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Ancient Lies & Shiny New Tech: Transhumanists Posthuman Plan

Political Correctness = Language and Thought Control


Makia Freeman, ContributorWaking Times

Political correctness is a Rothschild invention of language control. Like Orwellian Newspeak in 1984, its ultimateaim is to reduce the scope of free thought.

Political correctness is language control. And language control is thought control. Period. The rise of modern political correctness (PC) is a great example of the cunning way in which social engineers such as the New World Order manipulators operate.Political correctness is soft censorship.It is intolerance disguised as tolerance. As George Carlin said, it is fascism pretending to be manners. It is running amok not just in Universities but now almost everywhere in society. Just as Orwell laid out so precisely in 1984,political correctness is the Newspeakwhich is threatening tolimit our ability to freely speak and think, by reducing the number of available words in our vocabulary.

Truth is stranger than fiction. When you look at the twisted contortions the PC crowd is insisting people go through to rid their language of anything offensive, it has entered the theater of the absurd. Political correctnessdictates what you can and cant say, based on how offensive aword is. Right off the bat there are severalproblems with this. Firstly, who are the commissars,officials or authorities who are granting themselves massive power by getting to decide what ranks as offensive? Secondly, since when did feeling offended or having your feelings hurt become such an important issue that it legally justifies restricting everyones freedom? Last time I checked, freedom of speech was a genuine and legitimate human right (enshrined in the legal documents of many countries), whereas the right to not feel offended is imaginary and non-existent.Thirdly and most importantly just as beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so too is feeling offended in the realm of thebeholder. Words are words; each person is in charge of their own emotions; choose to ignore, respond or react to words how you want, but dont blame someone else for your emotional state. You are in control of your own state of consciousness. To blame someone else because you feel angry, offended or upsetshows an abandonment of responsibility and an utter lack of emotional and spiritual maturity.Since when did we humans become such crybabies that wecouldnt stand hearing or being called a word, a name, a label or a phrase? Grow up, please!

As always, theres more to the story here.Political correctness has roots in marxism and communism. Wikipedia notes that In the early-to-mid 20th century, the phrase politically correct was associated with thedogmaticapplication ofStalinistdoctrine, debated betweenCommunistParty members andSocialists. However, it goes back further to theFrankfurt School (Institute for Social Research) in Germany, which was set up in 1923. TheFrankfurt school was a think tank for social engineering, aiming tospread collectivism (or its offshoots of socialism, marxism and communism) around the world. Asthis article from theSchiller Institute states:

The task of the Frankfurt School, then, was first, to undermine the Judeo-Christian legacy through an abolition of culture (Aufhebung der Kulturin Lukacs German); and, second, to determine new cultural forms which wouldincrease the alienation of the population,thus creating a new barbarism.

It goes on to point out those funding the Frankfurt School:

although the Institute for Social Research started with Comintern [CommunismInternational] support, over the next three decades its sources of funds included various German and American universities, the Rockefeller Foundation, Columbia Broadcasting System, the American Jewish Committee, several American intelligence services, the Office of the U.S. High Commissioner for Germany, the International Labour Organization, and the Hacker Institute, a posh psychiatric clinic in Beverly Hills.

Sowe have reference to the Rockefellers funding the Frankfurt School, and it is well known that the Rothschilds funded the rise of Marxism:

Nathan Rothschild had given Marx two checks for several thousand pounds to finance the cause of Socialism. The checks were put on display in the British Museum, after Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild, a trustee, had willed his museum and library to them.

Both of these key New World Order families are thus implicated in marxism, the Frankfurt School and political correctness. Interestingly, many researches have pointed out that political correctness is part of a broader movement ofcultural marxism,which is the subversion of a countrys culture with collectivist ideology, as opposed to the more direct political version.

Yuri Bezmenov, a former SovietKGB agent, said that ideological subversion would change the perception of reality of every American. He outlined how there was a slow brainwashing process taking place to change the individualistic culture of the West, consisting of:

1. Demoralization (covert, 15-50 years) (basically completed);

2. Destabilization (overt, 2-5 years);

3. Crisis (6 weeks);

4. Violent Change and Normalization (can take years, goes on forever).

All this was with the aim of making the West collectivist. The question is: how much has it worked?

Whatever good intentions political correctness may have had in trying to stop homophobia, racism, sexism and discrimination of any kind, it is long passed the threshold of absurdity. Consider the following examples of what the PC crowd is trying to make people say with their bias-free language:

seniors, elders, elderly => people of advanced age

overweight, obese => people of size

rich => people of material wealth

American => US citizen

This last one is especially interesting, given that the US Government is a corporation which lays claim to the entire United States of America, whereas American denotes a natural-born individual of the Republic. The PC police also want to eliminate the following words:

male, female, father, mother, too, hard worker, third world,crazy, insane, retarded, gay, tyranny, gypped, illegal alien, fag, ghetto, raghead

and phrases such as I want to die and that test raped me.

Donald Trump recently got heckled for using the termanchor baby by a PC journalist, who wanted him to say the American born child of an undocumented immigrant. What a mouthful. Funnily, enough that PC journalist was breaking his own inane rules, since now were been told that American is disallowed.Remember theban bossy campaign? Grown adults indulging in utter stupidity. More political correctness and languagecontrol. How can you ban a word anyway?

Its not just specific words or phrases that the PC crowd want to obliterate. At some universities, they are banning entire ways ofbehaving. Check out these ridiculous university rules (taken from the book Choosing the Right College2012-2013), which have moved beyond speech control into total behavior control:

Brown University: banned any speech making people feel angry, impotent and disenfranchised

Colby College: banned any speech leading to loss of self esteem

Bryn Mawr College: banned suggestive looks

Haverford College: banned unwelcome flirtation

University of Connecticut: banned inappropriate laughter

West Virginia University: banned theuse of words boyfriend or girlfriend but instead told students they haveto use the words lover or partner.

Look what the Grand Valley State University recommends we do:

Avoiding Racism and Ageism

Mention a persons race or age only if it is relevant to the story.Biased: A strange Black man spoke to me at the grocery store.Better: A strange man spoke to me at the grocery store.

Disability and Disease

Focus on people rather than conditions.Biased: I met an epileptic on the bus today.Better: I met a person with epilepsy on the bus today.

Since when is becoming less descriptive equivalent to less discriminatory?Talk about a perversion of straight and ordinary speech! Political correctness is standing reality on its head. Here is a chilling quote from 1984:

You havent a real appreciation of Newspeak, Winston, he said almost sadlyIn your heart youd prefer to stick to Oldspeak, with all its vagueness and its useless shades of meaning. You dont grasp the beauty of the destruction of words. Do you know that Newspeak is the only language in the world whose vocabulary gets smaller every year?

Dont you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it

All words are potentially offensive. Everywordcould potentially be associated with something bad, so every wordcould come under the scrutiny of the PCpolice.Slurs, insults and derogatory language have always existed ever since humans could speak. You cant just annihilate them. Even the concepts ofmicroaggression andhate speech are failed notions, trying to make havingyour feelings hurt or getting offended morally orlegally equivalentwith harassment. There is no equivalence! Stick and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me

I encourage anyone whohas even a mild interest in a free humanity with complete freedom of speech, and total freedom of thought, to resist political correctness with every fiber of your being.If you are concerned about hurting peoples feelings unnecessarily, you can always find ways to express something in the right way. In those kind of situations, what really matters is the way you say words, not what you say.

We dont need speech police to tell us what we can and cant say or can and cant think. We dont need to go through convoluted verbal gymnastics and masturbation just to say what we think or express ourselves.

Its time for those hiding behind feeling offended to grow up. Stop demanding those around you change because of your lack of maturity. Stop trying to hijack everyones else freedom because of your timidity. Just as beauty is in the eye of the beholder, offense in the mind, attitude and reaction of the beholder.

Itstime to call a spade a spade. We need the spirit of straight talking. Weneed the courage to speak truth to power, not to go in the opposite direction and become afraid of saying anything.The real agenda of political correctness is to stifle objective investigation and free speech. Ultimately, it is to eliminate criticism of the NWO manipulatorsunder the guise of stopping hate speech and making everything fair and equal.

Makia Freeman is the editor ofThe Freedom Articlesand senior researcher, writing on many aspects of truth and freedom, from exposing aspects of the worldwideconspiracy to suggesting solutions for how humanity can create a new system of peace and abundance

**Sources embedded throughout article.

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Political Correctness = Language and Thought Control was last modified: June 18th, 2016 by WakingTimes

See original here:

Political Correctness = Language and Thought Control

Political Correctness Gone Mad – TV Tropes

That is so offensive! Don't you know that only the Northern Hemisphere has Winter in December! note (they also forgot that some religions DO celebrate the Winter Solstice as such, as well as forgetting that Christmas takes place a few days AFTER the Winter Solstice)"And in a gutless act of political correctness, 'Pizza Day' will now be known as 'Italian-American Sauced Bread Day.'"This title, taken from an infamous Catch-Phrase of the Daily Mail, a British tabloid newspaper, can refer to one of two things.In some cases, this might be literally about political correctness taken too far, presented through a Granola Girl or Soapbox Sadie who embodies the negative aspects of the PC movement. It may also involve Moral Guardians attempting to Bowdlerize a work in order to remove anything, no matter how trivial, that might be considered "offensive". However, in other cases, the accusations of political correctness are baseless.Along the same lines, a governmental authority (often a local council or Media Watchdog) is accused of being over-zealous to the point of parody in trying to avoid offense to minority groups - not unlike the Culture Police but in the other direction. Certain words or phrases are said to have been "banned", as if, say, Chipping Sodbury Borough Council has any effective power over the English language or, indeed, anything. Often, the body in question is not only being overly cautious, they're actually oppressing the group that is the target of their actions, and are shocked should their targets explain that a patronizing, paternalistic attitude can be just as offensive as the perceived slight. On the other hand, since this is often a satire we're dealing with, it's just as likely that the mere hint of the word "offense" will indeed result in the offending work being Banned In Chipping Sodbury.Politically Correct History is a specific variant where Common Knowledge historical accounts are treated as Fanon to avoid Unfortunate Implications such as Values Dissonance or having to explain Aluminum Christmas Trees.Usually, a range of urban myths are presented as examples of Political Correctness Gone Mad, such as ...

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Live-Action TV


Print Media

Pro Wrestling

Tabletop Games

Video Games

Web Original

"I know what youre thinking now. Youre thinking 'Oh my god, thats treating other people with respect gone mad!'"

Western Animation


Everyone: Whose faith is the right one, it's anybody's guess. Man in turban and Santa suit holding up a phone: What matter most is camera phone for twenty dollar less!

Announcer: It's Asian American Doll, we made her from a place of fear! (gong sound effect) I specifically said no gong!

Anime & Manga


[On his Nan abusing the term to confusion] "In the old days, you could get your head and you could submerge it in a vat of boiling acid, and now they're going 'Oh, don't do that, what if Jews see it? It'll annoy the Jews'."

Jeff: So, Walter, Happy Holidays!

Walter: *beat* You're really going to do this, huh?

Jeff: So, Walter, Happy Holidays!

Walter: Screw you, it's Merry Christmas!

Comic Books

Comic Strips

Films Live-Action

Lance: Always trying to shut the white man down. Conspiracy Brother: THAT'S RIGHT! That's Right!... Oh, that ain't right.


Live-Action TV

Wesley: Apparently she felt I'd disrespected the Hacklar's culture by killing it.

JD: It's so great because the residents are practically our slaves. In JD's head: Ah! I just said "slave" to my new, black girlfriend!

JD: We should, like, make him be our personal slave.

Turk's Brother: Our personal what now?

JD: Uh, I didn't mean-

Turk's Brother: How about this? How about he be the house slave, and I be the field slave. That sound like fun to you?

JD: No, that doesn't sound fun at all.

Turk: What's going on?

Turk's Brother: I forgot how much fun it was messing with Alfalfa here!

Liz: Can't one human being not like another human being? Can't we all just not get along? Steven: Liz, I wish it could be like that. And maybe someday our children or our children's children will hate each other like that, but it just doesn't work that way today. Liz: So what you're saying is that any woman that doesn't like you is a racist. Steven: No, no, no, no, no. Some women are gay.

Paul: I just blacked out.

Mike: Uhh, excuse me, you African-Americaned out.


One greeting card to cover everything

Confusing yes, no one will guess

We left out Kwanzaa!

We felt so guilty when he was all through It seemed there was one of two things we could do Live without food in the nude in a cave Or next year have someone say grace besides Dave

One of the many fine things one has to admit is the way that the Army has carried the American democratic ideal to its logical conclusion, in the sense that not only do they prohibit discrimination on the grounds of race, creed, and color, but also on the grounds of ability.

Puppet Shows



Video Games


Ellis: Wouldn't it be easier to call them by stuff that makes sense, like "High Elves," "Wood Elves," "Sea Elves," "Cave Elves"... Sarine: ... What? Ellis: No... "cave elves" sounds kinda stupid. How about "Dark Elves"? "Night Elves"? "Black Elves"? "Angry, Disenfranchised Minority Elves"? On second thought, go back to calling them by unpronounceable crap.

Web Original

Dog: *barks* Guys: THAT'S OFFENSIVE!

