Wayne Macleod History is not the study of general humanity but of nations

No matter what we study about the past it is always couched in some form of nation, but the forms of nationhood have changed dramatically throughout the centuries

In ancient Greece ‘nation’ meant the polis, or just a city with its surrounding countryside

The French king Louis XIV could say: “L’etat, c’ést moi” (The state, it is me), for in his time the nation was centered on the king

The Levantine civilization of the Near East defined nation by religion, as Jews still define themselves today, resulting after two thousand years of the Diaspora in the state of Israel

The Western world has given a spatial meaning to the concept of nation

With all these forms we might ask just what “nation” means

The Germans were the first to give nation a racial meaning, and surely race must be part of the definition because we can distinguish nationalities by looking at the people, but then we must acknowledge that most, if not all, nations are ethnic composites

The Japanese certainly consider themselves a nation, but are composed of Chinese, Polynesian and Ainu

Germans themselves are a Nordic-Alpine mix, British are Nordic-Iberian

So if we think of nations only as racial we get a sense that something is missing in our definition

That obvious something is culture: nations are racial-cultural divisions of humanity, brought forth by nature and are not creations of the mind, as is the state

The form of nation can change through the centuries and between civilizations but this definition remains true

Except for their Achaean and Dorian beginnings, Athenians were hardly distinguishable from Spartans racially but they certainly were culturally, hence they formed different nations

Culture even affects ethnicity, for when people share the same language, religion, customs, traditions, etc, they blend, to form a distinguishable national type

If a totally different race blends with an original nation so formed, that original nation is destroyed, for when people with different talents and temperament mix, their culture must invariably change

With this understanding, what can we make of the United States and Canada, defined today as “multicultural nations”? Obviously here is a contradiction of terms

The view in these countries is that a nation is an economic-political region demarcated by a line on a map like the forty-ninth parallel

Such a superficial view of nationhood suits the economic power structure of the corporate elite because modern corporations are nationless, and just as they move capital to diverse international locations with loyalty only to their profit margins, the encouragement of people to move across borders is similarly determined by the same profit motivation

With an abundant supply of labor, wages can be held low regardless of where that labor comes from

Multiculturalism is profitable

Ask any American or English Canadian what the difference is between nation, state and country and he/she will not be able to tell you, although these are as different as culture, govern-ment and territory

The purely economic perception of nationhood was inevitable in the United States and English-speaking Canada because of the timing of their colonial origins, being derived from Europe after its liberal revolution

Like all civilizations, Western Civilization began in a Feudal Age when everyone knew his or her place within a religious framework, with the result that an overall, collective perception of society as an organic whole prevailed

When the seven-teenth century liberal revolution occurred this organic perception was not lost in Europe; a synthesis of old and new emerged, making possible movements like Socialism

By contrast, the 2European liberal settlers of North America shrugged off the old organic view of society to found nations identified with individual benefit, to become champions of free enterprise Capitalism and repositories of rights and freedoms for all people

The identification of culture with nationhood is generally recognized, but the racial component of our definition is more contentious

The concept has even been identified with the most extreme evils that have afflicted humanity, along with the invention of nuclear weapons, fossil fuels, CFCs, leaded petrol and DDT

Its scientific validity has been ranked along with such tenuous theories and dubious discoveries as the luminiferous aether, the expanding earth, vitalism, blank slate theory, phrenology and Piltown Man

“But race theory stands out among all of them because it has wreaked untold misery and been used to justify barbaric acts of colonial-ism, slavery and even genocide” (Darren Curnoe, The Conversation, December 20, 2016)

Integral to this indictment is the noted assumption that the whole concept of race is a mistake, a fiction, a non-biological entity but rather a social construct and therefore a notion that should be dismissed from our consciousness

This opinion is very curious, because these same revered defenders of humanity would have no difficulty admitting that species exist, with knowledge that racial differentiation is the beginning stage of species differentiation

If species exist, should we not ask how their begin-ning racial differentiation cannot also exist? We should not be too surprised at this liberal illogic because the same extends to the very concept of multiculturalism as the purveyor of our much acclaimed American and Canadian, now European, racial “diversity”

