stop working over time. Eventually the lubrication in the joints would dry out and moving would be unbearably painful. In addition, the skin would lose elasticity.... [tags: Immortality Essays]594 words(1.7 pages)Good Essays[preview] Wordsworth's Ode: Intimations of Immortality - Wordsworth's Ode: Intimations of Immortality The fifth stanza of Wordsworths Ode: Intimations of Immortality is especially interesting to me because of the images it presents. It is at this point in the poem that Wordsworth resumes his writing after a two-year hiatus. In the fourth stanza, he poses the question, Whither is fled the visionary gleam? Stanza five is the beginning of his own answers to that question. Contrary to popular enlightenment ideas, Wordsworth suggests that rather than become more knowledgeable with age, man if fact is born with vision splendid and as he ages, that vision dies away and he left empty.... [tags: Wordsworth Ode immortality intimations Essays]390 words(1.1 pages)Strong Essays[preview] The Belief of Immortality - There were no real evidence on the existence of an everlasting life. Humans have never went to this extent because of aging and diseases that cause death. The reason why people are desperately aiming for an eternal is fear of the death, more especially the unknown of what comes next. That fear triggers many to believe there must be an upcoming of events right after death. However, this suggests that there is no evidence of immortality, but it is a set of belief created by mankind to reassure death, and many philosophers such as David Hume disapproved it.... [tags: Research, Origin, Death Fear]:: 4 Works Cited 965 words(2.8 pages)Better Essays[preview] Immortality in Literature - For centuries people have desired to transcend the limits of a temporary life, yearning for the ultimately unattainable goal of immortality. Poets have expressed in certain poems the desire to remain as they are with their beloved despite time and death. Although William Shakespeares Sonnet 55 and Edmund Spensers Sonnet 75 both present immortality through verse, only Spenser combines this wish for immortality with love and companionship, while Shakespeare promises himself immortality as long as the sonnet continues to be read.... [tags: Literary Analysis ]1229 words(3.5 pages)Strong Essays[preview] The Search for Immortality in the Epic of Gilgamesh - The fear of death and the search for eternal life is a cultural universal. The ideology surrounding immortality transcends time and a plethora of cultures. The theme, immortality appears in stories from the Epic of Gilgamesh, which was composed by ancient Sumerians roughly around 600 B.C., to present day works of fiction in the twenty first century. Gilgamesh, a figure of celestial stature, allows his mortal side to whittle away his power after the death of Enkidu. Undeniably, defenseless before the validity of his own end, he leaves Uruk and begins a quest for Utnapishtim; the mortal man who withstood the great deluge and was granted immortality by the gods (Freeman 36).... [tags: Epic of Gilgamesh Essays]:: 9 Works Cited 1509 words(4.3 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] Immortality - It is death that gives urgency to life. It drives us to discovery, to cross oceans and reach into the emptiness of space says the Herald Tribune columnist Rich Brooks (Thompson). The thought of being immortal is extremely alluring. To live in an ageless body, have all the time in the world to basically do whatever is something that every person has thought of. Immortality has always been a myth, but with technology continuing to advance everyday with alarming speed, it might soon be possible. Scientist Ray Kurzweil and many others have even predicted that this goal could be reach in the next twenty years.... [tags: Scientific Research ]:: 15 Works Cited 1296 words(3.7 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Mortality and Immortality in Ode to a Nightingale - When talking about poetry and Romanticism, one of the most common names that come to mind is John Keats. Keats lifestyle was somewhat different from his contemporaries and did not fit the Romantic era framework, this is most likely the reason he stood out from the rest. Keats wrote many poems that are still relevant, amongst them Ode to a Nightingale, which was published for the very first time in July, 1819. The realistic depth and lyrical beauty that resonates in Ode to a Nightingale is astounding.... [tags: romantic poet, romantic era, john keats]:: 8 Works Cited 1445 words(4.1 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] Theme of Immortality in Literature - For centuries people have desired to transcend the limits of a temporary life, yearning for the ultimately unattainable goal of immortality. Poets have also expressed in their works the desire to remain as they are with their beloved despite time and death. Although William Shakespeares Sonnet 55 and Edmund Spensers Sonnet 75 from Amoretti both offer immortality through verse, only Spenser combines this immortality with respect and partnership, while Shakespeare promises himself immortality as long as the sonnet continues to be read.... [tags: Literary Analysis ]1122 words(3.2 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Evolution, Immortality, and Humanity - Our ancient ancestors in the Neolithic Era only lived for an average of 20 years, an age now considered to be only the beginning of adulthood. As human technology becomes more sophisticated and knowledge of the ourselves and of nature expands, humans develop longer lifespans and the general quality of life improves. In fact, we have more than tripled the lifespan of our ancestors while retaining much of the same biological fitness. Humans have withdrawn from natural selection because technologies (not the evolution of the body) allow humans to adapt to the ever-changing natural world.... [tags: Genomics, Genome]:: 10 Works Cited 2431 words(6.9 pages)Term Papers[preview] Hume, Descartes, and Nietzsche's Views on Immortality - Immortality is one of mankinds major apprehensions, and even though it has been mainly restricted to religious customs. People have different opinions about immortality. Everybody defines immortality differently. For some people it is the survival of the astral body resembling the physical body, for others the immortality of the immaterial soul and lastly the resurrection of the body. Basic definition of immortality is the unknown continuation of a persons existence, even after death. Immortality primarily referred to soul as it like it does not die when the human body dies, but since they both well connected together, when the body dies, soul dies too; therefore, immortality does not exis... [tags: afterlife, moral, soul]1054 words(3 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Infamy vs. Immortality: Beowulf and Gilgamesh - Immortality, monstrosity, infamy, catastrophe, might, and courage are all aspects of the epic legends of Beowulf and Gilgamesh. Though they subsisted in two utterly different historical eras, these epic heroes have numerous similarities and differences. For example, while they were booth deemed epic heroes, their mortalities were not equal. Beowulf had superhuman qualities such as having the strength of thirty men, but was born a mortal man. On the contrary, Gilgamesh was a demigod as he was born two-thirds god and one-third human by Ninsun, the goddess of dreams and cows.... [tags: Epic Poems, Grendel, Anglo-Saxon]605 words(1.7 pages)Better Essays[preview] Homer and Immortality - Homer and Immortality Immortality is one the subject of much mythology and folklore. From the stories of the gods themselves, to Achilles and the Styx, to vampires and present day Christian beliefs in an afterlife, the concept of immortality has been with humanity since the beginning of humanity. The wise and ever edifying Homer leaves myths of the elusive ever-lasting life out of his works; did Homer's Achilles not wear armor. The Odyssey is a story of mortality. Limitation and suffering are what define humanity, yet they are also what give life merit.... [tags: Papers]540 words(1.5 pages)Good Essays[preview] The Immortality Pill - Originally when I was posed this question my immediate response was to return the Immortality pill (IP). The reason I initially responded this way, and still remain set on my belief had plenty to do with the factors involved. First, if I were to take the Immortality pill I would already know my horrific demise, such as an accident, war victim, or suicide. Secondly, just as suicide effects not only the person committing the act, but more so the family and friends in that individuals life, yet the same concept is present when making the decision to take this pill.... [tags: essays research papers]598 words(1.7 pages)Better Essays[preview] Ozymandias and Immortality - Ozymandias and Immortality Ozymandias expresses to us that possessions do not mean immortality. Percy Shelley uses lots of imagery and irony to get his point across throughout the poem. In drawing these vivid and ironic pictures in our minds, Shelley explains that no one lives forever, and neither do their possessions. Shelley expresses this poems moral through a vivid and ironic picture: On the pedestal of the statue, there are these words, My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!