[BlizzardRep]: Phylumism, were it an actual thing, would go against everything we stand for as a corporation.

[An00barak]: yes thats what ive been saying thank you thank you

[An00barak]: >8< >8> <8< <8> >8< spider priiiiiide

Fafa: Then what do I call them?!

Mario: Gentlemen or women of the country music persuasion.


Dan: I don't like the way you said "black."

Pat: [talking to the game] Get away, you bouncing monkeys! D.K. Junior: Again with the hate speech! Pat: What did I say? D.K. Junior: Do you know how offensive it is to use the "M word"? Pat: The "M word"...what, monkey? Butbut that is a monkey! A green monkey! D.K. Junior: Specieist! The "M word" is no longer acceptable to say. "Evolutionary challenged simian" is the preferred nomenclature. Pat: When did that change? D.K. Junior: A few days ago.

Western Animation

Principal Skinner: When I look in my closet, I don't see male clothes or female clothes. They're all the same.

Edna Krabappel: Are you saying that men and women are identical?

Skinner: Oh, no, of course not! Women are unique in every way.

Lindsey Naegle: Now he's saying men and women aren't equal!

Skinner: No, no, no! It's the differences of which there are none that makes the sameness exceptional. Just tell me what to say!

Dr. Hibbert: Yes, I remember Bart's birth well. You don't forget a thing like Siamese Twins!

Lisa: I believe they prefer to be called "conjoined twins".

Dr. Hibbert: And Hillbillies prefer to be called "sons of the soil". But it ain't gonna happen.

Doctor Orpheus: Wow.

Iggy: So this medical caregiver of indeterminate gender, because nurses can be male or female, says to his or her disabled, or should I say differently-abled patient, "Why do you have a penguin on your head? They're endangered!" Haaa!

Rick: Well, that's retarded.

Anime & Manga


Comic Books

Comic Strips

Films Live-Action


71-Hour Ahmed: Be generous, Sir Samuel. Truly treat all men equally. Allow Klatchians the right to be scheming bastards.

Live-Action TV

Shakespeare: Who are you, exactly, and, more to the point, who is this gorgeous blackamoor lady? Martha: (British, of Ghanaian and Iranian descent) What did you say? Shakespeare: (apologizing) Oops. Isn't that a word we use nowadays? An Ethiop girl, a swarth, a Queen of Afric? Martha: (angry) I can't believe I'm hearing this. The Doctor: It's political correctness gone mad.

Jeff: Well, Walter, you look very festive. Happy Holidays! Walter: You know, there's something I've been wanting to say for a while: Screw you, it's Merry Christmas!

Ricky: [laughing] Leprechauns don't exist!

Karl: It's the same thing, though. If they did, they'd go, "Don't call 'em that"

Karl: [beat] Gnomes, or... [Ricky and Steve burst out laughing]

Print Media


News and Other Media


Web Original

Western Animation

Brian: Ladies and gentlemen, I'm here today to apologize- Man: Why did you say "Ladies" first? That's sexist. Brian: It's just, it's just a-a standard greeting. Let-let me start over. Gentlemen and ladies- Woman: Ooh, says the man. Brian: Okay, sorry, I-I... Um, humans in the audience- Man 2: I identify as a basketball. Brian: Humans and basketballs- Man 3: I'm a parrot who mimics words but doesn't comprehend them. Brian: Humans, basketballs, talking parrots, and-and whatever else is out there... Woman 2: "Whatever"? It's whoever. Woman 3: Actually, it's whomever. Woman 2: No one likes you, Mary. Brian: All right, all right, just-just calm down, okay? Woman 4: Now you're tone policing us! Man 4: That makes me uncomfortable. Anything that makes me uncomfortable in 2017 should be illegal.

Originally posted here:

Political Correctness Gone Mad - TV Tropes

UPDATED: 12 private islands for sale in Florida

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Want to live a life of luxury? Take a tour of 12 private islands that are for sale right now in Florida.

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1. Ballast Key, Key West: $15,800,000

PHOTO: Private Islands Online

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The island is a short boat trip from Key West Harbor.

PHOTO: Private Islands Online

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The two homes on the island offer spectacular views of the ocean.

PHOTO: Private Islands Online

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It has served as a retreat for the rich and famous.

PHOTO: Private Islands Online

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2. Black's Island, St. Joseph Bay: Price upon request

PHOTO: Private Islands Online

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Black's Island is 8.20 acres.

PHOTO: Private Islands Online

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The island includes 26 luxury bungalows connected by a boardwalk to a four-story, 6,500-square-foot community Big Game Club.

PHOTO: Private Islands Online

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There is an 18-hole golf course and lighted tennis courts available for guests.

PHOTO: Private Islands Online

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It is surrounded by a 73,000-acre aquatic preserve.

PHOTO: Private Islands Online

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3. Crescent Island, San Carlos Bay: Online auction

PHOTO: Private Islands Online

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Crescent Island is four acres.

PHOTO: Private Islands Online

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The island is located a short distance off the southern tip of Pine Island, with a close proximity to St. James Citys restaurants, marinas, and shops.

PHOTO: Private Islands Online

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It includes a fully furnished custom Florida-style two-bedroom pool home.

PHOTO: Private Islands Online

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The last listing price was $1.95 million.

PHOTO: Private Islands Online

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4. Little Bokeelia Island, Boca Grande: $29,500,000

PHOTO: Private Islands Online

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Little Bokeelia Island is 104.00 acres.

PHOTO: Private Islands Online

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The island features a Spanish-style estate with a private guest wing and tennis court.

PHOTO: Private Islands Online

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The home was built for well-known inventor Charles Burgess.

PHOTO: Private Islands Online

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The island is surrounded by land that can never be developed.

PHOTO: Private Islands Online

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5. Charlie's Island, Marathon Florida Keys: $995,000

PHOTO: Private Islands Online

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Charlie's Island is .32 acres.

PHOTO: Private Islands Online

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The island is located just off the shore of Marathon.

PHOTO: Private Islands Online

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Enjoy exploring native species along paths that weave through mangrove trees.

PHOTO: Private Islands Online

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Relax in the hammock or be adventurous and snorkel in the clear waters.

PHOTO: Private Islands Online

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6. Tom's Harbor Keys, Florida Keys: $1,900,000

PHOTO: Private Islands Online

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Tom's Harbor Keys is 46.00 acres.

PHOTO: Private Islands Online

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Tom's Harbor Keys is actually two separate islands situated 300 yard from shore Duck Key.

PHOTO: Private Islands Online

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A sandy deep water channel separates the two.

PHOTO: Private Islands Online

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It offers a rare combination of natural beaches and deep water ocean access.

PHOTO: Private Islands Online

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7. Fanny Key, Marathon: Price Upon Request

PHOTO: Private Islands Online

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Fanny Key is 1.70 acres.

PHOTO: Private Islands Online

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The island is 750 feet from shore.

PHOTO: Private Islands Online

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View post:

UPDATED: 12 private islands for sale in Florida

Tiangong-1 Reentry | The Aerospace Corporation

Tiangong-1 Reentry

The world watched and waited as the Chinese space station Tiangong-1 hurtled towards a fiery reentry. Please visit our media kit page for background information.

This prediction was performed by The Aerospace Corporation on 2018 April 1.

(Click on image to view full-size image.)

Dotted lines indicate dates of probable orbital maneuvers.

On 2016 March 21, an official Chinese statement declared that telemetry services with Tiangong-1 had ceased. Based on The Aerospace Corporations analysis of Two-Line Element set data from the JSpOC, the last orbitaladjustment for Tiangong-1 was made in December 2015. Likewise, amateur satellite trackershave been tracking Tiangong-1 and claimit has been orbiting uncontrolled since at least June 2016. On 2016September 14, China madean official statement that they predict Tiangong-1 will reenter the atmosphere in the latter half of 2017. China later updated its prediction via an announcement to the UNs Committee on Peaceful Uses of Outer Spaceon December 8, 2017. It was not mentioned whether the reentry was to betargeted or remain uncontrolled.

It is a well known scientific principle thatany measurement or prediction will always have an associated uncertainty. In the case of most reentering objects, the uncertainty associated with predicting reentry location is extremely large and precludes an accurate location prediction until shortly before the reentry has occured.In general, it is much easier to predict an accurate reentry time rather than an accurate reentry location. Based on Tiangong-1s inclination, however, we can confidently say that this object will reenter somewhere between 43 North and43 South latitudes.

Due to the uncertainties involved it is very difficult to predict the exact timing of a space objects reentry. There are several sources of uncertainty which include: 1) significant variation in the density of the upper layers of the atmosphere, 2) significant uncertainties in the orientation of the space craft over time, uncertainties in some physical properties of the spacecraft such as the exact mass and material composition, and 3) uncertainties in the exact location and speed of the space station. When aggregated, these factors translate into a reentry timing uncertainty that is roughly 20% of the time to go (the time between the date of the prediction and the predicted date of reentry).

It is highly unlikely that debris from this reentry will strike any person or significantly damage any property.The only known case of space debris striking a person is Ms.Lottie Williams of Tulsa, Oklahoma who was struck by a small piece of space debris in 1996 but was not harmed in any significant way.

As reentry gets closer, we are able to narrow possible reentry locations to a collection of specific ground tracks instead of broad regions of the globe. As the reentry time gets closer, the number of ground tracks will diminish until we are left with only one, and after that with only a portion of a single ground track. Areas not within the ground tracks are clear. The exact statistical likelihood of you or your property being struck by reentering debris is constantly changing. Potential reentry points and whether the final ground track is over inhabited or uninhabited areas will determine the risk to a specific location. Even so, the likelihood of any one person (i.e. YOU) being struck by debris is still far less than winning the Powerball Jackpot.

It is unlikelythat this is a controlled reentry. Although not declared officially, it is suspected that control of Tiangong-1 was lost and will not be regained before reentry.

No, no astronauts are currently on board Tiangong-1. The last manned mission departed from Tiangong-1 in June 2013.

It may be possible to see Tiangong-1 reentering depending on your location, the time of day, and visibility during reentry which will not be known until a few days prior to the event. A more detailed predicted reentry region will be provided a few days prior to the reentry time frame. Visiblyincandescent objectsfrom this reentry will likely last tens of seconds (up to a minute or more) in contrast with the vast majority of natural meteors which last mere seconds.

Depending on the time of day and cloud visibility, the reentry may appear as multiple bright streaks moving across the sky in the same direction. Due to the relatively large size of the object, it is expected that there will be many pieces reentering together, some of which may survive reentry and land on the Earths surface. Some examplesof reentries can be found here: video 1, video 2.

Potentially,there may be a highly toxic and corrosive substance calledhydrazine on board the spacecraft that could survive reentry. For your safety, do not touch any debris you may find on the ground nor inhale vapors it may emit.

Yes. Contact CORDS at Please report your location and time of the sighting, a description of what you saw, and provide any images or videos you may have captured of the reentry.

No. The largest object to reenter is the Mir space station at 120,000 kg which reentered on 2001 March 23. In comparison, Tiangong-1 is only 8,500 kg. For further space debris reentry information, consult the table onthis page.

In the history of spaceflight, no known person has ever been harmed by reentering space debris. Only one person has ever been recorded as being hit by a piece of space debris and, fortunately, she was not injured.

Tiangong-1 FAQ

Tiangong-1 Reentry Update

Tiangong-1 Captured via Telescope

Reentry Test Campaign Announcement

Basic Tiangong-1 background info

Official statement regarding Tiangong-1 telemetry ceasing

Official statement regarding Tiangong-1 reentry

Amateur satellite trackers claim Tiangong-1 likely uncontrolled

Controlled vs. uncontrolled reentries

General reentry info



New York Times

Reuters: Tiangong-1 is not out of control

Chinas Manned Space Program

See the rest here:

Tiangong-1 Reentry | The Aerospace Corporation

Immortality: God’s Gift To The Saints The Church of God …

No question about it, the Bible clearly reveals that immortality is God's gracious gift to His saints. But if immortality is a gift that is given only to the saints, why do millions believe that it is an inherent quality of the human soul? What does the Bible say about this subject?

There is no single doctrine which commands such universal acceptance among religious adherents over so vast a span of time. Indeed, this doctrine has been almost synonymous with religion itself. Not one major religion disputes it and every religious tradition affirms it in one form or another.

In the ancient Near East, it dominated religious thought. In African and Asian tribal religions it is prominent and religions of all civilizations have endorsed it. It is an important relic of Platonic thought. In the world of professing Christianity, only a few sects question it. Seventy-one percent of Americans believe it.

It is the doctrine of the immortality of the soul, the view that the human soul has a conscious existence immediately after death.

Yet the Bible, reputedly the authoritative document of the Christian faith, nowhere teaches this doctrine. It is nothing less than astounding that the Old Testament, a document of the ancient Near East, roundly rejects the teaching that the soul consciously survives death when that teaching was commonplace then, and that the New Testament equally rejects this doctrine, believed by the vast majority in the first century.

Amazingly, the Bible as a religious document is almost unique in its utter refutation of the view that the real person is the soul inside, which goes into another world upon the death of the body. This is no minor issue to be mistaken about. Granted there are some doctrines which are inconsequential, and no church has all truth and no error. We all know in part and prophecy (preach) in part. But the true church, the church divinely commissioned to take the gospel to the world, must know the fundamental doctrine of what man really is.