The racial diversity evident in our streets today is a temporary illusion, because in time when different races live door-to-door and succumb to government efforts at integration, history shows that they mix,destroying diversity

If we are interested in maintaining a diversity of races and cultures in the world and therefore a more varied and interesting world, the last and least policy we should want is liberal multiculturalism

Not only is the policy illogical if diversity is the objective, it is destructive of nature, for the great variety of species we see in the world today must have gone through the same process of evolutionary differentiation

We actually see the process happening in present day dolphins, which divide themselves by diet and exhibit racial distinctions from the cultural practice of hunting preferred foods, although they are as yet all the same species that can interbreed

So what of the human species? Can we make the same case for it? Obviously we can, and not only from the evidence of our eyes

Caucasians have been separated from Africans about 60,000 years and from Asians 40,000 years, which is enough time for people disciplined in the ‘hard’ science of anthropology to list the differences between human races that have accumulated in that time

These differences are well known and documented in books such as “Race,” published by the Oxford University Press, by John R

Baker, a physical anthropologist who described in detail racial differences; “The Origin of Races” is another study written by Carleton S

Coon, professor of Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania

Amazingly, we should now discard these scholarly volumes, written from years of study using hard evidence, in preference for the views of sociologists who give us the “race is a social construct” theory

We should first understand that when we speak of racial difference we are referring to the differentiation of populations, to numbers, not individuals

Neither bigot nor liberal recognizes the statistical nature of race

If a particular race has not been renowned for achievement, the bigot concludes that its members are “inferior,” even an individual possessing a high achieve-ment potential

Conversely, the liberal generalizes from the examples of a few outstanding individuals, but by presenting a member of high achievement proves nothing concerning the 3collective

No individual wholly defines any group

We could make an observation on the differences in height between men and women, statistically men being taller than women

This is generally true although it is also true that many women are taller than many men

An observation on the group has nothing to do with an observation on the individual, and vice versa

We must approach the subject of race with this understanding

Being statistical, racial variation can be placed on a Bell Curve, shown below for two races A and B

Most characteristics in a population lie in a continuum with people who possess a very high and very low measure of a character being low in number, and people who posses an average measure being high in number

The figure shows difference ‘x’ between averages for any particular characteristic measured for races A and B

To be noted is that the significance of such statistical difference can be more than implied by difference ‘x’

When we take a higher measurement than average, at ‘z,’ and compare the difference ‘y’ in number of people in the two populations with higher possession of the characteristic than average, we find that ‘y’ is larger than ‘x’

For a characteristic that is culturally valuable, the difference is more important than we would expect from a consideration of only difference ‘x’

Obviously, if the two races genetically mixed, difference ‘x’ would shrink and this advantage of B would be lost

From a consideration of racial differences we must wonder if these include qualities of character and intelligence conducive to the arts and sciences of civilization

How could we tell? One way would surely be a consideration of the historical record, especially over the past 10,000 years, and when we do that we find that the record of White racial achievement stands second to none

No civilization of the ancient world matched the Classical in artistic style, technological achievement and personal freedom

Before the birth of democracy in Greece nations were ruled by despots, sometimes very cruel ones, and outside areas of Western influence today they still are

The ancient Greeks gave us geometry and the study of logic, the idea of the atom and the world as a sphere

Schools of the Hellenistic Age were supported by the state, where lectures on astronomy, geography, mathematics, botany, zoology and anatomy were heard, yet the know-ledge passed to us from that civilization constitutes a modicum of all that was, the rest being lost in the fires that destroyed the Museum of Alexandria

In measured I


the Mongol has the higher in the visual-spatial part of that test, indicative of an advantage that race has in mathema-tics, yet the greatest mathematicians in history were Archimedes, Isaac Newton and Karl Fried-rich Gauss, and if we extended the list it would include Riemann, Poincaré, Poisson, Pascal, Ricci, Euler, Hamilton, Cartan, Hilbert, or in ancient times, Euclid, Apollonius and Eudoxus xzypopulationAB4(who gave us the theory of irrational numbers)

None of these men was Chinese

Only a few centuries ago the world was unexplored, we knew nothing about our celestial universe, or about the cause of sickness

Starting from a Dark Age Western Man was the first to leave his footprints on the Moon