(10-11).... [tags: Papers]427 words(1.2 pages)Strong Essays[preview] The Allure of Vampires and Immortality - The Allure of Vampires and Immortality Humanity has always been fascinated with the allure of immortality and although in the beginning vampires were not a symbol of this, as time passed and society changed so did the ideas and perceptions surrounding them. The most important thing to ask yourself at this point is 'What is immortality?' Unfortunately this isn't as easily answered as asked. The Merriam Webster Dictionary says immortality is 'the quality or state of being immortal; esp : unending existence' while The World Book Encyclopedia states it as 'the continued and eternal life of a human being after the death of the body.' A more humorous definition can be found in Th... [tags: Argumentative Persuasive Essays]1033 words(3 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Death and Immortality in The Epic of Gilgamesh - Death and Immortality in The Epic of Gilgamesh The search for immortality has been a major concern for many men and women all throughout history. True love and immortality in life would be a dream come true to many. To spend time with a special someone, the person one feels closest to, and never have to say good-bye would greatly appeal to most people. But when death steps into the picture, even with all the pain and devastation, one starts to re-evaluate themselves. In The Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh explores the possibility of immortality following the saddening death of his friend and brother, Enkidu.... [tags: The Epic of Gilgamesh]1379 words(3.9 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] Gilgamesh and the Quest for Immortality - Gilgamesh and the Quest for Immortality The stories of the hunt for immortality gathered in the Epic of Gilgamesh depict the conflict felt in ancient Sumer. As urbanization swept Mesopotamia, the social status shifted from a nomadic hunting society to that of a static agricultural gathering society. In the midst of this ancient "renaissance", man found his relationship with the sacred uncertain and precarious. The Epic portrays the strife created between ontological nostalgia for a simpler time and the dawn of civilization breaking in the Near East.... [tags: Epic Gilgamesh essays]1044 words(3 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Immortality and Myth in The Age of Innocence - Immortality and Myth in The Age of Innocence Edith Whartons books are considered, by some, merely popular fiction of her time. But we must be careful not to equate popularity with the value of the fiction; i.e., we must not assume that if her books are popular, they are also primitive. Compared to the works of her contemporary and friend, Henry James, whose books may seem complex and sometimes bewildering; Whartons The Age of Innocence appears to be a simplistic, gossipy commentary of New York society during the last decade of the 19th century*.... [tags: essays papers]3237 words(9.2 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] Search for Immortality Depicted in The Epic of Gilgamesh and The Odyssey - Through the many of mankinds tales of adventure the search for immortality is a very common theme. Many heroes have made it the objective of their travels and adventures. This is no different in The Epic of Gilgamesh and The Odyssey. The heroes in both are tempted by the offer of immortality, however each of them turns it down for their own reasons. In The Odyssey, Odysseus rejects the offer of immortality from the goddess Calypso long after he discovers the true nature of the afterlife after travelling to Hades.... [tags: Epic of Gilgamesh, The Odyssey]:: 1 Works Cited 858 words(2.5 pages)Better Essays[preview] Kierkegaard and P.M. Moller on Immortality - Kierkegaard and P.M. Moller on Immortality P.M. Moller and His Relation to S.A. Kierkegaard Although virtually unknown today outside of Danish philosophical circles, Moller (1794-1838) was, during his lifetime, esteemed as one of Denmarks most loved poets, and beginning in 1831 he held the position of professor of philosophy at the University of Denmark. While at the university Moller taught Moral and Greek Philosophy, and his early philosophical position has been regarded as Hegelian. Kierkegaard began his university studies in 1830, and the young professor made a deep impression upon him.... [tags: Essays Papers]2281 words(6.5 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Man at the Brink of Immortality - Man at the Brink of Immortality From the earliest civilizations arose an innate desire to survive in any given environment. Those that chose to fight deaths henchmen, famine and war, developed more advanced agricultural techniques and created complex social structures. The primal instinct to exist drove humanity to proliferate across the world, as many populations boomed, seemingly without bound. Throughout history, this fervent yearning for life was shared by the predominant masses, but the inevitable befell every person on earth.... [tags: Exploratory Essays Research Papers]:: 5 Works Cited 1868 words(5.3 pages)Term Papers[preview] Search for Immortality in the Epic of Gilgamesh - The Search for Immortality In The Epic of Gilgamesh the main character, Gilgamesh, is searching for immortality. This want is brought about by deep feelings held by Gilgamesh for his dead friend Enkidu. From this, Gilgamesh finds himself being scared of dying. This fear pushes Gilgamesh to search for the power of immortal life, which is believed to be held only by women because of the fact that they can reproduce. This takes him on a long and tiresome journey to a land where no mortal has gone before.... [tags: Epic Gilgamesh essays]725 words(2.1 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Immortality and Symbolism in John Keat's Nightingale Ode - The nightingale and the discussion about it are not simply about a bird or a song but about human experience in general. Nightingale is not an eternal entity. There are many images of death within the poem. The images are particular and sensuous, but not highly visual. Nightingale experiences a sort of death but actually it is not a real death nightingale is mysterious and even disappears at the end of the poem but nightingale itself is symbol of continuity or immortality and is universal and undying in contrast with the morality of human beings.... [tags: Poetry Analysis, Poem Analysis]541 words(1.5 pages)Good Essays[preview] The Immortality and Blindness to a Dark Continent - The Immortality and Blindness to a Dark Continent Joseph Conrads s novel Heart of Darkness portrays an image of Africa that is dark and inhuman. Not only does he describe the actual, physical continent of Africa as so hopeless and so dark, so impenetrable to human thought, so pitiless to human weakness, (Conrad 2180) as though the continent could neither breed nor support any true human life. Conrad lived through a time when European colonies were scattered all over the world. This phenomenon and the doctrine of colonialism bought into at his time obviously influenced his views at the time of Heart of Darkness publication.... [tags: Heart of Darkness Joseph Conrad Analysis]1683 words(4.8 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Immortality And Mortality In The Economic Sciences - Sam Vaknin's Psychology, Philosophy, Economics and Foreign Affairs Web Sites Roberto Calvo Macias, a young author and thinker from Spain, once wrote to me that it is impossible to design a coherent philosophy of Economy without accounting for the (sad?) fact that we are mortals. This insight is intriguing. It is not that we refrain from Death in dealing with matters economic. What are estate laws, annuities, life insurance policies - but ways to cope with the Great Harvester.... [tags: essays research papers]1168 words(3.3 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Reaction Paper On Immortality On Ice - Reaction Paper On Immortality On Ice The movie that we watched was about reviving a person from the dead. This is said to be done in the future but they had already started researching how to use ice as a power to revive a clinically dead person. They used ice as a method to preserve a body and now they are planning on how to revive a person through the use of nanotechnology that can repair all the cells that were ruptured n the freezing process.... [tags: Movie Film Reaction]1539 words(4.4 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Immortality And Resurrection: The Dichotomy Between Thought and Physicality. - In religion the concept of life after death is discussed in great detail. In monotheistic religions, in particular the Christian theology, death is a place where the soul, the eternal spirit that is part of you, transcends or descends to depending on if you go to heaven or hell. The argument calls for a form of immortality of the soul and a lack of immortality of the bodythe soul lives forever, the body perishes. John Hick in