Could God have started a church and continue to actively lead that church when it does not even know what man is and what happens to him after death? Is this a minor doctrine?

The implications for any church which is wrong on this issue are profound. Immortality of the soul defender John W. Cooper, in his book Body, Soul and Life Everlasting, says that if the doctrine is not true then "a doctrine affirmed by most of the church since its beginning is false. A second consequence is more personal and existentialwhat millions of Christians believe will happen when they die is an illusion." Would God have led so many believers into error, or would He not rescue them from that error, if He were, in fact, the Founder of those churches which believe in the immortality of the soul?

We need to dispassionately and without bias examine this critical subject.

One respected theologian came to what was a startling conclusion for him: that his church had misled him on this critical issue. Church of Christ elder Edward Fudge explains in the book which he finally wrote to show the results of his study, The Fire That Consumes: The Biblical Case for Conditional Immortality: "I was reared on traditionalist teaching. I accepted it because it was said to rest on Scripture. Closer investigation has shown this claim to be mistaken. Careful study has shown that both Old and New Testaments teach instead a resurrection of the wicked for the purpose of divine my beliefs have changed-as a result of careful study."

So have the views of an even more well-known and renowned theologian and evangelical apologist, Clark Pinnock. In his chapter on "The Conditional View" in the well-researched book, Four Views on Hell, Pinnock, after showing a number of scriptures disproving the immortality of the soul, wonders aloud why so many churches should have adopted what would appear an obviously unbiblical view. An explanation for this, he offers, "exists in a Hellenistic belief about human nature that has dominated Christian thinking about eschatology from the beginning. There has been a virtual consensus that the soul survives death because it is by nature an incorporeal substance. This assumption goes back to Plato's view of the soul as metaphysically indestructible, a view shared by Augustine, Aquinas, and Calvin. The Greek doctrine of the immortality of the soul has affected theology unduly on this point-a good example of the occasional Hellenization of Christian doctrine."

It is time we get back to the Bible, especially in light of the fact that the Protestant Reformation was ostensibly based on sola ScripturaScripture alone! If this claim is true, then why should nonbiblical sources be more influential than Scripture in the formation of Christian doctrine? Yet defenders of the immortal soul doctrine will protest that Scripture itself is clear that the soul is immortal. There are some scriptures which do, indeed, seem to clearly teach an eternal conscious existence in hell. We can't ignore these scriptures, if we accept all biblical texts as the Word of Godbut we must seek to understand them without reading foreign ideas into them.

Revelation 14:10 refers to people who "will be tormented with fire and brimstone." Verse 11 says that the "smoke of their torment goes up for even and ever; and they have no rest, day or night, these worshipers of the beast and its image." Now if they don't have immortal souls, how will that be possible? Will God give them immortal souls to facilitate their everlasting punishment? In any event, those who believe in conditional immortality, like the Church of God International, reject the notion of everlasting conscious punishment. So what do we do with a text like Revelation 14:10,11, which was not smuggled into the Scriptures by Plato? These verses seem devastating to our view.

In Matthew 25:41, Jesus refers to those who will depart into "eternal fire." Verse 46 has been especially appealed to by defenders of the immortal soul view. It says the wicked will go away into "eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life." If "eternal life" means unending life and conscious existence, then why in the same passage doesn't "eternal punishment" mean unending conscious existence as well?

Matthew 18:8 says that "it is better for you to enter eternal life maimed or lame be thrown into the eternal fire." Why would the fire be eternal if it has nothing to burn and if the wicked are annihilated, as we teach?

We need to answer all these texts.

Surprising as it might seem, "eternal" and "everlasting" do not always mean never-ending, but can actually mean "agelasting," that is, lasting for a limited period. It is important to bear in mind that what we have are English translations of the Bible and that the Scriptures were originally inspired in Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic. To study to show ourselves approved, we have to acquire some rudimentary understanding of the biblical languages. If we are going to pronounce authoritatively on certain complex doctrinal matters, we must be equipped.

There is an easy way to prove that aionios does not always mean never-ending and that it can mean eternal in its results and consequences.

In Jude 1:7 we read that Sodom and Gomorrah suffered the "punishment of eternal fire." Yet no one believes that Sodom and Gomorrah are burning now. The inhabitants suffered the punishment of eternal fire in the sense that they were completely destroyed; the fire was eternal in its results and effects; it left nothing to be consumed.

There can be no dispute about this for there are no cities named Sodom and Gomorrah burning today! Scripture does not say they suffered the punishment of Gehenna (hell) fire, so one cannot reason that perhaps they are suffering (unknown to us) in hell. They suffered the punishment of a literal fire which swept through the area. (One scholar points out that at least seventy times in the Bible the Greek word aionios qualifies objects of a temporary and limited nature.)

The Hebrew equivalent of aionios in the Old Testament is olam, which can also mean eternal or everlasting, but is also used in reference to a limited span of time. To prove decisively that "forever" or "eternal" do not always mean never-ending, notice the following passages in which olam obviously means age-lasting or a limited time.

In Exodus 12:24 we read that the sprinkling of the blood at the Passover was to be "an ordinance for ever." The Aaronic priesthood was also said to have been a "perpetual statute" (Exodus 29:9; 40:15; Leviticus 3:17). Solomon's temple was supposed to have been everlasting (1 Kings 8:13). The ritual of tending to the light in the tabernacle was to be "a statute for ever" (Exodus 27:21). All the sacrifices and circumcision were said to last "forever." Now how many Christians, even among law-keepers, are still practicing these rituals which the Bible clearly says should be observed forever, as part of an "everlasting covenant"? Clearly, the Hebrew word olam, the equivalent of aionios in the passages quoted, means age-lasting, to be in force for the life of the Old Covenant.

Romans 16:25 talks about the revelation of the mystery which was kept secret "for long ages." What the reader of the English translations of the Bible would not know immediately is that the word translated "long ages" is aionios-the same word translated "forever" in the passages quoted about eternal fire and everlasting punishment. It is indisputable, therefore, that the word carries more than one meaning and cannot, under all circumstances, be interpreted as eternal in the sense of never-ending.

But then there is Matthew 3:12, pulled out by immortal soul advocates to prove their point. It refers to the "unquenchable fire" which will be unleashed on the lost.

Again, just as in the case of the "eternal" fire which destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, the fire threatened by Jesus here is one which will accomplish its purpose of utter destruction, one whose purpose and mission cannot be thwarted by anyone or anything. This is the sense of the phrase.

To prove that this is not speculation, turn to Jeremiah 17:27 where a similar threat was made to a rebellious Israel. Hear the words of Yahweh: "But if you do not listen to me, to keep the sabbath day holy...then I will kindle a fire in its [Jerusalem's] gates, and it shall devour the palaces of Jerusalem and shall not be quenched."

Yahweh threatened an unquenchable fire that could not be put out by all the firemen in the world. It would achieve its purpose: the utter destruction of Jerusalem and its sinning inhabitants. The unquenchable fire, like the eternal fire, refers to the results and consequences of its action, not the duration of its time.

Isaiah 34:9,10 is a clincher. Notice the imagery of the punishment proposed for Edom: "And the streams of Edom shall be turned into a pitch, and her soil into brimstone; her land shall become burning pitch. Night and day it shall not be quenched; its smoke shall go up for ever [notice this similarity with the Revelation texts quoted earlier], from generation to generation it shall lie waste; none shall pass through it for ever and ever."

Yes, there it is! The fire would completely destroy Edom; its smoke would proverbially go up forever, "from generation to generation." The land would be desolate-no more; it would be completely destroyed. That the fire would be "eternal" and "unquenchable" means a fire which no one would be able to quench until it achieved its purpose. See also Isaiah 1:30,31: "For you shall be like an oak whose leaf withers, and like a garden without water. And the strong shall become tow, and his work a spark, and both of them shall burn together, with none to quench them."

There it is"none to quench them"clearly meaning both will burn until they become extinct, annihilated!

As Clark Pinnock has suggested in his essay in the book Four Views on Hell, "I believe that the real basis of the traditional view of the nature of hell is not in the Bible's talk of the wicked perishing, but an unbiblical anthropology that is read into the text. If a biblical reader approached the text with the assumption that souls are immortal, would they not be compelled to interpret texts that speak of the wicked being destroyed to mean that they are tortured forever since according to that supposition they cannot go out of existence?....[T]he belief in the immortality of the soul will necessarily skew the exegesis."

This is why we have dealt extensively in this booklet with the discussion of hell, for at the root of the traditional view of an ever-burning hell is the false doctrine of the immortality of the human soul.

The attempt to use Matthew 25:41,46 to prove this false doctrine fails miserably. The fact is, both the righteous and the damned will have their fates sealed eternally. The righteous will enjoy unending life as a reward and the unrighteous will suffer everlasting punishment-their punishment will be final, inexorable, irredeemable. The unrighteous will suffer everlasting punishment, not everlasting punishing!

In his book, Life and Immortality, Basil Atkinson notes that "when the adjective aionios meaning 'everlasting' is used in Greek with nouns of action it has reference to the result of the action, not the process.

"Thus, the phrase 'everlasting punishment' is comparable to 'everlasting redemption' and 'everlasting salvation,' both scriptural phrases. No one supposes that we are being redeemed or being saved forever.

"In the same way the lost will not be passing through a process of punishment for ever but will be punished once and for all, with eternal results. On the other hand, the noun 'life' is not a noun of action, but a noun expressing a state; that is, the life itself is eternal."

Finally, Samuele Bacchiocchi in his insightful book Immortality or Resurrection? says of aionios, translated "everlasting" or "forever": "Ancient Greek papyri contain numerous examples of Roman emperors being described as aionios. What is meant is that they held their office for life. Unfortunately, the English words 'eternal' or 'everlasting' do not accurately render the meaning of aionios which literally means 'age-lasting.'"

While some have tried to impose their own preconceived ideas on the biblical texts, a clear reading of the texts which refer to the fate of the wicked and the lost indicates that their end is destruction. Let's look at some plain texts.

Malachi 4:1 says that on the Day of the Lord "all evildoers will be stubble; the day that comes shall burn them up, says the Lord of hosts, so that it will leave them neither root nor branch." That text speaks most forcefully of destruction, and utter annihilation. How could we get any other concept from that text? When we are not imposing preconceived ideas on the biblical text, it is obvious that the fate of the unsaved is destruction.

Psalm 37:38 says that "transgressors shall be altogether destroyed; the posterity of the wicked shall be cut off."

In Matthew 13:30, Jesus also uses the imagery of total destruction to describe the fate of the wicked. The proverbial weeds are gathered to be burned. The metaphor is of total destruction. In Psalm 37:2, we read that the wicked will "fade like the grass"; they "shall be cut off" and "will be no more" (verses 9,10).

Hebrews 10:27 refers the "fury of fire which will consume the adversaries." Defenders of the immortal soul doctrine have often replied to the avalanche of texts showing that the wicked will be destroyed by saying that the word destruction is sometimes used to mean "put out of action." The example is used of Christ who, as it were, destroyed Satan the devil through His action on the stake, yet the devil continues to exist.

It is amazing the ingenious attempts which are made to preserve a cherished, inherited belief. While it is true that words do have several meanings, it takes no linguist with a doctorate to see that the contexts of words determine meaning. That destruction could possibly mean to put out of action and that it does take that meaning in one or a few texts does not mean that we should ignore the clear, ordinary meaning of the word as it is used in the many other texts of Scripture.

It is hard to ignore texts like Isaiah 1:28, which says that "rebels and sinners shall be destroyed together, and those who forsake the Lord shall be consumed."

There is one text that cannot rationally or exegetically be open to any other meaning than the one favored by those who deny ever-burning hell and the immortality of the soul. This text is crystal clear once one really focuses on it.

We return to the case of Sodom and Gomorrah, which were destroyed by eternal fire and are clearly not burning today. This fire was complete in its work of utter destruction. Peter says that God turned "the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to ashes" (2 Peter 2:6). We don't have to wonder whether Sodom and Gomorrah are burning today. Those cities have been already turned to ashes as a result of the eternal fire.

So, clearly, their fire resulted in complete destruction in the ordinary sense of the word. Let's go on, for it gets more interesting. What God did was condemn them to extinctionto annihilation!not an unending burning. But it gets even more interesting, and now we'll see why there can be no other explanation of this bombshell of a text against the ever-burning hell and immortal soul concepts. In the latter part of verse 6, we are told that God "condemned them [Sodom and Gomorrah] to extinction and made them an example of those who were to be ungodly," meaning that the ungodly will suffer the same fate. What fate? Utter extinction! They will be turned to ashes (which is exactly what Malachi 4:1 says).

It could not be clearer! What Sodom and Gomorrah suffered served as an example of the kind of destruction that awaits the wicked at the end.

(Other important texts applying the word destruction to the fate of the wicked are Philippians 3:9; 1 Thessalonians 5:2,3; and 2 Thessalonians 1:9.)

An argument often used to distort the biblical truth about man is the view that only the body dies at the withdrawal of man's breath; the soul cannot. Yet Ezekiel 18:4 explicitly states that "the soul that sins shall die." Those same words are repeated in verse 20.