Before the emergence of the West there was no free press, no free citizenry, no rule of law but only of men, no state with a written constitution, not to mention no automobiles, airplanes, radios nor any knowledge of electricity and its many appliances

Nor were there symphonies or even orchestras

All the world’s artistic masterpieces, whether in painting, sculpture or music, are European

We are accustomed to thinking of civilization as having arisen in non-European lands while during that time Europe languished in barbarism and backwardness

Archaeological work on the ancient megaliths of Western Europe show this notion to be anything but true

Europe from 3000 BC has been a focus of human achievement

The oldest remaining covered construction in the world is not in Egypt, Iraq, China or India but at Newgrange, Ireland, constructed a thousand years before the Great Pyramid in Egypt

A shaft in that Neolithic mound illuminates an altar deep in its interior with light from the planet Venus once every eight years, indicating sophisticated astronomical knowledge

The best known of the ancient sites is Stonehenge in southern England, but that is only one of many from Portugal to Denmark

The Megalithic constructors had standardized measurements, suspiciously similar to the Imperial System for measuring length, weight and volume

Such was the “backward barbarism” of ancient Europe

The very concept of rationality in science is Western, a tradition begun by the thinkers of the ancient Ionian cities who for the first time discerned that natural laws brought the world into existence and continue to control it, not gods

This development will forever remain one of the greatest achievements of the human intellect

Those thinkers were of the same race that favored chemistry over alchemy, astronomy over astrology and research over magic

Contrast this with the common and continuing Chinese practices of feng shiu for orienting dwellings and furniture, tai chi exercise, acupuncture and medicine from animal parts, none of which has any basis in rational thinking

Rational science gave the most advanced and livable societies, now practiced by all nations because of its evident benefits

From this record of achievement there is certainly no need to extend beyond it, to claim inventions belonging to other peoples, such as cast iron, suspension bridge, parachute, silk, various foods, propeller, matches, rockets, bombs, rudder, dry dock, paper banknotes, toilet paper the mechanical clock, etc

Francis Bacon once remarked that three inventions distinguished Western society of his time from the ancient world: the compass, gunpowder and printing, whose origins were “lost in antiquity”

We now know those origins, as with the others mentioned: China

But needless exaggeration is what White supremacists claim, thus degrading the legiti-mate claims of White nationalists

Of course, preposterous claims that are easily disproved are advantageous to the enemies of White nationalism, and it would not be beyond their scheming to aid those claims

“By way of deception” is the Mossad motto

With everything considered White nationalism is completely justified, but virtually non-existent in Western countries any longer

America is already advanced toward multi-racialism from immigration that produces employment competition and loss of traditional jobs for the existent population, resulting in a lower White birth rate, plus capital outsourcing with the same effect

The inevitable result has been the ‘browning’ of America both from lessened White numbers and racial homogenization, meaning the end of White ethnicity that has characterized America as a nation

A fact of the Western world (ie without Eastern Europe) today is that all its countries, even Sweden, are multicultural

Japan and China will remain Mongol, Nigeria will 5remain Black, etc

, but countries of the West will not remain White

Recognizing the potential of this race for achievement, we know its loss cannot be for our human betterment

White nationalists therefore have good moral reasons for their wish to preserve their racial-national identity, but in a county that has had nearly 39 million immigrants since 1965 (when the “national origins” policy in immigration was scrapped), most coming from Asia and Latin America, that identity is in question

The United Nations prediction for 2055 is a population comprised of 48% White, 24% Hispanic, 14% Asian, and 13% Black

America will no longer be a majority White nation

There are few options for White nationalists to preserve their nation, violent revolution most definitely not being one regardless of the massing of arms in mainly the White population, thanks to the RNA

That would lead to confrontation with the American military, a military that receives over $600 billion per year, much of which goes into weapons development

There is only one viable option, and that is through the ballot box

A party program must be developed by White nationalists for racial partition of the country, the same as India did in 1947 to separate the then existing country into Islamic Pakistan and Hindu India

The following is an example party platform for just such an event in America, which could very well overflow to include Canada

A White nationalist electoral victory, we now know is not impossible, especially if augmented by the nationalist desires of Black and Hispanic groups, possibly others, and such a coalition is not unlikely when White supremacy is not part of the agenda