his excerpt from Immortality and Resurrection refutes the ideology that the spirit and body are dichotomous, one being everlasting and the other limited.... [tags: Spirituality]:: 1 Works Cited 1870 words(5.3 pages)Term Papers[preview] A Mortals Sense Of Immortality - A Mortal’s Sense of Immortality To fear death is to fear life itself. An overbearing concern for the end of life not only leads to much apprehension of the final moment but also allows that fear to occupy one’s whole life. The only answer that can possibly provide relief in the shadow of the awaited final absolution lies in another kind of absolution, one that brings a person to terms with their irrevocable mortality and squelches any futile desire for immortality. Myths are often the vehicles of this release, helping humanity to accept and handle their mortal and limited state.... [tags: essays research papers]1788 words(5.1 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] Courage, Virtue, and the Immortality of the Soul: According to Socrates - In the Laches and the Phaedo, courage and virtue are discussed in depth. Also, arguments for the possibility of the existence of the immorality of the soul are given in the Phaedo. In the Laches, Socrates and two generals, Nicias and Laches, wrestle with how exactly to define courage. After discussing and working their way through two definitions of courage, Nicias proposes a third definition of courage. However, this definition of courage that he proposes is actually the definition of virtue. When the dialogue comes to an end, no definition of courage has been reached.... [tags: Philosophy ]:: 3 Works Cited 1983 words(5.7 pages)Term Papers[preview] Above Tintern Abbey and Intimations of Immortality by William Wordsworth - The poems, Above Tintern Abbey and Intimations of Immortality written by the poet, William Wordsworth, pertain to a common theme of natural beauty. Relaying his history and inspirations within his works, Wordsworth reflects these events in each poem. The recurring theme of natural beauty is analogous to his experiences and travels. Wordsworth recognizes the connections nature enables humans to construct. The beauty of a wild secluded scene (Wordsworth, 1798, line 6) allows the mind to bypass clouded and obscured thinking accompanied with man made environments.... [tags: poetry, natural beauty]:: 3 Works Cited 982 words(2.8 pages)Better Essays[preview] Themes of Death and Immortality in Emily Dickinson's Poetry - Throughout Emily Dickinsons poetry there is a reoccurring theme of death and immortality. The theme of death is further separated into two major categories including the curiosity Dickinson held of the process of dying and the feelings accompanied with it and the reaction to the death of a loved one. Two of Dickinsons many poems that contain a theme of death include: Because I Could Not Stop For Death, and After great pain, a formal feeling comes. In Dickinsons poem Because I Could Not Stop for Death, Dickinson portrays what it is like to go through the process of dying.... [tags: Literary Analysis ]:: 4 Works Cited 991 words(2.8 pages)Good Essays[preview] Egyptian Religion and Immortality - The most noticing aspect of Egyptian religion is its obsession with immortality and the belief of life after death. This sculpture can show you this on how mummification gave upbringing to complex arts in ancient Egypt. The sculpture is the Mummy Case of Paankhenamun. The artwork is currently viewed at The Art Institute of Chicago. The sculpture was from the third period, Dynasty 22, in ancient Egypt. However, the sculpture has many features to it that makes it so unique in ancient Egypt from any other time.... [tags: essays research papers]1397 words(4 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Free Essays - Immortality and the Epic of Gilgamesh - Immortality and the Epic of Gilgamesh Immortality - (a) the quality or state of being immortal. (b) never ending existence. Although that is the Webster definition of immortality, what is never-ending existence. That question has a different answer for everyone. Some people believe that never-ending existence happens by never physically dying, and others believe that immortality can be obtained through your children. I personally feel that your children cannot give you immortality nowadays because of all the influences outside of the home.... [tags: Epic Gilgamesh essays]401 words(1.1 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Discussion of D.Z. Phillips Conception of Immortality - Discussion of D.Z. Phillips Conception of Immortality In his book 'Death and Immortality', D Z Phillips starts by asking the question: does belief in immortality rest on a mistake. The first two chapters are negative in the sense that they examine traditional philosophical, as well as common sense, conceptions of what immortality means. Phillips argues that philosophical analyses centred on the notion of immortality have generally been constructed around certain essential presuppositions: presuppositions that assume some form of continuation of personal identity after death.... [tags: Papers]1096 words(3.1 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Ode Intimations of Immortality by William Wordsworth - Ode Intimations of Immortality by William Wordsworth In Ode: Intimations of Immortality, William Wordsworth explores the moral development of man and the irreconcilable conflicts between innocence and experience, and youthfulness and maturity that develop. As the youth matures he moves farther away from the divinity of God and begins to be corruption by mankind. What Wordsworth wishes for is a return to his childhood innocence but with his new maturity and insight. This would allow him to experience divinity in its fullest sense: he would re-experience the celestial radiance of childhood as well as the reality of his present existence.... [tags: Papers]832 words(2.4 pages)Better Essays[preview] Immortality Discovered: New Scientific History of Mankind or Simply Challenging God? - Humankinds long desire to live an eternal life has been accomplished. After thirty years of denying their research on immortality, Japans National Institute of Genetics (NIG) surprised the world by announcing that they have found a way to implement immortality in humans. However, they have also announced that those who deserve immortality will only be considered as possible subjects and immortality will not be an option for everyone. Humane societies all around the world are raged about NIGs discovery on immortality and criticizes not only on the discovery, but also their attempt to mimic God.... [tags: religious beliefs]:: 5 Works Cited 742 words(2.1 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Bernard Williams' Paper The Makropulos Case - ... Pushing the idea further, it does appear that immortality is a positive thing when an individual can pursue new and ever evolving categorical desires as their life continues. This idea will reemerge as we discuss avoiding boredom over infinity. Building upon the accumulation of categorical desires, Williams asserts that as we approach temporal infinity all those desires have been satisfied. The satisfaction of these desires is not by means of just enough fulfillment, but by a more than enough sense of fulfillment.... [tags: reflections on the tedium of immortality]:: 1 Works Cited 1996 words(5.7 pages)Term Papers[preview] The Desire for Everlasting Life and Gilgamesh - The desire for everlasting life or immortality has been the first and the oldest quest of mankind. At the beginning of time, man was designed to live forever. When God created Adam, he created him to dwell on the earth and to fill it with his offsprings. At no time was he told that this was a temporary arrangement. He was to live forever unless he ate from one certain tree. If he ate from that tree, then he would die. We are then left with several questions, if he had not eaten from that tree, would he still be alive.... [tags: immortality, Epic of Gilgamesh, Foster]1272 words(3.6 pages)Strong Essays[preview] To Accept or Not Accept Socrates Theory of Recollection as Sufficient Answer to Menos Paradox - ... The problem of circularity in Socrates justification is especially problematic because it highlights the weak foundation that his entire theory is built upon. If the basis of ones theory is unsound there is no reason to accept what has been built up from it. If Socrates refutation of Menos Paradox is that knowledge is simply recollection, it is necessary that he prove the immortality of the soul independently. Since Socrates has failed to do so, then his theory cannot be accepted a sufficient way of overcoming the paradox.... [tags: immortality, slave, interrogation]1008 words(2.9 pages)Better Essays[preview] The Transition from Life to Death in Because I Could not Stop for Death by Emily Dickinson - Because I could not stop for Death by Emily Dickinson is a story about the transition from life to death. It begins with death stopping to accompany her on her journey to the afterlife. Throughout this poem the reader follows the speaker through different stages of life, through death, and into the other side