The Messianic text in Isaiah 53 shows that Jesus as a human being went the way of all fleshHe died. And when He died it was not just the body which died but His soul. Notice Isaiah 53:12, which predicted that the Messiah would pour out "his soul to death."

See also Psalm 89:48: "What man can live and never see death? Who can deliver his soul from the power of Sheol [the graveNKJV] ?"

Matthew 10:28 is abundantly clear: "And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body...." The soul can be destroyed! Why do we refuse to believe the plain statements of Scripture?

The title of the book of one noted theologian, Oscar Cullman, says it all: Immortality of the Soul or Resurrection of the Dead? It is an either-or issue. You cannot have both.

What is the purpose of the resurrection if the saints are already in heaven with Christ and the wicked in hell?

Nor is there any evidence that there is some special place called "paradise" where Christians stay in transit until the resurrection when they join Christ in heaven.

The uniform testimony of Scripture is that the dead remain in their graves until the time of the resurrection.

John 5:28,29 says, "Do not marvel at this; for the hour is coming when all who are in the tombs will hear His voice and come forth, those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of judgment."

Daniel 12:2 says, "And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt." First Corinthians 15:52 shows that it is at the resurrection that the saved will gain immortality, and before then the dead are asleep in their graves. "For the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised imperishable....For this perishable nature must put on the imperishable and this mortal nature must put on immortality. When the perishable puts on the imperishable, and the mortal puts on immortality, then shall come to pass the saying that is written: 'Death is swallowed up in victory.' O death, where is thy victory? O death, where is thy sting?"

First Thessalonians 4:15 refers to the dead as being "asleep." The text goes on to say that when the Lord returns "the dead in Christ will rise first" (verse 16). Now if the dead go immediately to be with the Lord at death, how can they only rise at the last trump?

The Scriptures show that at the resurrection it is the entire person who is raised, not merely his body. "The dead in Christ" are the persons who die in Christ, not just their bodies.

Look at Job 14:12 to see unequivocally that it is the person himself, not just a part of him, who rises when Christ returns: "So man [his entire being] lies down and rises not again; till the heavens are no more he will not awake; or be roused out of his sleep."

This takes us to the next point: that the Bible consistently refers to death as a sleep.

If death does not indicate unconsciousness why would the analogy of sleep be meaningful? The Psalmist refers to the "sleep of death" (Psalm 13:3). Psalm 115:17 says, "The dead do not praise the Lord, nor do any that go down into silence." Matthew 27:52 states that "the tombs also were opened, and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised." In Acts 7:60 we read of Stephen who "fell asleep." Second Peter 3:4 speaks of those who ask, "Where is the promise of His coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all things have continued...."

Other equally clear texts show unmistakably that the dead are unconscious. Psalm 146:4 says, "When his [man's] breath departs he returns to his earth; on that very day his plans ["thoughts"KJV] perish." The Psalmist asks, "Dost thou work wonders for the dead? Do the shades rise up to praise thee? ...Are thy wonders known in the darkness, or thy saving help in the land of forgetfulness?" (Psalm 88:10,12).

The idea that the saints are having a great time praising the Lord and playing on harps finds no support in the Sacred

Scriptures! The dead are asleep; they are in silence, in the land of forgetfulness! Psalm 6:5 says pointedly, "For in death there is no remembrance of thee; in Sheol [the grave] who can give thee praise?"

Immortality is set forth in Scripture as something to be sought and attained in the future. Romans 2:6,7 says that God "will render to every man according to his works; to those who by patience in well-doing seek for glory and honor and immortality, He will give eternal life."

Immortality is a gift of God through Christ. It is not possessed inherently by humans. Only the saved will be granted immortality. For proof see 2 Timothy 1:10, which states that Jesus Christ "abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel."

Let's go to the very first book of the Bible to see God's revelation of what man really is and what constitutes the soul. In Genesis 2:7 we read, significantly, that "God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being [or soulKJV]." Notice that man was not given a soul; God did not breathe a soul within man. Man became a living soul, a living being.

The Hebrew word for soul is nephesh, which is often translated "person," meaning one's entire being, not some immaterial part of him. The Hebrews had a holistic conception of human beings.

In Genesis 12:5 we read of Abraham's gathering all the "persons" (nephesh, rendered "souls" in the KJV) they had gotten in Haran. Genesis 46:27 says that seventy "persons" (nephesh) went into Egypt.

Leviticus 7:20 says that the "person" (nephesh) who touches any unclean thing shall be cut off. The English translations use "soul" and "person" interchangeably in a number of texts. (The King James Version regularly uses "soul" while the Revised Standard Version uses "person"it has the same meaning and comes from the same Hebrew, nephesh.) Leviticus 23:30 says, "And whoever does any work on this same day, that person [soul] I will destroy from among his people."

The problem is that many persons reading English translations might not realize that a number of references to a "person" (or "persons") dying are translated from the Hebrew nephesh, which means soul. If they did, it would be patently clear that the notion that the soul cannot die is a flagrant error.

Numbers 31:19, for example, says, "Encamp outside the camp seven days; whoever of you has killed any person [nephesh]...." See also Numbers 35:15,30; Joshua 20:3,9; Genesis 37:21; Deuteronomy 19:6,11; and Jeremiah 40:14,15 to see that souls (persons) die.

We find in the very first revelation about man's creation that man did not possess a soul but rather was a soul. So where did we get the concept of an immaterial soul that constitutes the real person and that could have an independent existence from the body? As Clark Pinnock and other scholars have pointed out, this view in Christian theology has come from Platonic thought.

Saying that man has no immaterial soul within is not to say that man is not distinguished from the animal kingdom. Man is made in the image of God; the animals and plants are not. Man has intelligence and reasoning ability and shares a number of characteristics with his Maker. Nothing must be done to take away from man's uniqueness in the created order. However, we need not build myths to sustain our uniqueness and supremacy in the earthly created order.

Some believe that the spirit in man, which goes back to God upon death of the body, can enable man to have conscious existence at that time.

Ecclesiastes 12:7 says that "the dust returns to the earth as it was, and the spirit [ruach] returns to God who gave it."

The spirit is the life force which God breathed into man which made him a living soul. It is the life principle, the life energy, without which human life is not possible. As Job says, "If he [God] should take back his spirit [ruach] to himself, and gather to himself his breath [neshamah], all flesh would perish together, and man would return to the dust" (Job 34:14,15). The spirit animates human life. It has no separate existence apart from the body.

The breath of life which God breathed into man is equated with the spirit in man. Notice the Hebrew parallelism in Job

27:3: "[A]s long as my breath is in me, and the spirit of God in my nostrils; my lips will not speak falsehood." Notice this other parallelism (where the same thought is expressed in two ways for emphasis) in Job 33:4: "The spirit [ruach] of God has made me, and the breath [neshamah] of the Almighty gives me life."

Yet another example of this parallelism is found in Isaiah 42:5: "Thus says God, the Lord, who created the heavens and stretched them out...who gives breath to the people upon it and spirit to those who walk in it." The Scriptures are, indeed, abundantly clear that the breath of life is equated with the spirit in man.

Those who use Ecclesiastes 12:7, which says that "the spirit returns to God who gave it," to prove that the spirit is equated with the immortal soul have a very uncomfortable dilemma: They are forced to teach that everyone who dies, not just the saved, goes to heaven irrespective of whether he had a personal relationship with Jesus Christ!

No, the spirit in man is the breath of life which was given to man. As Job 34:14,15 says, "If [God] should back his spirit to himself...all flesh would perish"cease from existence.

Objection after objection crumbles as we look at the scriptural teaching on what man really is. Yet all the world's religions, all New Age philosophies, all of Eastern mysticism, and almost all of the Christian-professing world have accepted the very opposite of what the Bible teaches.

We now turn to some of the major objections raised against the view that the soul is mortal. We will see in each instance that the objection is not sustained.

Let's begin with Genesis 35:18, which says of Rachel, "And as her soul was departing (for she died), she called his name Bennoni...." Now does her soul's departing mean that it had a separate, conscious existence?

Samuele Bacchiocchi puts it well in his book Immortality or Resurrection?: "The phrase 'her soul was departing' most likely means that 'her breath was stopping' or, as we might say, she was taking her last sigh. It is important to note that the noun soul-nephesh derives from the verb by the same root which means 'to breathe,' 'to respire,' 'to draw breath.' The inbreathing of the breath of life resulted in man becoming a living soul, a breathing organism.

"The departing of the breath of life results in a person becoming a dead soul. Thus as Edmund Jacob explains, 'The departure of nephesh is a metaphor for death; a dead man is one who has ceased to breathe.'"

Another text commonly misunderstood is 1 Kings 17:21,22, which says of Elijah: "Then he stretched himself upon the child three times, and cried to the Lord, 'O Lord, my God, let this child's soul come into him again.'"

If the soul is not a separate part of the person, how could Elijah make this prayer? The Lord heard Elijah's prayer, "and the soul of the child came into him again and he revived."

Notice first that in verse 17 it is said that "there was no breath left in him," which harmonizes well with what we have covered, showing that the departure of the breath of life results in death. It was when God breathed into man's nostrils the breath of life that man became a living soul. When the breath of life came back into the widow's son mentioned here, his nephesh (or life-force) came back and he became conscious again.

The soul of the child coming back into him simply means that his life returned! Nothing more, nothing less.

But the most popular of all the misunderstood texts is found in Luke 16, which records the parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man. For many Christians, this is the single text which seals the issue.

First, note that this was a parable. It was not a real historical event or the reporting or recounting of an actual event. It was a parable, a teaching, a pedagogical device designed to express truths in symbolic or metaphorical terms.

It is important, in looking at parables, to notice the contexts carefully, to see what were the lessons which the storyteller wanted to convey.

Jesus had been teaching on covetousness and stewardship (Luke 16:1-13). Jesus usually selects an appropriate parable to illustrate his ethical teachings. The parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus was a classic one showing the rich's insensitivity to and exploitation of the poor.

Many theologians realize that Luke was the Gospel writer most concerned about social and political issues and that his gospel focuses more on the justice and equity issues. (Advocates of "Liberation Theology" are particularly fond of Luke.)

This parable highlights Luke's emphasis on concern for the poor and downtrodden and God's judgment of the selfish and sinful rich. Even the distinguished evangelical theologian Murray Harris, author of the book Raised Immortal: Resurrection and Immortality in the New Testament, admits that "the parable of the rich man and Lazarus was told to illustrate the danger of wealth (Luke 6:24) and the necessity of repentance (Luke 16:28 30), not to satisfy our natural curiosity about man's anthropological condition after death." (See his article, "The New Testament View of Life after Death" in the January, 1986, issue of the scholarly journal, Themelios.)

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Immortality: God's Gift To The Saints The Church of God ...

UCLA Human Genetics

The Department of Human Genetics is the youngest basic science department in the Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. When the Department was launched just prior to the sequencing of the human genome, it was clear that the practice of genetics research would be forever changed by the infusion of massive amounts of new data. Organizing and making sense of this genomic data is one of the greatest scientific challenges ever faced by mankind. The knowledge generated will ultimately transform medicine through patient-specific treatments and prevention strategies.

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UCLA Human Genetics

MPC60 Software – Roger Linn

Do you have an Akai MPC60 or MPC60-II with the original version 2.12 software? Our version 3.10 software update adds the software improvements of the MPC3000 to the MPC60 or MPC60-II. It comes on 4 chips that you can install yourself and adds lots of useful features.

Sampling No Longer Limited to 5 Seconds

The 5 second limit for new samples is gone, allowing you to sample individual sounds up to the limits of memory (13 or 26 seconds, depending on whether or not your MPC60 contains memory expansion.) And sequence memory is no longer erased before sampling.

Stereo Sampling

Version 3.10 won't put a stereo sampling input on the back of your MPC60, but it does provide a method of creating stereo samples. Simply sample the left and right sides of a stereo sound separately as mono sounds, then a new screen in the software automatically re-syncs and combines them to form the stereo sound.

MIDI File Save and Load

Load standard PC-format MIDI file disks or save sequences as MIDI files. Move sequences between your MPC and PC or Mac sequencers.

Note: this requires that you download our Midi File Save utility, save it to an MPC60 floppy then boot your MPC60 from it.

Reads All MPC3000 Files Including Stereo Sounds

Reads all MPC3000 files, including mono or stereo sounds (saved to MPC60 floppies) and directly reads MPC3000 hard disks (MPC-SCSI required). Reads all MPC60 files.

Sound Compression Doubles Sound Memory

This features resamples existing sounds in memory from the normal 40 kHz to 20 kHz, thereby fitting into half the memory space. This works surprisingly well for most sounds (not so well for cymbals). In an expanded MPC60 (26 seconds) containing all compressed sounds, that's equivalent to 52 seconds of sounds.

Voice Restart for "Sound Stuttering"

Sounds may be set to restart when a single pad is played repeatedly, for "sound stuttering" effects. Also, sounds may be set to stop when finger is removed from pad, and any sound may be programmed to stop any other sound (choked cymbal stops ringing cymbal).

8 Drum Sets in Memory

Hold up to 8 drum sets in memory at once, each with 64 pad assignments from a common bank of up to 128 sounds. When saved to disk, sounds in drum sets are now saved as individual sound files, eliminating redundant sound data on disk when saving sets that share sounds.

