One Atheist claim is that Atheism is nothing more than not accepting theist claims. This ignores the existence of the Atheist VOID which is created by the rejection, and the resulting consequences of that void. Atheism is actually much more than merely not accepting claims, and it is not even that. But if it were that, and only that, then still the issue of Atheist morals comes to the fore. And Atheist morals do not exist in the VOID, they have to be created somehow and by someone. So the Atheist either creates his own morals, or he accepts the morals created by some other Atheist somewhere, or he has no morals.
Within the Atheist VOID there are an infinite number of intellectual and moral directions to choose from. However, it is very common for the Atheist to choose the path of eliteness, which leads directly to AtheoLeftism and its messiahism, based on Victimology. This in turn leads to Leftist morals, which are unilaterally for the Other.
Just as I have not encountered many Atheists who are not leftist when pressed, I have not come across any Atheists who actually have no morals. Their arguments usually devolve to moral arguments because they have no logical absolutes to tether their arguments rationally. It is common for an Atheist to claim an argument is wrong, but rather than logically wrong, Wrong, meaning morally Wrong (and therefore Hateful).
But what appears moral to an Atheist is completely different from that which is commonly thought moral by both theists and pre-Modernity culture in general. The issue of valuing humans based solely on contribution comes to mind, although most totalitarian regimes do that, whether Modern, post-Modern, or pre-Modern, so Atheists have that in common with totalitarians. Atheists tend to jump at the chance to place a value on the lives of other humans so long as they themselves are considered elite and the apogee of human value.
In the world of the VOID, there are no absolutes, no rules, and there is total freedom of thought and behavior (essentially intellectual and moral anarchy). So the necessity of having moral principles is purely pragmatic. In other words, the moral world of the Atheist is simply to define the practical behaviors expected of the Other, while maintaining total tolerance of all behaviors for the Atheist. The draw of creating two separate moralities is strong: one morality for the AtheoElites, and a completely separate morality which is applied to the Other.
The moral principles apply, not to Atheists, who have no rules other than behavior tautologies applying to themselves, but rather apply only to the Other. As described earlier, Atheist morality for themselves is merely tautological to their predilected behaviors, so is not really morality at all. In fact, their concept of morality is not principled behavior for themselves; it is principles of behavior demanded of the Other. (note 1) The two major Atheist principles of moral behavior for the Other are Tolerance and Fairness. These are loosely based on existing Christian moral principle of forgiveness and the value of the individual human. However, the similarity stops there.
Tolerance, in the Atheist redefinition of the term, means tolerance for all behaviors except dissent.
Fairness, in the Atheist redefinition of the term, means equality of outcome for the Other, not the elites.
Intolerance and unfairness, as defined by the AtheoLeftist, cannot be tolerated. Those who fail the AtheoLeft test for tolerance and fairness are deemed immoral and therefore evil, despite there being no evil under the Atheist VOID.
So opposing views are considered evil, which is codified as hate.
Atheists are religious in the use of their own morality. They use morality in its most onerous religious form: to bully other people. Because Atheists are immune to all morality including their own, even and especially while they place moral judgment on the other, Atheist morality is purely a weapon. What Atheists do with their weapon is not limited by rules: there are no rules for Atheists under the VOID. Any and all behaviors by Atheists are AOK, including intolerance of intolerance. And Atheist tactics are similarly unrestricted, including published death wishes for their designated enemies.
Unilateral Universal ToleranceUnder AtheoLeftist morals, the Other must be totally tolerant of the AtheoLeft, its acolytes and codependent victims. Intolerance is not tolerated in the Other. In other words, the AtheoLeft is totally intolerant of intolerance of their antics. So the concept of tolerance applies only to the Other, not to the AtheoLeft; it is purely a morality for other people, unilaterally applied by the AtheoLeft.
The AtheoLeftist intolerance for the dissent of the Other results in massive displays of self-righteous outrage by the AtheoLeft, which is judging the morality of only the Other based on the morality demanded of them by the AtheoLeft. The AtheoLeft has no morality for itself. (2) The resulting AtheoLeftist moral proclamations accompanied by hate rants, and even death threats do not violate any principles which the Atheists have for themselves, since they subscribe to the VOID and its emptiness of rules.
Atheists are religious in the use of their own morality. They use morality in its most onerous religious form: to bully other people. The AtheoLeft must be tolerated in every regard by the Other. The AtheoLeft has no morality for itself. They must be tolerated regardless of their action or thoughts. The AtheoLeft itself cannot be judged, because there is no moral basis upon which to judge them. Their morals are unilaterally for the Other only.
Lets repeat that:The AtheoLeft has no morality for itself. They must be tolerated regardless of their action or thoughts. The AtheoLeft cannot be judged, because there is no moral basis upon which to judge them. Their morals are unilaterally for the Other only.
Equalitarianism and the Fairness PrincipleAtheoLeftists dont give their stuff away in order to achieve equality and fairness; rather they wish to coerce the Other to do so. Empathy is an example of a principle that is understood only in the abstract by Atheists. What Atheists miss in their abstraction is that many people dont want to be helped by getting free stuff because that devalues both the stuff and the person who receives it instead of earning it. But to recognize details like that would be to jeopardize their supply of Victims to rescue, and messiahs need Victims, always.
Thus, AtheoLeftism decrees that it is not fair for one of the herd to have more than another of the herd. The one with more must give up the excess; it is only fair according to the messiahs. The messiahs would be exempt of course, being elites and all (Congress is loaded with multimillionare Leftists). Hence, many of the AtheoLeft dont even pay their taxes; taxes are for the herd, the little people. The elites cannot be expected to be equal; after all they are the elites, the messiahs, the saviors. (3) Its all part of the VOID: there are no rules for the AtheoLeft.
So, total equality is unilateral: its not for the elites, who are obviously a separate and superior class. There are no rules for AtheoLeftists.
The Principle of Thought Crimes and Anti-dissent: If ridicule doesnt work, pass lawsIts simple: if you disagree, you are intolerant; intolerance is hate; hate is intolerable. Laws against hate/intolerance/dissent are essential. This was institutionalized in the morality tribunals in Canada until recently.
Atheists are religious in the use of their own morality. They use morality in its most onerous religious form: to bully other people.
Suing for SecularityMajor AtheoLeftist organizations are constantly suing small local governments and private organizations such as the Boy Scouts in order to force the removal of religiosity from the secular scene. So small cities without much in the way of resources are threatened with financial burdens of litigation, cities such as Las Cruces, New Mexico, as opposed to Las Angeles, CA. Or for that matter, Washington DC which is loaded with government buildings sporting religious symbology. The bully factor is obvious by observing the targets these Atheists choose.
Notes: (1) Atheist organizations such as the Freedom From Religion Foundation staunchly deny that positive character traits have value and can be beneficially taught; they are too hard for some people, and therefore are discriminatory. Thus inside the Atheist VOID, moral values are too difficult and must be ignored. This helps victims remain victims and messiahs remain messiahs.
(2) Except for those AtheoLeftists who stumble into heretical statements or actions, thereby becoming identified as Other by the elites, and thus subject to moral judgment by their betters.
(3) This might now be called the David Gregory Principle of Elite Immunity.
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Atheism Analyzed: Principles of Atheism: The Principle of ...
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