where she looks back upon her journey. Each of the stages have purpose, and a well defined meaning. The first reference to death is made in the first line in which she refers to death in the physical form.... [tags: immortality, journey, afterlife]:: 1 Works Cited 817 words(2.3 pages)Better Essays[preview] Representations of Death in Because I Could Not Stop for Death by Emily Dickinson - ... Carriage is a capitalized noun which has a big meaning for Dickinson. With capitalizing Ourselves she means the relationship between death and her. She wants us to believe and know that something serious is going to happen between death and her. The last interesting word in this stanza is Immortality. It is a hint that Dickinson is not talking about death at the end, but it can be an example for life after death. The next stanza starts with We slowly drove, he knew no haste. It represents that they have all the time they want and that they use it properly.... [tags: immortality, characterization, cold]:: 1 Works Cited 822 words(2.3 pages)Better Essays[preview] The Epic of Gilgamesh: The Ignorance of Gilgamesh - In The Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgameshs pursuit for immortality is marked by ignorance and selfish desire. Desire and ignorance, as The Buddha-karita of Asvaghosha suggests, pollutes mans judgment resulting in his inability to break the cycle of birth and death. At the core of Gilgameshs desire resides his inability to accept the inevitability of death, making his rationality behind the pursuit of immortality ignorant and selfish. Implicitly, Gilgameshs corrupt desire for immortality conveys that Gilgamesh does not mature as a character.... [tags: Gilgamesh, Desire, Immortality]:: 1 Works Cited 1013 words(2.9 pages)Strong Essays[preview] The Immortality of the Soul - Plato has roused many readers with the work of a great philosopher by the name of Socrates. Through Plato, Socrates lived on generations after his time. A topic of Socrates that many will continue to discuss is the idea of an immortal soul. Although there are various works and dialogues about this topic it is found to be best explained in The Phaedo. It is fair to say that the mind may wonder when one dies what exactly happens to the beloved soul, the giver of life often thought of as the very essence of life does it live on beyond the body, or does it die with it.... [tags: Philosophy ]:: 3 Works Cited 1430 words(4.1 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] Is the Prolonged Span of Life by Medic Care Technology a Triumph or a Tragedy? - ... The answer is obvious. In general, I would characterize aging more of a tragedy than a triumph based on the current situation. In other words, there is still much we can do to improve the quality of our aging procession. To begin with, there are health issues eating up the life quality of elder people. Nowadays, the health system is still exerting more efforts on quantity instead of quality of life for elder people. Life quality could always be sacrificed for the sake of longevity. Such an idea has put millions of elder people living long lives living in long-term pain and suffering.... [tags: ancient civilization, humanity, immortality]852 words(2.4 pages)Better Essays[preview] Because I Coulndt Stop fo Death by Emily Dickinson - Emily Dickinson is known for her poetry especially surrounding the subjects of death, love, and nature. These themes, however, are less standard than they may appear at first glance. Dickinson writes poetry with complex themes, and in many cases, each of her poems may be classified by more than one theme. Because I could not stop for death is a prime example of Dickinsons multifaceted work. Emily Dickinson personifies death along with an underlying theme of love in Because I could not stop for death. Within the first line of Because I could not stop for death, readers are already aware that the theme of death will occur throughout the poem.... [tags: love, and nature, immortality]964 words(2.8 pages)Better Essays[preview] Alexander the Great: Was He Really That Great? - Why was Alexander III of Macedon called 'Great'. The answer seems relatively straight forward. Alexander conquered territories, established empires and died young, at the height of his power. However, he was also over-ambitious and pushed his men to their limits in his quest for immortality, while murdering killing thousands along his way. Alexander is neither deserving nor unworthy of his title as the Great. Born in the year 356 BC to the king of Macedon, Philip II, and his wife Olympias, Alexander the Great spent much of his childhood learning to be a leader and claim the title of the greatest military leader the world has ever known.... [tags: immortality, murdering, power, empires]950 words(2.7 pages)Better Essays[preview] Who is this Death you Speak of?: Piers Anthony's On A Pale Horse - Who is this Death You Speak Of. According to Alan Loy McGinnis, there is no more noble occupation in the world than to assist another human being - to help someone succeed. Piers Anthony, the author of the book On a Pale Horse, seems to agree with that statement when he writes the book series called Incarnations of Immortality, of which On a Pale Horse is the first. This book is a fascinating work of fiction that relates science to magic and expresses that human beings might need a little more help than they expect.... [tags: Incarnations of Immortality, Mythology]:: 2 Works Cited 1327 words(3.8 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Responsibility and The Dangers of Science in Frankenstein by Mary Shelley - ... With all of these scientific discoveries and theories being discovered and hypothesized, there was a lot of concern about the responsibilities and the dangers of science. There were many people who were very cautious about what kind of areas they pried into, especially those that had not been charted by any other human being before. Some even chose not to go any deeper than the human race already had, for fear of what the consequences might be. Other scientists, like Darwin, had an immense affect on the world as we know it today.... [tags: victor, cloning, immortality]1126 words(3.2 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Are We Now Living in Aldous Huxleys Brave New World? - COMMUNITY, IDENTITY, STABILITY: this is the World State's motto in a science fiction novel Brave New World written by Aldous Leonard Huxley in 1932. Huxley predicts the future world ironically, and I assume everyone hopes his prediction will not come true. Fortunately, Huxleys brave new world is just a fictional world; no one knows whether Huxleys brave new world will become a reality or not. However, technology improves rapidly and scares people that their world is gradually approaching to Huxleys brave new world.... [tags: community, identity, technology, immortality]1108 words(3.2 pages)Strong Essays[preview] The Meaning of The Mind and Soul - Death and immortality Since the times of Plato and before, humans have pondered the existence of a soul and the afterlife. I am going to present my argument for the existence of a soul and the potential for surviving one's physical death. For the purpose of my argument I will define that the meaning of the mind and soul are one and the same. The two main accepted views of the human condition are that of the physicalist and that of the dualist. The physicalist views the human condition in a purely physical state.... [tags: death, immortality, plato]:: 3 Works Cited 860 words(2.5 pages)Better Essays[preview] Epic of Gilgamesh Essay - Desperate Search for Immortality - Desperate Search for Immortality in the Epic of Gilgamesh The search for immortality seems to be an obsession for many men and women all throughout history. In the Epic of Gilgamesh a man investigates the possibility of immortality following the saddening death of his friend, his brother Enkidu. That man, Gilgamesh, feeling the fear of the possibility of his own mortality which was before unrealized before the death of Enkidu, searches for a way to preserve himself. Is it truly that Gilgamesh searches for a physical immortality or more of a spiritual immortality.... [tags: Epic Gilgamesh essays]830 words(2.4 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Comparison of Gilgamesh and Enkidu - Gilgamesh was two thirds of a god who possessed beauty, a gorgeous body, and great amounts of courage and strength that surpassed all other humans. His greatness was established through the wonderful walls he built around Uruk, a rampart, and a temple for Anu and Ishtar (Gilgamesh & Sandars, 61). Enkidu on the other hand was initially an uncivilized man created by the goddess of creation, Aruru. His appearance was strictly barbaric with his long hair and hairy body, whose innocent mind knew nothing of a civilized human culture (Gilgamesh et al., 62).... [tags: brother, strength, immortality]887 words(2.5 pages)Better Essays[preview] The Search for Immortality in On the Beach at Night and Sunday Morning - The Search for Immortality in On the Beach at Night and Sunday Morning The search for immortality is not an uncommon one in literature. Many authors and poets find contentment within the ideals of faith and divinity; others, such as Whitman and Stevens, achieve satisfaction with the concept of the immortality of mortality. This understanding of the cycle of death and rebirth dominates both Walt Whitman's "On the Beach at Night" and Wallace Stevens' "Sunday Morning" and demonstrates the poets' philosophies of worldly immortality.... [tags: Papers]698 words(2 pages)Good Essays[preview] Immortality in the Soul - Humanity is in a constant process to better themselves, as a result of their self-transcending nature. The purpose of this process is to achieve an immortal soul. In order for this to occur, according to Plato, the individual must first be engaged in his Theory of Education: beginning with the Allegory of the Cave, followed by the Metaphor of the Divided Line, and then completing with the Theory of Forms. To be fully immerse in this process, an understanding of Plato's Allegory of the Cave is necessary.... [tags: Literary Analysis ]:: 4 Works Cited 1797 words(5.1 pages)Term Papers[preview] Life after Death, Reincarnation, Resurrection and Immortality of the Soul - Life after Death, Reincarnation, Resurrection and Immortality of the Soul Belief in life after death has taken many forms, some which are unique in particular religious belief systems, though; others can be found in more than one religion. 