4 Pad Banks for 64 Pad Assignments

Doubles the number of sounds immediately playable.

Hihat Slider Doubles as Realtime Tuning

The Hihat Decay Slider may now be assigned to any pad and may alternatively affect tuning, decay or attack in real time, with all movements recorded into the sequence.

Cut and Paste Sample Editing

Any portion of a sound may be removed and inserted at any point within another sound with single sample accuracy.

Hard Disk Save and Load

If you own the Marion Systems MPC-SCSI Hard Disk Interface for the MPC60, hard disk save and load operations are now included and work with the Iomega Zip 100mB or 250 mB drives.

Step from Note to Note in Step Edit

In Step Edit, the REWIND [<] and FAST FORWARD [>] keys may now be used to search to the previous or next event within a track, regardless of location. Also, you may now cut and paste events.

Streamlined MPC3000 Displays

Screen displays are improved and more intuitive, nearly identical to the MPC3000. For example, 4 letter pad names are replaced in screens by the full sound name.

New Sequence Edit Features

Most sequence editing functions now permit selection of specific drums to be edited. The new Shift Timing feature shifts track timing independent of timing correction. And the new Edit Note Number Assignment feature permits, for example, all snare notes in a track to be changed to rimshots or any other sound.

New Sound and Sequence Files in 3.10 Format

We've created a few sound and sequence files in the new version 3.10 format that you can download here.

Also Works on ASQ10 Sequencer

Version 3.10 can also be installed in the Akai ASQ10 Sequencer, adding the above features related to sequencing. (Details)

And More

Three-level sound stacking or velocity switch per pad. Simplified interfacing with external MIDI gear. MIDI Local Mode. Automatic "best sound start" removes dead space at start of new drum samples. 16 LEVELS provides 16 attack or decay levels.

Note: Due to low demand for this product, we are no longer printing user manuals so a user manual will not be included. However, you can download the user manual from the link at left.


MPC60 Software - Roger Linn

Cryptocurrency News: This Week on Bitfinex, Tether, Coinbase, & More

Cryptocurrency News
On the whole, cryptocurrency prices are down from our previous report on cryptos, with the market slipping on news of an exchange being hacked and a report about Bitcoin manipulation.

However, there have been two bright spots: 1) an official from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) said that Ethereum is not a security, and 2) Coinbase is expanding its selection of tokens.

Let's start with the good news.
SEC Says ETH Is Not a Security
Investors have some reason to cheer this week. A high-ranking SEC official told attendees of the Yahoo! All Markets Summit: Crypto that Ethereum and Bitcoin are not.

The post Cryptocurrency News: This Week on Bitfinex, Tether, Coinbase, & More appeared first on Profit Confidential.

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Cryptocurrency News: This Week on Bitfinex, Tether, Coinbase, & More

Brain Uploading – TV Tropes

"The point is, if we can store music on a compact disc, why can't we store a man's intelligence and personality on one? So, I have the engineers figuring that one out now."Artificial Intelligence is hard. Why reinvent the wheel, when you've got plenty of humans walking around? Who will miss one, right?Alternatively, you might be one of those humans looking for easy immortality. Either way, once you finish scanning the brain, you end up with a file that you run in a physics simulator, and presto, you have a computer that remembers being a human. If you do it carefully enough, the original brain won't even notice it happening.This computer has a number of advantages over a meat human. The simulation can be run many thousands of times faster than objective speed, if you've got enough computing power. It can be backed up with trivial ease. You can run multiple copies at the same time, and have them do different things, make exotic personality composites, and tinker around with the inner workings of the brain in ways that are either difficult or impossible to do with a meat brain. Additionally, there's the fact that it's impossible to kill as long as its data is backed up somewhere and there exists a computer on which to run it - you can just restart the simulation wherever you left off and the mind won't even recognize it.Critics of the concept are quick to point out that it presupposes an understanding of neurology (not just human neurology, but even the neurology of a common insect) far, far beyond what currently exists; and that without that knowledge, even the most powerful computer cannot do this. Proponents of the idea assure us that this knowledge is coming. Proponents who hope to live to see and actually benefit from it assure us that it's coming really really soon.As with The Singularity, the idea of brain uploading has inevitably taken on a quasi-religious aspect for many in recent years, since it does promise immortality of a sort (as long as your backups and the hardware to run them on are safe), and even transcendence of the body.The advantages bestowed by brain uploading are a bit overwhelming if you're trying to incorporate them into a story. It kind of kills the tension when the protagonist can restore from backup whenever the Big Bad kills them. Authors have devised a number of cop-outs, which you can recognize by asking these questions:

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He took out the hexagonal chip from his coat, the Soul Catcher that contained Shepard's memories, her mind, her skills... but ironically, not her soul.

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The TARDIS: Do you really not recognize me? Just because they put me in here? The Doctor: They said you were dangerous. The TARDIS: Not the cage, stupid. (puts fingers on temples) In here. They put me in here!

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Brain Uploading - TV Tropes

Economic and Social Effects of Crime – Growing Interest In …

Crime is a major part of every society. Its costs and effects touch just about everyone to some degree. The types of costs and effects are widely varied. In addition, some costs are short-term while others last a lifetime. Of course the ultimate cost is loss of life. Other costs to victims can include medical costs, property losses, and loss of income.

Losses to both victims and nonvictims can also come in the form of increased security expenses including stronger locks, extra lighting, parking in more expensive secure lots, security alarms for homes and cars, and maintaining guard dogs. Considerable money is spent to avoid being victimized. Other types of expenses can include a victim or person fearful of crime moving to a new neighborhood, funeral expenses, legal fees, and loss of school days.

Some costs of crime are less tangible (not easily or precisely identified). These kinds of costs can include pain and suffering, and a lower quality of life. There are also the traumatic impacts on friends and the disruption of family. Behavior can be forever changed and shaped by crime, whether it be weighing the risks of going to certain places or even the fear of making new friends.

Inmates led by a drill instructor at an Oregon correctional institution boot camp. About thirty states operate similar facilities, combining military-style workouts, strict discipline, and intensive substance abuse counseling. (AP/Wide World Photos)

Crime not only affects economic productivity when victims miss work, but communities also are affected through loss of tourism and retail sales. Even the so-called victimless crimes of prostitution, drug abuse, and gambling have major social consequences. Drug abuse affects worker productivity, uses public funds for drug treatment programs and medical attention, and leads to criminal activity to support the expenses of a drug habit.

Communities and governments spend public funds for police departments, prisons and jails, courts, and treatment programs, including the salaries of prosecutors, judges, public defenders, social workers, security guards, and probation officers. The amount of time spent by victims, offenders, their families, and juries during court trials also take away from community productivity. By the beginning of the twenty-first century it was estimated that the annual cost of crime in the United States was reaching upward toward $1.7 trillion.

Anderson, Elijah. Streetwise: Race, Class and Change in an Urban Community. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1990.

Beckett, Katherine. Making Crime Pay: Law and Order in Contemporary American Politics. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.

Cook, Philip J., and Jens Ludwig. Gun Violence: The Real Costs. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.

Felson, Marcus. Crime and Everyday Life. 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press, 1998.

Gray, Charles M., ed. The Costs of Crime. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1979.

Madriz, Esther. Nothing Bad Happens to Good Girls: Fear of Crime in Women's Lives. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1997.

Skogan, Wesley G. Disorder and Decline: Crime and the Spiral of Decay in American Neighborhoods. New York: Free Press, 1990.

Welsh, Brandon C., David P. Farrington, and Lawrence W. Sherman, eds. Costs and Benefits of Preventing Crime. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 2001.

See the original post:

Economic and Social Effects of Crime - Growing Interest In ...

Prison abolition movement – Wikipedia

The prison abolition movement is a loose network of groups and activists that seek to reduce or eliminate prisons and the prison system, and replace them with systems of rehabilitation that do not place a focus on punishment and government institutionalization[1].

It is distinct from conventional prison reform, which is the attempt to improve conditions inside prisons; however, relying on prisons less could improve their conditions by reducing overcrowding.[2]:3

Supporters for prison abolition work toward non-reformist reforms[3], such as ending solitary confinement and the death penalty, stopping construction of new prisons, and the eradication of cash bail.[4] Some organizations such as the Anarchist Black Cross seek total abolishment of the prison system, not intending to replace it with other government-controlled systems. Many anarchist organizations believe that the best form of justice arises naturally out of social contracts or restorative justice.

Prominent social activist Angela Davis, outspoken critic of the prison-industrial complex, openly supports prison abolition.[5] In her work, she writes: "Mass incarceration is not a solution to unemployment, nor is it a solution to the vast array of social problems that are hidden away in a rapidly growing network of prisons and jails. However, the great majority of people have been tricked into believing in the efficacy of imprisonment, even though the historical record clearly demonstrates that prisons do not work."[6] Her relevancy in this movement is attested by her close involvement with groups moving to abolish the Prison-Industrial Complex (PIC).[7]

Critical Resistance, co-founded by Angela Davis and Ruth Wilson Gilmore, is an American organization working towards an "international movement to end the Prison Industrial Complex by challenging the belief that caging and controlling people makes us safe."[8] Other similarly motivated groups such as the Prison Activist Resource Center (PARC), a group "committed to exposing and challenging all forms of institutionalized racism, sexism, able-ism, heterosexism, and classism, specifically within the Prison Industrial Complex," [9] and Black & Pink, an abolitionist organization that focuses around LGBTQ rights, all broadly advocate for prison abolition.[10] Furthermore, names such as the Human Rights Coalition, a 2001 group that aims to abolish prisons,[11][12] and the California Coalition for Women Prisoners, a grassroots organization dedicated to dismantling the PIC,[13] can all be added to the long list of organizations that desire a different form of justice system.[14]

Every other year after Ruth Morris organized the first one in Toronto in 1983,[15] The International Conference on Penal Abolition (ICOPA) gathers activists, academics, journalists, and "others from across the world who are working towards the abolition of imprisonment, the penal system, carceral controls and the prison industrial complex (PIC),"[16] to discuss three important questions surrounding the reality of prison abolition ICOPA was one of the first penal abolitionist conference movements, similar to Critical Resistance in America, but "with an explicitly international scope and agenda-setting ambition."[17]

Anarchists wish to eliminate all forms of state control, of which imprisonment is seen as one of the more obvious examples. Anarchists also oppose prisons because a significant number of inmates are non-violent offenders[18]. Numbers show incarceration rates affect mainly poor people and ethnic minorities, and do not generally rehabilitate criminals, in many cases making them worse.[19] As a result, the prison abolition movement often is associated with humanistic socialism, anarchism and anti-authoritarianism.

In October 2015, members at a plenary session of the National Lawyers Guild (NLG) released and adopted a resolution in favor of prison abolition.[20][21]

Proposals for prison reform and alternatives to prisons differ significantly depending on the political beliefs behind them. Proposals and tactics often include:

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime published a series of handbooks on criminal justice. Among them is Alternatives to Imprisonment which identifies how the overuse of imprisonment impacts fundamental human rights, especially those convicted for lesser crimes.

Social justice and advocacy organizations such as Students Against Mass Incarceration (SAMI) at the University of California, San Diego often look to Scandinavian countries Sweden and Norway for guidance in regards to successful prison reform because both countries have an emphasis on rehabilitation rather than punishment.[22] According to Sweden's Prison and Probation Service Director-General, Nils berg, this emphasis is made popular among the Swedish because the act of imprisonment is considered punishment enough.[23] This focus on rehabilitation includes an emphasis on promoting normalcy for inmates, a charge lead by experienced criminologists and psychologists.[24] In Norway a focus on preparation for societal re-entry has yielded "one of the lowest recidivism rates in the world at 20%, [while] the US has one of the highest: 76.6% of [Americans] prisoners are re-arrested within five years".[25] The Scandinavian method of incarceration seems to be successful: the Swedish incarceration rate decreased by 6% between 2011 and 2012.[26]

In place of prisons, some abolitionists propose community-controlled courts, councils, or assemblies to control the problem of social crime.[27] They argue that with the destruction of capitalism, and the self-management of production by workers and communities, property crimes would largely vanish. A large part of the problem, according to some, is the way the judicial system deals with prisoners, people, and capital. They argue that there would be fewer prisoners if society treated people more fairly, regardless of gender, color, ethnic background, sexual orientation, education, etc. This is evidenced by the creation of private prisons in America and corporations like CoreCivic, formerly known as Correction Corporation of America (CCA). Its shareholders benefit from the expansion of prisons and tougher laws on crime. More prisoners is seen as beneficial for business.[28]

Many organizations and abolitionists in the United States advocate community accountability practices an alternative to the criminal justice system. Organizations such as INCITE! and Sista II Sista that support women of color who are survivors of interpersonal violence argue that the criminal justice system does not protect marginalized people who are victims in violent relationships. Instead, victims, especially those who are poor, people of color, or trans or gender non-conforming, can experience additional violence at the hands of the state.[29] Instead of relying on the criminal justice system, these organizations work to implement community accountability practices, which often involve collectively-run processes of intervention initiated by a survivor of violence to try to hold the person who committed violence accountable by working to meet a set of demands.[30]