The election of Donald Trump, 2016, may prove to be a disaster for the American worker, but it demonstrated the still existing potency of the White voter

Additionally, economic observers in this current year, 2018, are singling warning signs of a disastrous economic recession approaching, that willpresent opportunity for White nationalism

When Alan Greenspan became Chairman of the Federal Reserve in 1987, its balance sheet was $200 billion; now it is $4

5 trillion

His low interest rate policy followed for nine years since 2009 has led to extended debt in all sectors - the stock market, the bond market, the federal government, corporations, consumer finances, etc

, and everything is primed for implosion

The federal debt is 107% of GDP yet in 2019 the Treasury plans to sell more bonds

That would be bad enough, but at the same time the Federal Reserve will be trying to dump bonds of its own, bought during the period of its low interest policy

If those bonds cannot be sold, their price will have to lower

There is a reverse relation-ship between bond price and their interest rate

With their lower price their interest earned will have to rise

That could trigger the implosion

If the government decides it does not want a stock market crash, it could impose continued “bubble” expansion with continued new money flowing into the economy

This will cause massive inflation

If people decide they don’t want to hold dollars that they know will be worth less in the near future, hyperinflation will occur

We will be in a new “Weimar” economy, the economy that White nationalists have been expecting since George Lincoln Rockwell predicted it would happen due to our banking system

It will be the time when “the floor falls out” of the American economy, the time of takeover

That takeover can be utilized for a total political remake of North America with partition of North America into its various racial components, as discussed in the following “ORION” essay

It will also be a chance for total and much needed banking reform, discussed in the essay “Banking Boondoggle”

These are the only two policies recommended for the ORION Party, since they cover the ambitions of the party and more policies only add more chance of division in an organization

Additional White nationalist interests can be addressed after partition is achieved and the White nation exists


Wayne Macleod20187ORION (Our Race Is Our Nation) Party ProgramThe subject of race has been disparaged since America scrapped its National Origins Policy in immigration, 1965, resulting in America today becoming a polyglot collection of many races, but the fact remains that race, along with culture, is a defining ingredient of any nation

This meaning of the nation concept has been lost for Americans, and we of the ORION Party want to retrieve it for our founding people, those of the White race originating from Europe

This means partitioning the present confines of the United States into racial zones, determined by referenda in all 50 states to decide what states would fall into the particular zones

Once people have decided where they belong, those zones will have borders drawn and nations declared

This is not intended to separate solely the White race, but all races, including the Black, Aboriginal, Hispanic and any other wanting to preserver its identity

ORION is a party to preserve diversity and welcomes people of any race who want the same for their people

ORION is therefore not a party of White supremacists

It is a party of White nationalists

The distinction between White supremacist and White nationalist has been blurred by our media, which ignores the simple logic, for instance, that all Texans are Americans but not all Americans are Texans

In the same way, all White supremacists are White nationalists but not all White nationalists are White supremacists

We simply want a nation of our own, where the White heritage can be nurtured, much the same as Basque, Kurd, Scottish, French Canadian, etc

separatists want separate nations of their own without espousing Basque, Kurdish, Scottish, French Canadian, etc


White supremacy is easily conflated with White nationalism because of the association of both with 1930’s Nazism

Today that conflation is easily exploited by the detractors of White nationalism to disparage the movement

From the above it is clear that we do not hold disrespectful views on any individual because of his/her race or culture

This does not mean we believe there are no biological racial differences determined by DNA

The “politically correct” vision our liberal do-gooders today would tell us is that race is only a social construction, not existing as a biological fact, in obvious contradiction to our observations and to the conclusions of several notable scientists

We of the ORION Party would maintain this diversity in the world, without having it destroyed in a sea of multiculturalism

That indeed again shows the illogic of our detractors, who claim “diversity is our strength” with the implication that multiculturalism gives diversity

On the contrary, the mix of races and cultures we have in America destroys diversity, because it does not last

History shows that in time when races are thrown together, door to door, they blend, destroying diversity with the least numerous disappearing completely

The White fate is therefore complete disappearance under present circumstances in America and Western Europe, for the White birthrate on both continents is low and White nations are subject to huge non-White immigration