'For most religions, life after death is an article of faith. In Western religions, the belief is founded in scriptural evidence, but for all religions the belief in life after death is the same: life after death has been promised to humans by an all powerful'[1] There are many views of life after death in particular which have been much adhered to and much discussed by philosophers.... [tags: Papers]1730 words(4.9 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Human Cloning Can Make Immortality a Reality - Congress, the president, foreign countries, political activists, companies, consumers, churches, ethicists, doctors, patients, and even scientists have entered the fervent debate on cloning. The March edition of the Life Extension Foundations (LEF) magazine vocally calls for American citizens to write to their Senators and stop an anti-cloning bill from passage through both Houses (See Figure 1.) While the public argues over short-term questions such as what is the definition of cloning, at what point does life begin, and is cloning bad we must examine the hidden future potential and consequences of therapeutic cloning.... [tags: Exploratory Essays Research Papers]:: 20 Works Cited 4046 words(11.6 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] Immortality in "The Great Gatsby" - People say that "money makes the world go around." It may, but in the novel The Great Gatsby written by F. Scott Fitzgerald money is what causes greed and death. The novel is filled with multiple themes but one predominate theme that the author focuses on is immorality. The novel was written in the1920s which was a time that drew away from social and moral values and yearned for its greed and empty pursuit of pleasure. Gatsby, gains his wealth through bootlegging only because he wants to show Daisy his wealth.... [tags: American Literature]800 words(2.3 pages)Good Essays[preview] The Immortality of Skyy Vodka - It happens to be spring break and I decided to take a road trip to visit an out of state relative in Florida. While I am driving I happen to see advertisements on bill boards of Skyy Vodka at nearly every stop or city I pass. While Im driving on the interstate about every ad I perceive almost symbolizes sex or some sort of representation of a high economic status. For instance Skyy Vodka commercial and magazine covers usually depict men dressed up in expensive suits, driving fancy cars, and owning luxurious mansions.... [tags: advertisments, sexually, materialistic, audience]641 words(1.8 pages)Better Essays[preview] Making the Disintegration of the Keller Family Compelling in Arthur Miller's All My Sons - How does Arthur Miller make the disintegration of the Keller family compelling for the audience. The disintegration of the Keller family is clearly apparent from the beginning of the performance with all the lies and fabrication between Keller, Chris and Mother and all the secrets they are hiding from one another. The spuriousness of mother also plays a key role in the putrefaction of the Keller family and the quixotic views of Chris and his opinion of himself being morally pure, but he turns out to have a murderer for a father.... [tags: immortality, suicide, corrupt]:: 1 Works Cited 943 words(2.7 pages)Better Essays[preview] Achieving Immortality through the Telling of Myths - Everyone has had to sit threw a long and overly exaggerated fishing story. These stories, told by family and friends, are usually epic tails of finding, luring and inevitably catching the biggest fish imaginable. For most, these tales are brief moments were their feats are brought into the spotlight. For Edward Blood, the main character in Tim Burtons film Big Fish, these fantastical tales become his life. To the point that it is hard for Edwards son, William, to distinguish what is fact and what is fiction, in regards to his father.... [tags: Tim Burton, Big Fish, Film Analysis, FIlm]:: 3 Works Cited 1062 words(3 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Immortality Through Verse in Shakespeares Sonnet 18 and Spensers Sonnet 75 - Immortality Through Verse in Shakespeares Sonnet 18 and Spensers Sonnet 75 Desiring fame, celebrity, and importance, people for centuries have yearned for the ultimately unattainable goal of immortality. Poets, too, have expressed desires in verse that their lovers remain as they are for eternity, in efforts of praise. Though Shakespeares Sonnet 18 and Spensers Sonnet 75 from Amoretti both offer lovers this immortality through verse, only Spenser pairs this immortality with respect and partnership, while Shakespeare promises the subject of the sonnet immortality by unusual compliments and the assurance that she will live on as long as the sonnet continues to be read.... [tags: Sonnet essays]:: 8 Works Cited 1677 words(4.8 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] Comparing Loss in Thomass Fern Hill and Wordsworths Ode: Intimations of Immortality - Loss of Childhood in Thomas Fern Hill and Wordsworths Ode: Intimations of Immortality Through the use of nature and time, Dylan Thomass "Fern Hill" and William Wordsworths Ode: Intimations of Immortality both address the agonizing loss of childhood. While Wordsworth recognizes that wisdom and experience recompense this loss(Poetry Criticism 370), Thomas views "life after childhood as bondage"(Viswanathan 286). As Fern Hill progresses, Thomass attitude towards childhood changes from one of happiness and fulfillment to sadness and loss.... [tags: Comparison Compare Contrast Essays]1796 words(5.1 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] Nanotechnology: Immortality Or Total Annihilation? - Technology has evolved from ideals once seen as unbelievable to common everyday instruments. Computers that used to occupy an entire room are now the size of notebooks. The human race has always pushed for technological advances working at the most efficient level, perhaps, the molecular level. The developments and progress in artificial intelligence and molecular technology have spawned a new form of technology; Nanotechnology. Nanotechnology could give the human race eternal life, or it could cause total annihilation.... 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There is something within all human beings that lives on forever. Even when death is upon us, the soul of a human being never dies. Thus, we arrive at the statement that the human soul is immortal. The purpose of this paper is to explain how the human soul is immortal through analyzing various philosophies.... [tags: human, soul, life, society]729 words(2.1 pages)Better Essays[preview] Infant Immortality - Infant Mortality in the United States Trends in infant mortality are considered to be a barometer of technology and an accurate indicator of the health of a society. Despite technological excellence and numerous social programs offered throughout the country, the infant mortality rate (IMR) in the United States continues to be a national concern. For many, infant mortality brings to mind the deprivation and poverty found in third world countries. Yet in the United States, nearly 40,000 children die every year for some of the same reasons that cause infant death in underdeveloped parts of the world (Anderson, 1987).... [tags: essays research papers]1521 words(4.3 pages)Strong Essays[preview] A Boy's Memories in Robert Penn Warren True Love - Robert Penn Warren's poem True Love express the power of love and attraction to cause an unrequited love to become a source of nostalgia, admiration and the idealization of the intended for the admirer. The narrator and admirer, reminisces on his childhood memories of the older girl, still idealizes her to the point of her being a mere object rather than a real person. Years after the boys memories, the narrator still holds shallow impressions of the