Letter to the editor: Reveal your faith in the public square – The Winchester Star

Thank you Greg Kujala and his partner Phineas for bringing faith into the discussions about Ukraine. The majority of Americans believe their faith should have an impact on how they live their lives individually and corporately.

I'm not at all suggesting The Star become a confessional religious digest. Just that we readers occasionally bring up faith, religious or religious atheistic, as it applies to world, national and state issues.

I encourage people of all faiths, especially those with the strongest faith, i.e. atheist, to add to the discussion and pretend some of us are not people with presuppositional beliefs. I encourage you to make your beliefs known in the public square. Are you afraid that what you say will not be reasonable to the majority of citizens of America?

The Apostle Paul was not afraid to interact with those of different philosophies on Mars Hill in Greece. Why should any of us be afraid to share our world view, if we truly believe it and are willing to stand up for its implications, for evil or good.

We need to advocate and act on the beliefs that we find truthful and authoritative. Some believe they do not submit to any authority, but they are submitting to the least likely really truthful authority, namely their selves. Thousands of years with wrestling with various beliefs is more impressive to me that few decades of individual pondering.

You may disagree with many of the things I have said, in which case you should submit an editorial.

Andrew White


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Letter to the editor: Reveal your faith in the public square - The Winchester Star

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