There are no completely White nations any longer in the Western world, even Sweden is multicultural, lending more of an imperative to the White nationalist support of the ORION Party

More than biological consequences are evident with multiculturalism, however

Robert Putnam is an American social scientist who published in 2007 his study on diversity and trust within communities, conducted on 30,000 people in the United States

His findings were so disturbing that he delayed publishing them for six years from the time of his research in 2001

The study found that low trust with high ethnic diversity is associated with lower confidence in local government, local leaders and local news media, lower confidence in one’s own influence, lower frequency of registering to vote, less expectation that others will cooperate to solve dilemmas of collective action, less likelihood of working on a community project, less likelihood of giving to charity or volunteering, fewer close friends and confidants, less happiness and lower perceived quality of life, and more time spent watching television

Most disturbing was the finding that ‘diversity’ not only causes less trust between ethnic groups, it also 8causes less trust within ethnic groups

Clearly a harmonious community is not served by multiculturalism

We might even see it as an expression of social dissolution, undoubtedly the most egregious the Western world is experiencing today

This is not an outlandish consideration when we realize that the Roman empire declined and disappeared in a world of cosmopolitanism

America today is a disunited country, a lot of that disunity stemming from multi racialism, which in turn is a result of the money power that has no respect for national identities

Cheap labor brought by multiculturalism is profitable, and the globalist money power is no friend of White nationalism

The one solution suitable to all races is partition of the United States, including Canada beginning with the separation of Quebec

If India can do it in 1947, so can America in coming years

The scenario envisioned by ORION to accomplish racial partition is as follows: the party will begin a political campaign to win the American Presidency and Congress, using such propaganda tools as this booklet to spread its message

There will be no other stipulations in its campaign than banking reform and racial partition

Upon winning the Presidency and Congress, the party will immediately dismantle the Federal Reserve

Functions of the Fed will be assumed by the federal Treasury, in particular the creation of the country’s currency

Outstanding Treasury bonds will be paid, thereafter none issued

No public dept will thereafter be incurred, requiring interest payment on what should be considered the public’s own money

Instead, the opposite will become practice: private banks will sell bonds to the federal Treasury, at interest, and lend their money received to the public at higher interest to cover their cost of borrowing

The fractional reserve system can remain in place, and no further reform need be considered

We do not anticipate any need to nationalize the banking system, nor to re institute the gold standard

Partition of the country will not commence until banking reform is fully accomplished

During the time of banking reform, referenda will be held in all 50 states to determine the number of people wishing to belong to the various racial divisions, White, Black, etc

, and the divisions will be determined by the number of people subscribing to each

When these numbers are decided a period of adjustment will be declared for people to move to their desired zones

In the case of the White zone, perhaps others, non-zone residents will have to move out, but these need only be people of breeding age, not the elderly or sterile

Military force will be used if needed, with legal mandate

Every compensation will be made by the still extant federal government at this stage

When migrations are complete, the racial zones will be declared nations and borders confirmed

We anticipate by this scenario that the resulting White nation will occupy the West and mid-West, the Black nation will occupy states in the South, the Hispanic the South-West, and the Atlantic states would remain multicultural

That racial break-up would encourage French-Canadian separation in Quebec, leaving the western provinces of Canada to join the White nation

It would also encourage the aboriginal partition of northern Canada

All would be established democratically, by the choices people make

For long term success, the new society will need a social ideology, like all civilizations

These in the past have been based on myth and mysticism

One for the future will need an ideology based on solid science and rationality

Suggested is Cosmos Theology:

The first step is up to you, the voter

If you are White and want again a White nation, or Black and want a Black nation, or




, we are your party

If you are worried about inflation, increasing disparity, declining middle class, incessant wars, etc

, we are your party

Yes, the end of the United States as presently configured will be a tragedy, but more important than any political configuration is the racial heritage that built it

That is what we are attempting to preserve

We ask for your assistance to do that by voting ORION in the next federal election

9BANKING BOONDOGGLEA plague stalks America today, a plague caused by its banking system

The symptoms are: on-going inflation, increasing economic disparity, declining middle class, corruption in high places, exorbitant payouts, lessening democracy, crime, even wars