Prison abolitionists such as Amanda Pustlinik take issue with the fact that prisons are used as a "default asylum" for many individuals with mental illness.[31] One question that is often asked by some prison abolitionists is:

"Why do governmental units choose to spend billions of dollars a year to concentrate people with serious illnesses in a system designed to punish intentional lawbreaking, when doing so matches neither the putative purposes of that system nor most effectively addresses the issues posed by that population?" [31]

This question is often one of the major pieces of evidence that prison abolitionist claim highlights the depravity of the penal system. Many of these prison abolitionists often state that mentally ill offenders, violent and non-violent, should be treated in mental hospitals not prisons.[32] In the United States, there are more people with mental illness in prisons than in psychiatric hospitals.[33] By keeping the mentally ill in prisons they claim that rehabilitation cannot occur because prisons are not the correct environment to deal with deep seated psychological problems and facilitate rehabilitative practices.[32] Individuals with mental illnesses that have led them to commit any crime have a much higher chance of committing suicide while in prison because of the lack of proper medical attention.[34] The increased risk of suicide is said to be because there is much stigma around mental illness and lack of adequate treatments within hospitals.[34] The whole point of the penal system is to rehabilitate and reform individuals who have willingly transgressed on the law. According to many prison abolitionists however, when mentally ill persons, often for reasons outside of their cognitive control, commit illegal acts prisons are not the best place for them to receive the help necessary for their rehabilitation.[32] For many prison abolitionists, if for no other reason than the fact that mentally ill individuals will not be receiving the same potential for rehabilitation as the non-mentally ill prison population, prisons are considered to be unjust and therefore violate their Sixth Amendment and Fifth Amendment Rights, in the U.S., and their chance to rehabilitate and function outside of the prison.[31][31][32][35] In America, by violating an individual's rights as a citizen, prison abolitionists see no reason for prisons to exist, and again, offer another reason people within the movement demand for the abolition of prisons.[31][32][35]

After the Attica prison massacre, the inmates of Walpole prison formed a prisoners' union to protect themselves from guards, end behavioural modification programs, more visitation rights, work assignments and the ability to send money to their families and advocate for the prisoner's right for education and healthcare. The union also ended race-related violence within the prison, creating a general truce between ethnic truce and an agreement to kill any inmate who broke said truce. During the black prisoner's Kwanzaa celebration, the black prisoner's were placed under lockdown, angering the whole facility and leading to a general strike. Prisoners refused to work or leave their cells for three months, leading to the guards beating prisoners, putting prisoners in solitary confinement, denying prisoners medical care and food.[36]

The strike ended in the prisoners' favour as the superintendent of the prison resigned. The prisoners were granted more visitation rights and work programs. Angered by this, the prison guards went on strike and abandoned the prison, hoping that this would create chaos and violence throughout the prison. But the prisoners were able to create an anarchist community where recidivism dropped dramatically and murders and rapes fell to zero. The guards retook the prison after two months, leading to many prison administrators and bureaucrats quitting their jobs and embracing the prison abolition movement.[37]

Opponents of the abolition argue that none of the arguments above address the protection of non-criminal population from the effects of crime, and from particularly violent criminals.

See the original post:

Prison abolition movement - Wikipedia

Ripple Price Forecast: XRP vs SWIFT, SEC Updates, and More

Ripple vs SWIFT: The War Begins
While most criticisms of XRP do nothing to curb my bullish Ripple price forecast, there is one obstacle that nags at my conscience. Its name is SWIFT.

The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) is the king of international payments.

It coordinates wire transfers across 11,000 banks in more than 200 countries and territories, meaning that in order for XRP prices to ascend to $10.00, Ripple needs to launch a successful coup. That is, and always has been, an unwritten part of Ripple’s story.

We’ve seen a lot of progress on that score. In the last three years, Ripple wooed more than 100 financial firms onto its.

The post Ripple Price Forecast: XRP vs SWIFT, SEC Updates, and More appeared first on Profit Confidential.

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Ripple Price Forecast: XRP vs SWIFT, SEC Updates, and More

John McCain: Dying Without Dignity –

I watched my father, a World-War II Marine wither and die from cancer. The process kills its victim, and it can break the loved ones. That reality is particularly harsh when your loved one has been a war hero, role model, and pillar of strength. John McCains diagnosis was rough, and I had a heartfelt concern for his likely outcome.

The self-described Maverick is in the home-stretch, and I wish him a pain-free departure from a life of amazing accomplishment. Mostly, however, Id like to see the man die with dignity. It appears he does not share the same wish.

It is a little known, if not unknown, fact that I was the one who recommended that McCain suspend his presidential campaign. I am not even sure he knows that the suggestion, a speech, and a strategy came from me. What he did next, taught me much.

I learned then that Mr. McCain was neither a principled conservative nor a disciplined candidate, let alone a smart and thoughtful leader. He was a rash, undisciplined, short-sighted, politician who turned great advice into a parlor joke when he abandoned the suspension and inexplicably took the same position on the bailouts as his younger, wiser, more charismatic opponent. It was political suicide.

McCain made a political career out of shooting himself in the foot. Indeed, even in heroism, he found himself the lucky survivor of being shot down and captured. But Mr. McCain proved his will could not be easily broken. Unfortunately, his political career is one where his will was never about backing conservative principles. It was about remembering personal slights and living to avenge them.

His pettiness is the disease that infects our sick political culture.

The media loved McCain, most of the time. They liked to portray his maverick image, which really was his penchant for self-promotion. The media gobbled up and sold his self-serving style, and it never focused on John S. McCains propensity to sell out his party, his so-called conservative principles, and when necessary, his constituents.

John McCain is a small man, and he has not earned the appearance of a President at his funeral, not even a President Trump. McCain, in these last weeks, made the office of Senator smaller. His recent foolish, petty, disrespectful proclamations are iron-clad proof that he was never Presidential timber.

I regret trying to help him get elected.

McCains recent expression of remorse at picking Sarah Palin as his running mate is classic McCain. It is an apology to the left for being conservative. Its not a mea culpa. That is to say, he doesnt consider the pick his fault, he considers his own pick the reason he lost. Thats some apology. Heck, I regretted his pick too.

A real statesman doesnt use his pending death as an opportunity to throw his hand-picked, former running mate overboard. Its embarrassing, John McCain.

McCains declaration that he does not want the sitting President at his funeral as a result of their personal feud is text-book political pettiness. Moreover, its proof that the McCain used his country, party, voters, and personal honor just to stick it to Trump by voting down the repeal of Obamacare on which McCain ran and championed.

The Trump ban at his funeral is an admission of his own tininess.

No, I dont wish for Mr. McCain to die. Heck, I dont like the President much more than he does. And, no conservative I know would wish for a McCain to die. In fact, Id love to see him beat the impossible odds and come back. Id love to see him granted more time with his family and to be granted a new opportunity to reflect on his final actions.

In the end, Mr. McCain has made himself smaller. He has disgraced himself and exposed for the world to see that he is a bitter, angry, caustic, petty, grudge-holding simpleton. He has lost any of the dignity that should attach automatically to a life with his resume.

I dont wish Mr. McCain ill-will. I wish for him a miracle. If he cannot fight off this wretched cancer, I wish that he would choose to die with dignity.

Ironically, he hates President Trump for Trumps attacks on him and for Trumps lack of couth and class. Yet, here he is, in the autumn of his time bleating, you think Trump is classless, watch this.

John McCain is dying without dignity, and it is brutal to watch.

Richard Kelsey is the Editor-in-Chief of Committed Conservative.

He is an Attorney, a former Assistant Law School Dean, Law Professor, and Virginia state court law clerk. Dean Kelsey was also the CEO of a technology company specializing in combating cyber-fraud. He is a regular commentator on legal and political issues in print, radio and on TV.

Rich graduated from George Mason law school, clerked for the Arlington Circuit Court, and later joined an AM LAW top 10 law firm practicing commercial litigation. He left the firm to be counsel and CEO to a consulting firm, rising to CEO of Turiss, LLC, a technology firm specializing in computer forensics, digital investigations, and fighting cyber-fraud through civil intel services and new technologies. Upon the sale of the company, Kelsey returned to Mason Law, where in the years before his return, he both taught at the school and served as President of the Law Alumni Association. Kelsey was the Assistant Dean for Management and Planning.

At Mason, Dean Kelsey taught legal writing and analysis and an advanced litigation seminar. In 2014 he was elected by the graduating class as the faculty speaker at their graduation. While serving the former George Mason Law, Kelsey conceived of, planned, and brought to fruition Masons Center for the Protection of Intellectual Property, known as CPIP.

Rich has appeared on radio, TV, and in print hundreds of times as both a legal expert and political and legal commentator. He provided the legal analysis for all stages of the Bob McDonnell trial and appeal for numerous outlets including NPR and WMAL. He writes on occasion for the American Spectator and He returned to private practice in September of 2016, and he is working on a book/expose on legal education.

In his free time, Rich is part of the baseball mafia of Northern Virginia, serving on numerous boards and as a little league and travel baseball coach.

Rich has many opinions, and they are his own. His Twitter handle is @richkelsey.

See original here:

John McCain: Dying Without Dignity -


NEW!Blazing fast, the ZXi-10G, is the newest addition to Logicube's hard drive duplication family. The only duplicator on the market with two 10GbE network connections for fast cloning to/from a network repository or NAS. Features 6 SATA/SAS-ready targets, with an optional expansion of 4 targets and features 8 USB 3.0 targets. Also supports cloning to/from Thunderbolt storage enclosures. ZXi-10GThe next-generation of the ground-breaking Falcon, the Falcon-NEO delivers unparalleled imaging speed of over 50GB/min! Image from 4 sources to 6 destinations simultaneously, image to/from a network repository using two 10GbE connections for fast network imaging performance. Falcon-NEOCSQ Magazine ( C-Suite Media) recently posted an article about Logicube and the launch of the Forensic Falcon-NEO Forensic Focus, the leading digital forensics portal for computer forensics and eDiscovery professionals recently posted an interview with Farid Emrani, President & CEO of Logicube.

Since 1999 Logicube has been the world leader in Hard Drive Duplication and Forensic Imaging hardware. IT departments around the world in corporate, military, government, medical and education markets use Logicube duplicators for all their hard drive duplication tasks including back-ups, PC rollouts, software application deployment and for secure sanitization of hard drives. Our digital forensic imaging solutions meet the demanding requirements of forensic investigators around the globe. Our products have become the gold-standard for forensic imaging solutions, with advanced features and ease-of-use that we're known for.

If youre not sure which solution is right for your specific requirement we have a team of knowledgeable people to help you choose. Were committed to not just meeting but exceeding customer expectations with our product innovation, quality and our customer service.

Originally posted here:


UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights | Fostering the …

by unescobiochair | May 15, 2018 | News

by Giulia Bovassi - How should theology interpret transhumanism? What can be said about the mans relation to God, his spiritual striving, and his self-understanding? These are just some of the questions that emerged during the meeting on Friday April 20 during the...

by Serena Montefusco | May 10, 2018 | News

According to the Cyprus Mail Online, an average of 70,000 people trying to escape the war zones reaching Europe have been stuck in Cyprus, Italy or Spain. These countries share a common path: huge waves of migrants, refugees, asylum seekers who want a better life and...

by Serena Montefusco | Mar 26, 2018 | News

On Monday February 19th, the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights collaborators Serena Montefusco and Kevin Ramirez took part in the event host by BIDA e. V. Kultur and Bildunng, at the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in Berlin. As part of the eight partners...

by unescobiochair | Mar 16, 2018 | News

By Michael Baggot - The UNESCO Chair of Human Rights and Bioethics hosted a book presentation of Religious Perspectives on Bioethics and Human Rights (Springer Press) on February 22 at the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum in Rome and the European...

by unescobiochair | Mar 6, 2018 | News

By Giulia Bovassi - Abstract Refined surgical skills and human dexterity are fully manifest in such complex operations as organ transplantations, a difficult intervention and great therapeutic resource. How should we deal with the possibility of a head (or body)...

by unescobiochair | Feb 26, 2018 | News

By Giulia Bovassi - Abstract Neurosciences field of action surprises in depth, involvement and extension, as evidenced during the Interdisciplinary Neuro-bioethics Research Group (GdN) last meeting, held last 9 February, having as its protagonist the hypnotic...

by unescobiochair | Feb 19, 2018 | News

The UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights will hold its 6th international Bioethics, multiculturalism and religion workshop to discuss issues of informed consent and clinical research February 21-23. As part of the i-Consent consortium (a project funded by the...

by unescobiochair | Jan 18, 2018 | News

MASTERCLASS IN NEUROBIOETHICS PSYCHIATRY INTERFACES WITH THE HEAD TRANSPLANTATION IDEA 14 December 2017 By Giulia Bovassi - Abstract Through a dialogue between experts and in an open debate, the intervention of two well-known psychiatrists, professor Armando Piccinni...

by Serena Montefusco | Jan 17, 2018 | News

Prof. Garasic engaged in a discussion on his bookGuantanamo and Other Cases of Enforced Medical Treatment(Springer, 2015) on the Italian Journal "Bioetica -Rivista Interdisciplinare (3;2017; year...

by unescobiochair | Jan 15, 2018 | News

By Dominic Farrell LC - Two professors from the Pontifical AthenaeumRegina Apostolorum, Dominic Farrell LC (Faculty of Philosophy) and Joseph Tham LC (Faculty of Bioethics), took part in an International Workshop onPublic Reason and Bioethicsat Chinese University...

