Student Sentenced To Year In Egyptian Jail For Atheism

World By Michael Allen, Fri, March 6, 2015

Sherif Gaber, 22, was recently sentenced to one year in jail by an Egyptian court for supporting atheism and creating an atheist Facebook page.

Gaber was a student at Suez Canal University in 2013 when his fellow students and a teacher snitched on him via a petition to the universitys then-president Mohamed Mohamedein.

Mohamedein turned Gaber into local authorities for contempt of religion, which he was convicted for on Monday.

The judge in the case said Gaber could avoid jail for now if he paid a bail equivalent to about $130 dollars.

While he is out of jail for now, Gaber faces a retrial that could put him in prison for over two years.

Gaber told Daily News Egypt that he was arrested on Oct. 27, 2013:

[I couldnt believe] the strength of the security of the state three armoured cars and an army vehicle, surrounded my house. I said there must be another Osama bin Laden living in the same tower I didnt know I was that dangerous.

Gaber also claimed that he was abused and electrocuted while he was held in jail until December 2013.

Gaber hopes he can claim emergency asylum before he is sentenced at his retrial.

See more here:

Student Sentenced To Year In Egyptian Jail For Atheism

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