If allowed to continue we will eventually have a peon system - a system of elites ruling the rest of us

First, let us consider the “fractional reserve” system, the system of America’s Federal Reserve and of the Western banking system in general, that has caused some misunderstanding

We realize that banks loan our deposits and pay us interest on those deposits, but few realize that this is how money is created

Under this system a fraction, say of a $1,000 deposit, must be kept in reserve and the rest loaned, so if the fractional reserve is 10% then $100 is kept in reserve for people who might want to withdraw their deposits, and $900 loaned

But if that $900 is deposited in another bank, then 10% of that, or $90, must also be kept in reserve with $810 loaned, and so on

If taken to its extent this system (banks plus public) generates $900 + $810 + $729 + X = $9,000

That $9,000 was created “out of thin air” but in line with private enterprise when there are many competing banks, none receiving interest on the totality of the new money generated

If the system is monopolized with only one bank, then on the basis of that $1,000 the one bank does create, with the various exchanges between its branches and public, the extra $9,000, all from debt

Thus it is that if the system in toto were one bank that monopoly creation of money becomes a powerful force when privately owned, and that is what the Federal Reserve in effect is: a private monopoly cartel

It is a private business operating for the benefit of its shareholders, not a federal agency operating for the benefit of America’s citizens

The same is true for the citizens of all countries practicing a Western banking system

Similarly, when a $1,000 deposit is withdrawn the system loses $9,000 by the banks retracting the money supply the same as they generate it, and since there is both gain and loss the system would seem to be in balance

Or is it? Let’s not forget that on that created $9,000 loaned to the public, interest must be paid

If the interest rate is 5%, that is $450 more than the system generated originally and not represented by the production of goods and services

Where does that extra $450 come from? There is only one way: it has to be created by the same system, and since it is new money unrepresented by increased production, it is inflationary

We often hear that when times are good inflation is inevitable

Here is one reason, but that reason will not be found in any standard economic text

Of course, there are other reasons for inflation, including diminished supply such as from bad weather, but those generally are not systemic and can be remedied

It is when our dollar does not buy what it could ten years ago that we have reason to gripe

Obviously, the wealthy do not like inflation either, more so than average citizens, for the simple reason that on their loans with inflation they receive less value on their money when the loans are paid

But when inflation gets out of hand, as it is liable to in a private banking system (because of the interest motive), there is deliberate contraction of the money supply, which causes an economic depression

Here, then, is the reason for business cycles

What can be supported by our banking elite is creeping inflation caused by interest payments, and that is what we have had with our banking system over many decades

Since 1913 when the Federal Reserve was installed, the American dollar has lost over 95% of its value

10In the private capitalist system interest can be justified the same as rent

Whether rent is for an apartment, car, lawnmower, etc

or for the equivalent value in dollars, interest is like rent only on money

Actually, the fractional reserve system itself is not the major problem with our current system of banking, except that it exacerbates business cycles due to our expanded money supply generated from debt

The real scam of the private banking system is on public debt, because government has no comparison with private individuals and businesses because it can levy taxes

Governments borrow funds by selling bonds in “Open Market Operations”

The major players who buy those bonds are insurance companies, Big Business and the Federal Reserve, to whom by far the major part of the interest is paid, and paid to people who are already owners of wealth, meaning a transfer of wealth from taxpayers to wealth holders and is the major reason for the growing disparity in our society

It is all strictly in line with our private banking system, except in the case of government debt the interest paid is on the country’s own money

That interest was $458

5 billion in fiscal year 2017 (US Department of the Treasury, Bureau of the Fiscal Service)

The federal government does not need to borrow and pay interest at all! Instead, public works can be financed directly from the federal Treasury

Instead of first borrowing money like businesses and households must do, highways, bridges, etc can be financed directly with money immediately spent from the federal Treasury, without interest payments, but the big bug-a-boo in doing so is always that it would be inflationary

Yes, it would be - but remember: governments, unlike individuals and businesses, have the power of taxation

New money pumped into an economy can be withdrawn using taxes

If done in equal measure to expenditure there need be no excess of money or scarcity of it (causing depression)