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UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights | Fostering the ...

How to Use MDMA

MDMA is a truly remarkable medicine for working with difficult emotional experiences. The clinical results have far exceeded other interventions for a range of uses (see the research section at the bottom of this page).

MDMA is a synthetic psychedelic, first developed by the pharmaceutical company Merck in 1912. It has been widely studied since then, particularly for psychotherapeutic uses. With the rate of academic research growing rapidly, it is likely that MDMA will become FDA approved for therapeutic use within the next few years, and is focused on moving it through the approval process. MDMA is being widely tested for post-traumatic stress, with results that surpass any other existing treatment method.

MDMA is a particularly appealing psychedelic for therapists and researchers because the subjective mental experience feels fairly stable, while creating a dramatic increase in emotional openness and a reduction in fear and anxiety.

Before you begin, be sure to read our safety section and see the special safety considerations for MDMA at the bottom of this page.

Because MDMA has anti-anxiety and anti-fear effects, it is generally considered safe to use a full dose your first time and each time you use MDMA (generally 75mg - 125mg depending on the individual). It is important to measure the dose carefully. Milligram-precision scales cost about 20 dollars (heres an Amazon search for milligram scale).

Some therapy protocols add a booster dose of about 60mg of MDMA 2-3 hours after the first dose to extend the period of therapeutic effects and provide more time for deep exploration.

MDMA will typically be in the form of a powder, pill, or crystal. Again, be sure that you are receiving pure MDMA, not mixed with other drugs or stimulants like caffeine. 'Molly' is another term for pure MDMA, distinguished from 'Ecstasy' which often contains MDMA but is not pure MDMA. If the MDMA is in pill form, youll have to be confident of the reported dosage, as fillers are added to create a pill and weighing the pill will not indicate the MDMA content. As always, do not take any MDMA if you are unsure of quantity or purity.

Once the MDMA has worn off, be sure that you drink lots of water and get a long peaceful sleep at night. MDMA can be mentally tiring and you need to rejuvenate.

Most people find that they have an afterglow from their MDMA experience that can last days or weeks, improving their mood and outlook and keeping them very open to others.

On the other hand, some people feel mentally drained by MDMA and have a foggy headed feeling for a day or two afterwards. Others will feel emotionally drained, and have a depressed mood for up to a week after the experience. Sometimes, these feelings begin two days after the experience, but not the day after. To combat this, some people who feel sensitive to that after-effect will take 5-HTP or L-Tryptophan (both are common supplements available from any source) for a few days after MDMA in an attempt to restore their serotonin levels. People who do feel drained after an MDMA session generally report that precise the MDMA dose can affect how they feel afterwards. Too much may leave them more drained than necessary. This is another reason to start with a modest, precisely measured dose to begin.

Nearly everyone, no matter how they feel the following week, finds that the thoughts, feelings, and emotional release that they experience on MDMA persists afterwards. In particular, any realizations that they had during the experiences tend to prove real and lasting.

Most remarkably, painful emotional associations with life experiences -- traumas, breakups, divorces, etc -- are dramatically reduced if that issue has been explored during the experience. You will find that when you think about that same painful experience after exploring it on MDMA, you will not have the same flood of emotional pain and tension that you would have had beforehand. The memory will be intact but the emotional strings will be looser.

Even for extreme emotional trauma, this holds true. In a recent research study for patients with PTSD, 83% of patients experienced reduced symptoms after just 3 MDMA sessions combined with therapy, vs. only 25% of patients who had therapy alone. Quite simple, MDMA is the most effective treatment for PTSD ever developed. Compare this level of success to traditional anti-depressants which have strong side effects and are dosed every day for years at a time (for a total of hundreds or thousands of doses) and which have very low rates of effectiveness, often just slightly above placebo.

In addition to our standard safety suggestions, there are three particularly important precautions for MDMA use:

Psychedelics have been misunderstood and misrepresented for decades. That's changing. Please help us share safe, responsible information on using psychedelics by sending this page to friends, and posting to Facebook, Twitter, and Google:

Read more here:

How to Use MDMA

Social Darwinism: The Theory of Evolution Applied to Human …

Social Darwinism was the application of Charles Darwin`s scientific theories of evolution and natural selection to contemporary social development. In nature, only the fittest survivedso too in the marketplace. This form of justification was enthusiastically adopted by many American businessmen as scientific proof of their superiority.

Leading proponents of Social Darwinism included the following:

Spencer was widely popular among American capitalist leaders, but held a much smaller following in his homeland.

In 1907, Sumner published his most influential book, Folkways, in which he argued that customs and mores were the most powerful influences on human behavior, even when irrational. He concluded that all forms of social reform were futile and misguided.

Sumner`s views contrasted sharply with those of the advocates of the Social Gospel.

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computer_chess:engines:myrddin:index – Computer Chess Wiki

First of all, thanks very much to Ron Murawski for making this site available and hosting Myrddin here!

Version 0.87 to be released soon! This version supports SMP via processes (up to 16 instances) and is about 10 ELO stronger than v0.86 at 1 CPU and about 50 ELO stronger at 4 CPUs. This version has not been formally tested above 4 CPUs so it is unknown how well it will scale above 4 CPUs.

Myrddin 0.87 (released 1/25/15, CCRL rating estimated at 2385 at 1 CPU and 2435 at 4 CPUs)

Myrddin 0.86 (released 12/21/12, CCRL rated approximately 2360)This package contains Windows32/64, Linux32/64, & Android executables compiled by Jim Ablett, and a Mac executable compiled by Julien Marcel, author of the Prdateur chess engine. Myrddin 0.85 (released 5/3/11, CCRL rated approximately 2220) Myrddin 0.84 (released 9/17/10, CCRL rated approximately 2115) Myrddin 0.83 (released 2/22/10, CCRL rated approximately 2015) Myrddin 0.82 (released 9/26/09, estimated CCRL rating of 1915) Myrddin Alpha 2 (released 5/26/09, estimated CCRL rating of 1550) Myrddin Alpha 1 (released 3/9/09, estimated CCRL rating of 1150)

Myrddin 0.87 1/20/15

Myrddin is a winboard-compliant chess engine to a reasonable degree. It supports protover 1 primarily to support the Chessmaster interface, and also protover 2.

If you don't know what Winboard is, and you only just want to play against this engine, you can download Winboard-compliant interfaces here:

The 64-bit version of Myrddin should play approximately 2380 ELO against chess engines at 1 CPU (using CCRL rating), and probably 100 points higher against humans. This is an improvement of approximately 30 points compared to the previous release. Myrddin should play about 90 points stronger at 4 CPU.

The following winboard commands are supported:

Myrddin also supports the following non-winboard commands:

eval returns a static evaluation of the current game position

perft N standard perft algorithm to calculate the number of leaf nodes of depth N from the current position. Note that Myrddin will not respond to any input until the perft calculation is finished.

divide N extension to perft algorithm showing the number of leaf nodes of depth N from the current position, divided among each legal move from the current position.

tb toggles Gaviota endgame tablebase support

None of these commands are supported while Myrddin is searching/analyzing.

It is crucial that the winboard UI send the time command to the engine, as Myrddin does not have an internal clock. Post is ON by default, as opposed to the winboard protocol. This is just for debugging convenience and it appears that a lot of engines do it this way anyway.

This is the first version to support SMP. The implementation is based on Dan Homan's lazy SMP idea. Myrddin uses multiple slave processes to fill the transposition, eval and pawn hash tables so the parent process can search deeper in the same amount of time. Myrddin uses Pradyumna Kannan's magicmoves code for move generation of sliding pieces. Evaluation is rather simple: wood counting, piece square tables, pawn structure, rudimentary king safety, rooks behind passers. There's still a long way to go here. Search is basic alpha/beta, with reasonable and generally conservative extensions and reductions. All user-modifiable parameters are supported in the INI file, an example of which is included in the download. Max search depth is 128. The ProDeo opening book is used by kind permission of Ed Schrder. Draw claims from the opponent are not supported. Myrddin does, however, claim all draws by rule, as well as checkmate. There is enough winboard support to play games on ICS. But without support for draw I'm sure there are some scary loopholes and/or exploits. When the engine is in analysis mode, positive scores always favor White and negative scores always favor Black. When the engine is thinking or pondering, positive scores favor Myrddin. Logfiles will be in the logs folder below the folder where you ran Myrddin. The output of the log is not very interesting just PV output and communication reality-check stuff. If you are running Myrddin with multiple CPUs, there will be one logfile for each process.

Myrddin's first official tournament was in the Promotional division of ChessWar XIV and was rated at 1655 over 11 rounds. Myrddin scored 6.5 points (+5 =3 -3) and placed 51st out of 212 engines rated between 1859 and 812. The median engine rating was 1499. To see the PGN of Myrddin's games and see some comments, read this journal. Much of the development between Alpha 1 and Alpha 2 occurred during this tournament.

Myrddin participated in OpenWar 6. This was a round-robin tournament with 92 engines. Myrddin finished in 68th place with 27 points (+22 =10 -59). Myrddin's best legitimate results were a win against Firefly (rated about 2050) and a draw against Timea (rated about 2150). It managed to get a win against one of the top 10 (Cippolino) thanks to a crash. It also got two draws against two very strong engines (DanaSah and N2) due to endgame blunders, and a win against another top engine (Tornado) due to a crash. Much of the development for version 0.82 occurred during this tournament, and the last few rounds were played with 0.82.

Version 0.82f (unreleased and slightly better than 0.82) participated in the 5th Division of WBEC Ridderkerk 17. There were 84 engines in this division, and the division was broken down into three groups of 28 engines each, each group having a double round-robin tournament. As expected, Myrddin finished in the middle of the pack, in 14th place with 31.5 points out of 54 games (+28 =7 -19).

Version 0.82f also participated in the Promotional division of ChessWar XV. This tournament was very similar to Myrddin's first tournament, ChessWar XIV, except there are even more engines (242!). Because Myrddin was at least 300 points stronger than it was eight months previous, it finished in 9th place with 8.0 points (+7 =2 -2). This was a good enough performance to promote to the next division, Myrddin's first promotion. Myrddin now has a bit of a reputation as a very lucky engine, as it got a free point when GnuChess (a typically very stable engine) crashed in a Mate in 3 position. Without that crash, Myrddin would have finished about 20 places lower and would not have promoted.

Versions 0.83 through 0.83k participated in OpenWar 7. This was a round-robin tournament with 76 engines. I was hoping that Myrddin would place around 55th and score about 25 points. But, despite some noticeable improvements in Myrddin that went into version 0.84, Myrddin performed poorly and finished in 62nd place, with only 20.5 points (+14 =13 -48). Myrddin's best results were draws against the 11th place engine, WaDuuttie, and the 20th place engine, Rotor. Both of these engines are rated 2500+. Its best win was against the 45th place engine, Sungorus, rated 2300+. The only other good thing that can be said is that Myrddin had good results against the 18 engines that finished immediately above him (+3 =9 -6).

Version 0.84 participated in the F division of ChessWar XVI. There were 80 engines in the tournament and Myrddin was seeded 70th. Myrddin finished respectably in 49th place with 5 points (+3 =4 -4). Its best performance was a draw against the engine that finished in 6th place.

Version 0.84 (32-bit) was the first version to win any tournament, doing so in the 23rd Series the CCRL Amateur Division 7. It competed with nine other engines in a double-round robin and won with a score of 23.5 out of 36 (+20 =7 -9). This victory promoted Myrddin to Division 6.

Version 0.84g (unreleased and clearly better than 0.84) participated in the 5th Division of WBEC Ridderkerk 18. There were 98 engines in this division, and the division was broken down into three groups of 32-34 engines each, each group having a double round-robin tournament. The hope was that Myrddin could place in the top 6 in his group, thereby reaching the final. Myrddin did accomplish this, scoring 55 points in 66 games and placing 4th. The final was another double round-robin with the top 18 engines (6 from each group), and the top 7 would promote to the 4th division. Myrddin managed to achieve this by placing 7th, scoring 18 points in 34 games.

Versions 0.84g through 0.85 participated in OpenWar 8. This was a round-robin tournament with 78 engines. I was hoping that Myrddin would place close to 40th and score about 37-38 points. This tournament was a mixed bag, as Myrddin drew 10 of the engines that finished between 15th and 30th places (and all 6 engines between 15-20: Brutus, Hermann, Dirty, Arasan, Francesca MAD and Gaviota). But some poor performances against weaker engines kept Myrddin from achieving my goal. Myrddin finished in 46th place with 34.5 points.

All results are for the 64-bit version of 0.85 using 128MB hash and 5-man Gaviota tablebases. The tests are run on an AMD 9650 Quad 2.3GHz machine (although Myrddin does not support multiple CPUs). Running all of the below tests takes approximately 5 hours.

300 positions at 5s per position. Almost exclusively tactical positions, many leading to mate. Myrddin finds 295 correct moves within the time limit. Regarding the five missed positions, two (141, 222) are found within 10 seconds, one (293) is found within 30 seconds, and two (17, 230) are not found within one minute. This suite can be found here.