girls reality though but has grown to have a slightly deeper view of her situation.... [tags: attraction, imperfect, immortality]:: 1 Works Cited 857 words(2.4 pages)Better Essays[preview] Lust, Loss, and Immorality in the Little Mermaid - The Little Mermaid: Of Lust, Loss, and Immortality Under the sea, in an idyllic and beautiful garden, stands a statue of a young man cut out of cold stone for the Little Mermaid who knows nothing but the sea, the statue stands as an emblem of the mysterious over-world, a stimulus for imagination and sexual desire, an incentive for expansion of experience, and most predominately, an indication that something great and all-encompassing is missing from her existence. Traces of curiosity and a vague indication of the complexities of adult desires mark the child mermaid; in such a stage of development, the statue will suffice.... [tags: Fairy Tale Children Story]:: 3 Works Cited 1877 words(5.4 pages)Term Papers[preview] Artists and Their Muses in Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray and Woolf's To the Lighthouse - ... Mr. Ramsay desires that his ideas remain important and in a state of stagnation for years to come but he is also confronted with the idea that Lily realizes, everything comes to an end. Mr. Ramsays ideation is also present within Oscar Wildes novel The Picture of Dorian Gray. The idea of legacy is clearly shown when Dorian Gray has a moment of pure envy and states, I am jealous of everything whose beauty does not die (Wilde 29). While Mr. Ramsay desired the stagnation of his philosophical ideas and literature Dorian desires the stagnation his own of beauty.... [tags: legacy, painting, immorality]:: 2 Works Cited 1074 words(3.1 pages)Better Essays[preview] The Immorality of Cloning - The Immorality of Cloning The cloning of animals and humans disregards the common ethics of the creation of humanity. Three types of cloning currently exist. There is therapeutic cloning, DNA cloning and reproductive cloning. Therapeutic cloning does not actually make a clone, it just makes stem cells. Stem cells are capable of becoming any type of cell that they are introduced to. For example, when a stem cell is introduced to a damaged heart, it transforms itself into a healthy heart cell. Even though stem cells might be very good for helping alleviate the pain of some diseases, the best use of stem cells is making embryos.... [tags: ethics, controversy, stem cell, science]:: 5 Works Cited 1140 words(3.3 pages)Strong Essays[preview] The Consequences of Immorality on Students - One morning in April 1999, the calm was shattered in the town of Littleton, near Denver, Colorado. Two youths in black trench coats entered the local high school and began shooting at students and teachers. They also detonated bombs. The perpetrators, merely 17 and 18 years old ended the massacre by taking their own lives. Regrettably, only after the death of twelve students and a teacher, more than 20 wounded physically, and a nation filled with emotional devastation. This is but one incident fostered by the decline of morality as a whole in society today.... [tags: Ethics]:: 8 Works Cited 1187 words(3.4 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Immorality in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales - Immorality and moral ambiguity are two concepts that will ruin any relationship. In Geoffrey Chaucers The Canterbury Tales, he specifically illustrates through his pilgrims stories some comical and realistic events that display immorality in the Middle Ages. There are several characters whose stories are focused on presenting the immorality within their tales. Like that of The Millers Tale, and The Merchants Tale. Chaucer utilizes these tales to display one specific immoral act, which is sexual sin or lust.... [tags: Literature]:: 7 Works Cited 1648 words(4.7 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] The Immorality of Adultery - The Immorality of Adultery Sex is believed, by some, to be a universal language, one that is free of grammatical errors and spelling mistakes; a language that can be spoken and understood by two complete strangers who may have nothing in common.... [tags: Papers]1657 words(4.7 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Immorality of Euthenasia in The Giver by Lowis Lowery - Do you love your grandparents. Do you want them to be euthanized for being old. IN The Giver by Lowis Lowry the old are euthanized for being old. The newborns that are not sleeping through the night are killed to. And people who cant seem to get anything right are killed for just that. Lowry reveals the immorality of euthanasia in the scenes depicting the Euthanasia of the identical twin, Jonas's reaction to the true meaning of release for the old, transgressors, and non-conforming infants, and his final rescue of Gabe.... [tags: immoral, rescue, infants, kill, old]676 words(1.9 pages)Better Essays[preview] Sexual Sin and Immorality in the Old Testament - ... This is nowhere more evident than in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, where in Gen. 19 God destroyed both cities because of their twisted demoralized nature and desire for homosexuality. It highlights the pinnacle of sex gone wrong, and illustrates how far sex has come from being a divine tool of God to being a tool of depravity and fulfillment of lustful thoughts and actions. Moreover, homosexuality is condemned by the Old Testament, as stated in Leviticus 18:22: You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination (ESV). Aside from Sodom and Gomorrah, there are other stories in the Old Testament where such a divine gift from God has been corrupted by the sinful desir... [tags: biblical studies, relationship with Christ]:: 1 Works Cited 1480 words(4.2 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] The Immorality and Danger of Human Cloning - The Immorality and Danger of Human Cloning The emergency room doors burst open. The doctor and nurses dart into the room. Linda, a twenty-four year old soon-to-be mother, lies on a gurney in the middle of the delivery room. Several hours later Linda and her husband hold Madison, the miracle that has just been born to them. They have shared the astonishing experience of having the first ever, cloned baby. Human cloning is very real and just around the corner. In the 1970's, the process of cloning was first experimented.... [tags: Argumentative Persuasive Essays]:: 6 Works Cited 1044 words(3 pages)Better Essays[preview] Morality and Immorality in Othello - Morality and Immorality in Othello William Shakespeares tragic drama Othello presents to the audience a picture of many different shades of morality and immorality. It is the purpose of this essay to elaborate in detail on this thesis. Roderigos opening lines to Iago in Act 1 Scene 1 take us to the very root of the problem: Tush. never tell me; I take it much unkindly That thou, Iago, who hast had my purse As if the strings were thine, shouldst know of this.... [tags: Othello essays]:: 3 Works Cited 1245 words(3.6 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Immorality of Human Nature Depicted in Golding's Lord of the Flies - In Lord of the Flies, William Golding expresses the idea that humans are naturally immoral, and that people are moral only because of the pressures of civilization. He does this by writing about a group of boys, and their story of survival on an island. The civilized society they form quickly deteriorates into a savage tribe, showing that away from civilization and adults, the boys quickly deteriorate into the state man was millions of years ago. This tendency is shown most in Jack, who has an animalistic love of power, and Roger, who loves to kill for pleasure.... [tags: literary analysis, analytical essay]922 words(2.6 pages)Better Essays[preview] Innocence vs. Immorality in Othello - Innocence vs. Immorality in Othello In William Shakespeares tragic drama Othello we find a wide array of moral and immoral conduct, a full range of lifes goodness and badness. Let us in this paper examine the specific types of each, and how they affect the outcome. In Shakespeares Four Giants Blanche Coles comments on the lack of veracity in Iagos speech: The story that Iago tells Roderigo about the promotion of Cassio over him is not true, although it has been accepted by many discriminating scholars.... [tags: Othello essays]:: 2 Works Cited 1382 words(3.9 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] The Immorality of Child Labor - The Immorality of Child Labor Child labor is a serious moral issue. There have been many controversial debates over whether it should be legal or not. Two different viewpoints on the subject exist. Many argue that child labor is morally wrong and that the children should not work, no matter how poverty stricken their family might be. Advocates and major corporations that support child labor argue that it is good because it gives poverty-stricken families a source of income. Child labor first appeared with the development of domestic systems (when people became civilized).... [tags: Papers Argumentative Children Work Essays]:: 4 Works Cited 1236 words(3.5 pages)Strong Essays[preview]