The big advantage is that there would be no public interest payment to private investors by the federal government for public goods and services

That annual interest payment is huge, much from military procurement that always requires financing by the federal government

War production itself is inherently inflationary because it is mostly made to be blown up, but its financing is doubly attractive to private bankers who at times have felt loyalty only to their profit margins and have had no compunction to financing bothsides of a conflict

War is profitable

The system wants conflict and Cold War

How else can super jet-fighters be justified? If the American federal government wants those jet-fighters, which it always does, it must pay the interest cost for the Treasury bonds bought by the Federal Reserve to finance them

The taxpayer pays in three ways: the initial cost, the interest on that debt, and also in inflation that is a hidden tax

This occurs when taxes and bond sales to the private sector do not cover government costs

The government must then sell its bonds to the Federal Reserve, which buys them with new money in a procedure termed “monetizing the debt”

Here is another major reason for inflation in Western economies

This system is actually dangerous to a nation’s economic security because of its ability to manipulate interest rates

To combat the “Great Recession” of 2008, the U


Federal Reserve wanted to buy bonds, increase the money supply and lower interest rates, as usual for a recession, but was reluctant to follow this general course for handling recessions because it feared the inflation it would cause

The solution was “Quantitative Easing,” or gradual increase of the money supply which it did over a period of nine years, giving a record period of low interest rates

The effect of this was “bubbles” in stocks, bonds, government, consumer and corporate spending

If before there was a dot-com “bubble” and a subprime mortgage “bubble,” now in 2018 the entire economy is in a “bubble

” Additionally, with interest rates already low, 11the Fed is deprived of its ability to lower rates further if this everything “bubble” pops, but cannot raise rates too fast which might set off the collapse

This interest rate rise might happen anyway, because the Treasury wants to sell $1

2 trillion in new bonds, that could lower bond prices and raise interest rates

At this time of writing the entire economy is in a dangerous period, caused by the Federal Reserve maintaining an artificially low interest rate policy for so long

The solution should have been to allow a free market determination and a short period recession

Now the entire economy is in danger of collapse, with hyperinflation

To reiterate, we might ask: what is the difference between the small investor or municipality buying and selling bonds compared to the federal government? Millions of people have bought bonds as an investment

Issuing bonds are the major way for municipalities to pay for schools, road repairs, etc

Why should the federal government not borrow too? This is the conflation of private expenditure with government expenditure and the justification for the current system

That borrowing is completely unjustified because the federal government can legally create and destroy money through taxation

So why does it have to borrow - and pay interest? The current American federal debt is approaching 21 trillion dollars! Interest payment is just rent on money

It is not represented by any production or services, and for that reason is inflationary

It is unnecessary because governments can pay their costs directly from their treasuries without that interest cost

The new money would only be inflationary if it were not subtracted from nations’ economies by taxes, and destroyed, which only federal governments can legally do

The irony is that central banks buy treasury bonds with new money, the same new money as if those treasuries financed directly, the argument given by critics of treasury financing to be inflationary

Then, interest is paid on that federal debt which is how the Federal Reserve pays its costs, and also its shareholders, in a system of pure parasitism

In case federal treasury financing of public expenditure without an interest cost is thought Utopian, it is nothing new in the world

Canada had that system between the years 1938 and 1974 (see Internet: CBC, Rocco Galati interview with Amanda Lang), and it was during those years that Canada financed its participation in World War II, built the Saint Lawrence Seaway, Trans Canada Highway and established hospitals and universities, all without inflation

Regardless of what we think about Nazi Germany, it was the first country to come out of the Great Depression by this system, unlike the US that needed war to do so, and Germany experienced little inflation throughout the years of World War II

Abraham Lincoln did the same, who during the Civil War issued debt-free money known as Greenbacks

Speculation has been that this was the reason for his assassination, and of John F

Kennedy who also threatened to issue debt-free money

With such power wielded by the creation of money, we must wonder if it is always used to benefit the country it vouches to serve

In 2018 the American banking system has resulted in repeated deficits, to a total current debt approaching $21 trillion

That figure means every American currently owes about $61,900 in taxes to the federal government, amounting to approximately $161,000 per household

The public interest alone on that debt is now the federal government’s second largest single expense, next to national defence

