Denton bike riders aim to beat rare disease



Posted on March 24, 2012 at 10:04 PM

Updated yesterday at 8:57 AM

DENTON Earlier this week, we introduced you to Natalie Newman, a 13-year-old girl with a rare disease.

She's hoping to beat the odds, and her dream is inspiring hundreds of other people many of whom hit the road Saturday in Denton.

The Ride for Ataxia is a rare race for a rare disease; only the second bike ride of its kind in Texas to raise money and offer education about Friedreich's ataxia, or FA.

"It affects balance and coordination," explained Kyle Bryant. "It is the reason I'm in a trike. I've been using a wheelchair full-time for about two years now, and my symptoms onset when I was 17 years old."

Bryant is beating the odds by living past the age of 30. Many with FA die in their 20s due to heart complications caused by the neuromuscular disorder.

Natalie Newman has also experienced severe side effects, but she is inspired by Kyle and the race. "Hopefully I finish it this time," she said.

Read more here:
Denton bike riders aim to beat rare disease

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