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Litecoin Price Prediction: LTC Is the “Payments Coin”

Litecoin News Update
On Monday morning, cryptocurrencies once again landed in purgatory. There’s red splattered everywhere and it almost seems like another correction is in the cards. Wait, isn’t that how we feel almost every time there’s a major price drop? So, today’s Litecoin news should, at least, be of some consolation to you that you are in good hands.

We may now have a modest confirmation that people are, in fact, beginning to use Litecoin as their go-to “payments coin.”

Litecoin founder Charlie Lee tweeted a snapshot of.

The post Litecoin Price Prediction: LTC Is the “Payments Coin” appeared first on Profit Confidential.

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Litecoin Price Prediction: LTC Is the “Payments Coin”

What Is Neurology and What Does a Neurologist Do?

Neurology is the medical specialty which focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and disorders of the brain and nervous system. A physician who practices neurology is called a neurologist. A surgeon who operates on the brain is called a neurosurgeon, which is a surgical specialty rather than a medical specialty.

Neurologists treat stroke patients, as well as patients with traumatic brain injury, epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, movement disorders, neuromuscular disorders, multiple sclerosis, headaches, and hundreds of other neurological issues, some of which are acute, others of which may be ongoing, or chronic.

Neurology is a field that will have an increasing need for practitioners as an aging population will have more incidence of stroke, Alzheimer's disease, and Parkinson's disease.

A doctor who wishes to become a neurologistfirst attends medical school and graduates with a DO or MD medical degree. Then the doctor would complete a year as an intern in internal medicine and three years of residency in neurology.

Board certification is conducted by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. They provide specialty exams in neurology and neurology with special qualification in child neurology. Subspecialty certifications are available in brain injury medicine, epilepsy, hospice and palliative medicine, neurodevelopmental disabilities, neuromuscular medicine, pain medicine, sleep medicine, and vascular neurology. Certification is dependent on a three-year cycle of maintenance of certification and examinations every 10 years.