Nothing is produced by this interest payment, no salaries are paid, no welfare, no veteran or medical benefits

Many expenses further incurred are not paid by taxes but from further selling government bonds, that is, by going further into debt

And we must wonder if the immense interest generated from 12military procurement is the reason for international tension in the world today, deliberately caused for the purpose of that profit paid to a very powerful elite

We are fortunate in having the admission of an insider to such conspiracy, Carroll Quigley, a historian who wrote the epic but now banned book, “Tragedy and Hope” (1966)

A member of the group himself, he admits the existence of a clandestine cabal with the means and sense of self entitlement to undermine America's strength with excessive spending and unbalanced budgets

He reveals (page 950):This myth, like all fables, does in fact have a modicum of truth

There does exist, and has existed for a generation, an international Anglophile network which operates, to some extent, in the way the radical Right believes the Communists act

In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups, and frequently does so

I know of the operation of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960’s, to examine its papers and secret records

Quigley continues with information that the influence of the Round Table Groups was extended in various areas by front organizations, including in New York where it became known as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)

The cabal was integrated with the Rothschild financial empire as early as the first meeting of the six men at Jekyll Island, 1910, when the Federal Reserve system was decided upon, Paul Warburg being the major driving force behind that development

Warburg was nothing less than a Rothschild agent JP Morgan, who later set up and financed the CFR, was a former employee of the Rothschilds in England

Morgan made buying influential American newspapers a deliberate policy so as to control their editorship

The classic definition of monetary inflation is “too much money chasing too few goods” If in a very simple economy there were 100 apples and $100, each apple would be worth $100

But if the money supply were doubled to $200, then each apple would be worth $200

That is monetary inflation

Note that it has nothing to do with apples; the doubling in price is due entirely to what happens to the money supply

If the 100 apples were increased to 200, the $100 price would be restored

Thus we see that the best cure for inflation is increased production

In a realistic economy the amount of money and goods should always be in aggregate balance, so with an increase in money there must be an increase in production for stability

An economy usually achieves this because investment of new money is offset by production

The suggested alternative to any government decreed (fiat) system is minted gold or silver directly used as money or as backing for money, the reason being the stability of currency when backed by a scarce metal

There are examples in history of the stability given by precious metals to a currency, resulting in long term prosperity, one being the solidus of the Byzantine Empire that kept its value for 800 years without inflation

But this was due to the responsibleness of the Byzantine regulators and the strictness of laws governing counterfeiting

The Roman Empire was less fortunate, when wear from circulation, private hoards, clipping, etc caused diminished gold supply

As a result, the emperors began adulterating Roman coins with cheaper alloy Coins in European museums show that gold content in the denarius under Augustus was worth twenty cents, while a century after the death of Marcus Aurelius it was worth half a cent

Under 13Diocletian debasement of coinage became deliberate state policy, so there is noting intrinsic about gold or silver preventing inflation

That solely depends on the trustworthiness of people governing the system.

The essential defect of the Western banking system is its private ownership of money creation

When money creation is in private hands there will be temptation to create interest bearing loans in excess of the productive capacity of the economy, resulting in inflation followed by monetary restriction and depression

The most obvious remedy is to have a truly national banking system creating the money supply of the nation in the method of Greenbacks during the American Civil War

Money would be created by a federal agency and loaned at interest to private banks, which in turn would loan it to the public

Above all, federal government projects must be financed directly from the national Treasury, therefore without the need of interest payments to private financiers on what is the nation’s own wealth

If kept in balance with goods and services, and remembering that the best cure for inflation is production, money creation would be based on production, not debt, which if carefully managed would reduce taxes, and potentially eliminate them entirely

None of this means that national financing for public expenditures requires a nationalized banking system; it simply means that the procurement of public goods and services would be paid for by federal Treasury financing using the nation’s own money, not requiring loans from private financiers resulting in the exorbitant flow of national wealth, via interest payments, to powerful elites

Author’s note: At the date of writing (2018) the ORION Party does not exist

This program was composed by a non-American who sympathizes with the cause of White nationalism in America and the Western world

The ORION Party and program are therefore open for ownership by American citizens who wish to further this cause.