A series of (currently, but occasionally expanding) 14 individual suites of 100 positions each, primarily intending to test positional knowledge such as square vacancy, proper recapturing, pawn advancement, control of the center, etc. At 10s per move, Myrddin gets 789 out of 1400 positions correct. This suite is also interesting because it contains partial credit. In other words, you can still get some points by choosing moves other than the optimal. Myrddin gets 9,556 out of 14,000 points if partial credit is included. You can download this test suite here.

176 positions at 10s per position. Combinative middlegame and endgame suite. Myrddin finds 134 positions within the time limit. You can download this test suite here.

100 positions at 10s per position. Myrddin does not do very well at this suite, getting only 20 correct moves within the time limit. You can download this test suite here.

182 positions at 10s per position. Challenging tactical suite. Myrddin finds 149 positions within the time limit. You can download this test suite here.

For a list of (hopefully) interesting test positions that I have accumulated during the development of Myrddin, go here.

Many parts of the code from Myrddin contain ideas and/or algorithms gathered from studying the source code of other engines. Most notably, Stockfish, Fruit, Crafty and Greko are well-written, well-documented and relatively easy to understand even for a mediocre programmer like myself. The list of features implemented (and sometimes modified or discarded altogether) from these ideas would be too long to go into here. But I can safely say that all code in Myrddin is my own, written either from scratch or based on these ideas, with the following exceptions: Myrddin's Winboard interface is based on Tom Kerrigan's excellent TSCP engine, for which Tom has graciously given permission. Myrddin's SEE implementation is based on pseudo-code generously given to me by Andres Valverde, author of EveAnn and part of the Dirty development team.

Initial Release, rated approximately 1200-1300

Reduced move generation time by ~21% (perft 6 on initial position went from 57 to 44 seconds on P4-3.0) Search now pings the input command handler every 8K nodes (about 1/30-1/50 second, depending on position and hardware), so applicable commands can now be entered during search/analysis Search will allocate extra thinking time when it gets noticeable drop in score Evaluation improvements pawn structure, open and semi-open files for rooks, rooks behind passers, king safety Added MVV/LVA and PV Move Ordering Added Killer and History move ordering heuristics Added Null Move reductions Added Late Move reductions Added Opening Book (ProDeo Thanks, Ed!) Added pondering, so hard and easy commands are now supported analyze, ? and result commands are now supported level command is now fully supported for all time control types Added check for dirty pawn structure before evaluation Search can be interrupted due to time management considerations Added Hash Tables, with a fixed size of 128MB Maximum search depth increased from 20 to 30 Fixed a bug with evaluating castling moves Fixed a bug determining which King piece table to use Can now generate capturing moves only so quiescent search has less moves to sort/deal with Quiescent moves are added to PV Added code for pushing lone King towards edge of board Added material and 50-move draw detection Fixed a bug in the undo and remove commands Fixed some bugs in the 3-fold repetition detection Fixed a stupid bug that caused me to check for user input WAY too often many thanks to Bob Hyatt for pointing me in the right direction Significant code cleanup

Removed Alpha designation from version number Commandline parameters are now supported Increased max search depth to 50 Reduced move generation time by ~15% (perft 6 of initial position on a P4-3.0 went from 44s to 38s) Now claiming checkmates, 50-move draws and 3-fold repetition draws Plays a move after completing a depth 3 search if there is only one legal reply Will not play a move if in the middle of resolving a fail low or fail high at the root Will never use more than 1/4 of remaining time Greatly improved time management for bullet games. Version 0.81 could lose as many as 20% of its games on time at 2 minutes per game. Version 0.82 now only loses about 1% of its games on time at 1 minute per game, and only very rarely will lose a game on time at other time controls. Many thanks to Lars Hallerstrom (The Mad Tester!) for all of his assistance in helping determine if my fixes actually improved anything. Myrddin should never lose on time in games with increments. Quiescence search now only searches recaptures after depth 1 Added promotions to Quiescence search Added aspiration window Improved Late Move Reductions parameters Fixed a bug in the Principal Variation search Pondering is now OFF by default Evaluation adjustments:

bishops and knights are scored at 310 centipawns, as Myrddin was susceptible to trading two pieces for rook+pawn

increased penalty for doubled/tripled pawns

for doubled/tripled pawns, added further penalty if they are blocked

added larger bonus for passed pawn on the 7th

adjusted bishop piece tables to encourage occupation of long(er) diagonals

modified the lone king piece table to give larger penalites as the king goes towards the edge/corner

Added knowledge of knight outposts (in enemy territory, supported by pawn, cannot be attacked by enemy pawn) Piece and wood counting are now done incrementally Fixed a bug in which the 50-move counter could be set to zero if the move being pondered was a zeroing move and the opponent did not play that move Fixed a bug in which the engine would go into an endless loop if it reached (max_search_depth + 1) during pondering or analysis Fixed a bug in which the engine would go into an endless loop if there were no legal moves during analysis Fixed a bug in the evaluation of Black doubled/tripled pawns Added code to handle KPvK endings Added code to recognize various material draws, such as KNNvK Added code to recognize insufficient mating material for materially winning side (e.g. KNNvKP or KBvKP) Added code for rook pawn and wrong colored bishop against lone king in promoting corner (from a loss to Sorgenkind in OpenWar) Now only adding en passant square to hash signature if en passant capture is possible Added ? and ! comments to PV output for fail lows and fail highs Logfiles are now created in a logs folder below the Myrddin executable program, as requested by Lars

Only search to depth 1 when there is only one legal move and pondering is off No longer clearing the hash table before starting a depth 1 search Improved hash replacement strategy If a search depth was reduced by late-move reductions, and that search improves alpha, now researching at proper depth Reductions are now less aggressively implemented Adjusted the second aspiration window from 300 to 110 centipawns Doubled (or worse) passed pawns after the leading pawn no longer get the passed pawn bonus Will now play a move in a checkmating line as soon as it is confirmed to be optimal Removed Result from checkmate reporting Rook and minor vs rook (with no pawns) is now hard-coded as a draw should be safe in 99.99% of cases Re-removed bad king safety code Now using piece square table for knight outposts, rather than a hard-coded bonus Modified piece square table for kings in opening and middlegame Added penalty for having no pawns, to help avoid trading down into pawnless endgames (e.g. rook vs. minor) Sending the '.' command during analysis no longer restarts the analysis from depth 1. The '.' command is still not implemented, though. Fixed a bug in which most hash moves were not getting placed at the beginning of the move order Fixed a bug evaluating Black doubled and passed pawns Fixed a bug in which the initial position was not being checked for draw by repetition Fixed a bug maintaining wood tables when unmaking a promotion move Fixed an asymmetrical problem in the bishop piece square table Fixed a problem with determining if a rook or queen was behind a passed pawn Fixed a problem with calculating the pawn shield of a king on column h, or a king not on his home row fixed a bug updating the board signature after making a null move when en passant was possible king+rook vs. king+minor is now being scored as a draw

Added Gaviota tablebases (thanks so much to Miguel Ballicora, also the author of the Gaviota chess engine, for making this available!) Added initialization file for setting hash size, creating log file, turning on kibitz, and tablebase info Fixed a bug in which a hash probe would not return a hash move if the saved depth was less than the requested depth (thanks to Edmund Moshammer, author of Glass!), so in these cases the hash move would not be used for move ordering Implemented fail-hard Tweaked parameters for reductions (yet again) Adjusted queen value from 900 to 950 and minor piece value from 310 to 320 Adjusted bishop pair bonus from 20 to 30 Removed second aspiration window Lazy eval is now more conservative Will now analyze the entire depth if the first move searched fails low, or if first move fails high in a non-mate situation Increased maximum search time to half of the remaining clock (required due to above item) Added support for winboard computer command kibitz PV, book moves and Mate in N Increased max half-moves in a game to 1024 Fixed a bug in which the first move searched at the root was saved in the hash table as an exact value even if it did not improve alpha Fixed a bug in which Myrddin would run out of time by thinking indefinitely if it was told it had a negative amount of time on its clock (can happen on ICS due to lag) Modified the check to see if null move is allowable, previously was if any piece was on board, now only if side to move has at least one piece

Almost complete rewrite of the evaluation, in particular the pawn structure evaluation and king safety. Also added mobility factor and significantly adjusted many piece table values Added SEE (thanks, Andrs!) Added futility pruning Added resign. See Myrddin's INI file for instructions, as this is off by default Added second aspiration window at 150 centipawns Cleaned up code for how reductions/extensions are used to modify depth in search calls Will now claim draw by insufficient material, but only checking for bare kings or at most one minor on board Now generating all moves in quiescent search if side to move is in check Now searching all moves in order of their move score order, instead of just the first four moves and then taking the rest as they were generated Some changes to the transposition table replacement strategy Fixed a bug in which the en passant square was not being passed to the Gaviota tablebase probe Fixed a bug in which the 50-move draw check was not checking that the drawing move was also checkmate Fixed a bug in which the flag for a mate threat found during null move was not being stored in the hash table Fixed a bug in which a hash entry could be saved when the engine was forcibly bailing out of a search Fixed a bug that could cause Gaviota tablebases folder to not be read properly from the INI file

Finished conversion to bitboards from 088 Added pawn hash (thanks again, Dann!) Removed lazy eval Added support for winboard st and sd commands Lots of bug fixes either discovered by the bitboard conversion or removed by them (of course, new bugs added!)

Added SMP support for up to 16 instances (using processes and shared hash memory Very Lazy SMP!) only tested up to 4 instances! This use of shared memory for all hash tables (transposition, eval and pawn) means that the reported memory usage may appear to be incorrect depending on what program you use to get the information. Beware! Fixed very embarrassing bug in passer eval calculating the distance between two squares that could cause any number of other issues, even a hang or crash Added support for the cores command which changes the number of processes being used when SMP is enabled. The initial value will be based on ini file settings. Added a tb command which toggles tablebase support. The initial value will be based on ini file settings. Added Mate in N announcements to PV output when applicable Fixed a bug in saving scores near mate to the hash table Fixed a bug in determining valid knight outpost squares Fixed text output bug in kibitzing opening book moves on ICC Fixed a rare bug in determining material draw Fixed a bug in which Myrddin would hang or crash if the '.' command (used by Chessmaster GUI) was sent while Myrddin was pondering Fixed a bug that could cause hash memory allocation to fail if more than 1GB was requested. Thanks to Graham Banks for reporting this issue.

Many thanks to the following brilliant people who helped/guided me (either directly or indirectly) in countless ways with their work:

Lars Hallerstrm - The Mad Swedish Tester! I would never release anything without his (grudging) approval.

Dann Corbit Without whose generous help, huge speed improvements, bug fixes and general suggestions, the first bitboard version (v0.86) would not have been released

Pham Hong Nguyen Firstchess

Please send bug reports and general suggestions/comments to

Thanks for playing!

John Merlino

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computer_chess:engines:myrddin:index - Computer Chess Wiki

Roger Ver on ‘the Flippening’: Ethereum Will Upstage …

Osato Avan-Nomayo May 30, 2018 5:30 pm

Roger Ver believes Bitcoins days at the top of the crypto tree are numbered. In an interview with The Independent, the former Bitcoin evangelist said that other cryptocurrencies were more technologically advanced than Bitcoin. He identified Ethereum and Bitcoin Cash as the harbingers of the coming flippening.

Roger Ver used to be one of the staunchest Bitcoin proponents around. These days, however, his tent is firmly pitched in the Bitcoin Cash camp, the first and most popular of all the Bitcoin forks. According to Ver, Bitcoin is outdated when compared to the technically superior features of the other coins presently in existence.

Ver believes that Bitcoins technology is rife with defects. These defects will ultimately lead to reduced interest in the premier cryptocurrency. In his opinion, many of the more than 1,600 digital currencies currently in existence have been developed to offer more robust and efficient solutions that Bitcoin.

Ver states that Ethereum and Bitcoin Cash will experience significantly higher growths than Bitcoin in the coming months and years. He even goes as far as predicting that Ethereum will overtake Bitcoin before the year is out, with Bitcoin Cash taking center stage by 2020.

I see it happening, and I believe its imminent. Ethereum could overtake Bitcoin by the end of the year, and Bitcoin Cash could do the same before 2020.

This series of events, known as the flippening, will occur when Bitcoin is no longer the dominant digital currency in the crypto market. According to Ver, Bitcoins modest gains over the next few years and months will be unable to keep up with the relentless march of Ethereum and Bitcoin Cash.

Not everyone agrees with Vers logic, however. Some experts believe that Bitcoin can assimilate any paradigm-shifting technology, thus maintaining its dominance of the market. Michael Jackson of venture firm Mangrove Capital Partnersbelieves that Bitcoin will overcome the problems currently facing the network:

There is so much talent in the crypto space, and people are working on solving these scalability problems. I dont see why bitcoin shouldnt remain in the number one spot. It is still by far the best known, and it is ultimately the reserve currency in the space.

Do you agree with those who say the so-called flippening is nigh? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below.

Images courtesy of LeWeb13/Flickr,Kostack Studio/YouTube

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Roger Ver on 'the Flippening': Ethereum Will Upstage ...