Many neurologists work in private practice as part of a specialty group or multispecialty group. But they may also work for hospitals, the military, and managed care organizations.

A patient may be referred to a neurologist for any symptoms that point to the brain or nervous system.

These include seizures, confusion, changes in sensation, muscle and coordination problems, headaches, or after a blow to the head.

The chief diagnostic procedure in neurology is a very thorough history and physical examination. This is where the reflex hammer comes into play. A patient will get a thorough check of the function of all of the cranial nerves, reflexes, and coordination.

The neurologist may order a lumbar puncture to test spinal fluid if the symptoms warrant it. An EEG, CT, MRI, PET scan, or angiography may also be ordered and examined. Neurologists who specialize in sleep medicine may conduct sleep studies. Electromyogram and nerve conduction studies might be done when there is peripheralnervous system symptoms.

Neurological diagnoses can take time and elimination of many rare conditions and disorders. It is one reason that the residency for neurology is specific and three years long. Treatments for neurological diseases may be limited, so reaching a diagnosis does not immediately provide a healing path for the patient.

Neurologists may see a wide range of patients, from a young adult with a brain injury sustained from sports, a fall, or explosive device in a war zone, to an elderly patient showing signs of dementia, or a child with a seizure disorder.

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What Is Neurology and What Does a Neurologist Do?

Mount Sinai Roosevelt | Department of Neurology

The Department of Neurology at Mount Sinai West is a highly-integrated, multidisciplinary department specializing in the evaluation and treatment of people with neurological diseases. Our neurologists are widely respected for their high-quality clinical care and research.

Our physicians make use of the most advanced diagnostics and recent clinical innovations to diagnose and treat very complex and difficult-to-diagnose neurological disorders.

The neurologists at Mount Sinai West provide treatment for people with cancers of the nervous system or with neurologic complications from cancer and its therapies.

We understand the unique nature of many pediatric conditions, including how the tumor and treatment may affect the patients developing brain and neurological development.

We provide treatment for people with cancers of the nervous system or with neurologic complications from cancer and its therapies.

Mount Sinai Wests team of physicians evaluates and treats neurologic and systemic disorders that cause sensory, visual, ocular motor, eyelid, or papillary dysfunctions.

Mount Sinai Wests Neurophysiology department uses the most advanced diagnostic testing in order to evaluate nervous system functioning.

The Stroke Center is a state-of-the-art facility at the forefront of diagnostics and therapies that provides high-quality, compassionate care for life-threatening strokes.

Get answers to the most commonly asked questions about neurological disorders and their treatment.

Meet the highly-trained members of our Neurology department staff.

See the rest here:
Mount Sinai Roosevelt | Department of Neurology

How to Buy Stellar Lumens (XLM) Currency?

A recent partnership with IBM (NYSE:IBM) has seen a relatively new cryptocurrency race up the charts. People are now curious about how to buy Stellar lumens (XLM). But before we get to the topic of how to buy and sell them, let’s take a quick look at what XLM is all about.
What Is Stellar Lumen?
Stellar lumens are units of a digital currency. Each unit is stored on a shared public ledger of the Stellar network, which is based on blockchain technology.  Lumens help move money around the world in quick and secure.

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How to Buy Stellar Lumens (XLM) Currency?

Asexual Human Reproduction – Judie Brown Commentary – News …

Today the phrase from the beginning of his/her biological development accurately defines when the life of an individual human being begins to exist; the terms conception or fertilization do not.

We have learned this is so because the fact is that not all human beings begin through sexual means; some are reproduced asexually.

This concept is difficult to explain without a scientific background. I know this firsthand because my vocation is wife, mother, and grandmother, not geneticist. But it can be explained so that anyone gets it.

Follow me for a moment.

Sexual reproduction means fertilizationthe union of a human sperm with a human egg resulting in the reproduction of a genetically distinct human being. This can happen naturally within a womans body, or artificially in an IVF (in vitro fertilization) or ART facility (artificial reproductive technology).

Asexual reproduction simply means without the immediate use of fertilization; it is the combining of parts of a human sperm, egg, embryo, or synthetic genes to reproduce a new human embryo. Most of the time this happens in IVF/ART facilities. But one kind of asexual reproduction takes place naturally in the womans bodymonozygotic (identical) twinning. Monozygotic twinning, which is depicted in the diagram here, is a type of asexual reproduction, yet has been used in IVF cycles for decades. It is, in truth, a type of human cloning.

Other types of asexual reproduction take place artificially in IVF/ART facilities (e.g., cloning by somatic cell nuclear transfer).

The 3-parent-embryo now in the news involves the asexual reproduction of human embryos by several techniques (e.g., mitochondrial transfer, another kind of cloning). The mitochondria are found in the females oocyte (egg) and if they are defective, the mitochondria from a third partys egg can be used instead. Thus three parents for one embryo!

These forms of asexual reproduction exist and do result in human beings whose lives should be protected by law and in the culture.

While some of us began to exist by means of fertilization, not all of us did. The terms fertilization or conception do not cover all human beings. Laws protecting only those reproduced by fertilization would not protect those asexually reproduced.

Originally posted here:
Asexual Human Reproduction - Judie Brown Commentary - News ...

Don’t Give Up on Litecoin Just Yet

Volatility reins supreme in the cryptocurrency space, with Bitcoin back in the green, up 10% and Ripple XRP lingering in the red, down almost 15% after making record highs in the week. However, one currency sits quietly in the top 10 crypto shelf and that is Litecoin.

LTC had made a record high last December, but following the news that the founder, Charlie Lee donated all his LTC holdings; it has been coming down gradually. However, the 8th largest cryptocurrency just cannot be written off as yet.   

Litecoin is a fork of Bitcoin and was designed to improve upon the features of Bitcoin, to make transactions faster and cheaper. With Bitcoin and other top cryptos grabbing all the.

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Don’t Give Up on Litecoin Just Yet

Litecoin Price Prediction: “Atomic Swaps” a Game-Changer for LTC Prices?

Daily Litecoin News Update
It is ironic that Bitcoin, Litecoin, and all of their counterparts, which are built on a decentralized blockchain technology, today trade on centralized exchanges. But what if I tell you that you could soon trade Litecoin for Bitcoin and vice versa without having to deal with these exchanges?

Centralized exchanges not only charge you fees, they are also prone to cyber attacks. Countless hacking incidents have taken place in the short eight-year history of cryptocurrencies. From the Mt. Gox hack to the DAO attack to the most recent Tether hack, there have been far too many of these.

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Litecoin Price Prediction: “Atomic Swaps” a Game-Changer for LTC Prices?